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The human PWP2 gene is the human homologue of the yeast periodic tryptophan protein 2 (PWP2) gene and is a member of the gene family that contains tryptophan-aspartate (WD) repeats. Genomic sequencing revealed that the human PWP2 gene consists of 21 exons spanning approximately 24 kb and locates just between the two genes EHOC-1 and KNP-I and distal to a NotI site of LJ104 (D21S1460) on chromosome 21q22.3. Analysis of the 5'-flanking DNA sequence revealed that the upstream region of the PWP2 gene is associated with a CpG island containing the NotI site of LJ104. Since PWP2 is considered to be a candidate for genetic disorders mapped in the 21q22.3 region, the information including nucleotide sequence and genomic organization of the PWP2 gene should be invaluable for the mutation analysis of the corresponding genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Hereditary predisposition to multiple exostoses is a genetically heterogeneous disease. Recently, we have reported the identification of the EXT1 gene on human chromosome 8. We have now isolated a cDNA clone from a human adult lung cDNA library and have determined the genomic organization and promoter structure of the EXT1 gene. The gene is composed of 11 exons, ranging from 90 to 1735 bp, and spans approximately 350 kb of genomic DNA. Sequence analysis of the promoter region revealed the presence of a CpG island containing GC and CAAT boxes, but no TATA box. Such a promoter is characteristic for housekeeping genes. This finding is in good agreement with the ubiquitous expression of the EXT1 gene.  相似文献   

We have cloned a region of human chromosome 19q13.4 which contains multiple killer cell inhibitory receptor (KIR) loci. By random and directed sequence analysis of these KIR-specific clones, we deduced the genomic structure of KIR genes. A locus encoding a member of the NKAT-2 family of KIRs is presented here. The structure of the gene is reminiscent of loci of the Fc receptor gene family, and the two sets of genes may derive from a common ancestor. The KIR gene contains potentially nine exons. The first two exons encode the leader sequence, as in Fc receptor genes. The third exon encodes an untranslated pseudo exon specifying an immunoglobulin domain with an in-frame stop codon. Expressed cDNAs do not contain this exon. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that certain KIR genes may have been derived from the duplication of a primordial three immunoglobulin domain structure with subsequent skipping of one exon to derive genes with two expressed immunoglobulin domains. Variation in numbers of immunoglobulin domains in different KIR genes is facilitated by conservation of splicing frame in respect to the codon triplet for each immunoglobulin domain.  相似文献   

Killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily of molecules and are expressed on natural killer (NK) cells. The KIRs of the p58/p50 family have two immunoglobulin domains and are ligands for HLA-Cw antigens, whereas the p70/p70 delta family has three immunoglobulin domains and comprises ligands for HLA-B antigens and possibly some HLA-A antigens. Members of a third KIR family, KIR103, have two immunoglobulin domains but have highest nucleotide sequence homology to the p70 family. The ligands for KIR103 on target cells are currently unknown. We here report the complete genomic organization of KIR103. It spans about 12 kb of DNA and consists of eight exons of which exon 1 and exon 2 encode the leader sequence. Exon 3 encodes the first immunoglobulin domain (gamma 1), and exon 4 encodes the main part of the second immunoglobulin domain (gamma 3), which also contains sequences contributed by exon 5 and exon 6. Exon 6 encodes the transmembrane domain, whereas exons 7 and 8 encode most of the cytoplasmic domain. KIR103 is polymorphic, and two alleles, 103AS and 103LP, are defined in this study. Additional full-length cDNA clones for KIR103 have been isolated and are shown to be formed by alternative mRNA splicing with exon skipping. Some of these truncated KIR103 cDNA could encode shorter transmembrane molecules, whereas others lack the transmembrane domain and are candidate genes for secreted KIR products. KIR103 is localized to the KIR genetic region on chromosome 19q13.4.  相似文献   

beta-Dystrobrevin, a dystrophin-related protein that is expressed in non-muscle tissues, is highly homologous to alpha-dystrobrevin, a member of the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DPC). beta-Dystrobrevin associates with Dp71 and syntrophin and is believed to have a role in non-muscle DPCs. Here we report the characterization and mapping of the mouse beta-dystrobrevin gene. The mouse beta-dystrobrevin gene is organized into 21 exons spanning over 130 kb of DNA. We provide evidence that this gene is transcribed from at least two promoter regions but appears to utilize a common translation initiation site. We show that the similarity between beta-dystrobrevin and alpha-dystrobrevin is reflected in the conservation of their exon-intron junctions. beta-Dystrobrevin has been localized to proximal mouse Chromosome (Chr) 12 by backcross mapping. A database search revealed that two mouse genetic diseases involving tissues expressing beta-dystrobrevin have been mapped to this region, namely, congenital polycystic kidneys (cpk) and fatty liver dystrophy (fld). However, refined mapping analysis has excluded beta-dystrobrevin as a candidate gene for either disease.  相似文献   

Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor (LOX-1) is a recently identified receptor for oxidized low-density lipoprotein, one of the major atherogenic substances. Although LOX-1 was reported to be expressed abundantly in endothelial cells, including atheromatous lesions, the regulation of LOX-1 gene has not yet been clarified. In the present study, we isolated the rat LOX-1 gene and investigated the regulation of gene expression. The rat LOX-1 gene was encoded by a single copy gene spanning over 19 kilobases and consisted of eight exons. Exon boundaries correlated well with the functional domain boundaries of the receptor protein. The promoter region contained putative TATA and CAAT boxes and multiple cis-elements such as NF-kappaB, AP-1 and AP-2 sites, and a shear stress response element. Northern blot analysis revealed that LOX-1 gene expression was up-regulated 9-fold by shear stress, 21-fold by lipopolysaccharide, and 4-fold by tumor necrosis factor-alpha, in cultured vascular endothelial cells. LOX-1 was also expressed in macrophages but not in vascular smooth muscle cells. These data provide important information for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of LOX-1 gene regulation and suggest a role for LOX-1 in the pathophysiology of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pemphigus vulgaris is a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease. Although combination therapies with prednisone and azathioprine are usually effective in controlling the disease, some patients either do not respond to this treatment or show early relapses. OBJECTIVE: To find out whether mycophenolate mofetil would be an effective drug in controlling pemphigus vulgaris in patients who failed initial treatment with azathioprine and prednisone. RESULTS: Twelve patients who were initially diagnosed as having pemphigus vulgaris and had relapsed while undergoing treatment with azathioprine (1.5-2 mg/kg of body weight) and prednisolone (2 mg/kg of body weight) subsequently received combination therapy with mycophenolate mofetil (2 x 1 g/d) and prednisolone (2 mg/kg of body weight per day). Eleven of the 12 patients responded to therapy and showed no relapse of their disease even after tapering of the steroid dose. One patient did not respond. Toxic effects were low with only mild gastrointestinal symptoms in 5 patients and mild lymphopenia (World Health Organization grade I) in 9 patients. During the 9- to 12-month follow-up, none of the 11 patients showed reappearance of pemphigus lesions. CONCLUSION: Treatment of pemphigus vulgaris with mycophenolate is a safe and effective treatment.  相似文献   

To reveal the genetic conservation of type I Trichomonas vaginalis viruses (TVV) we cloned and sequenced the 4.6-kb ds RNA of a TVV-T5 isolate for comparison with the cDNA sequence of a related TVV-T1 ds RNA. Analogous to TVV-T1, the TVV-T5 ds RNA also contains an upstream capsid protein gene overlapped with a downstream RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) gene by a +1 reading frame shift. A conserved ribosomal slippage heptamer (C CUU UUU) was found within the consensus 14-nt overlap, and the context of the sequence surrounding the heptamer suggests a potential ribosomal frameshifting in the biosynthesis of RDRP from the initiation of capsid protein either through two consecutive -1 shifts or a +1 shift.  相似文献   

The genomic organization of most of the human dystrophin gene has not been defined at single-exon level, owing to its enormous size (2300 kb). By taking advantage of a YAC-based restriction map of the gene previously constructed, we have localized individual dystrophin exons from 42 to 79 along the central and 3' regions of the gene. These data elucidate the general organization of this large portion of the gene (1250 kb) and, in particular, characterize the genomic region most frequently involved in deletion mutations responsible for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies.  相似文献   

In order to optimize a method for quantitative assessment of bradykinesia, we evaluated the three-dimensional sources of a movement signal of the wrist and influence of tremor on the reliability of bradykinesia measurements. A total of 33 patients with Parkinson's disease, three patients with Multiple System Atrophy and 29 healthy controls performed a test procedure to measure slowness of movement, consisting of a tap rate (TR) test and a movement time (MT) test. Simultaneously, accelerometers were mounted on the wrist and mean bi- and tri-axial vectors were calculated. Thus the acquired means of acceleration were correlated with the commonly used measures of bradykinesia. i.e. tap rate and movement time. Our results show that bradykinesia is reliably measured by the evaluation of the mean acceleration of movements, and support the use of any of the three bi-axial vectors. Compared to the bi-axial vectors, the tri-axial vector provided no relevant additional information. Additionally, the presence of a moderate to severe resting tremor did not influence the assessment of bradykinesia. Because of the possibility of continuous assessment of bradykinesia this new monitor may prove to be of great value in pharmacodynamic studies and the longitudinal follow-up of patients in drug trials.  相似文献   

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