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Risk-Based Decision Analysis in the Design of Water Supply Projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of a decision analysis methodology to a small-scale water-supply/aquifer-contamination problem is presented. The main characteristic of the study is the development of a series of alternative strategies to ensure a continuous water supply to a village under variable risk conditions. It is assumed that the risks involved in the analysis reflect the uncertainty as to the hydraulic conductivity. Thus, a stochastic simulation model for groundwater flow and contaminant transport is employed in order to evaluate the implications of uncertainty in the system's behaviour upon the overall design decisions. Alternative decision strategies are formulated by considering both actual and probabilistic costs, and they are finally compared using a risk–cost–benefit objective function.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to the identification of an optimal rule that would permit to improve the water resources management of dam in arid condition. The Nebhana dam is considered in this study as a representative of a set dams situated in such condition. The water storage is used for irrigation purpose. The identification of an optimal rule is based on two opposite objectives: the satisfaction of the irrigation water demand and the safeguard of a minimal water storage in the dam. By considering different weights for these objectives, the stochastic dynamic programming technique was lead to various optimal rules for the water resources management of the Nebhana dam. This technique takes into account the variability of the volume of water inflow to the dam on the basis of their occurrence probability; the water losses by means of forecasting models and the water resources goals using weight coefficients. The identified optimal rule would permit to estimate the necessary water release volume for irrigation by considering the water storage and the decision period.  相似文献   


An interval-fuzzy two-stage quadratic programming (IFTSQP) method is developed for water resources management under uncertainty. The methodincorporates techniques of interval-parameter programming, two-stage stochastic programming, and fuzzy quadratic programming within a general optimization framework to tackle multiple uncertainties presented as intervals, fuzzy sets and probability distributions. In the model formulation, multiple control variables are adopted to handle independent uncertainties in the model's right-hand sides; fuzzy quadratic terms are used in the objective function to minimize the variation in satisfaction degrees among the constraints. Moreover, the method can support the analysis of policy scenarios that are associated with economic penalties when the promised targets are violated. The developed method is then applied to a case study of water resources management planning. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been obtained. They can help provide bases for identifying desired water-allocation plans with a maximized system benefit and a minimized constraint-violation risk.  相似文献   

通过10个典型低维函数对一种新型群体智能仿生算法——飞蛾火焰优化(MFO)算法进行仿真验证,并与粒子群优化(PSO)算法的寻优结果进行对比。以无界井流问题及直线隔水边界附近井流问题的解析解为基础,将MFO算法应用于分析抽水试验数据,进行反演承压含水层参数,并以2个实例对MFO算法进行验证。结果表明:MFO算法在低维函数极值寻优问题上具有较好的收敛精度和全局寻优能力,寻优精度较PSO算法提高了7个数量级以上。MFO算法对2个实例的反演精度较文献改进SA算法等提高了56.5%以上,具有较好的稳健性能、收敛速度和全局寻优能力。利用MFO算法对承压含水层参数进行反演,可获得比相关文献更高的反演精度,不但为精确估计承压含水层参数提供了有效方法,而且拓展了MFO算法在地下水模型参数反演中的应用,具有良好的应用价值和前景。  相似文献   

Over the past decades, controversial and conflict-laden water allocation issues among competing interests have raised increasing concerns. In this research, an interval-parameter two-stage stochastic nonlinear programming (ITNP) method is developed for supporting decisions of water-resources allocation within a multi-reservoir system. The ITNP can handle uncertainties expressed as both probability distributions and discrete intervals. It can also be used for analyzing various policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of economic consequences when the promised allocation targets are violated. Moreover, it can deal with nonlinearities in the objective function such that the economies-of-scale effects in the stochastic program can be quantified. The proposed method is applied to a case study of water-resources allocation within a multi-user, multi-region and multi-reservoir context for demonstrating its applicability. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated, which present as combined interval and distributional information. They provide desired water allocation plans with a maximized economic benefit and a minimized system-disruption risk. The results also demonstrate that a proper policy for water allocation can help not only mitigate the penalty due to insufficient supply but also reduce the waste of water resources.  相似文献   

Decision-making in Water Management under Uncertainty   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Decision-making in water management requires the delivery of accurate scientific information. However, the task is challenging under the situation where a large amount of uncertainty exists in the available information (e.g., model outputs). This paper investigates the effect of uncertainty on the ranking of options in water management. Different methods for ranking the management options under uncertainty are reviewed and they account for only partial uncertainty information in model outputs. To consider the full uncertainty information, a new ranking procedure is proposed in this paper, which is capable of providing more information to decision makers and at the same time taking their opinions on uncertainty into consideration. The ranking is achieved by conducting pair-wise comparison of management options, on the basis of the risk defined by the probability of obtaining an unacceptable ranking and the mean difference in model outputs in pair-wise comparison. An application example is presented to illustrate the use of the proposed ranking approach. Furthermore, the sensitivity of management option ranking to different ranking methods and to model uncertainty is also investigated.  相似文献   

Like any other resources planning and management, groundwater management is performed in a stochastic environment in which the system itself involves a number of random elements. Consequences as a result of decisions made based on analyses are not certain. This paper presents a management model using the chance-constrained framework which explicitly considers the random nature of aquifer properties. The model enables the derivation of an optimal groundwater management policy that would satisfy required operation performance reliability. Furthermore, the chance-constrained model is extended to the multi-objective optimization framework in which a tradeoff between total water supply pumpage and system performance reliability is explicitly considered. The models are applied to a hypothetical example of a steady, nonuniform, homogeneous confined aquifer.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion management models can be used to derive optimal and efficient management strategies for controlling saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. To obtain physically meaningful optimal management strategies, the physical processes involved need to be simulated while deriving the management strategies. The flow and transport processes involved in coastal aquifers are difficult to simulate especially when the density-dependent flow and transport processes need to be modeled. Incorporation of this simulation model within an optimization-based management model is very complex and difficult. However, as an alternative, it is possible to link a simulation model externally with an optimization-based management model. The GA-based optimization approach is especially suitable for externally linking the numerical simulation model within the optimization model. Further efficiency in computational procedure can be achieved for such a linked model, if the simulation process can be simplified by approximation, as very large number of iterations between the optimization and simulation model is generally necessary to evolve an optimal management strategy. A possible approach for approximating the simulation model is to use a trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as the approximate simulator. Therefore, an ANN model is trained as an approximator of the three dimensional density-dependent flow and transport processes in a coastal aquifer. A linked simulation – optimization model is then developed to link the trained ANN with the GA-based optimization model for solving saltwater management problems. The performance of the developed optimization model is evaluated using an illustrative study area. The evaluation results show the potential applicability of the developed methodology using a GA- and ANN-based linked optimization – simulation model for optimal management of coastal aquifer.  相似文献   

Groundwater has always been considered to be a readily available source of water for domestic, agricultural and industrial use. The last decades, the lack of policymaking for the utilization of groundwater, has led to overexploitation in many areas. The cooperation of a wide range of scientists such as mathematicians, engineers, computer scientists, environmentalists and economists – operation researchers, have led to the design and construction of commercial computer programs concerned on water management and specifically on the optimal distribution of limited water resources using groundwater management models. These combined models, via simulation and optimization algorithms, result in one optimal solution through operations research and mathematical programming methods. The groundwater management models are based on the method of space superposition or the combination of space and time superposition for steady and unsteady state problems, respectively. In the present study, an algorithm is presented, which minimizes the dimension of the response matrix, concerning on two assumptions: the first is the added fixed cost which represents the water supply pumping well and the second is the removal of time superposition. The study area is a transboundary phreatic aquifer in Northern Greece, in the area of Eidomeni, a small Hellenic village just on the borderline with FYROM. The aquifer has a total area of 10,84 km2, 26 operating – pumping wells, which the 9 of them consist control points of the hydraulic head. The number of the management periods is 12 months.  相似文献   

Inappropriate farming techniques and 4 years of drought (1992–1995) produced conditions for high nitrate concentration in an aquifer located in the Province of Seville (Southwest Spain). The objectives of this study were to study groundwater components and to determine the relationship between the cropping system and nitrate concentrations in groundwater. From October 1994 to May 1996, 16 groundwater samples were obtained from a network of 35 sample points. Groundwater concentrations were analysed by multivariate statistical techniques (factor and cluster analysis). Two factors were found: firstly, agricultural pollution and secondly, salinization (from natural mineralization of groundwater and from anthropogenic effects). High levels of NO3 were closely associated with intensive cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) and potato production (Solanum tuberosum L.). The salinization factor includes electrical conductivity, Cl, Na+, Ca2 +, Mg2 +, SO42 – and HCO3. Our study permits the impact of crops on groundwater to be determined. In comparison to the other crops, cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) made the greatest contribution to nitrate pollution and salinization. Use of the groundwater for human consumption in drought periods could represent a public health risk. Alternative farming techniques for these crops such as monitored fractional fertilization and controlled irrigation are recommended.  相似文献   

通过对引水隧洞中圆弧纵断面处模板分析研究,并进行合理的优化设计,得出了在圆弧段处用方形的小摸板代替圆弧模板的可行性。避免了历来圆弧段处模板不能重复使用的弊端,从而减低了工程成本。同时通过采集大量的测量数据,对浇筑后的隧洞进行精度分析,得出了转弯半径为40m,直径为9m的圆形隧洞模板的最佳尺寸为30cm×100cm完全能够满足精度要求。对其他类似工程的测量施工有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A typical groundwater remedation problem is studied by using a combined simulation-optimization model. The management procedure employs groundwater flow and contaminant transport simulation models in conjunction with linear and quadratic programming techniques. The methodology is applied to the hydrodynamic control of a contaminant plume that has to be stabilized and removed by a system of pumping wells. The paper focuses mainly upon a sensitivity analysis to the aquifer transmissivity. The effect of changes in the transmissivities of a zoned aquifer upon the optimal solutions of the management problem is examined by considering the optimal pumping rates, the time to remediation and the pumped groundwater volume as the key output variables of the remediation strategies. In addition, the influence of the dispersivities and the imposed hydraulic gradient upon the same output variables is critically evaluated. The results of the study illustrate the need for uncertainty reduction in the knowledge of the hydrogeologic parameters.  相似文献   

蚁群算法在拱坝结构可靠度分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据Hasofer-Lind的定义,将复杂的拱坝可靠性指标计算问题转化为数学上的优化问题,针对拱坝功能函数的复杂非线性和隐性的特点,提出基于蚁群算法的拱坝可靠度计算新方法,该方法避免了计算功能函数求导问题,不易陷入局部最优。以沙牌碾压混凝土拱坝的结构可靠度分析为例,得出了该坝坝体及诱导逢可靠性指标的分布规律,与文献[2]试验成果吻合。  相似文献   

Reliability programming formulations offer a family ofexplicit stochastic models for planning the operationof complex water resources systems. These models usecumulative probability distributions of the sum ofinflows to characterize their variability in theplanning period. Applicability of these models for avariety of problems has been limited, mainly due tothe assumption of independence between inflows indifferent time periods that leads to the derivation ofconservative operating policies. This paper presentsthree new approaches to overcome this limitation. Theperformance of the proposed approaches is demonstratedthrough comparison of the operating policies derivedfrom these approaches and the Independent Approach. Operational planning of the Manitoba Hydro energygeneration system, a predominantly hydro-based utilitycompany in Manitoba (Canada), is used as the case study.  相似文献   

为了改进水文建模过程中的不确定性处理,采用一种融合全局优化和数据同化(Simultaneous Optimization and Data Assimilation, SODA)的混合框架,对HyMOD模型进行了不确定性分析,并与经典SCEM-UA方法进行了比较。SODA方法具有如下特点①具备较高的参数搜索效率和寻优能力;②明确考虑包括输入、输出、参数以及模型结构在内的重要不确定性来源。SODA方法在渭河流域的实例应用结果表明与SCEM-UA方法相比,SODA方法不仅显著提高了预报精度,而且推求出了性质更为优良的预报区间。SODA方法的成功应用,有助于模型概念的改进及对水文系统功能的理解。  相似文献   

台风暴雨是诱发边坡失稳的重要因素。为探讨暴雨作用下高台阶排土场稳定性计算方法,引入可靠度理论进行分析。通过对影响排土场边坡稳定性的不确定因素分析,建立排土场边坡可靠度分析流程。以福建龙岩某铁矿排土边坡为实例,对排土边坡强度参数进行敏感度分析,得出内摩擦角φ的敏感度>内聚力c敏感度;以降雨强度为60 mm/d持续降雨72 h排土边坡可靠度指标的求解为例,对排土场边坡的稳定性进行可靠度分析。结果表明,此时排土场边坡可靠度指标为6.054,破坏概率为0。根据《有色金属矿山排土场设计规范》以1.12为设计安全系数,排土边坡失稳概率为29.63%,相应的安全概率为70.37%。更多还原  相似文献   

The challenges posed by nonstationarity in predicting catchment water balance components motivated this study to test the stationary versus nonstationarity hypothesis and detect changes in the watershed response to land use land cover (LULC) alterations, and climate variability and change. The focus is on a two‐step procedure that includes model calibration of Soil and Water Assessment Tool using a sequential Bayesian uncertainty algorithm (i.e. sequential uncertainty fitting), followed by nonstationary assessment of water balance component using extreme value analysis over an Atlantic coastal plain watershed in the southeastern USA. Analysis suggests that the uncertainty of Soil and Water Assessment Tool model is statistically aligned with LULC alterations that increased the sensitivity of Manning's roughness coefficient, transmission loss and the resistance of the soil matrix to water flow. Changes in LULC along with variability in the magnitude, timing and frequency of precipitation diminished surface runoff and groundwater contribution to the river system whereas it increased evapotranspiration with a substantial decline in water storage capacity. Nonstationary assessment of water balance using extreme value analysis model further revealed a functional form of stationary behaviour (no trends) prior to LULC alteration while large amplification was detected during post‐changes. The results and findings presented in this paper confirm our hypothesis about a combined effect of climate and LULC changes on hydrological functions and that variation of these fingerprints elucidates the presence of nonstationarity in the watershed system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater is no longer an open-access resource in Kathmandu. Perceptions of groundwater are changing from an “infinite” to a “finite” resource and the role of the government from supply developer to caretaker of the resource. In this context, this paper aims to unfold how perceptions of groundwater in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, are changing from an open-access resource to an overexploited, depleted, degraded, vulnerable and state-controlled resource. In the process, it produces an aggregated picture of resource availability, development dynamics, impacts and responses in the area; suggests some “soft-path” approaches for groundwater management; and discusses implications of the experience for other areas.  相似文献   

船舶CFD不确定度分析及ITTC临时规程的初步应用   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
该文在学习和消化国际船模水池会议(ITTC)的CFD(计算流体力学)不确定度分析临时规程的基础上,对潜艇标模SUBOFF光体的黏性绕流场进行了数值计算,应用ITTC临时规程对数值结果的不确定度进行了分析实践。通过实践,作者体会到:ITTC方法提供了一种比较直接、可靠的途径,不需更改求解器,相对容易实施;但是,目前ITTC的临时规程还只适合于简单对象,对复杂对象,实施上有较大的难度;为了更好地进行CFD不确定度分析,较多的实践经验是必不可少的。  相似文献   

The need for joint management of increasingly stressed cross-boundary aquifers is likely to grow in upcoming years. Yet there is a lack of experience in the management of cross-boundary groundwater. Moreover, the differences in the nature of groundwater and surface water preclude direct transfer of experience gained in managing cross-boundary rivers and lakes to the management of cross-border groundwater basins. This paper suggests an open-ended approach to the identification of joint management structures for shared aquifers to overcome the inability to rely on prior experience. A flexible-sequential framework is proposed that allows the parties to identify and evaluate options not tried before. The discussion is on the most salient points for analysts and decision-makers. The framework is developed within the Israeli-Palestinian context; however, the approach is applicable to a wider array of situations.  相似文献   

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