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Our previous analysis of the T cell reactivity to myelin antigens in a group of 24 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 16 control individuals revealed that the autoimmune response to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) predominates in MS over that to myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein or myelin-associated glycoprotein, suggesting a prevalent role for the autoimmune response to MOG in the pathogenesis of MS. Using a recombinant human MOG (rhMOG) preparation corresponding to the extracellular immunoglobulin-like domain of the MOG molecule, we have now analyzed another group of 52 MS patients and 49 control individuals for reactivity of their peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) to rhMOG and to MBP concomitantly. Of the 52 MS patients tested 24 responded to MOG and 10 out of 49 responded to MBP, whereas only 5 MOG-reactive and 4 MBP-reactive control individuals were detected out of the 49 tested. These results are therefore highly confirmatory of the predominant reactivity to MOG in MS. The analysis of the primary proliferative response to 11 synthetic overlapping peptides (phMOG) spanning the extracellular domain of human MOG by PBL from 9 MS patients and 15 control individuals (9 healthy controls and 6 patients with neurological diseases other than MS) further supports a prevalent role for the autoimmune response to MOG in MS, as only 1 of the 15 controls tested showed reactivity to any of the phMOG, whilst 5 out of the 9 patients studied reacted to at least 1 of the phMOG. PBL from 10 MS patients, and from 4 controls, were selected in vitro with each of the phMOG. Of the 10 patients studied 7 reacted to at least 1 phMOG upon secondary stimulation and the reactivity was mostly directed to epitopes localized within three main regions (amino acids 1-22, 34-56 and 64-96), as was observed for the primary response of PBL. The predominant response to MOG of PBL from MS patients as demonstrated in two separate studies using native MOG and rhMOG as antigens, and the high incidence of reactivity of these PBL compared to the lack of response to phMOG by control PBL, emphasize the relevance of MOG in MS pathogenesis and support a primary role for the autoimmune T cell response to MOG in disease development.  相似文献   

The accumulation and distribution of proteolipid proteins in rat brain and selected brain regions (cerebellum, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and hippocampus) were studied during early postnatal development. In whole brain an eightfold increase of proteolipid was observed between ten and 33 days after birth. This was reflected in the separate regions examined where the proteolipid protein content increased six- to ten-fold during the same period. The basal ganglia and cerebral cortex contributed the greatest amount to the total proteolipid present. However, at 28-33 days the greatest concentration (mg/g tissue) was observed in the basal ganglia and hippocampus. When the proteolipid protein preparations were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, distinctive, heterogeneous patterns for each brain region were obtained. Proteolipid from basal ganglia (the region richest in white matter) consisted primarily of two major protein bands with apparent molecular weights of approximately 21,500 and 26,000. Both of these bands dramatically increased in quantity during myelination, and the larger protein coelectrophoresed with isolated myelin proteolipid protein. Both bands were also found present in proteolipid preparations from the other brain regions but in varying amounts relative to the total. The data suggest that the increase in proteolipid observed during this developmental period was due in large measure to the accumulation of myelin-specific proteolipids, but also that a significant proportion of the increase was due to the accumulation of nonmyelin components.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by perivenous inflammation and focal destruction of myelin. Many attempts have been undertaken previously to create animal models of chronic inflammatory demyelinating diseases through autoimmunity or virus infection. Recently, however, a new model of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis became available, which, in a very standardized and predictable way, leads to chronic (relapsing or progressive) disease and widespread CNS demyelination. In the present study we actively induced MOG-experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in different inbred rat strains using different immunization protocols. The pathology found in our models closely reflects the spectrum of multiple sclerosis (MS) pathology: Classical MS as well as variants such as optic neuritis, Devic's disease and Marburg's type of acute MS are mimicked in rats immunized with MOG antigen. Furthermore we demonstrate, that by using the proper strain/sensitization regime, subforms of MS such as for instance neuromyelitis optica can be reproducibly induced. Our study further supports the notion, that incidence and expression of the disease in this model, alike the situation in multiple sclerosis, is determined by genetic and environmental factors.  相似文献   

The AA dimeric form of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-AA) is implicated in the differentiation of cells of the oligodendrocyte lineage, which express PDGF receptors of the alpha subunit type (PDGF-alphaR). In the present study, we show that a single injection of PDGF-AA into the cerebrospinal fluid of neonatal rats delays oligodendrocyte differentiation and interrupts the progress of myelination in the anterior medullary velum (AMV), a white matter tract roofing the IVth ventricle of the brain. PDGF-AA or saline was injected intrathecally in postnatal day (P) 7 rats, and the AMV was subsequently removed and immunolabelled with the oligodendrocyte-specific antibody Rip, at P9, P12, and P21, corresponding to postinjection days (PID) 2, 5, and 14. At P9 (PID2), myelination was retarded in PDGF-AA-treated rats as opposed to saline-treated controls but progressed rapidly after P12 (PID5). Quantification supported the qualitative observations that PDGF-AA mediated an acute decrease in the number of Rip+ oligodendrocytes at P9-12, which largely recovered by P21, suggesting that PDGF-AA may have delayed recruitment of myelinating oligodendrocytes. However, the definitive number of Rip+ oligodendrocytes in the AMV was not increased, suggesting that its action as a promoter of early oligodendrocyte survival may not ultimately affect the definitive number of myelinating oliogdendrocytes in vivo. We discuss the possibilities that excess PDGF-AA may have acted on early oligodendrocytes (precursors or preoligodendrocytes) to either (1) delay their differentiation by maintaining them in the cell cycle or (2) accelerate their differentiation, which may result in premature cell death in the absence of synchronised survival signals. This study supports a role for PDGF-AA in the timing of oligodendrocyte differentiation in vivo, as has been shown in vitro.  相似文献   

Antipeptide antibodies raised against the carboxyl-terminal region of the human sodium/iodide (Na+/I-) symporter (hNIS) were used to investigate by immunohistochemistry the presence and distribution of the hNIS protein in normal thyroid tissues, in some pathological nonneoplastic thyroid tissues, and in different histotypes of thyroid neoplasms. In normal thyroid tissue, staining of hNIS protein was heterogeneous and limited to a minority of follicular cells that were in close contact with capillary vessels. In positive cells, immunostaining was limited to the basolateral membrane. In contrast, in Graves' disease the majority of follicular cells expressed the hNIS protein. In autoimmune thyroiditis, the number of hNIS-positive cells, was similar to that found in normal tissue. These positive cells were found essentially close to lymphocytic infiltrates. This observation supports the concept of hNIS as an autoantigen. In diffuse nodular hyperplasia, hNIS staining was heterogeneous, but the number of hNIS-positive cells exceeded that found in normal tissue. In well differentiated follicular or papillary carcinoma, the number of hNIS-positive cells was significantly lower than in normal tissue. In poorly differentiated follicular carcinoma, the number ofhNIS-positive cells was less than that found in well differentiated carcinoma, or there were no positive cells. Interestingly, in all of these thyroid tissues, the number of follicular cells exhibiting TSH receptor (TSHR) immunoreactivity was greater than the number ofhNIS-positive cells. As hNIS expression appears to be related to TSHR stimulation, the decreased number of TSHR-positive cells in cancers may contribute to the reduced capacity of neoplastic cells to concentrate iodide. In one patient with a follicular cancer with an absence of hNIS immunostaining, the total body 131I scan showed no uptake in metastatic tissue. In three cancers with positive hNIS cells, the 131I scan showed uptake in lymph node metastases. This suggests that immunodetection of hNIS could predict radioiodine uptake in thyroid cancers.  相似文献   

Increasing recognition of diffuse plaques has raised questions about the differences between diffuse and neuritic plaques, particularly in regard to the role of amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing in their formation. To address this issue, corpus striatum (containing almost exclusively diffuse plaques) and cerebral cortex (containing an admixture of plaque types) from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) were examined immunohistochemically with antibodies to domain-specific sites of APP (N-terminal, C-terminal, beta A4-related, isoform-specific, and other epitopes). Striatal plaques labeled strongly with beta A4 antibodies as did cortical plaques in AD and the occasional diffuse plaques in cortex from nondemented elderly controls. Weak labeling of some cortical neuritic plaques but not diffuse plaques was observed with antibodies directed against other APP epitopes. Electron microscopy of diffuse plaque-rich striatum in AD cases revealed only rare degenerating neurites without apparent fibrillar amyloid; no changes were noted in the plaque-free striatum of controls. These results suggest that antibodies to beta A4 recognize not only fibrillar amyloid of neuritic plaques but also antigenic determinants of diffuse plaques which lack fibrillar amyloid. Furthermore, the finding that antibodies to non-A4 domains of APP labeled only cortical but not striatal plaques suggests that APP processing mechanisms in cortical and striatal tissues may differ.  相似文献   

Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) is a maternally inherited disorder of oxidative phosphorylation due to specific point mutations within the mitochondrial tRNA(Lys) gene. Mitochondrial dysfunction in the central nervous system (CNS) of patients with MERRF accounts for the neurological manifestations of the disease. Antibodies against subunits of complex I, III, IV and V of the respiratory chain were used to study the expression of these proteins in the frontal cortex, cerebellum and medulla from an autoptic case of MERRF. We found a selective decreased expression of subunit II of cytochrome c oxidase (COX-II) in these regions. Immunohistochemical abnormalities were more widespread than the lesions described by traditional histopathological techniques and made possible an attempt of explanation for the neurological symptoms of the patient.  相似文献   

Using radioactive in situ hybridization, we have mapped the expression of Huntingtin-associated protein (HAP1) mRNA in rat brain at developmental stages (E12-E19, PO-P21), in adult rats (3 months) and in 'aged' (19-21 months) rats. Using two pairs of 45mer oligonucleotide probes specific for HAP1A and a probe which recognizes regions of both the HAP1A and HAP1B mRNA sequences (panHAP1), we find that the expression of HAP1 mRNA is specific to the CNS and restricted predominantly to anatomically connected limbic structures, particularly the amygdala (medial and corticomedial nuclei), the hypothalamus (arcuate, preoptic, paraventricular and lateral hypothalamic area), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the lateral septal nuclei. HAP1 mRNA was detected in embryos at E12 and displayed a prevalent distribution in the developing limbic structures by E15. In aged, 19-21-months-old, rats there is a downregulation of HAP1 mRNA expression across all CNS loci where HAP1 was previously abundant. The lowest levels of HAP1 mRNA expression corresponded with the areas of greatest pathological cell loss in Huntington's disease (HD); the caudate putamen, globus pallidus and neocortex. These observations support the suggestion that HAP1 plays an important role in the neuropathology of HD.  相似文献   

We developed a system for time-lapse observation of identified neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of the Drosophila embryo. Using this system, we characterize the dynamics of filopodia and axon growth of the motorneuron RP2 as it navigates anteriorly through the CNS and then laterally along the intersegmental nerve (ISN) into the periphery. We find that both axonal extension and turning occur primarily through the process of filopodial dilation. In addition, we used the GAL4-UAS system to express the fusion protein Tau-GFP in a subset of neurons, allowing us to correlate RP2's patterns of growth with a subset of axons in its environment. In particular, we show that RP2's sharp lateral turn is coincident with the nascent ISN.  相似文献   

Guidelines for cardiac anaesthesia could reduce irrational variation in practice and so improve cardiac surgical outcome. In October 1994, a postal survey was undertaken to determine the views and attitudes of consultant cardiac anaesthetists in the United Kingdom towards guidelines. One hundred and forty correctly completed questionnaires were returned (minimum response rate 64%). Eighty-nine per cent believed that guidelines were of value in medicine whilst only 21% wanted national guidelines for cardiac anaesthesia. Responses to other parts of the questionnaire showed that those against guidelines for cardiac anaesthesia were less positive towards their advantages and more negative to their disadvantages compared with those in their favour. The majority of cardiac anaesthetists, although believing them to be valuable in medicine, do not want guidelines for cardiac anaesthesia because they are concerned that guidelines would be inflexible and would neither reduce variation in, nor improve the quality of, cardiac anaesthesia.  相似文献   

We have studied the properties of GABA responses in oligodendrocyte-type 2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cells derived from primary cultures of the neonatal rat brain. In whole cell voltage clamp recordings, rapid application of 1-10 mM GABA elicited current responses in > 85% of the cells examined. The dose-response relationship pooled from nine progenitor cells was best fit by a logistic function of EC50=113 microM and Hill coefficient=0.9. In contrast to the rate of current deactivation, the rate of current activation exhibited marked concentration-dependence. Pharmacologically, GABA, muscimol and ZAPA ((Z)-3[(aminiiminomethyl)thio]prop-2-enoic acid sulphate) produced responses with ligand-specific kinetics, whereas glycine and the GABA(C) receptor agonist CACA were without effect; bicuculline methochloride acted as a competitive antagonist. Neither the amplitude nor the kinetics of currents produced by 100 microM GABA were affected by the benzodiazepine flunitrazepam (1 microM). Similarly the benzodiazepine receptor inverse agonist DMCM (1 microM) was also without effect. GABA-activated currents reversed polarity within 2 mV of the calculated Cl- equilibrium potential. With brief agonist pulses deactivation was monoexponential, however, unlike neurones the rate of deactivation was voltage-independent. Desensitisation of responses to 10 mM GABA was bi-exponential and accelerated at depolarised membrane potentials. Increasing the amount of GABA(A) receptor desensitisation (by increasing the duration of the agonist exposure) consistently produced a slowing of deactivation.  相似文献   

Dopamine D2-like receptors (D2, D3, and D4) are major targets for action of typical and atypical neuroleptics, commonly used in the treatment of schizophrenia. To understand their individual functional contribution, subtype-selective anti-peptide antibodies were raised against D2, D3, and D4 receptor proteins. The antibodies were shown to be specific on immunoblots of rat brain membranes and immunoprecipitated the solubilized native dopamine receptors in an antibody concentration-dependent manner. In addition, they also bind selectively to the respective recombinant D2, D3, and D4 receptor membrane proteins from cDNA transfected cells. Immunolocalization studies show that the D2-like receptor proteins had differential regional and cellular distribution in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and midbrain, thus providing anatomical substrate for area-specific regulation of the dopamine neurotransmission. In cortical neurons, D4 receptor protein was found in both pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells, whereas D2 and D3 seem to be mostly associated with nonpyramidal interneurons. In rat hippocampus, the expression pattern of D2-like receptors (D4>D3>D2) mirrored that obtained with immunoprecipitation studies. D2 and D4 receptor immunolabeling was observed in the thalamic reticular nucleus, which was negative for the D3 subtype. Species differences were also observed; for example, the D4 subtype receptor is the most highly expressed protein in the rat cortex, whereas it is significantly less in human cortex. Differential patterns of D2, D3, and D4 receptor expression in rat and human brain should shed light on the therapeutic actions of neuroleptic drugs and may lead to the development of more specifically targeted antipsychotic drugs.  相似文献   

IL-4 is a pleiotropic cytokine which exerts its actions on various lineages of hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells. This cytokine is one of the central regulators of immunity in health and disease states. An alternative splice variant, in which the second of four exons is omitted, has been recently described and designated as IL-4delta2. The variant has been previously described as a potential naturally occurring antagonist of human IL-4 (hIL-4)-stimulated T cell proliferation. In this study, we investigated the effects of recombinant human (rh) IL-4delta2 on monocytes and B cells. In monocytes, rhIL-4delta2 blocked inhibitory action of hIL-4 on LPS-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression and subsequent prostaglandin E2 secretion. In B cells, rhIL-4delta2 was an antagonist of the hIL-4-induced synthesis of IgE and expression of CD23. Our results broaden the spectrum of hIL-4-antagonistic activities of rhIL-4delta2, thus creating the background for the potential use of rhIL-4delta2 as a therapeutic anti-hIL-4 agent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to identify prenatally available parameters that correlate with neonatal outcome and could be used for predicting such outcome in the extremely low-birth-weight pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: From 1990 through 1995, obstetric and neonatal data of live-born nonanomalous singleton infants with birth weights between 400 and 1000 gm were reviewed. Only cases in which ultrasonographic biometry, including biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference, and femur length, was performed < or =3 days before delivery were included. Overall survival (defined as alive at discharge) and survival without specific severe neonatal morbidities (namely, retinopathy of prematurity [stage 3 or 4], intraventricular hemorrhage [grade 3 or 4], periventricular leukomalacia, chronic lung disease, and deafness) were ascertained. The best combination of prenatal parameters for the prediction of overall survival and survival without severe morbidity was determined by backward stepwise logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The most significant prenatal predictors of overall survival were the obstetric estimate of gestational age and the abdominal circumference (chi2 = 11.8036, p = 0.0006 and chi2 = 8.1862, p < 0.005, respectively). Survival without severe morbidity was also predicted by the same combination of parameters (chi2 = 21.9079, p = 0.0001 and chi2 = 6.538, p = 0.01, respectively). The estimated fetal weight was not a significant independent predictor of either category of outcome (chi2 = 0.1249, p = 0.72 and chi2 = 0.0361, p = 0.85, respectively). On the basis of the regression formulas, curves displaying the probabilities of overall survival and survival without severe morbidity with any combination of gestational age and abdominal circumference were developed. CONCLUSION: The combination of gestational age and the abdominal circumference measurements appears to be superior to any combination that included estimated fetal weight data for predicting neonatal outcome in the neonates weighing < or =1000 gm. We developed a mechanism for predicting neonatal outcome in this weight category on the basis of prenatally available parameters. This information could prove useful for both parental counseling and obstetric decision making.  相似文献   

We have immunohistochemically investigated the expression of a reeler gene-related antigen in the mouse cerebellum by using a monoclonal antibody, CR-50. This antibody probes a distinct allelic antigen present in normal but not in reeler mutant mice, and this antigen is localized in the brain regions in which morphological abnormalities occur in reeler mice (Ogawa et al., Neuron 14: 899-912, 1995). The developing normal cerebellum showed transient immunoreactivity to CR-50 in a limited set of neurons and in the extracellular space near the pial surface. An early population of CR-50-labeled cells emerged on embryonic day (E) 13 along the dorsal cerebellar surface, comprising the nuclear transitory zone (NTZ). Bromodeoxyuridine labeling revealed the time of origin of these cells to be at E11-12. From E14 to E18, some CR-50-labeled cells were stacked in the inner border of the external granular layer (EGL), whereas others were scattered in deep areas, such as the cerebellar nuclei and the surrounding intermediate zone or white matter. In the first postnatal week, these subcortical structures became immunonegative. However, CR-50 antigen was continuously produced until the second postnatal week by another population of cells occupying i) the premigratory zone (PMZ), the inner half of the EGL, and ii) the internal granular layer (IGL). These later CR-50-positive cells were smaller than the earlier type and showed the morphology typical of granule neurons. Both types of CR-50-labeled cells were positive for a DNA-binding protein, zic. By treating living cerebellar slices with CR-50, the extracellular antigen was localized as a puncutate staining pattern in the NTZ, PMZ, and molecular layer (ML), but not in the subcortical regions and IGL. Purkinje cells were negative for CR-50 and aligned as a monolayer adjacent to the PMZ, though their dendritic trees were closely associated with the extracellular CR-50-antigen in the PMZ and ML. Staining of dissociated cells suggested that the extracellular antigen is initially present throughout the surfaces of the CR-50/anti-zic double positive neurons, and is then rearranged to concentrate on their processes contacting with Purkinje cells. The spatiotemporal expressions of the CR-50 antigen in the cerebellum are consistent with the possibility that this antigen is involved in cell-cell interactions related to the histogenetic assembly of Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

The degradation and tissue compatibility characteristics of a novel class of biodegradable poly(anhydride-co-imide) polymers: poly[trimellitylimidoglycine-co-1,6-bis(carboxyphenoxy)hexan e] (TMA-gly: CPH) (in 10:90; 30:70 and 50: 50 molar ratios) and poly[pyromellitylimidoalanine-co-1,6-bis(carboxyphenoxy)hexa ne] (PMA-ala:CPH) (in 10:90 and 30:70 molar ratios) were investigated and compared with control poly(lactic acid/glycolic acid) (PLAGA in 50:50 molar ratio) matrices, a well-characterized biocompatible polymer, in rat subcutaneous tissues for 60 days. Polymers were compression-molded into circular discs of 14 mm x 1 mm in diameter. On post-operative days 7, 14, 28 and 60, histological tissue samples were removed, prepared by fixation and staining, and analyzed by light microscopy. PLAGA matrices produced mild inflammatory reactions and were completely degraded at the end of 60 days, leaving implant tissues that were similar to surgical wounds without implants. TMA-gly:CPH (10:90 and 30:70) matrices produced mild inflammatory reactions by the end of 60 days, similar to those seen with PLAGA. TMA-gly: CPH (50: 50) produced moderate inflammatory reactions characterized by macrophages and edema. PMA-ala:CPH matrices elicited minimal inflammatory reactions that were characterized by fibrous encapsulation by the end of 60 days. In vivo degradation rates of poly(anhydride-co-imides) were similar to PLAGA. Both PMA-ala:CPH and TMA-gly: CPH matrices maintained their shapes and degraded at a constant rate over the period of two months. These polymers, possessing good mechanical properties and tissue compatibility, may be useful in weight-bearing applications in bone.  相似文献   

The expression of multiple classes of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) allows neurons to tailor calcium signaling to functionally discrete cellular regions. In the developing hippocampus a central issue is whether the expression of VDCC subtypes plays a role in key phases such as migration and synaptogenesis. Using radioligand binding and immunoblotting, we show that some N-type VDCCs exist before birth, consistent with a role in migration; however, most N-VDCC subunit expression is postnatal, coinciding with synaptogenesis. Immunoprecipitation studies indicate that the increased expression of N-VDCCs in early development occurs without subunit switching because there is no change in the fraction of beta3 subunits in the N-VDCC alpha1B-beta3 heteromers. Fluorescence imaging of cell surface N-VDCCs during this period reveals that N-VDCCs are expressed on somata before dendrites and that this expression is asynchronous between different subfields of the hippocampus (CA3-CA4 before CA1-CA2 and dentate gyrus). Our data argue that N-VDCC expression is an important cue in the genesis of synaptic transmission in discrete hippocampal subfields.  相似文献   

Activation of glial cells and white matter changes (rarefaction of the white matter) induced in the rat brain by permanent bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries were immunohistochemically investigated up to 90 days. One day after ligation of the arteries, expression of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigen in microglia increased in the white matter including the optic nerve, optic tract, corpus callosum, internal capsule, anterior commissure and traversing fiber bundles of the caudoputamen. After 3 days of occlusion, MHC class I antigen was still elevated and in addition MHC class II antigen and leukocyte common antigen were up-regulated in the microglia in these same regions. Astroglia, labeled with glial fibrillary acidic protein, increased in number in these regions after 7 days of occlusion. A few lymphocytes, labeled with CD4 or CD8 antibodies, were scattered in the neural parenchyma 1 h after occlusion. Activation of glial cells and infiltration of lymphocytes persisted after 90 days of occlusion in the white matter and the retinofugal pathway. However, cellular activation and infiltration in microinfarcts of the gray matter was less extensive and was substantially diminished 30 days after occlusion. The white matter changes were most intense in the optic nerve and optic tract, moderate in the medial part of the corpus callosum, internal capsule and anterior commissure, and slight in the fiber bundles of the caudoputamen. These results indicated that chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induced glial activation preferentially in the white matter. This activation seemed to be an early indicator of the subsequent changes in the white matter.  相似文献   

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