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Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 8, pp. 42–44, August, 1992.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of a tapered fibre in generating a highly stable and tunable dual-wavelength fibre laser. By unique arrangement of polarization controller, adjustable spacing range between 0.94 and 3.32 nm and side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) up to 50 dB were recorded. The results were achieved at laser pump power of 94.7 mW. The inter-modal interference is achieved through the use of a non-adiabatic tapered fibre, made by a systematic flame brushing technique. The tapered fibre suppresses the mode competition in the 3-m erbium-doped fibre (EDF) gain medium. Over 60 min, the laser exhibited very high stability with acceptable peak power and SMSR. The proposed EDF laser operates from 1556.71 to 1562.13 nm range.  相似文献   

Bhatia PS  Keto JW 《Applied optics》1996,35(21):4152-4158
Anarrow-band, precisely tunable dye laser pumped by an injection-seeded YAG laser is described. The laser achieves an output of 100 mJ/pulse and 40% efficiency when one uses Rhodamine 6G dyes. The output pulse is Gaussian both in time and spatial profile. The laser oscillator employs an intracavity étalon that is repetitively pressure scanned over one free spectral range while the grating successively steps to consecutive étalon modes. We pressure scanned the étalon under computer control using a bellows. Methods are described for calibrating the tuning elements for absolute precision. We demonstrated that the laser has an absolute precision of ±0.4 pm over a 1.0-nm scan. This accuracy is achievable over the wavelength range of a dye.  相似文献   

A distributed-feedback (DFB) dye laser that is pumped by a standing Bessel-beam wave is constructed. Because of the long line focus of the Bessel beam, the laser medium is pumped in only a very thin filament (a few micrometers) along the optical axis. At the same time, longitudinal-mode selection is achieved because of the DFB effect. It is demonstrated that when the effective wavelength of the Bessel pump beam is varied, the Bragg wavelength for DFB is altered, and as a result the output wavelength can be tuned.  相似文献   

We have constructed a cavity-dumped dye laser optimized for use with kHz repetition rate ultrafast lasers for performing experiments on atomic and molecular systems. The dye laser is inexpensive, robust, and requires little pump energy, making it ideal for experiments requiring multiple excitations for state preparation.  相似文献   

We describe a compact, narrow-linewidth, etalon-tuned titanium:sapphire laser cavity that is designed for field environmental sensing and is pumped by the second harmonic of a kilohertz Nd:YAG laser. The fundamental tunable range is from 690 to 1100 nm, depending on mirror reflectivities and the optics kit used. The conversion efficiency is at least 25% for the fundamental and 2-3% for intracavity frequency doubling from 3.5 to 4 W 532 nm pump power. The linewidth is <0.1 cm(-1), and the pulse width is 18 ns. Applications of this cavity include the measurement of trace gas species by laser-induced fluorescence, cavity ringdown spectroscopy, and micropulse lidar in the UV-visible regions.  相似文献   

Lam KS  Lo D  Wong KH 《Applied optics》1995,34(18):3380-3383
Doped and undoped silica slabs were fabricated through the use of the sol-gel technique. Extended UV transmission was observed for HCl-catalyzed sol-gel silica. Under transverse pumping with a XeCl laser, narrow-linewidth (<0.9-nm) laser oscillation from silica slabs doped with coumarin 460 (C460) was achieved in a grating-resonator cavity configured in the grazing-indicence geometry. Tuning of the C460-doped silica laser extended from 468 to 494 nm. The conversion efficiency of the narrow-linewidth blue laser was 5.5%.  相似文献   

Modeling optical breakdown in dielectrics during ultrafast laser processing   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Fan CH  Longtin JP 《Applied optics》2001,40(18):3124-3131
Laser ablation is widely used in micromachining, manufacturing, thin-film formation, and bioengineering applications. During laser ablation the removal of material and quality of the features depend strongly on the optical breakdown region induced by the laser irradiance. The recent advent of amplified ultrafast lasers with pulse durations of less than 1 ps has generated considerable interest because of the ability of the lasers to process virtually all materials with high precision and minimal thermal damage. With ultrashort pulse widths, however, traditional breakdown models no longer accurately capture the laser-material interaction that leads to breakdown. A femtosecond breakdown model for dielectric solids and liquids is presented that characterizes the pulse behavior and predicts the time- and position-dependent breakdown region. The model includes the pulse propagation and small spatial extent of ultrashort laser pulses. Model results are presented and compared with classical breakdown models for 1-ns, 1-ps, and 150-fs pulses. The results show that the revised model is able to model breakdown accurately in the focal region for pulse durations of less than 10 ps. The model can also be of use in estimating the time- and position-resolved electron density in the interaction volume, the breakdown threshold of the material, shielding effects, and temperature distributions during ultrafast processing.  相似文献   

TL Tan  LL Wang  DD Johnson  K Bai 《Nano letters》2012,12(9):4875-4880
Using density-functional theory, we predict stable alloy configurations (ground states) for a 1 nm Pt-Pd cuboctahedral nanoparticle across the entire composition range and demonstrate their use as tunable alloy catalysts via hydrogen-adsorption studies. Unlike previous works, we use simulated annealing with a cluster expansion Hamiltonian to perform a rapid and comprehensive search that encompasses both high and low-symmetry configurations. The ground states show Pt(core)-Pd(shell) type configurations across all compositions but with specific Pd patterns. For catalysis studies at room temperatures, the ground states are more realistic structural models than the commonly assumed random alloy configurations. Using the ground states, we reveal that the hydrogen adsorption energy increases (decreases) monotonically with at. % Pt for the {111} hollow ({100} bridge) adsorption site. Such trends are useful for designing tunable Pd-Pt nanocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction.  相似文献   

Sonnenfroh DM  Allen MG 《Applied optics》1996,35(21):4053-4058
Recent advances in room-temperature visible diode lasers and ultrasensitive detection techniques have been exploited to create a highly sensitive tunable diode laser absorption technique for in situ monitoring of NO(2) in the lower troposphere. High sensitivity to NO(2) is achieved by probing the visible absorption band of NO(2) with an AlGalnP diode laser at 640 or 670 nm combined with a balanced ratiometric electronic detection technique. We have demonstrated a sensitivity of 3.5 × 10(10) cm(-3) for neat NO(2) in a 1-m path at 640 nm and have estimated a sensitivity for ambient operation of 5 ppbv m (l0 ppbv m at 670 nm), where ppbvm is parts in 10(9) by volume per meter of absorption path length, from measured pressure-broadening coefficients.  相似文献   

High-repetition-rate (80-MHz) femtosecond infrared pulses are generated by difference frequency mixing (DFM) a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser with a phase-locked synchronized cw mode-locked Nd:YAG picosecond laser. This DFM scheme is of particular interest for generating ultrashort near-IR pulses (~10 fs) because group velocity mismatch with a pump pulse can be ignored. The simplicity and the broad wavelength tunability (from the near IR to the mid-IR) of this scheme is demonstrated. Short (125-fs FWHM) optical pulses in the near IR around 1.5 mum are obtained with noncritical type-I phase-matched LiB(3) O(5). We also used a similar scheme to generate mid-infrared pulses at 3.0 mum with type-II phase-matched KTiOPO(4).  相似文献   

Koplow JP  Kliner DA  Goldberg L 《Applied optics》1998,37(18):3954-3960
A compact, lightweight, low-power-consumption source of tunable, narrow-bandwidth blue and UV radiation is described. In this source, a single-longitudinal-mode diode laser seeds a pulsed, GaAlAs tapered amplifier whose ~860-nm output is frequency quadrupled by two stages of single-pass frequency doubling. Performance of the laser system is characterized over a wide range of amplifier duty cycles (0.1-1.0), pulse durations (50 ns-1.0 mus), peak currents (相似文献   

A tunable, ultrafast (approximately 100 fs-approximately 1 ps) laser system generating mid-IR (3-10 microm) and UV/visible (392-417 nm, 785-835 nm) radiation is described and its output characterized. The system is designed to explore vibrational dynamics in the condensed phase in a direct, two-pulse, time-resolved manner, using Raman spectroscopy as the probe. To produce vibrational resolution, probe pulses are spectrally narrowed by use of a long doubling crystal. Frequency-resolved optical gating is used to evaluate beam characteristics. An effective method for determining the temporal overlap of the pump and probe pulses for a one-color, 400 nm configuration is illustrated. Representative results from studies of heme and paranitroaniline vibrational dynamics illustrate the effectiveness of the visible pump-visible probe portion of the system in illuminating fast structure and energy dynamics.  相似文献   

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