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王键 《山西建筑》2012,(30):25-26
以太原万达广场旧城改造项目为实例,阐述了城市旧城改造中城市规划的原则和引导目标,探讨了如何在城市旧城改造中达到公平、公正的原则,整合并高效利用土地资源,为城市居民提供一个良好的居住空间,从而有效提升城市的整体形象。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断推进,旧城改造已经成为我国目前城市建设的重要任务,如何有效地进行旧城更新改造,对我国城市发展战略具有重要的意义。文章从城市经济定量分析角度入手,提出了旧城改造开发容量的概念、模型,土地等级评价指标体系及计算土地等级评价因素权重的AHP模型;以旧城生态环境和社会环境为约束条件,以经济作为目标函数,提出了基于旧城生态环境容量和社会环境目标确定旧城开发容量的上限模型,及基于市场行为的经济目标确定旧城开发容量的下限模型,使旧城改造始终处于经济、社会、环境持续协调发展的有序控制之中;并以ARCGIS为平台,结合南阳市旧城改造规划设计研究,得出旧城改造开发强度专题数据地图,对在GIS平台下合理确定旧城改造的开发容量,进行了尝试性探索。  相似文献   

旧城更新改造是指城市形态结构的改造,城市社会、城市经济发展内容的变更和城市生态环境的改善。城市可持续发展是一种崭新的城市发展观,它在充分认识城市发展历史中出现的各种“城市病症”及原因的基础上,寻求一种新的城市发展模式。即在强调社会进步和经济增长的重要性和必要性的同时,更加注重城市质量的不断提高。只有对旧城区进行更新改造,才能改造城市的环境,恢复城市的活力,达到节约土地资源、提高土地利用率和可持续发展的目的。本文通过对泰安市现状的分析,在其旧城改造与可持续发展方面提出自己的看法和建议。  相似文献   

黄洪卫 《城市住宅》2021,28(7):125-126
随着社会的不断变革,城市建设已经从过去的粗放管理转变为追求对流式发展.为提高土地利用率和提高城市环境质量,大多数城市都在改造旧城,创建新区.旧城改造要有科学合理的规划理念,使旧城改造既能满足人民生活的需要,又能体现城市历史风貌.  相似文献   

旧城改造是城市形态结构改造、城市社会经济发展内容变更和城市生态环境改善的统一,包括城市人口的流动,城市基础设施的改进和建设,城市产业结构的调整,城市功能分区的细分,城市用地结构的调整及城市绿化和城市环境质量保护等方面的内容。从表象上看,旧城改造仅为城市环境的改善,其实,旧城改造的根本意义在于城市功能的更新,其目标是提高包括社会效益、经济效益、环境效益、文化效益在内的城市综合效益,具体在城市物质空间结构上反映为城市土地资源的再配置。城市工业迁移,作为提高城市土地配置效率,调整城市产业结构的比例,改善城市环境质量和促进城市工业发展手段的措  相似文献   

2006香港湖北周期间,武汉市在港举行城市地产投资推介酒会,向来自新加坡、印尼和香港、台湾地区及内地的地产界名流、投资商、基金代表,介绍武汉旧城改造和建设发展的规划重点区域,以及武汉土地市场即将推出的重点供应项目等。  相似文献   

姚欣 《规划师》2013,29(Z1)
雅安雨城区河北片区旧城改造规划在深入解读旧城优势与特色、现状症结与瓶颈的基础上,提出了“紧密结合片区现实,分类、分区攻克城市顽疾,逐步恢复旧城生机”的改造目标,并从内外交通、城市公共服务体系、土地资源整合和文化特色四个方面有针对性地提出了优化策略,有效引导旧城改造规划的实施.  相似文献   

城市的土地和空间都是有限的,在大力发展新区的同时,不能忽视旧城区的更新和利用,旧城区改造和更新已成为城市发展中必需面对的问题。本文从广州市中调发展战略出发,以正在推进中的广州市海珠区南华西危破房改造项目为例,探讨城市旧城改造的模式。  相似文献   

文章以南京城市中心区为例分析了中国城市中心区现状,明确城市中心区二次改造的目标,并总结了香港旧城改造、新加坡城市建设和柯布西耶光明城市理论的经验,提出了我国城市中心区二次改造的概念性方案。  相似文献   

对市场经济条件下旧城改造的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十几年,土地有偿使用、住房制度改革以及大量外资引进,使我国的旧城改造获得新的动力和契机。随着市场经济体制的建立,房地产的综合开发成为旧城改造的主要形式。在利益机制驱使下,旧城的开发建设存在着一定的盲目性、投机性,重经济效益,轻环境效益,社会效益、给城市的后续发展带来隐患。这就需要对市场经济条件下的旧城改造进行重新认识,改正观念、明确目标,对旧城改造进行有效调控,从而促进旧城改造的健康发展。对旧城观念上的再认识1.旧城不仅仅指的是物理上的旧,而主要是把功能上的旧。旧城一般是指城市建成区中某些房屋…  相似文献   

邹涵  夏欣 《华中建筑》2012,30(6):52-55
香港作为人口高度集中的世界级城市,市区更新是其战后城市规划与建设的主要内容之一。因市区老化问题日益严重。且涉及政府、发展商及社区居民多方利益而使市区更新的推动过程困难重重。该文回顾了香港市区更新的历史进程并总结各个时期市区更新的主要内容和特点.通过介绍荃湾和观塘市中心两个实践项目,分析市区更新在策略与管理机构方面的变革,着重介绍2001年市区重建局成立以来香港近十年市区更新工作强调可持续发展理念并强化公众参与意识的经验。该文可为内地城市当前的城市发展提供参考。  相似文献   

深圳城市更新地区规划标准编制探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从深圳城市规划标准的由来与演变入手,分析当前城市转型背景下城市更新工作对规划标准的新需求,进而构建针对更新地区的规划标准与准则的主体框架;在对比介绍香港、上海、长沙等城市在规划标准编制方面经验的基础上,探讨深圳城市更新地区规划标准的编制思路及主要内容;并对当前更新规划编制与审批中问题比较突出、需求比较迫切的更新对象、更新范围、更新模式、功能引导、开发控制、公共设施等标准做了探讨性研究,以期能够完善《深圳市城市规划标准与准则》的体系结构,满足政府精细化管理的需求。  相似文献   

在过去三十多年的城市建设过程中,香港一直面临着人口密集与土地资源稀缺的巨大挑战,为增加土地供应,香港在开发利用地下岩洞空间方面积累了丰富的经验,并建成诸多高效运转的地下设施。自2009年开始,香港政府启动了一系列城市地下空间发展策略及工程技术研究的计划,并已经完成了“善用香港地下空间可行性研究”课题。本文简要介绍香港地下空间开发利用的经验和存在问题,希望能为高速发展的内地城市提供了重新思考现有工作和未来发展的新视角。  相似文献   

英国城市规划师艾伯克隆比为英国战后城市重建做了大量城市规划工作,尤以"大伦敦规划"最为著名。之后,他又被邀为香港拟备"香港初步城市规划报告"。该报告作为香港首部战略性城市规划,使英国城市规划理论与实践延续到其远东殖民地,使香港成为西方文化与技术在东方的中转站。该文横向比较艾伯克隆比的"大伦敦规划"与"香港规划报告",以追溯城市规划思想的源流与演变;纵向比较"香港规划报告"的"高密度发展与疏散、城市人口与工业布局、城市规划立法、新市镇建设"等城市发展提议与香港战后城市规划与建设的实践。通过分析该报告对香港城市规划的影响和贡献,以及探寻香港近现代城市规划理论和体制形成的因素,对进一步完善香港近代城市史学研究,并为内地城市制订战略性城市规划提供历史借鉴  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, urban renewal has become a major means to increase the efficiency of land production in Hong Kong (HK). Although the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) have introduced the social impact assessment (SIA) mechanism to mitigate the social impact of renewal projects, social conflicts have intensified between affected residents and the URA/HKHA. To what extent can SIA effectively mitigate the social impacts of urban renewal in HK? To answer this question, the author draws on a mixture of empirical and secondary materials to analyse the development, assessment procedures, and report format of SIA in HK as a basis to evaluate the challenges of this mechanism. Then the author goes on to critically analyse how thinking on ‘right to the city’ and affected residents’ comments come together to inform reflections on SIA in HK. The author argues that the SIA mechanism in HK remains technocratic in nature because it does not function effectively in addressing the needs of affected residents and resolving the deep-rooted conflicts between residents’ right of living and pro-growth development.  相似文献   

The research, built work and design seminar entitled "The Politics of the Object: Transformative Public and Cultural Landscapes" examined the critical history of a 150-year old open air market in a dense urban area of Hong Kong. This culminated in a series of built installations that used light as a critical design medium to engage the public on urban renewal issues and questions of rapid development in Hong Kong. This ongoing educational initiative aimed to encourage debate about the issues of planned development and the neighborhood's preservation of cultural values.  相似文献   

Many densely populated cities face the issues of limited usable urban land, and the redevelopment process may threaten the built heritage. Government, in serving the public interest, often intervenes through administrative or regulatory means in the conservation of these privately owned heritage buildings during urban renewal, even though such intervention may violate private property rights to different degrees. Yet, the general law of most developed and developing countries, though in different forms, is meant to protect private property rights. So, it is important to devise a fair and workable mechanism, supported with an innovative institutional arrangement, to control development of privately owned properties. Transfer of development rights (TDR) is one institutional innovation that can balance the conflict between public and private interests to supplement the defect of planning law. Before using TDR to address the property rights issues, there are some concerns that need debating. These include: whether development rights are property rights or not; the impact of conservation on property value; and the role of TDR on property rights, compensation or mitigation of the affected property. This research study begins by analyzing the relationship between property rights and development rights, and exploring how property rights, planning law and TDR interact with each other. It then takes Hong Kong as a typical example among the dense cities to examine the TDR programmes for built heritage conservation and identify the challenges of TDR. Due to the institutional-based characteristics of TDR, the research utilizes a comparison of TDR in Hong Kong with those in other jurisdictions from the perspective of property rights to extend the research result to wider application. The most recent controversial court case in Hong Kong (the ‘Hysan’ case) is discussed to illustrate the intricacy and controversy evolving around this issue. Finally, the research proposes strategies for the improvement in TDR, based on Hong Kong and overseas experiences from the perspective of legislative amendments, protection of property rights and of other stakeholders’ rights.  相似文献   

香港公屋本质,公屋设计和居住实态   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章分析了香港在不同时期的公屋政策,公屋设计及居住实态。  相似文献   


The research, built work and design seminar entitled “The Politics of the Object: Transformative Public and Cultural Landscapes” examined the critical history of a 150-year old open air market in a dense urban area of Hong Kong. This culminated in a series of built installations that used light as a critical design medium to engage the public on urban renewal issues and questions of rapid development in Hong Kong. This ongoing educational initiative aimed to encourage debate about the issues of planned development and the neighborhood's preservation of cultural values.  相似文献   

Conservationists and government authorities acknowledge that adaptive reuse of historic buildings contributes to urban sustainability. Traditional Chinese shophouses are a major historic building typology found in the old districts of Asian cities. In Hong Kong, the few remaining shophouses are generally deteriorating and are increasingly under threat of demolition for urban renewal. However, adaptive reuse of these buildings has created many social concerns. In light of these concerns, evaluating adaptive reuse potential needs to incorporate a much broader sustainability framework than simply physical building conditions. This study examines the extent to which obsolescence, heritage value and redevelopment pressures have affected the adaptive reuse of shophouse intervention in government-led urban renewal projects. Interestingly, the results based on adaptive reuse potential find no consistent relationships among the adaptive reuse actions of eight cases in urban renewal districts of Hong Kong. Instead, the question of revitalizing shophouses is determined by whether they are within an urban renewal redevelopment plan. This study further explores the broader urban sustainability framework reflected in eight case studies of shophouse revitalization in three renewal districts. It includes a qualitative synthesis of the social, environmental, economic, and political considerations contributing to the adaptive reuse of shophouses in urban renewal.  相似文献   

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