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2005年年底,5年内经受了7次反倾销立案调查的中国轮胎业,首次以协会的名义团结起来,奋起抗辩。但仅仅在别国起诉后被动应诉,对年出口量已接近9000万条的中国轮胎工业来说是远远不够的。中国橡胶工业协会会长鞠洪振日前表示,中橡协今年将采取4项措施,积极应对国外反倾销调查。 相似文献
由中国橡胶工业协会经济技术委员会起草的《轮胎行业准人条件》(下称《准人条件》)将上报工信部。据了解,《准入条件》经过工信部批准后,还要经过发改委、财政部、商务部的会签,因此其公布还有一段时间。 相似文献
2006年2月23日,中国橡胶工业协会在京主持召开了《复合橡胶自律规范》论证会。来自轮胎、胶管、胶带等生产企业,复合橡胶生产企业及贸易公司,商务部、协会各有关部门和相关科研院所等30多个单位的50余位代表参加了会议。 相似文献
日前举行的中国橡胶工业协会轮胎分会2008年会员大会暨中国轮胎工业发展战略论坛传出信息:中国轮胎工业在未来两三年,仍将处于快速增长期,但增速可能会有所放缓。 相似文献
3月3日,美国公布了调查日期表,表明损害终裁调查程序已经开始。前不久,被列为强制性应诉的企业接受了美国商务部人员在企业进行的反补贴项目的实地核查,下一步将接受反倾销项目的实地核查。 相似文献
6月中旬,就土耳其对中国轮胎反倾销一案,在与代理律师充分协商的基础上,中国橡胶工业协会向普利司通(土耳其)轮胎工贸公司、意大利倍耐力(土耳其)轮胎公司以及上述两家公司总部发出了质询函,充分表达了中国轮胎行业特别是涉案企业对此事的高度关注,指出其做法对中国企业是不公正的,调查结果同我们掌握的情况也有出入,据此提出对中国轮胎反倾销,加征33.4%的临时反倾销税有失公允,因此是我们不愿看到和不能接受的,要求他们撤诉。 相似文献
6月9日.中国橡胶工业协会再次向国家财政部、商务部、工信部等有关部门反映情况,提出恢复和提高轮胎等橡胶产品出口退税率的意见。 相似文献
Zn(Ⅱ)-喹啉-CAB-CTMAB四元络合物体系的显色反应及络合物的组成。在pH=8.3~9.2之间该络合物的摩尔吸光系数ε596=1.13×10-5,灵敏度高,干扰离子少,除Fe3 、Al3 、TiO2、Cu2 有较严重干扰外,其它常见离子不发生干扰。具有较好的选择性,络合物颜色可稳定24 h以上。应用于矿石中微量锌的测定,结果满意。 相似文献
Salem M Hamza 《Coloration Technology》1992,108(9):400-404
Phosphonates when adsorbed by wool fibres prior to dyeing with Alizarine Sky Blue BLW cause a marked increase in rate of dyeing. This increase is parallel to the pKa values of the phosphonates. 相似文献
Equilibrium adsorption isotherms and rates of dyeing for Chlorazol Sky Blue FF on viscose fibres in the presence of lithium, sodium and potassium chlorides, singly and in binary mixtures, have been measured. In the presence of the single electrolytes dye adsorption and rates of dyeing at constant electrolyte concentration increase in the order LiCl<NaCl<KCl. In mixtures of these electrolytes, however, the cation with the greater ability to disrupt the structure of water considerably enhances the ability of the other cation to influence dye adsorption and dyeing rates. 相似文献
Equilibrium adsorption isotherms and rates of dyeing at various temperatures for Chlorazol Sky Blue FF (C. I. Direct Blue 1, sodium salt) on viscose rayon fibres in the presence of electrolytes having different water structure breaking/making properties have been measured. The results clearly show that variations in water structure around the hydrophobic parts of the adsorbing dye molecules and around the adsorbent fibre surface influence the dye–binding process. 相似文献
Abstract A rapid, selective, and sensitive cloud point extraction process using mixed micelle of a nonionic surfactant, Triton X-114, and an anionic surfactant, SDS, to extract sulfide from aqueous solutions was investigated. The method is based on the color reaction of sulfide with N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) in the presence of suitable oxidizing reagent (Fe3+) in acid media and cloud point extraction of ethylene blue (EB) dye. Various factors and optimal extraction and reaction conditions like: acid, Fe3+, reagent, and surfactant concentration were studied and the analytical characteristics of the method (e.g., limit of detection, linear range, RSD%) were obtained. Linearity was obeyed in the range of 1–100 ng mL?1 of sulfide ion. The detection limit of the method is 0.5 ng mL?1 of sulfide ion. The interference effect of some anions, cations, and neutral species was also tested. The method was applied to the determination of sulfide in spring, river, and waste water samples. 相似文献