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Cerebro-oculo-facial-skeletal (COFS) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with microcephaly, severe mental retardation, and death in childhood. The pathogenesis is unknown. Neuropathological features of 8 children with COFS syndrome are presented. Seven of the children, ranging in age from 36 weeks gestation to 5 years 8 months, are of North American aboriginal background from Manitoba, Canada. The eight child is a 3-year-old Caucasian male. In all children there was severe microencephaly and mild ventriculomegaly. Cerebral myelination appeared to be delayed in one infantile case. Swollen ubiquitinated granular cells appeared in the white matter shortly after birth. Older children displayed cortical neuron loss, patchy or diffuse absence of myelin and gliosis in the white matter, and pericapillary and parenchymal mineralization in the globus pallidus and to a lesser extent the putamen and cerebral cortex. The cerebellum of older children exhibited severe degenerative changes involving the internal granular layer and Purkinje cell layer. The neuropathological changes, previously not well documented, suggest that COFS syndrome is associated with a degenerative process that begins in utero and affects many brain cell types. Similarities to Cockayne syndrome are discussed.  相似文献   

ARDS remains a syndrome which despite all efforts poses problems in exact definition (cause, course and severity). Most of the existing information comes from clinical observations and uncontrolled studies and is therefore of limited value. Despite the advent of new treatment modalities mortality from ARDS has remained high and is influenced or caused by several factors like underlying disease, previous health status, presence of MOSF, complications of therapy or ultimate failure of gas exchange. Therapy is directed at elimination of the cause of ARDS if possible, but then mainly supportive, considering all organs and systems. With the introduction of gentler respiratory support techniques (small tidal volumes and pressure limitation, permissive hypercapnia and HFO) and appropriate measures to reduce oxygen toxicity (titration of PEEP, possibly NO), iatrogenic lung injury, indistinguishable from ARDS, can be reduced, and this might improve survival rates. For the future, modulation of the host's inflammatory response may hold great promises for prevention and treatment of ARDS, but such strategies need to be explored with well controlled clinical trials, respecting the complexity of the issue.  相似文献   

Of 3 cases of Larsen's syndrome in one family, one had bilateral dislocation of the hip and the knee joints. The knee joint was not reduced by manipulation and corrective cast, while both hip and knee joints were simultaneously reduced by skeletal traction of the tibia at the age of 4 months, and the course was satisfactory. Reduction of joint dislocations should be attempted by a conservative method such as skeletal traction as early as possible. Various radiographic skeletal abnormalities occurred in all 3 cases. Larsen's syndrome very likely has a genetic origin.  相似文献   

We describe the haematological data and molecular results of a native family from Cádiz in that one is produced the a within heterozygous beta 0 thalassaemia (IVS-1, nt 1-G-->A), heterozygous alpha+ thalassaemia (-alpha 3.7) and alpha gene triplication (alpha alpha alpha 3.7). PATIENTS AND METHODS) We are studied 7 members to a family composed by father (I1), mother (I2) and five children (II1, II2, II3, II4, II5). The molecular biology study of the alpha gene was realized by Southern blot method using the restriction enzymes Bam HI, Bgl II and Eco RI and hybridized with alpha probe of the plasmid PRB 1 (fragment of 1.5 Kb digested with the enzyme Pst I). The genes were studied by the technique of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), modified according to designated method "Amplification Refractory Mutation System" (ARMS). RESULTS: The father (I1) presents an interaction of therozygous beta 0 thalassaemia with heterozygous alpha + thalassaemia (beta 0/beta 1;alpha alpha/-alpha 3). The mother (I2) shows an alpha gene triplication (beta A/beta A: alpha alpha alpha 3.7/alpha alpha). Finally the children are expressed 5 possibilities: II4 he is normal (beta A/beta A; alpha alpha/alpha alpha), II2 he has alpha gene triplication (beta A/beta A; alpha alpha/alpha alpha alpha 3.7), II3 he has heterozygous beta 0 thalassaemia (beta 0/beta A; alpha alpha/alpha alpha), II5 he has interaction between heterozygous beta 0 thalassaemia and heterozygous alpha gene triplication (beta 0/beta A; alpha alpha alpha 3.7/alpha alpha) and II1 presents an interaction between a heterozygous beta 0 thalassaemia and together with the lost of one alpha gene in one chromosome he also presents a alpha gene triplication in other one (beta o/beta A; alpha alpha/alpha alpha). The hematological data of II5 corresponds to a intermediate thalassemia with not transfusion dependent feature an opposite to II1 that presents a heterozygous thalassemic trait features with 4 alpha genes. DISCUSSION: The phenotypical expression of the different interactions of these mutations in this family, points out, the relevant role that the unbalance globins chains plays in the pathogenesis and development of the clinical manifestations of the patients with the thalassaemia syndromes.  相似文献   

Three brothers with the typical findings of the HFU-syndrome, but in addition with various degrees of hypospadias are reported. The family history otherwise was negative. The similarity of the "pattern-profile" of these cases with the mean pattern of the 11 previously reported ones is striking, as expressed by a product moment correlation of 0.83, 0.8 and 0.78 respectively. The widening of the concept of the HFU to that of a HFG-syndrome, as suggested by Poznanski et al, in 1974, is discussed.  相似文献   

It is well established that insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and insulin are low in growth hormone deficiency, but due to their dependence on nutrition, they are elevated in healthy obese children. As the presence of growth hormone deficiency in Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome (PWS) is still controversial, we studied insulin, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels in 19 children with PWS (age range 0.5-14.6 years). Serum concentrations of insulin (SDS: -0.7+/-0.9, P = 0.01) and IGF-I (SDS: -0.7+/-0.8, P = 0.002) were low, but IGFBP-3 (SDS: -0.3+/-1.2, P = 0.2) was normal compared to normal weight age-matched children. Since children with PWS are typically obese, insulin, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels should be compared to normal obese children who present increased levels of these hormones. In comparison to data of healthy obese children reported in the literature, not only IGF-I, but also IGFBP-3 levels are low and fasting insulin levels even very low, suggesting a growth hormone deficiency.  相似文献   

The synthesis of N-substituted 4,5(3)-diphenyl-3(5)-pyrazoleamines by reaction of N-substituted 3-oxo-2,3-diphenylpropane-carbothioamides with hydrazine is described. Some compounds showed remarkable antipyretic, antiarrhythmic and hypotensive activity in rats, as well as weak antiinflammatory, analgesic and in vitro platelet antiaggregating activity.  相似文献   

Six members of a family presented with a syndrome of mild facial dysmorphism, subluxation of the crystalline lenses, variable degrees of angle closure by iridocorneal adhesions, and patchy areas of iris atrophy. Three nonoperated eyes of two patients had spontaneous filtering blebs that presented as avascular cystic elevations of the superior conjunctiva. Systemic workup of all patients was negative for evidence of diseases known to be associated with dislocated lenses. The pedigree is most compatible with autosomal recessive inheritance with pseudodominance.  相似文献   

Patient satisfaction is an important indicator of medical outcomes. This study used an ecological framework to identify sociodemographic, family, and community predictors of mothers' satisfaction with their children's medical care and to determine the extent to which satisfaction is associated with medical outcomes such as adherence to treatment and health status of children with diabetes. Although individual demographics have little influence on satisfaction, family and community stressors are significant predictors of mothers' satisfaction with medical care. Mothers who reported greater perceptions of racism and family stress were significantly less satisfied with their children's medical care than those from less stressful environments. Mothers' satisfaction with medical care was significantly associated with adherence but was not significantly related to the children's health status.  相似文献   

Examined the relative contribution of disease, parental, and family factors on the psychological and social functioning of children with cystic fibrosis. 33 patients (7–16 yrs old) and 29 mothers completed a battery of tests, including a state-trait anxiety inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory, and a coping health inventory for parents developed by H. I. McCubbin et al (1983). Results show that Ss' self-esteem and occurrence of behavioral problems were associated with maternal trait anxiety, overprotection, and the impact of disease on family functioning. Social competence and athletic self-esteem were associated with nutritional status. Results reflect the need for clinicians to be sensitive to parental and family functioning when dealing with behavioral problems and to consider physical status when providing treatment of social problems. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sanfilippo syndrome is a rare degenerative disorder which has severe intellectual and behavioural sequelae, commonly including sleep problems. A parental questionnaire was used to gather information on the sleep patterns of 80 children with Sanfilippo syndrome (mean age 10 years 2 months). The majority were found to have sleep problems (78%). Many also exhibited other distressing and unusual night time behaviours (staying up all night, chewing the bedclothes or crying out suddenly), and a few laughed or sang. Such problems may have been more severe in those with Sanfilippo syndrome type B. In four of the families offered individually tailored behaviour-management advice there was immediate improvement, which was maintained at followup in two cases. These results demonstrate the usefulness of even such a minimal intervention, even in a very difficult population such as this.  相似文献   

A physiological role for paraoxonase (PON1) is still uncertain, but it catalyzes the hydrolysis of toxic organophosphates. Evidence that the human genome contains two PON1-like genes, designated PON2 and PON3, is presented here. Human PON1 and PON2 each have nine exons, and the exon/intron junctions occur at equivalent positions. PON1 and PON2 genes are both on chromosome 7 in human and on chromosome 6 in the mouse. Turkey and chicken, like most birds, lack paraoxonase activity and are very susceptible to organophosphates. However, they have a PON-like gene with approximately 70% identity with human PON1, PON2, and PON3. Another unexpected finding is that the deduced amino acid sequences of PON2 in human, mouse, dog, turkey, and chicken and of human PON3 are all missing the amino acid residue 105, which is lysine in human PON1. The expanded number of PON genes will have important implications for future experiments designed to discover the individual functions, catalytic properties, and physiological roles of the paraoxonases.  相似文献   

The most common of the heterogeneous group of the extra structurally abnormal chromosomes (ESACs) is the inv dup(15), whose presence results in tetrasomy 15p and partial tetrasomy 15q. Inv dup(15), containing the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome (PWS/AS) region, are constantly associated with phenotypic abnormalities and mental retardation. We report on four additional patients with inv dup(15), whose behavioral pattern, and neurologic and physical findings further delineate the phenotype of this neurogenetic syndrome. We also provide FISH analyses on chromosomes of the observed ESACs and discuss the role of a number of genes located within the tetrasomic region.  相似文献   

We report a 15-year-old girl who developed a ureteral perforation soon after living-related donor renal transplantation. Her presentation was unusual in that a symptomatic pleural effusion accumulated as an extension of the perinephric urine collection. Recognition and surgical correction of the ureteral pathology led to resolution of respiratory symptomatology and full recovery of renal function.  相似文献   

Mental retardation, hypogonadism, obesity, and abnormal blood sugar regulation were common findings in two siblings. In addition, the 17-year-old female patient showed short stature, muscular hypotonia in infancy, and small hands with tapering fingers suggesting Prader-Willi syndrome, and the 12-year-old male patient showed retinitis pigmentosa, normal height, and normal muscular tonicity suggesting Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, though polydactyly was absent. Possible consideration was discussed.  相似文献   

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