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Enterprise architecture is a model-based IT and business management discipline. Enterprise architecture analysis concerns using enterprise architecture models for analysis of selected properties to provide decision support. This paper presents a framework based on the ArchiMate metamodel for the assessment of four properties, viz., application usage, system availability, service response time and data accuracy. The framework integrates four existing metamodels into one and implements these in a tool for enterprise architecture analysis. The paper presents the overall metamodel and four viewpoints, one for each property. The underlying theory and formalization of the four viewpoints is presented. In addition to the tool implementation, a running example as well as guidelines for usage makes the viewpoints easily applicable.  相似文献   

The semantic web vision is one in which rich, ontology-based semantic markup will become widely available. The availability of semantic markup on the web opens the way to novel, sophisticated forms of question answering. AquaLog is a portable question-answering system which takes queries expressed in natural language and an ontology as input, and returns answers drawn from one or more knowledge bases (KBs). We say that AquaLog is portable because the configuration time required to customize the system for a particular ontology is negligible. AquaLog presents an elegant solution in which different strategies are combined together in a novel way. It makes use of the GATE NLP platform, string metric algorithms, WordNet and a novel ontology-based relation similarity service to make sense of user queries with respect to the target KB. Moreover it also includes a learning component, which ensures that the performance of the system improves over the time, in response to the particular community jargon used by end users.  相似文献   

《Computers in Industry》2014,65(9):1232-1241
The requirements from a globalised world demand that enterprises not only shift their paradigm from product-centrism to component-centrism on integrated products, potentiating the need for tight interoperability dependencies, but also that the product specifications and concepts are fully understood by customers and providers in a transparent manner that surpasses the barriers of language, culture and technology. This paper presents the NEGOSEIO framework, which enables service-based interoperability between parties, closely integrated with semantics and business understanding via the use of reference ontologies in the quest for achieving a stronger interoperability liaison. The paper's validation and discussion is performed in its application on the ontology negotiation of business environments in the scope of the EU-funded FP7 project TIMBUS for digital preservation of resources and enduring business continuity.  相似文献   

On ontology-driven document clustering using core semantic features   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Incorporating semantic knowledge from an ontology into document clustering is an important but challenging problem. While numerous methods have been developed, the value of using such an ontology is still not clear. We show in this paper that an ontology can be used to greatly reduce the number of features needed to do document clustering. Our hypothesis is that polysemous and synonymous nouns are both relatively prevalent and fundamentally important for document cluster formation. We show that nouns can be efficiently identified in documents and that this alone provides improved clustering. We next show the importance of the polysemous and synonymous nouns in clustering and develop a unique approach that allows us to measure the information gain in disambiguating these nouns in an unsupervised learning setting. In so doing, we can identify a core subset of semantic features that represent a text corpus. Empirical results show that by using core semantic features for clustering, one can reduce the number of features by 90% or more and still produce clusters that capture the main themes in a text corpus.  相似文献   

传统Web服务的复合由于缺乏足够的语义信息而大大降低了服务复合的效率和准确率。语义Web弥补了传统Web语义不足的缺点。但是,面对语义Web上分布的海量知识,如何有效地利用语义信息实现Web服务复合成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。文章针对这一问题,提出一种基于多维用户模型的动态服务复合机制。该机制在Web服务语义标识的启发下通过语义匹配算法能够实现Web服务的顺序复合和并行复合。采用这种服务复合机制将会在一定程度上提高语义Web服务复合的效率和准确率。  相似文献   

Many researches show that the ability of independent, heterogeneous enterprises’ information systems to interoperate is related to the challenges of making their semantics explicit and formal, so that the messages are not merely exchanged, but interpreted, without ambiguity. In this paper, we present an approach to overcome those challenges by developing a method for explication of the systems’ implicit semantics. We define and implement the method for the generation of local ontologies, based on the databases of their systems. In addition, we describe an associated method for the translation between semantic and SQL queries, a process in which implicit semantics of the EIS’s databases and explicit semantics of the local ontologies become interrelated. Both methods are demonstrated in the case of creating the local ontology and the semantic querying of OpenERP Enterprise Resource Planning system, for the benefit of the collaborative supply chain planning.  相似文献   

基于知识本体的语义信息检索框架设计   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
基于关键词匹配的信息检索方式不能反映出被检关键字在现实世界中的语义,因此这种检索方式不可避免地导致查准率和查全率低的缺陷,而概念检索中的主体词典表达领域知识的能力有限。提出了一个基于知识本体的能够实现语义信息检索的多主体系统,它包括描述信息收集、存储、语义匹配和语义相关性扩展等几个主要部分,可以在很大程度上提高检索结果的查准率和查全率。  相似文献   

为提高视频语义信息提取准确率,提出了一种基于多模态特征的新闻视频语义提取框架。在视频中提取主题字幕信息,对音频进行分类和语音识别,根据主题字幕信息借助搜索引擎得到与新闻视频相关的网页;最后利用网页文本对语音识别的结果进行纠错,从而通过视频字幕信息和语音脚本的跨模态融合提高视频语义提取的准确率。在中等规模的新闻视频(含新闻网页)库测试表明了该方法的有效性,经纠错后的语音识别准确率达到了65%左右。  相似文献   

K is an executable semantic framework in which programming languages, calculi, as well as type systems or formal analysis tools can be defined, making use of configurations, computations and rules. Configurations organize the system/program state in units called cells, which are labeled and can be nested. Computations carry “computational meaning” as special nested list structures sequentializing computational tasks, such as fragments of program; in particular, computations extend the original language or calculus syntax. K (rewrite) rules generalize conventional rewrite rules by making explicit which parts of the term they read, write, or do not care about. This distinction makes K a suitable framework for defining truly concurrent languages or calculi, even in the presence of sharing. Since computations can be handled like any other terms in a rewriting environment, that is, they can be matched, moved from one place to another in the original term, modified, or even deleted, K is particularly suitable for defining control-intensive language features such as abrupt termination, exceptions, or call/cc.This paper gives an overview of the K framework: what it is, how it can be used, and where it has been used so far. It also proposes and discusses the K definition of Challenge, a programming language that aims to challenge and expose the limitations of existing semantic frameworks.  相似文献   

Process monitoring phase is one of the service-oriented business process (SOBP) lifecycle phases. Traditional process monitoring approaches have been only achieved at the syntactic level of the process monitoring contexts, which causes the communication problems such as ambiguous understandings and divergent interpretations. To solve the problems, the process monitoring should be achieved at the semantic level as well as at the syntax level of the process monitoring context. In order to support semantic monitoring operations, an ontology-based monitoring framework for the SOBP execution is suggested in this paper. The suggested framework combines a BPEL4WS process model with the semantic monitoring context which is expressed with OWL.  相似文献   

为了在企业知识管理中获得更准确全面的知识,提出了一种基于语义的检索方法.该方法采用映射关系数据库、概念抽取和本体编辑工具半自动构建企业知识本体,并运用该本体对用户查询进行语义处理,实现了基于语义的知识检索系统.实际应用表明,该系统能有效返回含有语义信息的检索结果,实现对企业知识的智能化检索.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a new approach to find semantic meanings in visual object class structure, in line with the Gestalt laws of proximity. Micro level semantic structures are formed by line segments (arcs also approximated into line segments based on pixel deviation threshold) which are in close proximity. These structures are hierarchically combined till a semantic label can be assigned. The algorithm extracts semantic groups, their inter-relations and represents these using a graph. Invariant geometrical properties of the groups and relations are used as vertex and edge labels. A graph model captures the inter class variability by analyzing the repetitiveness of structures and relations and uses it as a weighting factor for classification. The algorithm has been tested on a standard benchmark database and compared with existing approaches.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the framework for decomposition of organizational system (enterprise). The model of enterprise as the system of data, knowledge, objective structures and their interactions are analyzed. A certain unit of management - the elementary cycle of managing - is singled out and discussed. Here the two-dimensional structure of objectives of organizational system is introduced and the peculiarities of the managing in enterprise are discussed.  相似文献   

As we are moving rapidly to a digital economy, accessing and effectively using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in everyday life is widely recognized as an important requirement. However, the accessibility technologies that we have up to date are meeting the needs of only some, at a very high cost and, as a consequence, accessible ICT for all people still remains a major research and development goal. This work presents an integrated ontological framework for the semantic representation of terms and concepts (i.e., related to user needs and preferences (N&P) with respect to ICT use, as well as solutions, platforms and devices) that are required for addressing the universal accessibility in the scope of the Cloud4all project and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII). Cloud4all aims at advancing and building upon the concept of GPII through the development of the necessary tools and models for making ICT accessible for all by exploiting the cloud computing paradigm. The main goal of the proposed framework lays in the separation between generalized accessibility concepts, user interaction mechanisms and N&P with the particular details of different ICT artifacts. Thus, the framework aims at integrating concepts related with user N&P, as well as ICT solutions, platforms, devices and their customizable settings along with information concerning their vendors or implementers, in order to (a) offer the necessary expressiveness for defining/representing personal N&P across applications, platforms and devices, (b) link N&P with the conditions/context according to which these shall be applicable for (e.g., considering the user activity and the physical environment), (c) link interaction requirements (originated from user characteristics) with N&P and (d) support the Cloud4all matchmaking process through the mapping between N&P and application-specific settings based on semantic rules and automatic reasoning techniques.  相似文献   

An information integration framework for e-commerce   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the main challenges for e-commerce infrastructure designers is to retrieve data from different sources and create a unified view that overcomes contradictions and redundancies. Virtual catalogs, such as the Momis project, can help synthesize data and present it in a unified manner to the customer.  相似文献   

一种基于PKI/PMI的企业安全架构   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
身份验证和权限分配一直是企业网络应用中的核心问题。在分析PKI,PMI和RBAC特点的基础上提出了一种以PMI/PKI和RBAC为基础体系的企业安全架构,并对其主要组成部分进行了分析和设计,同时描述了使用PMI/PKI实现企业安全系统的基本过程。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated enterprise architecture framework for qualitative and quantitative modeling and assessment of enterprise IT service availability. While most previous work has either focused on formal availability methods such as fault trees or qualitative methods such as maturity models, this framework offers a combination. First, a modeling and assessment framework is described. In addition to metamodel classes, relationships and attributes suitable for availability modeling, the framework also features a formal computational model written in a probabilistic version of the object constraint language. The model is based on 14 systemic factors impacting service availability and also accounts for the structural features of the service architecture. Second, the framework is empirically tested in nine enterprise information system case studies. Based on an initial availability baseline and the annual evolution of the 14 factors of the model, annual availability predictions are made and compared with the actual outcomes as reported in SLA reports and system logs. The practical usefulness of the method is discussed based on the outcomes of a workshop conducted with the participating enterprises, and some directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

针对目前语义Web服务发现研究中存在的不足,提出一种基于Petri网的语义Web服务发现框架.该框架利用OWL-S本体提供的语义信息及Petir网在系统动态行为方面的验证功能,从服务注册中心发现用户所需的服务组合.Web服务的发现结果不仅满足用户的功能需求,而且保证无死锁并能够正确执行,提高了服务发现的准确性.最后通过实例分析验证了该服务发现框架的有效性.  相似文献   

针对物流企业及零售商分散的特点和客户的多样化个性化需求,为了整合分散的物流信息,建立具有弹性的物流对象协同运作模式,解决RFID与该构架的信息集成,提出了一种基于Internet的分布式协调自治物流信息系统构架。详细描述了系统的各关键环节。  相似文献   

The increasing popularity and usage of internet based services makes design of software system complex and their power unlimited in scale. These systems often involve heterogeneous environment and platforms. They continuously evolve in order to meet the changes in technology and business practices. Emergence of information system architecture based on disparate externally provided internet based services warrant incorporation of novel design primitives in the application design. Traditionally popular application design primitives includes separation, abstraction, compression, uniform composition, replication and resource sharing that has evolved and came to vogue based on past experience and expert practice. This work examines and evaluates approaches to incorporation of new and novel unit operations around which applications can be architected, designed and analyzed for the internet computing and big data era. Incidentally it is found that portions of agent technology provides several unit operations such as migration of code and speech-act based responsibility delegation/application composition as application architectural primitives. This work determines extensions to Web Services-Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) programming framework—called as ACtive Internet Application Framework (ACIAF) and is suited for incorporation of novel unit operations such as migration of code and speech-act based component orchestration/application composition to enable construction of next generation information systems. An analysis of merits and demerits of using WS-BPEL technology to realize ACIAF is also carried out here. Code mobility feature of ACIAF is demonstrated using a use case while loosely coupled application design using ACIAF is theoretically discussed. Formal analyzability of mobility behavior of ACIAF application is highlighted based on its conformance to Petri-net formalism. Further formal logical analyzability/interpolatability of individual actions performed by collaborating ACIAF applications is also highlighted. It is argued here that ACIAF shall provide necessary foundation, guidance and motivation for further detailed technical work on several ideas presented to realize next generation information systems. This work firmly establishes extension to WS-BPEL platform as a most viable approach to realize novel architectural primitives to the design and implementation of next generation information systems.  相似文献   

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