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Photogenerated charge carriers for blend films of poly[2‐methoxy‐5‐(3,7‐dimethyloctyloxy)‐1,4‐phenylenevinylene] (MDMO‐PPV) and [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) have been investigated by transient absorption spectroscopy. The blend film with a low PCBM fraction (<10 wt %) exhibits a wide absorption that ranges from 900 to 1000 nm, which is characteristic of the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron and PCBM radical anion. On the other hand, the blend film with a higher PCBM fraction (> 30 wt %) exhibits a major absorption band at ∼900 nm, which is characteristic of the PCBM radical cation. For identification of charge carriers, the absorption spectrum and molar absorption coefficient of each charged species have been evaluated separately using various combinations of electron donor and acceptor materials. Consequently, the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron has been found to have a broad absorption at ∼950 nm and the PCBM radical anion and cation show a distinct absorption at 1020 and 890 nm, respectively. On the basis of these absorption spectra, the transient spectra observed for the blend films have been simulated. The spectrum for a low PCBM fraction is well reproduced by superposition of the absorption spectra of the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron and PCBM radical anion. On the other hand, the spectrum for a high PCBM fraction is well reproduced by superposition of the absorption spectra of the MDMO‐PPV hole polaron, PCBM radical anion, and PCBM radical cation, which indicates that the PCBM radical cation is formed in the blend films with PCBM at a high concentration. Possible mechanisms for the formation of the PCBM radical cation in the blend are also discussed.  相似文献   

Apparent recombination orders exceeding the value of two expected for bimolecular recombination have been reported for organic solar cells in various publications. Two prominent explanations are bimolecular losses with a carrier concentration dependent prefactor due to a trapping limited mobility and protection of trapped charge carriers from recombination by a donor–acceptor phase separation until re‐emission from these deep states. In order to clarify which mechanism is dominant temperature‐ and illumination‐dependent charge extraction measurements are performed under open circuit and short circuit conditions at poly(3‐hexylthiophene‐2,5‐diyl):[6,6]‐phenyl‐C61 butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PC61BM) and PTB7:PC71BM (poly[[4,8‐bis[(2‐ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene‐2,6‐diyl][3‐fluoro‐2‐[(2‐ethylhexyl)carbonyl]thieno[3,4‐b]thiophenediyl]]) solar cells in combination with current–voltage characteristics. It is shown that the charge carrier density n dependence of the mobility μ and the recombination prefactor are different for P3HT:PC61BM at temperatures below 300 K and PTB7:PC71BM at room temperature. Therefore, in addition to μ(n), a detrapping limited recombination in systems with at least partial donor–acceptor phase separation is required to explain the high recombination orders.  相似文献   

The charge transport and photogeneration in solar cells based on the low bandgap‐conjugated polymer, poly[2,6‐(4,4‐bis‐(2‐ethylhexyl)‐4H‐cyclopenta[2,1‐b; 3,4‐b′]dithiophene)‐alt‐4,7‐(2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT) and fullerenes is studied. The efficiency of the solar cells is limited by a relatively low fill factor, which contradicts the observed good and balanced charge transport in these blends. Intensity dependent measurements display a recombination limited photocurrent, characterized by a square root dependence on effective applied voltage, a linear dependence on light intensity and a constant saturation voltage. Numerical simulations show that the origin of the recombination limited photocurrent stems from the short lifetime of the bound electron‐hole pairs at the donor/acceptor interface.  相似文献   

介绍了体异质结聚合物太阳电池的基本原理,并分析了限制体异质结有机太阳电池转化效率的因素。从提高激子的产生效率及其解离效率、电极对电荷的引出效率、电池的稳定性以及电池的光谱吸收范围四个方面,综述了提高体异质结聚合物太阳电池能量转化效率的方法。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the influence of molecular geometry of the donor polymers and the perylene diimide dimers (di‐PDIs) on the bulk heterojunction (BHJ) morphology in the nonfullerene polymer solar cells (PSCs). The results reveal that the pseudo 2D conjugated poly[4,8‐bis(5‐(2‐ethylhexyl)thiophen‐2‐yl)benzo[1,2‐b;4,5‐b′]dithiophene‐2,6‐diyl‐alt‐(4‐(2‐ethylhexyl)‐3‐fluorothieno[3,4‐b]thiophene‐)‐2‐carboxylate‐2‐6‐diyl)] (PTB7‐Th) has better miscibility with both bay‐linked di‐PDI (B‐di‐PDI) and hydrazine‐linked di‐PDI (H‐di‐PDI) compared to its 1D analog, poly[[4,8‐bis[(2‐ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene‐2,6‐diyl][3‐fluoro‐2‐[(2‐ethylhexyl)carbonyl]thieno[3,4‐b]thiophenediyl]] (PTB7), to facilitate more efficient exciton dissociation in the BHJ films. However, the face‐on oriented π–π stacking of PTB7‐Th is severely disrupted by the B‐di‐PDI due to its more flexible structure. On the contrary, the face‐on oriented π–π stacking is only slightly disrupted by the H‐di‐PDI, which has a more rigid structure to provide suitable percolation pathways for charge transport. As a result, a very high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 6.41% is achieved in the PTB7‐Th:H‐di‐PDI derived device. This study shows that it is critical to pair suitable polymer donor and di‐PDI‐based acceptor to obtain proper BHJ morphology for achieving high PCE in the nonfullerene PSCs.  相似文献   

The morphological effects of the incorporation of C60 into blended thin‐films of poly(3‐hexylthiophene) and [6,6]‐phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) are investigated. The results show that addition of C60 readily alters the growth‐rate and morphology of PCBM crystallites under different environmental conditions. The effect of C60 on the growth of large PCBM crystallites is thoroughly characterized using optical microscopy, electron microscopy and UV‐visible absorption spectroscopy. Results show that C60 incorporation modifies fullerene aggregation and crystallization and greatly reduces the average crystallite size at C60 loadings of ≈50 wt% in the fullerene phase. Organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) are prepared to evaluate the electron mobility of PCBM/C60 films and organic solar cells (OSCs) are fabricated from mixed‐fullerene active layers to evaluate their performance. It is demonstrated that the use of fullerene mixtures in organic electronic applications is a viable approach to produce more stable devices and to control the growth of micrometer‐sized fullerene crystals.  相似文献   

In organic solar cells based on polymer:fullerene blends, energy is lost due to electron transfer from polymer to fullerene. Minimizing the difference between the energy of the polymer exciton (ED*) and the energy of the charge transfer state (ECT) will optimize the open‐circuit voltage (Voc). In this work, this energy loss ED*ECT is measured directly via Fourier‐transform photocurrent spectroscopy and electroluminescence measurements. Polymer:fullerene photovoltaic devices comprising two different isoindigo containing polymers: P3TI and PTI‐1, are studied. Even though the chemical structures and the optical gaps of P3TI and PTI‐1 are similar (1.4 eV–1.5 eV), the optimized photovoltaic devices show large differences in Voc and internal quantum efficiency (IQE). For P3TI:PC71BM blends a ED*ECT of ~ 0.1 eV, a Voc of 0.7 V and an IQE of 87% are found. For PTI‐1:PC61BM blends an absence of sub‐gap charge transfer absorption and emission bands is found, indicating almost no energy loss in the electron transfer step. Hence a higher Voc of 0.92 V, but low IQE of 45% is obtained. Morphological studies and field dependent photoluminescence quenching indicate that the lower IQE for the PTI‐1 system is not due to a too coarse morphology, but is related to interfacial energetics. Losses between ECT and qVoc due to radiative and non‐radiative recombination are quantified for both material systems, indicating that for the PTI‐1:PC61BM material system, Voc can only be increased by decreasing the non‐radiative recombination pathways. This work demonstrates the possibility of obtaining modestly high IQE values for material systems with a small energy offset (<0.1 eV) and a high Voc.  相似文献   

The efficiency of bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic photovoltaics is sensitive to the morphology of the fullerene network that transports electrons through the device. This sensitivity makes it difficult to distinguish the contrasting roles of local electron mobility (how easily electrons can transfer between neighboring fullerene molecules) and macroscopic electron mobility (how well‐connected is the fullerene network on device length scales) in solar cell performance. In this work, a combination of density functional theory (DFT) calculations, flash‐photolysis time‐resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) experiments, and space‐charge‐limit current (SCLC) mobility estimates are used to examine the roles of local and macroscopic electron mobility in conjugated polymer/fullerene BHJ photovoltaics. The local mobility of different pentaaryl fullerene derivatives (so‐called ‘shuttlecock’ molecules) is similar, so that differences in solar cell efficiency and SCLC mobilities result directly from the different propensities of these molecules to self‐assemble on macroscopic length scales. These experiments and calculations also demonstrate that the local mobility of phenyl‐C60 butyl methyl ester (PCBM) is an order of magnitude higher than that of other fullerene derivatives, explaining why PCBM has been the acceptor of choice for conjugated polymer BHJ devices even though it does not form an optimal macroscopic network. The DFT calculations indicate that PCBM's superior local mobility comes from the near‐spherical nature of its molecular orbitals, which allow strong electronic coupling between adjacent molecules. In combination, DFT and TRMC techniques provide a tool for screening new fullerene derivatives for good local mobility when designing new molecules that can improve on the macroscopic electron mobility offered by PCBM.  相似文献   

High photovoltaic device performance is demonstrated in ambient‐air‐processed bulk heterojunction solar cells having an active blend layer of organic poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT): [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), with power conversion efficiencies as high as 4.1%, which is comparable to state‐of‐the‐art bulk heterojunction devices fabricated in air‐free environments. High‐resolution transmission electron microscopy is combined with detailed analysis of electronic carrier transport in order to quantitatively understand the effects of oxygen exposure and different thermal treatments on electronic conduction through the highly nanostructured active blend network. Improvement in photovoltaic device performance by suitable post‐fabrication thermal processing results from the reduced oxygen charge trap density in the active blend layer and is consistent with a corresponding slight increase in thickness of an ~4 nm aluminum oxide hole‐blocking layer present at the electron‐collecting contact interface.  相似文献   

We utilize transient techniques to directly compare the operation of polymer/fullerene, polymer/nanocrystal, and polymer/polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells. For all devices, poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) is used as the electron donating polymer, in combination with either the fullerene derivative phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) in polymer/fullerene cells, CdSe nanoparticles in polymer/nanocrystal cells, or the polyfluorene copolymer poly((9,9‐dioctylfluorene)‐2,7‐diyl‐alt‐[4,7‐bis(3‐hexylthien‐5‐yl)‐2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole]‐2,2‐diyl) (F8TBT) in polymer/polymer cells. Transient photocurrent and photovoltage measurements are used to probe the dynamics of charge‐separated carriers, with vastly different dynamic behavior observed for polymer/fullerene, polymer/polymer, and polymer/nanocrystal devices on the microsecond to millisecond timescale. Furthermore, by employing transient photocurrent analysis with different applied voltages we are also able to probe the dynamics behavior of these cells from short circuit to open circuit. P3HT/F8TBT and P3HT/CdSe devices are characterized by poor charge extraction of the long‐lived carriers attributed to charge trapping. P3HT/PCBM devices, in contrast, show relatively trap‐free operation with the variation in the photocurrent decay kinetics with applied bias at low intensity, consistent with the drift of free charges under a uniform electric field. Under solar conditions at the maximum power point, we see direct evidence of bimolecular recombination in the P3HT/PCBM device competing with charge extraction. Transient photovoltage measurements reveal that, at open circuit, photogenerated charges have similar lifetimes in all device types, and hence, the extraction of these long‐lived charges is a limiting process in polymer/nanocrystal and polymer/polymer devices.  相似文献   

The detailed characterization of a dialkoxyphenylene‐difluorobenzothiadiazole based conjugated polymer poly[(2,5‐bis(2‐hexyldecyloxy)phenylene)‐alt‐(5,6‐difluoro‐4,7‐di(thiophen‐2‐yl)benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole)] (PPDT2FBT) is reported. PPDT2FBT closely tracks theoretical photocurrent production while maintaining a high fill factor in remarkably thick films. In order to understand the properties that enable PPDT2FBT to function with thick active layers, the effect of film thickness on the material properties and device parameters was carefully studied and compared to three benchmark polymers. Optical modeling, grazing incidence wide angle X‐ray scattering, cross‐sectional transmission electron microscopy, transient photoconductivity, and extensive device work were carried out and have clarified the key structural features and properties that allow such thick active layers to function efficiently. The unique behavior of thick PPDT2FBT films arises from high vertical carrier mobility, an isotropic morphology with strong, vertical π–π stacking, and a suitable energy band structure. These physical characteristics allow efficient photocurrent extraction, internal quantum efficiencies near 100% and power conversion efficiencies over 9% from exceptionally thick active layers in both conventional and inverted architectures. The ability of PPDT2FBT to function efficiently in thick cells allows devices to fully attenuate incident sunlight while providing a pathway to defect‐free film processing over large areas, constituting a major advancement toward commercially viable organic solar cells.  相似文献   

Polymer‐fullerene packing in mixed regions of a bulk heterojunction solar cell is expected to play a major role in exciton‐dissociation, charge‐separation, and charge‐recombination processes. Here, molecular dynamics simulations are combined with density functional theory calculations to examine the impact of nature and location of polymer side‐chains on the polymer‐fullerene packing in mixed regions. The focus is on poly‐benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene‐thieno[3,4‐c]pyrrole‐4,6‐dione (PBDTTPD) as electron‐donating material and [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM) as electron‐accepting material. Three polymer side‐chain patterns are considered: i) linear side‐chains on both benzodithiophene (BDT) and thienopyrroledione (TPD) moieties; ii) two linear side‐chains on BDT and a branched side‐chain on TPD; and iii) two branched side‐chains on BDT and a linear side‐chain on TPD. Increasing the number of branched side‐chains is found to decrease the polymer packing density and thereby to enhance PBDTTPD–PC61 BM mixing. The nature and location of side‐chains are found to play a determining role in the probability of finding PC61BM molecules close to either BDT or TPD. The electronic couplings relevant for the exciton‐dissociation and charge‐recombination processes are also evaluated. Overall, the findings are consistent with the experimental evolution of the PBDTTPD–PC61BM solar‐cell performance as a function of side‐chain patterns.  相似文献   

Changes in the nanoscale morphologies of the blend films of poly (3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), for high‐performance bulk‐heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells, are compared and investigated for two annealing treatments with different morphology evolution time scales, having special consideration for the diffusion and aggregation of PCBM molecules. An annealing condition with relatively fast diffusion and aggregation of the PCBM molecules during P3HT crystallization results in poor BHJ morphology because of prevention of the formation of the more elongated P3HT crystals. However, an annealing condition, accelerating PCBM diffusion after the formation of a well‐ordered morphology, results in a relatively stable morphology with less destruction of crystalline P3HT. Based on these results, an effective strategy for determining an optimized annealing treatment is suggested that considers the effect of relative kinetics on the crystallization of the components for a blend film with a new BHJ materials pair, upon which BHJ solar cells are based.  相似文献   

The time‐of‐flight method has been used to study the effect of P3HT molecular weight (Mn = 13–121 kDa) on charge mobility in pristine and PCBM blend films using highly regioregular P3HT. Hole mobility was observed to remain constant at 10?4 cm2V?1s?1 as molecular weight was increased from 13–18 kDa, but then decreased by one order of magnitude as molecular weight was further increased from 34–121 kDa. The decrease in charge mobility observed in blend films is accompanied by a change in surface morphology, and leads to a decrease in the performance of photovoltaic devices made from these blend films.  相似文献   

通过制备四种不同结构的器件,详细分析研究了活性层/阴极界面修饰对P3HT:PCBM聚合物体异质结太阳能电池性能的影响。当在P3HT:PCBM薄膜上旋涂一层PCBM,并蒸镀0.5 nm LiF时所制备的器件的填充因子和光电转换效率都得到较大的提高。对器件的光电性能和薄膜的形貌进行深入分析,阐明界面修饰的作用机理。  相似文献   

Ultrafast dynamics of the hole‐transfer process from methanofullerene to a polymer in a polymer/PCBM bulk heterojunction are directly resolved. Injection of holes into MDMO‐PPV is markedly delayed with respect to [60]PCBM excitation. The fastest component of the delayed response is attributed to the PCBM–polymer hole‐transfer process (30 ± 10 fs), while the slower component (~150 fs) is provisionally assigned to energy transfer and/or relaxation inside PCBM nanoclusters. The charge generation through the hole transfer is therefore as fast and efficient as through the electron‐transfer process. Exciton harvesting efficiency after PCBM excitation crucially depends on the concentration of the methanofullerene in the blend, which is related to changes in the blend morphology. Ultrafast charge generation is most efficient when the characteristic scale of phase separation in the blend does not exceed ~20 nm. At larger‐scale phase separation, the exciton harvesting dramatically declines. The obtained results on the time scales of the ultrafast charge generation after PCBM excitation and their dependence on blend composition and morphology are instrumental for the future design of fullerene‐derivative‐based photovoltaic devices.  相似文献   

This study addresses two key issues, stability and efficiency, of polymer solar cells based on blended poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) by demonstrating a film‐forming process that involves low‐temperature drying (?5 °C) and subsequent annealing of the active layer. The low‐temperature process achieves 4.70% power conversion efficiency (PCE) and ~1250 h storage half‐life at 65 °C, which are significant improvements over the 3.39% PCE and ~143 h half‐life of the regular room‐temperature process. The improvements are attributed to the enhanced nucleation of P3HT crystallites as well as the minimized separation of the P3HT and PCBM phases at the low drying temperature, which upon post‐drying annealing results in a morphology consisting of small PCBM‐rich domains interspersed within a densely interconnected P3HT crystal network. This morphology provides ample bulk‐heterojunction area for charge generation while allowing for facile charge transport; moreover, the P3HT crystal network serves as an immobile frame at heating temperatures less than the melting point (Tm) of P3HT, thus preventing PCBM/P3HT phase separation and the corresponding device degradation.  相似文献   

The relation between the nanoscale morphology and associated device properties in conjugated polymer/fullerene bulk‐heterojunction “plastic solar cells” is investigated. We perform complementary measurements on solid‐state blends of poly[2‐methoxy‐5‐(3,7‐dimethyloctyloxy)]‐1,4‐phenylenevinylene (MDMO‐PPV) and the soluble fullerene C60 derivative 1‐(3‐methoxycarbonyl) propyl‐1‐phenyl [6,6]C61 (PCBM), spin‐cast from either toluene or chlorobenzene solutions. The characterization of the nanomorphology is carried out via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), while solar‐cell devices were characterized by means of current–voltage (IV) and spectral photocurrent measurements. In addition, the morphology is manipulated via annealing, to increase the extent of phase separation in the thin‐film blends and to identify the distribution of materials. Photoluminescence measurements confirm the demixing of the materials under thermal treatment. Furthermore the photoluminescence of PCBM clusters with sizes of up to a few hundred nanometers indicates a photocurrent loss in films of the coarser phase‐separated blends cast from toluene. For toluene‐cast films the scale of phase separation depends strongly on the ratio of MDMO‐PPV to PCBM, as well as on the total concentration of the casting solution. Finally we observe small beads of 20–30 nm diameter, attributed to MDMO‐PPV, in blend films cast from both toluene and chlorobenzene.  相似文献   

Polymer‐based photovoltaic cells, with periodic sub‐micrometer structures as an efficient light‐trapping scheme, are investigated to improve the performance of organic solar cells based on poly(3‐hexylthiophene) and 1‐(3‐methoxycarbonyl)propyl‐1‐phenyl‐(6,6)C61. A soft lithographic approach that uses photoresponsive azo polymer films as masters and poly(dimethylsiloxane) as stamps is used to form surface relief gratings (SRGs) on the active layers. The effect of periodic gratings on solar cell performance is precisely investigated according to various grating conditions such as period, depth, and dimension. The solar cells with 1D and 2D SRGs present improved incident‐photon‐to‐current conversion efficiencies and an overall increase in power conversion efficiencies, primarily resulting from the enhancement of short‐circuit current density, indicating that periodic structures induce further photon absorption in the active film.  相似文献   

Here, it is shown how carrier recombination through charge transfer excitons between conjugated polymers and fullerene molecules is mainly controlled by the intrachain conformation of the polymer, and to a limited extent by the mesoscopic morphology of the blend. This experimental result is obtained by combining near‐infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy, which are sensitive to charge transfer exciton emission and morphology, respectively. The photoluminescence intensity of the charge transfer exciton is correlated to the degree of intrachain order of the polymer, highlighting an important aspect for understanding and limiting carrier recombination in organic photovoltaics.  相似文献   

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