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A Texel muscling quantitative trait locus (TM-QTL) has been identified on chromosome 18, which increases loin muscling, but may also have a negative impact on mechanically-measured loin tenderness in crossbred lambs, depending on conditioning time. This study investigated the influence of a range of conditioning times (3, 5, 7 or 9 days) on the effect of TM-QTL on loin muscle tenderness. Using Texel rams heterozygous for TM-QTL, mated to non-carrier Mule ewes, heterozygous (n = 45) and wild-type (n = 50) crossbred lambs were produced. Weight of the valuable Longissimus lumborum muscle was higher in TM-QTL carriers than non-carriers, when compared at a fixed age (+11.5%; P = 0.038), with the same trend at a fixed carcass weight (+10.2%; P = 0.064). Toughness, measured by shear force, was significantly higher in samples from TM-QTL carriers than non-carriers, after conditioning for 3 days (P = 0.002), 5 days (P = 0.003) or 7 days (P = 0.03), but was not significantly different after 9 days of conditioning (P = 0.32). Compared to non-carrier lambs, the proportion of samples above consumer acceptability thresholds for toughness was greater in the TM-QTL carrier lambs after 3 and 5 days of conditioning, similar at 7 days, but lower at 9 days. The results suggest that the negative effect of TM-QTL on loin tenderness in crossbred lambs can be overcome by conditioning for more than 7 days. Marketing of TM-QTL carrier lambs through companies that use enhanced processing protocols could be beneficial, due to higher loin muscle weights, without negative effects on meat quality.  相似文献   

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) has been identified on chromosome 18 in Texel sheep (TM-QTL) that increases depth and area of the longissimus dorsi muscle. The study aimed to assess the pleiotropic QTL effects on key meat quality traits (toughness and intramuscular fat content after ?7 days aging) of crossbred lambs carrying one copy of the TM-QTL. The results showed that male Texel × Mule lambs carrying the TM-QTL had significantly less intramuscular fat (1.86% versus 2.25%) and higher toughness, with increased variation, in the loin muscle, compared to non-carrier males. Similar conclusions were obtained using two different types of tenderometer equipment: one using the Volodkevitch test (average shear force of 4.17 kgF or 40.9 N for carrier males, 2.61 kgF or 25.6 N for non-carrier males) and one using the MIRINZ test (average shear force of 6.18 kgF or 60.6 N for carrier males, 5.22 kgF or 51.2 N for non-carrier males). Although most toughness measurements were within published consumer acceptability limits, a few individual TM-QTL carrier lambs had unacceptably tough meat, despite enhanced post-slaughter processing. The TM-QTL did not significantly affect loin toughness in female lambs, leg toughness in either sex, or intramuscular fat content. These results should be considered, alongside direct effects of the TM-QTL on muscling and carcass composition, in recommendations for the use of this QTL by sheep breeders.  相似文献   

Perry D  Thompson JM 《Meat science》2005,69(4):691-702
The relationship between growth rate and meat tenderness was investigated in ≈7000 cattle from temperate and tropically adapted breeds, finished on either pasture or in a feedlot to one of three market weights. Growth rate was calculated from weaning to the beginning of finishing (backgrounding) and over the finishing period, for both contemporary groups and individuals within these groups. Shear force and compression of longissimus lumborum (striploin) and semitendinosus (eye round) were measured at two days ageing, and palatability of the striploin at 14 days ageing. Analyses assessed the importance of growth rate during backgrounding and finishing on both a within group and between group basis. Where significant in individual animals, increased growth rate resulted in more palatable or tender meat, but the results were not consistent between breed types, locations, or the two muscles sampled. The most consistent relationship was an increase in palatability of the striploin with increased growth rate during finishing. Increased growth rate of groups during backgrounding improved palatability consistently across breedtypes, finish and location, however most of this relationship was accounted for by difference in mean group age at slaughter.  相似文献   

本研究以牦牛背最长肌为原料,通过SDS-PAGE分析、加热损失率测定、质构分析及石蜡切片方法研究了100%、80%及60%功率微波热处理对牦牛肉蛋白质完全变性加热终点的热损失、嫩度及微观结构的影响。实验结果表明,对于相同的微波功率,随着加热时间的延长,牦牛肉的加热损失率和剪切力均增大(p<0.05);牦牛肉肌纤维出现了更大程度的间隙和断裂,肌束变得更加混乱。80%功率处理组加热损失率高于60%和100%功率处理组(p<0.05),60%功率处理组剪切力高于80%和100%功率处理组(p<0.05)。研究结果认为,对于相同的加热时间,低功率微波处理牦牛肉的得率、嫩度及显微结构较好;而使用中高功率加热时,尽可能选择短的加热时间,获得的牦牛肉品质较高。  相似文献   

Chung H  Davis M 《Meat science》2012,90(3):711-714
This study was designed to investigate the effects of calpastatin genotypes determined by PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism) on calpastatin activity (CAC) and Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBS). Longissimus muscles were prepared from 379 Hanwoo bulls aged approximately 20 months. The selection of PCR primers was based on exons (27 and 28) of the bovine calpastatin cDNA sequences, and genetic variants were detected by SSCP analysis using Taq I restriction enzymes. Sequencing analysis confirmed 4 restriction sites (nucleotide positions 52, 67, 796, and 1369), and a genetic variant was verified at a nucleotide position 641 (C/T substitutions) based on sequences (AF281256). The CAST28 genotypes showing allele frequencies of C (0.429) and T (0.571) were significantly associated with CAC and WBS. A significant positive residual correlation (r = 0.121, P = 0.02) between CAC and WBS was obtained.  相似文献   

The effect of growth rate and ultimate pH on meat quality of lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Entire male Romney lambs (n = 60) were grown slowly (67 g/day) and slaughtered at 14 months of age at an anticipated carcass weight of 18 kg. Another group of ram lambs (n = 15) from the same genetic background (born 7 months later) were grown rapidly (162 g/day) for 7 months and slaughtered at the same time and at a similar carcass weight. Preslaughter shearing (20 days prior to slaughter) and swim washing (3 times) were variously imposed upon the 14-month old lambs to give them a graded preslaughter stress. The lambs were head-only electrically stunned and slaughtered. Dressed carcasses were electrically stimulated at 20 min post mortem for 90 s at 14·3 pulses/s, 1·8-2 A and 1130 V peak, then held at 12°C for 2 h and frozen so that the deep leg reached -4°C in 12 h. The ultimate pH was measured for the longissimus dorsi, and loin samples were assessed by tenderometer and a sensory panel. The groups with the greatest stresses imposed had the highest ultimate pH. The most tender meat came either from carcasses with an ultimate high pH greater than 6·3 or from young lambs with an ultimate pH from 5·5-5·7. While 7-month old lambs were slightly more tender than the 14-month old lambs of iso pH, the 14-month old lambs of high pH were the most tender. This suggests that age-related connective tissue effects were minimal for the loin. The shear force values and taste panel tenderness scores were linearly related. When the shear force and panellists' tenderness scores were expressed in relation to ultimate pH, there was a decreased acceptance of meat with a moderate ultimate pH between 5·8 and 6·0. Panel texture assessments showed a less clearly defined, but statistically significant decrease in acceptance at pH 5·8-6·0. Other sensory attributes of flavour, juiciness and aroma were uniform across the whole ultimate pH spectrum.  相似文献   

Piles M  Blasco A  Pla M 《Meat science》2000,54(4):347-355
The effect of selection for growth rate on carcass composition and meat quality was assessed by comparing two groups of rabbits belonging to different generations of a selection experiment. A Bayesian approach was used. Embryos belonging to generations 3 and 4 of selection were frozen and thawed to be contemporary of animals from generation 10. A control group (C), formed from offspring of these embryos, was contemporary to offspring of generations 10 and 11 of selection, chosen at random, which constituted the selected group (S). One hundred and thirty-one contemporary rabbits were slaughtered at approximately the Spanish commercial live weight of 2 kg. Carcasses were dissected and measured according to the norms of the World Rabbit Scientific Association. An animal model including effects of genetic group (C, S) and sex, and slaughter weight as a covariate was used. S animals had a higher development of liver, kidneys and of a set of organs consisting of the thymus, trachea, oesophagus, lung and heart, relative to C. For dissectible fat, S animals had less than C: −0.31 g for scapular fat, −1.62 g for perirenal fat and −2.03 g for inguinal fat. S had a lower content (−0.39%) of dissectible fat percentage in the “Reference” carcass, indicating a lower degree of maturity at slaughter. The meat to bone ratio was not affected by selection, but the meat and bone contents of the hind leg were 3.25 and 0.71 g higher, respectively, in the C group. Selected animals had a lower water holding capacity in the raw meat (−2.10%), a higher water holding capacity in the cooked meat (2.17%), a higher cooking loss (3.31%) and a lower fat percentage in the meat of a hind leg (−0.37%). Females had more fat than males: 0.26 g for scapular fat, 1.02 g for perirenal fat, 1.10 g for inguinal fat, and 0.24% for total dissectible fat percentage of the “Reference” carcass.  相似文献   

Stress before slaughter affects the meat quality of pigs and a disorder in the Ca2+ transport of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) results in inferior meat quality. The object of this work was to determine the impact of stress on SR Ca2+ transport in pig muscle in animals with no mutation in the Ca2+ release channel. At about 80 kg live weight, pigs were stressed either by running for 4 min (n=9) or by a 5 min application of a nose snare (n=7). Immediately before and after the application of the stress, as well as 4 h after the stress, biopsy samples of the longissimus muscle were taken and the Ca2+ uptake of the homogenised muscle samples determined. The nose snare stress reduced the rate of Ca2+ uptake by 9% (P=0.02) and running by 18% (P=0.06). Uptake in samples taken 4 h after the stress was at initial levels. The pigs were slaughtered at an average live weight of 109 kg. Half the pigs were stressed just before slaughter for 5 min by the use of a nose snare. Immediately after exsanguination longissimus muscle samples were taken, Ca2+ uptake measured, and later standard meat quality parameters were determined. Although the stress reduced the Ca2+ uptake rate (61.3 vs. 46.4 nM/min per mg protein for control and stressed pigs; P=0.04), the meat quality was not significantly affected.  相似文献   

The effect of restricted suckling on productive performance, carcass traits, meat quality and skeletal development of growing lambs was studied. Twenty-one naturally suckled male Comisana lambs were divided into three equal weight groups differing in suckling management systems: (1) only maternal milk (C); (2) only maternal milk until 15th day of age, and then, till slaughter, maternal milk, concentrate and Lucerne hay ad libitum (T1); (3) only maternal milk until 15th day of age, and then from 16th to 30th days of age, maternal milk, concentrate and Lucerne hay ad libitum, and, from 31st day of age till slaughter, only concentrate and Lucerne hay ad libitum (T2). The total mean milk yield was 22.7 and 41.6 kg per ewe for T1 and T2, respectively. Restricted suckling did not significantly affect slaughter weight, hot and cold carcass weights, carcass shrink losses, pH, colour and area of Longissimus muscle, pelvic limb, or bone characteristics. Suckling management system significantly affected ADG, milk intake, dressing percentage, and percentages of intestine, stomach, offal, kidney fat, shoulder, lean and fat, and there were differences in total collagen, and hydroxylysylpyridinoline crosslink concentrations. In addition, different IMC maturity among the muscles was apparent.  相似文献   

高压和热结合处理对鸡肉pH、嫩度和脂肪氧化的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对不同温度(20~70℃)下高压(0.1~800MPa)处理20min对鸡胸肉pH、嫩度和脂肪氧化的影响进行了研究。结果显示,压力和热或两者结合处理都能使肌肉的pH升高,但两者结合处理对pH的影响无叠加作用。单纯的热处理过程中,随着温度的升高,肌肉的嫩度持续下降,同样,室温下的压力处理时,肌肉的嫩度随压力的升高而降低。40℃时压力处理,肌肉嫩度的变化与室温下相似。然而,当在60℃和70℃温度下压力处理时,200MPa的压力导致肌肉的嫩度显著提高。其原因可能为在此条件下肌肉骨架蛋白质发生了降解。压力和热以及两者结合处理都能加速脂肪的氧化,尤其是在400MPa及其以上压力。压力和热处理导致脂肪氧化的原因,可能与肌肉结构的破坏及过渡金属离子(如铁离子)的释放有关。  相似文献   

It is known that stress applied to pigs can be of influence on meat quality combined with disturbed regulation of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. However, the effect on meat tenderness is not sufficiently known.

In an experiment with pigs two kinds of stress (immobilisation by a nose snare (nose) and the use of an electrical goad (goad)) for 5 min just before slaughter were used and the results compared with minimum stress pigs (control). To quantify the level of stress, the heart rate during stress application was determined and it was found that the stress effect was highest in the goad pigs and surprisingly decreasing during the use of a nose snare. The meat quality did not differ between nose and control pigs, but was inferior in the goad group. Also, the goad stress significantly reduced the Ca2+ transport of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

The principal hypothesis, that a disturbed Ca2+ transport will affect the tenderness by activating the calpain system, could not be verified. Tenderness did not differ between experimental groups using 24 h post-mortem samples, neither was there a difference in tenderness after storing the meat samples for 6 days.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate concentrate level (CL) and slaughter body weight (SW) effects on growth performances, carcass traits and meat quality of Barbarine lambs. Twenty-four weaned male lambs (23.1 kg), receiving an oat-hay based diet, were allotted into two groups. The LCL group received low concentrate level (300 g) and the HCL group received high concentrate level (600 g). Lambs were slaughtered at two prefixed weights (35 and 42 kg). For each group and each weight, six lambs were slaughtered. Lambs from HCL group had higher ADG, carcass yields, carcass compactness and subcutaneous fat thickness, and lower carcass meat proportion. CL increase did not affect meat pH, meat and fat color, chemical and fatty acid composition. Late slaughtering improved carcass yields and increased carcass adiposity. However, it did not affect carcass meat proportion and shoulder tissue composition. SW had effect on meat color and fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The use of conventional concentrates in the supplementation of grass-based fed lambs may induce improvements in growth performance and/or carcass quality but may be disadvantageous in fatty acid profile of tissues, with a negative impact in some nutritional indexes. The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects on growth performance, carcass and meat quality of using unprotected, unsaturated fat as a supplement for grass-fed based lambs. Twenty-four Merino Branco ram lambs raised on pasture, were supplemented with corn whole grain plus sunflower meal or corn whole grain plus expanded sunflower seed, from 20 to 30 kg live weight. The supplement had no effects on growth performance, carcass quality traits, or meat pH, colour estimates (L*, a*, b*), water-holding capacity, shear force and sensorial attributes. However, lambs supplemented with expanded sunflower seed showed higher proportions of cis-9, trans-11 octadecadienoic acid and trans-vaccenic acid in intramuscular and subcutaneous fat, showing that the inclusion of unprotected lipids in lambs diet was effective in preventing the reduction of rumenic acid (C18:2 cis-9, trans-11) that occurs when conventional concentrates are used as a supplement.  相似文献   

Three hundred and forty (340) Duroc×(Landrace×Yorkshire) crossbred piglets were allotted to a 2×2×3 factorial design experiment. The independent variables were the growth rate (fast: around -10 days at 100kg and slow: around +2 days at 100kg), based on two different EBV's (estimated breeding value) of the sire-line for age, the sex (barrows and gilts) and the live weight at slaughter (107, 115 and 125kg). A sub-population of 119 pigs (10 carcasses per treatment) was selected for the carcass and meat quality evaluation trials. As live weight increased there were significant increases in hot carcass weight and dressing percentage (P<0.05). Lean, fat and bone proportions were not affected by weight. Gilts had higher lean proportion (P<0.05) than barrows. Furthermore, carcasses of fast growing pigs were fatter (P<0.05) than those of slower growing ones. Loin muscle pH, drip loss and reflectance values did not vary significantly with any of the treatments. Intramuscular fat was higher in barrows (P<0.05) than in gilts and soluble collagen content decreased with increasing weight (P<0.05). Muscle protein (%) increased (P<0.05) from 107 to 115kg and gilts had a higher (P<0.05) content than castrates. No evidence was found that increasing slaughter weight detracts from carcass characteristics or meat quality.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to produce pork with enhanced nutritive value for humans, both in terms of fatty acid profile (mainly long chain n − 3 fatty acids by feeding fish oil) and selenium. Forty-eight female pigs were allocated to one of six treatment groups: animal by-products and plant feedstuffs with tallow, plant feedstuffs with a blend of soybean oil and linseed oil with or without a supplement (CLA, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C), plant feedstuffs with tallow and supplement, plant feedstuffs with fish oil and supplement. The diets containing the fish oil were fed up to either 49 days or 28 days before slaughter. The dietary treatments had no significant effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality. When fish oil was included in the diet, higher levels of EPA, DPA and DHA were measured in the subcutaneous fat (up to 3.74%).  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Suffolk×Dorper (SD) and Rambouillet (R) lamb genotypes, dietary supplementation, and organic chromium on growth performance, carcass, and meat traits in male lambs grazing ryegrass pasture. SD lambs had heavier cold carcass (HCW) and better carcass yield (CY) and rib eye area at 12th rib (RA) than R lambs; R had larger legs. Feed supplement increased average daily weight gain (ADG), slaughter live weight (SLW), hot carcass weight (HCW) and cold carcass weight (CCW), carcass yield, carcass length (CL), leg perimeter (LP), major thorax width (MTW), minor thorax width (MiTW), rib eye area and dorsal fat at 12th rib (DF12), and also decreased meat moisture. Organic chromium reduced dorsal fat at 12th rib and meat fat content.  相似文献   

Thirty Kivircik lambs were used to investigate effect of pre-slaughter treatment on certain haematological and biochemical parameters, carcass and meat quality characteristics. Lambs were divided into three treatments: 75 min transport and lairage for 18 h (TS-L18 h); 75 min transport and lairage for 30 min (TS-L30 min) and no pre-slaughter transport and lairage for 30 min (NTS). Treatment, as a main effect, did not influence haematological and biochemical parameters, but sampling time significantly affected these parameters, except total protein. Plasma cortisol concentration at exsanguination in TS-18 h, TS-30 min and NTS treatments were 117.34, 119.23 and 72.51 ng/ml, respectively. pH of longissimus dorsi muscle was higher in TS-L30 min than other treatments. TS-L30 min lambs had the highest shear force value, the lowest WHC and cooking loss. TS-L30 min treatment yielded the darkest meat immediately after cutting and 1 h later. Meat redness, yellowness and chroma values were similar in treatments.  相似文献   

Previous work identified that a large number of domestic lamb carcases processed in Australia do not meet the recommended pH/temperature window during chilling. New medium voltage electrical stimulation technology has been developed to alleviate this problem. This study used an optimised setting (800mA with a pulse width 0.5ms) to evaluate the effects on meat quality with a focus on tenderness and meat colour. In total 40 (electrically stimulated) and 40 (non electrically stimulated) lambs from 11 lots killed over 2 days were evaluated. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between stimulation treatments for initial pH, rate of pH decline and the predicted temperature at pH 6.0. There was also a large difference in the number of carcases that met the recommended window (pH of 6.0, between 18 and 25°C), with an average 67.5% of stimulated carcases and 25% of unstimulated carcases meeting or falling just above the recommended window. The stimulation treatment had no significant (P>0.05) effect on sarcomere length or myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI) of the m. longissimus (LL). After 1day of ageing LL samples from stimulated carcases had a significantly lower (P<0.05) shear force than non stimulated samples, but there was no difference between stimulation treatments after 5 days ageing. However, ageing period did have a significant effect (P<0.001) on both MFI and shear force, such that 5days aged product had higher MFI and lower shear force values. There were minimal effects of stimulation on colour stability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the ageing on changes in selected myofibrillar proteins and Warner–Bratzler shear force values in muscles from cross‐breed Charolaise × Holstein Friesian heifers. Triceps brachii (TB), infraspinatus (IS), vastus lateralis (VL), semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris (BF) and semitendinous (ST) muscles after ageing were examined. A significant muscle effect was found in the case of basic chemical composition, Warner–Bratzler shear force values and cooking loss. The vastus lateralis characterised by the lowest intramuscular fat percentage (P ≤ 0.05). The highest connective tissue content was shown for infraspinatus. This muscle had the lowest Warner–Bratzler shear force values in every ageing time, regardless of the cooking method. Throughout the ageing process, selected myofibrillar proteins were altered in all examined muscles, but at varying rates. The SDS‐PAGE electrophoresis and Western blotting analysis showed that desmin and troponin‐T degradation affected both muscles and ageing effects (P ≤ 0.001).  相似文献   

Biochemical characteristics, including myosin heavy chain I (MHC-I) percentage, isocitrate dehydrogenase and aldolase activities, meat quality traits and instrumental texture properties of rabbits selected for different growth rates were studied. The animals of the control (C) group (7th generation; n=60) were raised in parallel with those of selection (S) group (21st generation; n=60). Carcass weights (1230.1 ± 19.8 and 1348.3 ± 20.1 g, for C and S, respectively) and perirenal and scapular fat content differed significantly (P<0.01) between the two groups. Water holding capacity was expressed as the percentage of pressure released water and was significantly different (P<0.05) between groups C and S (33.29% and 35.57%). MHC-I percentage and aldolase activity also differed significantly (P<0.05) between groups, group C showing higher oxidative traits than group S (MHC-I: 12.5% and 9.8%; aldolase: 597.11 and 636.83 UI/g muscle). Texture properties from the Warner-Bratzler test showed higher (P<0.001) shear firmness for loin in the S group (1.69 kg/s cm2) than in the C group (1.34 kg/s cm2). In addition, the texture profile analysis indicated that chewiness, gumminess and hardness were also higher in the S group (P<0.01). In conclusion, the results confirmed a positive effect of the selection on productive traits and a negative effect on instrumental texture properties and on the water holding capacity of the meat.  相似文献   

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