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通过分析上海市2018年水务重大工程建设项目的现状及水务重大工程2019年建设计划,上海市水务水利工程数量、体量和复杂度逐年增加。为了贯彻落实上海市及水务局关于推广BIM应用技术的文件精神,顺应政府工程监管信息化的发展,缓解工程管理监管难度,上海市水务局在前期已开展的相关BIM模型轻量化展示、3D GIS等关键技术预研的基础上,决定建设BIM数据中心及相应的水务应用管理协同平台。项目管理平台利用云架构,大数据,BIM,3D GIS,无人机数据采集等技术,系统基于B/S结构,BIM模型轻量化采用WebGL 3D绘图协议,实现二维与三维结合、实景和BIM模型结合。该平台在模型共享、工程数据共享、工程展示及监管中发挥了一定作用。  相似文献   

Building information models (BIMs) provide opportunities to serve as an information repository to store and deliver as-built information. Since a building is not always constructed exactly as the design information specifies, there will be discrepancies between a BIM created in the design phase (called as-designed BIM) and the as-built conditions. Point clouds captured by laser scans can be used as a reference to update an as-designed BIM into an as-built BIM (i.e., the BIM that captures the as-built information). Occlusions and construction progress prevent a laser scan performed at a single point in time to capture a complete view of building components. Progressively scanning a building during the construction phase and combining the progressively captured point cloud data together can provide the geometric information missing in the point cloud data captured previously. However, combining all point cloud data will result in large file sizes and might not always guarantee additional building component information. This paper provides the details of an approach developed to help engineers decide on which progressively captured point cloud data to combine in order to get more geometric information and eliminate large file sizes due to redundant point clouds.  相似文献   

近年来,云计算、大数据、物联网等技术不断涌现,并与建设工程中建筑信息模 型(BIM)技术的应用不断融合,越来越受到研究人员的关注。然而,这些技术尚未形成面向建 设项目的统一集成应用框架。通过广泛的文献调研发现,云、大数据、物联网与 BIM 技术缺一 不可,只有将其充分集成才能共同发挥价值,服务建设项目建设、管理。在此基础上,研究建 立了各项技术的统一集成应用框架。同时,从理论和应用两方面对有关技术与 BIM 技术集成的 研究与应用现状进行了综述,梳理了各项关键技术及软件系统研发现状,对已有工程应用进行 了总结。最后,对研究中存在的瓶颈与挑战进行了分析,指出未来仍需在基础理论方法、多技 术融合等方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   

针对长距离引调水工程建设期线路长、现场监管难、参与方多、沟通难等问题,以滇中引水工程建设期为例,根据项目特点及管理要求,建立BIM标准体系,创建建设期BIM模型,实现BIM协同,进行施工模拟及可视化交底。应用BIM技术实现电子沙盘及虚拟漫游,并通过BIM模型将建设期数据整合挂接至“智慧滇中引水”建设管理信息系统,融合GIS技术,进行工程建设辅助管理及文明施工监管,从而对安全质量、投资控制、进度管控、施工形象、现场监控等工程建设期核心内容,进行协同监测及管控并实现可视化图表展示,落实工程建设期的标准化和规范化管理,为BIM技术在长距离引调水工程的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

基于建筑信息模型(BIM)技术在桥梁工程信息化管理的研究现状,提出“面向服务 的架构+面向对象的编程”的两面向方法,融合应用 BIM 和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,构建了面 向对象和服务的桥梁工程信息管理平台,并实践应用于盐城特大桥的施工管理全过程。结果表 明,线性工程点多、面广、线长且离散性大,信息管理平台解决了开放环境组织多级分散、协 同管理难、数据多元异构等问题,在前期策划阶段指导大临规划和征地拆迁,在智能制造阶段 实现预制构件智能生产管理,在施工建造阶段实现进度、技术和在线监测管理等,提升了桥梁 等线性工程管理的数字化水平,为工程的品质建造提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

陈泽琳  潘运军  何浥尘  齐德昱 《计算机科学》2014,41(11):107-111,117
云平台存储和管理应用复杂的海量数据已成为必然。建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)是从全工程建设生命周期的视角组织相关数据并协同工作,所以BIM迫切需要云计算的支持。但是面对复杂的BIM应用,如何构建云平台的超级计算模式将是一个巨大的挑战。提出一个面向BIM应用的云服务框架,在Hadoop分布式软件框架上设计了云存储、云平台服务、应用服务和客户端应用四层结构。提出了该框架下的城市空间位置检索算法,该算法采用改进的KD树作为索引表。针对大用户群的并发访问,提出了面向空间位置检索的负载均衡算法,通过统计节点访问频度设计了数据块均衡分布策略。实验表明,该框架组织的建筑信息具有并发处理能力强、响应速度快等特点。  相似文献   

随着工程项目体量的增大,模型中存在的空间关系更加复杂多样化,现有的建筑 信息模型(BIM)数据存储和检索方式无法满足使用要求。为了提高 BIM 中大量空间关系数据的 存储和检索效率,通过集成 BIM 与云计算技术,提出了一种 BIM 分布式负载均衡集群方案, 在此基础上利用弹性搜索框架(Elastic Search)和图数据库Neo4j实现了IFC空间关系数据的云存 储和检索,为海量 BIM 空间关系数据提供一种高效快速的云存储和检索方法。  相似文献   

边根庆  陈蔚韬 《图学学报》2021,42(5):823-832
针对当前工业基础类(IFC)标准文件与 WebGL 框架集成方案存在模型语义完整性差及数据互操 性弱等问题,提出一套建筑信息模型(BIM)数据网络可视化实施方案。该方案以 IFC 标准文件作为输入数据源, 首先对 BIM 模型进行重构,并提出基于 IFC 结构树的构件实例层次拆分策略将原始 IFC 文件实施数模分离; 然后,将重构后的 IFC 模型文件向 glTF 格式文件进行转换,并在转换过程中完成几何空间和语义属性的双重 关系映射;最后,提出基于层次包围体(BVH)结构的 BS-AB 场景构件可视性检测算法对建筑构件进行可见性剔 除。实验结果表明:该方法能够显著减少 BIM 模型数据冗余,且高效完成了对复杂 BIM 场景不可见构件的剔 除工作,降低了渲染管线的开销,为基于 IFC 标准与 WebGL 框架集成方案的 BIM 模型数据网络可视化提供了 一种可行的参考方案。  相似文献   

为解决传统设计模式下手工设计效率低、二维图纸不直观、协同设计难开展及存在信息孤岛的问题,针对生态河湖工程设计阶段涉及的河道堤防、水工建筑物、生态景观及多专业协同,通过 BIM 技术建立更加真实的三维地形模型,进行参数化、联动式河道堤防设计,再建立水工、景观等建筑物 BIM 模型,利用多专业协同技术,对模型进行整合,构建 BIM 技术全流程设计体系。该体系贯穿整个设计阶段,对工程项目进行数字化、可视化表达,构建可实现各参与方协同工作、数据共享的同一数据模型,设计更快速高效,整个工程项目更加直观,可提高项目设计全流程精细化管理水平,显著提升工程生产效率、质量和社会经济效益。  相似文献   

With the development of building information modelling (BIM) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in the architecture, engineering, construction and facility management (AEC/FM) industry, the registration of site laser scans and project 3D (BIM) models in a common coordinate system is becoming critical to effective project control. The co-registration of 3D datasets is normally performed in two steps: coarse registration followed by fine registration. Focusing on the coarse registration, model-scan registration has been well investigated in the past, but it is shown in this article that the context of the AEC/FM industry presents specific (1) constraints that make fully-automated registration very complex and often ill-posed, and (2) advantages that can be leveraged to develop simpler yet effective registration methods.This paper thus presents a novel semi-automated plane-based registration system for coarse registration of laser scanned 3D point clouds with project 3D models in the context of the AEC/FM industry. The system is based on the extraction of planes from the laser scanned point cloud and project 3D/4D model. Planes are automatically extracted from the 3D/4D model. For the point cloud data, two methods are investigated. The first one is fully automated, and the second is a semi-automated but effective one-click RANSAC-supported extraction method. In both cases, planes are then manually but intuitively matched by the user. Experiments, which compare the proposed system to software packages commonly used in the AEC/FM industry, demonstrate that at least as good registration quality can be achieved by the proposed system, in a simpler and faster way. It is concluded that, in the AEC/FM context, the proposed plane-based registration system is a compelling alternative to standard point-based registration techniques.  相似文献   

Cloud data auditing is extremely essential for securing cloud storage since it enables cloud users to verify the integrity of their outsourced data efficiently. The computation overheads on both the cloud server and the verifier can be significantly reduced by making use of data auditing because there is no necessity to retrieve the entire file but rather just use a spot checking technique. A number of cloud data auditing schemes have been proposed recently, but a majority of the proposals are based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). There are some drawbacks in these protocols: (1) It is mandatory to verify the validity of public key certificates before using any public key, which makes the verifier incur expensive computation cost. (2) Complex certificate management makes the whole protocol inefficient. To address the key management issues in cloud data auditing, in this paper, we propose ID-CDIC, an identity-based cloud data integrity checking protocol which can eliminate the complex certificate management in traditional cloud data integrity checking protocols. The proposed concrete construction from RSA signature can support variable-sized file blocks and public auditing. In addition, we provide a formal security model for ID-CDIC and prove the security of our construction under the RSA assumption with large public exponents in the random oracle model. We demonstrate the performance of our proposal by developing a prototype of the protocol. Implementation results show that the proposed ID-CDIC protocol is very practical and adoptable in real life.  相似文献   

In recent years, exponential growth has been detected in research efforts focused on automated construction progress monitoring. Despite various data acquisition methods and approaches, the success is limited. This paper proposes a new method, where changes are constantly perceived and as-built model continuously updated during the construction process, instead of periodical scanning of the whole building under construction. It turned out that low precision 3D scanning devices, which are closely observing active workplaces, are sufficient for correct identification of the built elements. Such scanning devices are small enough to fit onto workers’ protective helmets and on the applied machinery. In this way, workers capture all workplaces inside and outside of the building in real time and record partial point clouds, their locations, and time stamps. The partial point clouds are then registered and merged into a complete 4D as-built point cloud of a building under construction. Identification of as-designed BIM elements within the 4D as-built point cloud then results in the 4D as-built BIM. Finally, the comparison of the 4D as-built BIM and the 4D as-designed BIM enables identification of the differences between both models and thus the deviations from the time schedule. The differences are reported in virtual real-time, which enables more efficient project management.  相似文献   

目前地铁工程在我国发展迅速,许多大中城市有建设地铁的需求。地铁工程成本 大、工期紧,优化进度和成本联合管理是非常必要的。BIM 技术由于其特有的优势,其在工程 项目中得到不断的研究和应用。但目前在地铁工程中,BIM 主要应用于模型建立、检查碰撞、 施工模拟等方面,在其他方面的应用研究还较少,并且各方面的应用相互独立。基于BIM 技术, 根据进度-成本的综合管理方法——挣值管理方法对某地铁车站工程进行3D+进度+成本的综合 施工管理应用,实现了施工过程的可视化管理以及进度和成本的跟踪管理,评估项目的实际实 施情况并及时调整,为计划的完成提供保障。拓展了BIM 技术在地铁工程中的应用,尝试了 BIM 技术在地铁工程中的综合管理应用。  相似文献   

《Computers in Industry》2014,65(9):1276-1290
This article presents the research work done in order to reduce the gap of heterogeneity between Geographic Information System and Building Information Models. The goal is to extend a platform dedicated to facility management called ACTIVe3D. We want to enlarge its scope to take into account the management of urban elements contained in the building environment, as well as other buildings. The particularity of the platform is that data can be accessed either by a semantic view or through a 3D interface. The SIGA3D project describes a set of processes that aims, for all the stakeholders of urban projects, to manage pieces of information through all the lifecycle of construction projects. To solve the heterogeneity problem between BIM and GIS, we developed a semantic extension to the BIM called UIM (Urban Information Modeling). This extension defines spatial, temporal and multi-representation concepts to build an extensible ontology. The knowledge database can be populated with information coming from standards like IFC and CityGML. This information system has been adapted and implemented into the existing platform and is today fully operational and used by thousands of users.  相似文献   

针对我国医疗信息化进程中,数字化手术室的建设需求,基于云存储技术,研究并设计了手术室的数据管理系统。该系统在设计过程中详细梳理了手术室的工作流程,对手术的排班、患者体征数据采集、麻醉记录、手术数据查询等功能进行了重点设计。系统使用了HDFS分布式文件管理系统,保证了系统的可靠性和可扩展性,实现了临床数据的实时传输与共享。  相似文献   

Effective data management is an important issue for a large-scale distributed environment such as data cloud. This can be achieved by using file replication, which efficiently reduces file service time and access latency, increases file availability and improves system load balancing. However, replication entails various costs such as storage and energy consumption for holding replicas. This article proposes a multi-objective offline optimization approach for replica management, in which we view the various factors influencing replication decisions such as mean file unavailability, mean service time, load variance, energy consumption and mean access latency as five objectives. It makes decisions of replication factor and replication layout with an improved artificial immune algorithm that evolves a set of solution candidates through clone, mutation and selection processes. The proposed algorithm named Multi-objective Optimized Replication Management (MORM) seeks the near optimal solutions by balancing the trade-offs among the five optimization objectives. The article reports a series of experiments that show the effectiveness of the MORM. Experimental results conclusively demonstrate that our MORM is energy effective and outperforms default replication management of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and MOE (Multi-objective Evolutionary) algorithm in terms of performance and load balancing for large-scale cloud storage cluster.  相似文献   

To apply final as-built BIM models to facility management (FM) during the operation phase, it is important for owners to obtain an accurate, final as-built model from the general contractors (GCs) following project closeout. Confirming the accuracy of the final as-built BIM model is one of the most important works executed by owners to meet the accuracy requirement of final as-built models for FM. However, many practical problems arise relating to the management of final as-built models such as final as-built model mismatch, the lack of available final as-built models, and the entry of incorrect non-geometric information into the final as-built models. To solve these practical problems, this study develops a Final As-built BIM Model Management (FABMM) system for owners to handle final as-built BIM model inspection, modification, and confirmation (BMIMC) work beyond project closeout. The proposed approach and system can be used to manage the status and results of BMIMC management work for the final as-built BIM model to be performed. The proposed approach and system were applied in a case study in a selected building in Taiwan to verify and demonstrate its practical effectiveness. This study identifies the benefits, limitations, and conclusions of the FABMM system, and presents suggestions for its further application.  相似文献   

BIM 正向设计能够减少部分建模环节、降低劳动和信息交换成本,其优点得到业 界的广泛认同。随着国内BIM 技术的不断推广,现有的BIM 咨询模式已不能满足快速发展的 应用需求,正向设计在实际应用过程中也遇到了很多困难。通过工程经验和文献调研总结了正 向设计存在的问题,如:①缺乏与之适应的标准;②国内环境的制约;③技术链和产业链不够 成熟等,并对上述问题进行了思考与分析,得出以下结论:以出图为导向的正向设计是BIM 技 术应用的过渡性策略,需补充相适应的标准体系、加大国内BIM 软件和云平台体系的开发力度、 促进设计与施工管理一体化。正向设计的推广不仅需要有力的技术支持,更需要管理模式的不 断创新,为BIM 技术的应用和发展提供保障。  相似文献   

赵雪锋  侯笑  刘占省  李梦璇 《图学学报》2021,42(6):1011-1017
随着建筑信息模型(BIM)的发展和国家政策的出台,BIM 技术逐步纳入到高校教学体系中,然而 现有的高校 BIM 课程和教学方法不适应 BIM 人才培养的要求。基于对现阶段 BIM 课程存在问题的分析,首先构 建了由专业知识、软件知识、软件操作知识、项目应用知识 4 个方面组成的 BIM 课程教学内容闭环;其次根据 闭环式管理理念,提出了包含课前回顾与导入、传统的教与学、课上练习与讨论以及借助线上平台的课后练习发 布提交与即时反馈的 BIM 课程教学流程闭环,并在学习效果反馈环节中提出主观题目直观答的方法;然后受吉 尔伯特行为工程模型启发,在关键环节建立了资源场景与应用场景,构建出 BIM 课程教学场景闭环。最后在某 高校开设的 BIM 课程中应用了闭环管理体系,并总结了经验教训,可为我国高校 BIM 教学改革提供参考  相似文献   

对结构表面裂缝进行持续检监测与管理对保障结构安全具有重要意义。为实现结构裂缝自动识别与管理,提出了一种基于计算机视觉与建筑信息模型(BIM)的裂缝识别、矢量化处理与可视化管理方法。首先基于深度学习的图像识别方法,从相机拍摄的结构表面图像中提取出裂缝形态的栅格图像;其次,提出了一种裂缝形态栅格图像的自动矢量化方法,获取裂缝形态关键点坐标;最终,使用 Dynamo 程序实现裂缝 BIM模型的自动建模与可视化。该方法可以获取裂缝的拓扑形态信息,并显著降低裂缝信息的存储数据量与可视化难度。通过开展 BIM 构件的碰撞分析,还可准确识别裂缝属于结构中的哪个构件,将裂缝所属的构件编号信息与裂缝宽度信息作为裂缝图元参数写入 BIM 模型,实现裂缝矢量化与裂缝 BIM 模型自动化建模与管理,为大范围、大批量的裂缝自动化检监测与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

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