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声表面波又指换能器的研究与设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
声光可调谐滤波器的设计,关键是它的各个模块,包括光波导、模分离器、声波导和又指换能器的参数设计。设计了叉指换能器各个参数,并对其射频驱动电路和匹配电路给出了设计思路,其中电路控制系统以单片机AT89C52为主控制器,在频率为158MHz频谱仪上得出了频率合成器的测试结果。 相似文献
声表面波叉指换能器的一种新设计方案 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用时域上对脉冲响应直接奇偶分解与校正函数相结合的方法设计叉指换能器.并利用几何刻图数据计算理论频响.理论和实验证明,该方法对频响能进行精细调整.所计算的频响比用常规方法计算的精度高,与实验值吻合更好.可用于各种带宽的滤波器设计. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1985,33(2):121-129
A computational technique for the determination of the potential distribution of an interdigital transducer in a layered nonpiezoelectric environment is presented. Firstly, the problem is reduced to a dual boundary value problem for the potential distribution and the jump in the current density in the place of the interdigital transducer. Secondly, an iteration scheme to solve this dual boundary value problem is outlined. It is based upon an iterative minimization of the integrated square error made in the boundary conditions on the transducer fingers. Finally, numerical results for some representative configurations are presented. 相似文献
分析了声表面波叉指换能器中波的传播问题,从产生SAW的静电荷分布出发,结合压电材料的向各异性,推导出了叉指上SAW的电势分布及波角谱表达式,引入了波传播损耗因子与修正脉冲响应函数。 相似文献
本文提出薄膜叉指换能器叉指边界上的电位分布和电荷分布的解析函数模型。用该模型计算声表面波薄膜叉指换能器的静态电容在金属化比α取[1/16,13/16]时,其误差只有千分之几。 相似文献
Design of Surface Wave Delay Lines with Interdigital Transducers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1969,17(11):865-873
Design aspects and tradeoffs are presented for nondispersive, analog Rayleigh wave delay lines with interdigital transducers. Design procedures are based on a one-dimensional piezoelectric transducer model whose applicability has been confirmed by experimental data taken on transducers operating at 100 MHz. For transducers with series inductive tuning, optimum aperture and number of interdigital periods are given for several attractive piezoelectrics, such that insertion loss and phase dispersion are minimized while bandwidth is maximized. High-triple transit suppression designs are given for bidirectional transducers, implying some sacrifice in insertion loss. Using directional transducers, low insertion loss and high triple transit suppression are achieved simultaneously at some sacrifice in bandwidth. Finally, two approaches are given for making with presently available piezoelectrics, bandwidths higher than those attainable with a single tuning inductor. The first of these uses a coupled resonator electrical matching network, while the second employs a transducer with graded periodicity. 相似文献
叉指换能在一定频率的电信号激励下,除沿基片表面激励声表面波外,还将向基片内部激励声体波。文章对叉指换能器在不同切型基片内激励声体波的角谱(能量分布)进行了研究,所得结果在研制声学传感器、声表面波器件时具有重要意义。 相似文献
提出了一种全新的设计方法,它以声表面波滤波器中心频率处的插入损耗和旁瓣抑制作为寻优目标,通过选择、交叉和变异等遗传操作,自动生成声表面波滤波器的输入和输出叉指换能器所有指条长度,并给出中心频率处的声表面波滤波器频率响应。与典型的等周期、等指长的声表面波滤波器相比,采用进化方法设计,极大地提高了滤波器频率响应性能,旁瓣抑制得到了改善。所作的研究具有较强的实用价值。 相似文献
针对一种喇曼型声表面波声光器件的设计需求,设计制作出一种能够满足喇曼-奈斯衍射要求的、低损耗、高Q值声表面波谐振器。利用耦合模(COM)理论仿真谐振器的性能,建立谐振器的COM模型,求解COM方程,提取出COM参数。利用COM软件仿真设计谐振器的结构参数,设计的谐振器中心频率为78.028MHz,Q值为10 428,插入损耗为-6.153dB。利用微加工技术加工制作出声表面波谐振器,用矢量网络分析仪对其性能进行测试,得到谐振器实际中心频率为78.34MHz,插入损耗为-11.273dB,Q值为6 465.7,该谐振器能够满足喇曼型声表面波声光器件的应用需求。 相似文献
S型双声路声表面波质量传感器 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
报道了在128°Y切割X传播方向的LiNbO3基片上设计并研制的中心频率为122MHz的S型双声路质量传感器,它能有效地克服环境温度的影响。阐述了该传感器的器件结构及设计,并采用延迟线振荡的方式对器件的性能进行测试。测试结果表明,该器件相对温度系数良好,仅约为10Hz/°C。器件的质量沉积效应灵敏度约为3.8GHz·cm2/g。 相似文献
Podolak Edward Kinn James B. Westura Edwin E. 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》1969,(1):40-44
A capacitance displacement transducer with a linear response and constant sensitivity for a frequency range of 0-1000 Hz is described. Its application to measurement of chest wall motions was verified using static displacements from flat and curved surfaces and both human tissue and metal. The transducer has been used to obtain recordings of apex motion, heard sounds, and brachial and radial pulses. Its advantages are that it is noncontacting and linear, and that it has a wide frequency response and can easily be calibrated to obtain quantitative data of actual motion. Problems encountered in use were the mechanical positioning of the probe including respiratory motions in the measurement and the need to insulate the probe with a film of thin plastic to insure against an electrical hazard to the subject. 相似文献
GSM移动电话用声表面波滤波器的研制 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
简述了全球专用移动(GSM)系统对射频声表面波(SAW)滤波器的技术要求,详细介绍了梯型结构滤波器的设计原理,给出了采用该结构设计制作的滤波器的结果。 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1970,18(2):116-116
This subprogram determines the capacitance per half-strip pair of an infinitely long interdigital structure composed of finite-sized strips between dissimilar dielectrics, with or without a parallel ground plane. 相似文献
声表面波(SAW)射频标签中排列在一行的反射栅形成的三次反射造成了编码信号间的幅度不一致,破坏了有、无反射栅间的幅度动态范围,提高了对标签解码的要求。该文利用脉冲响应模型,推导了三次反射与每条反射栅的位置、反射系数和透射系数的关系。通过计算反射栅均匀排列的脉冲幅度编码标签的三次反射,与已有文献结论对比,验证了模型的有效性。仿真了非均匀排列、幅度补偿的脉冲位置编码标签的三次反射,提前预测了最大三次反射出现的位置和大小,为确定标签的查询周期、最后一条反射栅的反射系数以及增加相位编码信息设计提供了参考。 相似文献