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Atmospheric deposition is a significant loading pathway for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (dioxin) to the Great Lakes. An innovative approach using NOAA's HYSPLIT atmospheric fate and transport model was developed to estimate the 1996 dioxin contribution to each lake from each of 5,700 point sources and 42,600 area sources in a U.S./Canadian air emissions inventory. These unusually detailed source-receptor modeling results show that deposition to each lake arises from a broad geographical region, with significant contributions from up to 2,000 km away. The source categories contributing most significantly to 1996 dioxin deposition appear to be municipal waste incineration, iron sintering, medical waste incineration, and cement kilns burning hazardous waste. Model-predicted air concentrations and deposition fluxes were consistent with ambient measurement data, within the uncertainties in each, but there may be a moderate tendency toward underestimation using midrange emissions estimates. The most likely reason for this tendency appears to be missing or underestimated emissions sources, but in-situ atmospheric formation of octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) and heptachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) may have also contributed. Despite uncertainties, the findings regarding the relative importance of different sources types and source regions appear to be relatively robust and may be useful in prioritizing pollution prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Data obtained using passive air samplers (PAS) are compared to active high-volume air sampling data in order to assess the feasibility of the PAS as a method, complementary to active high-volume air sampling (AAS), for monitoring levels of organochlorine (OC) pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the Laurentian Great Lakes. PAS were deployed at 15 of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) sites on a quarterly basis between July 2002 and June 2003, and PAS and AAS results are compared. Levels for the OC pesticides are typically highest in agricultural areas, with endosulfan I dominating air concentrations with values ranging between 40 and 1090 pg x m(-3), dieldrin values between 15 and 165 pg x m(-3), and gamma-HCH values between 13 and 100 pg x m(-3). alpha-HCH was seen to be relatively uniform across the Great Lakes Basin with values ranging between 15 and 73 pg x m(-3). Large urban centers, such as Chicago and Toronto, have the highest levels of PCBs and PBDEs that range between 400 and 1200 pg x m(-3) and 10 and 70 pg x m(-3), respectively. Comparison of the AAS and the PAS data collected during this study shows good agreement, within a factor of 2 or 3, suggesting that the two sample methods produce comparable results. It is suggested that PAS networks, while providing data that are different in nature from AAS, can provide a cost-effective and complementary approach for monitoring the spatial and temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Flame retardants in the atmosphere near the Great Lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), air samples were collected at five sites around the Great Lakes (two urban, two rural, and one remote) every 12 days during 2005-2006, and the concentrations of polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)-ethane (TBE), Dechlorane Plus (DP), and decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBD PE) were measured. The highest mean concentrations of total PBDEs were found at the urban sites in Chicago and Cleveland (65 +/- 4 and 87 +/- 8 pg/m3, respectively), and the lowest at the remote site in Eagle Harbor (5.8 +/- 0.4 pg/m3). With the exception of Chicago, the atmospheric concentrations of BDE-47 and 99 (summed over the gas and particle phases) are decreasing rapidly with half-lives of approximately 2 years, but the concentrations of BDE-209 are not decreasing at any of the five sites. The atmospheric partial pressures of BDE-47 and 99 showed a strong Clausius-Clapeyron relationship with reciprocal atmospheric temperature. TBE, DBDPE and DP were detected at all sites, but with the exception of Chicago, there were insufficient data to determine temporal trends for these compounds. The influence of human population density and synoptic atmospheric transport patterns was explored to explain the relatively high concentrations of BDE-209 in Cleveland.  相似文献   

A total of 199 sediment samples were collected from 16 locations in the five Laurentian Great Lakes, and each was analyzed for 10 congeners of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) as well as selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis on previously published results for individual lakes. The total accumulation of nine tri- to hepta-PBDE congeners (sigma9BDEs) in the sediments of all the Great Lakes was estimated to be approximately 5.2+/-1.1 tonnes, and that of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) was 92+/-13 tonnes, around year 2002. The inventories of sigma9BDEs and major individual PBDE congeners show strong dependence on the latitude of sampling sites, and such dependence is believed to reflect both the influence of urbanization, which shows south-to-north gradient in the region, and the general direction of long-range transport of airborne pollutants in the northern hemisphere. From the 1970s to 2002, the increases in PBDE input flux to the sediments are exponential at all locations, with doubling times (t2) ranging from 9 to 43 years for sigma9BDEs, and from 7 to >70 year for BDE209. The longer t2 values found in sediments compared with those in human and fish in the region suggest the slower response of sediment to emissions. The correlations between the concentrations of sigma9BDEs or BDE209 in surface sediments and latitude are strengthened by normalization of the concentrations with sediment contents of the organic matter or organic carbon, but not soot carbon. Multivariate linear regression equations were developed using data obtained with sediment segments deposited after 1950. All the regressions are statistically significant; and the three independent variables-year of deposition, latitude, and organic matter content of the sediments-account for 73% and 62% of the variations in the concentrations or the fluxes of S9BDEs and BDE209, respectively, in the Great Lakes sediments.  相似文献   

Dechlorane plus levels in sediment of the lower Great Lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A recently discovered chlorinated flame retardant, Dechlorane Plus (DP), was reported in air and a sediment core within the North American Great Lakes region. To further reveal the fate of DP in the Great Lakes, 40 surficial sediments from Lakes Erie and Ontario and two additional cores were analyzed using newly available analytical grade DP isomer solutions. The maximum total concentration in Lake Ontario was over 60-fold higher than Lake Erie, 586 ng/g and 8.62 ng/g, respectively. Additionally, analysis of archived suspended sediments collected from the Niagara River (1980-2002) showed a declining total DP concentration of 89 ng/g to 7.0 ng/g, suggesting a possible decrease in production orthe reduction of free DP released into the environment during manufacturing. The average syn-DP fractional abundance (f(syn)) in our study was less than the commercial DP composition indicating a stereoselective enrichment of anti-DP in the environment Mean fyn profiles were uniquely similar to both Lake Ontario and the Niagara River in comparison to Lake Erie. During the course of our analysis we noticed an increasing f(syn) value in the calibration standard which became exacerbated as the liner got dirtier and suggested the prospect of DP degradation. Followup studies indicated these compounds were dechlorinated DP species produced on the injection liner. Using a clean injection liner, these degradates were also detected in sediments from the Niagara River and Lake Ontario;tentatively identified as [-Cl+H] and [-2Cl+2H] by high resolution mass spectrometry. The observed similarity of f(syn) profiles between Lake Ontario and Niagara River and the detection of the degradates only in their locations, suggest to us that the river is a major source to Lake Ontario's DP burden. To our knowledge, this is the first report of DP degradates in the environment.  相似文献   

Detection of perfluorooctane surfactants in Great Lakes water   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Widespread use of perfluorooctane surfactants has led to ubiquitous presence of these chemicals in biological tissues. While perfluorooctane surfactants have been measured in blood and liver tissue samples of fish, birds, and mammals in the Great Lakes region, data for the aqueous concentrations of these compounds in the Great Lakes or other ambient waters is lacking. Sixteen Great Lakes water samples were analyzed for eight perfluorooctane surfactants. The monitored perfluorooctane surfactants were quantitatively determined using single quadrupole HPLC/MS and qualitatively confirmed using ion trap MS/MS. Additionally, PFOS was quantitatively confirmed using triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS. Concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in the two lakes ranged from 21-70 and 27-50 ng/L, respectively. Analysis also showed the presence of PFOS precursors, N-EtFOSAA (range of 4.2-11 ng/L) and FOSA (range of 0.6-1.3 ng/L), in all samples above the LOQ. PFOSulfinate, another precursor, was identified at six of eight locations with a concentration range, when present, of <2.2-17 ng/L. Other PFOS precursors, N-EtFOSE, PFOSAA, and N-EtFOSA were not observed at any of the sampling locations. These are the first reported concentrations of perfluorooctane surfactants in Great Lakes water and the first report of PFOS precursors in any water body.  相似文献   

Atmospheric loadings of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) from May 1, 1998, to April 30, 1999, to the Great Lakes simulated by a coupled soil-air and water-air atmospheric transport model are presented. Modeling results on an annual basis indicate that Lake Superior received the highest dry deposition load of 2.17 kg yr(-1). Dry deposition to the lower Great Lakes (Lakes Erie and Ontario) was 2-6 times lower as compared to the upper Great Lakes. Greater deposition in the upper Great Lakes is due mainly to their larger surface area and greater proximity to sources of gamma-HCH. Dry deposition fluxes (pg m(-2)) to lake surfaces were much lower than to land as a result of lower deposition velocities and lower air concentrations of gamma-HCH over the lakes. The highest gamma-HCH loading (kg yr(-1), in 1998-99) due to wet deposition occurred for Lake Ontario. This was mainly attributed to greater annual rainfall over Lake Ontario. An investigation of average seasonal fluxes predicted by the model shows that deposition fluxes to the Great Lakes are considerably higher in the summer than that in the autumn and winter seasons. The net direction of gas exchange also exhibits a seasonal dependence. Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario show net absorption in the summer 1998 whereas at all other times net outgassing occurred at all of the lakes. Overall, gas exchange was the dominant process affecting loadings to the Great Lakes. Model-derived loadings and total deposition flows across the Great Lakes basin due to dry and wet depositions and net gas exchange agree reasonably well with the summer estimates compiled by the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network whereas autumn values show greater discrepancies. Better agreement was also observed for dry deposition as compared to wet deposition. Specifically, to improve short-term loading estimates (e.g., over days to months), the model results indicate the need for better spatially and temporally resolved information on concentrations in air and surface water and better estimates of precipitation and deposition velocities over the lakes.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were taken in 2002 in Lakes Michigan and Huron at six locations. A total of 75 samples were characterized, dated using 210Pb, and analyzed for 10 congeners of polybromodiphenyl ether (PBDE) including BDE209, as well as 39 congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The concentrations of nine tri- through hepta-BDE congeners (Sigma9PBDE) in the surficial sediments range from 1.7 to 4 ng g(-1) for Lake Michigan and from 1.0 to 1.9 ng g(-1) for Lake Huron, on the basis of the dry sediment weight. The Sigma9PBDEs fluxes to the sediment around the year 2002 are from 36 to 109 pg cm(-2) yr(-1) in Lake Michigan and from 30 to 73 pg cm(-2) yr(-1) in Lake Huron, with spatial variations in both lakes. The flux of BDE209 ranges from 0.64 to 2.04 ng cm(-2) yr(-1) and from 0.67 to 1.41 ng cm(-2) yr(-1) in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, respectively. Dramatic increases in PBDE concentrations and fluxes upward toward the sediment surface and the present time are evident at all locations. The inventory of PBDEs in both lakes appears to be dependent upon latitude and the proximity to populated areas, implying that north-bound air plumes from urban areas are the major sources of PBDEs found in the lake sediments at locations away from the shores. Heavier congeners are more abundant in the sediments than in air and fish samples in the region. BDE209 is about 96% and 91% of the total PBDEs on a mass basis in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, respectively; both are higher than the 89% found in Lake Superior, although a t test shows that the value for Lake Huron is not statistically different from that for Lake Superior at the 95% confidence level.  相似文献   

Three different regression models involving air temperature, time, and either wind direction or parametric or nonparametric air trajectory direction were used with concentrations of four representative persistent organic pollutants to quantitate the atmospheric transport of these compounds to the Great Lakes. The local wind and parametric trajectory models predicted an optimal source direction for each compound, whereas the nonparametric trajectory model was based on a hypothesized source region. All three regressions were used to calculate the factor by which the partial pressures of each compound measured at five sampling sites increased when the air came from a particular source direction. Dieldrin, chlordane, polychlorinated biphenyl, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon partial pressures were used with each of these regressions, and the correlation coefficients (r2) were evaluated for each model, for each compound, and for each regression term. In general, with the exception of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at some sites, the explanatory powers of the regressions were not improved by the inclusion of any of these directional terms.  相似文献   

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