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Renerre M  Bonhomme J 《Meat science》1991,29(3):191-202
The effects of electrical stimulation of hot-boned (ESHB) bovine longissimus dorsi muscle, followed by vacuum packaging with different temperature/time regimes and storage in aerobic conditions, compared with cold-boned treatment (CB), on colour characteristics was assessed. No significant difference in haeminic iron content was noted between ESHB and CB meat. The opacity was more pronounced in ESHB meat vacuum packaged and incubated at 37°C. This treatment (37° C/4 h) allowed a lighter and brighter red meat colour with a higher level of contamination which was always acceptable. The worst results for colour characteristics were obtained with ESHB meat conditioned rapidly at 2°C. No differences were noted between ESHB meat conditioned at 25°C and CB meat. To explain these discrepancies between treatments about colour characteristics, where muscle translucency is largely involved, differences in enzymic reducing activity and denaturation of sarcoplasmic proteins during glycolysis must be implicated.  相似文献   

采用2×2析因设计研究了低压电刺激和冷却方式对猪肉品质特性,包括背最长肌温度、pH、肉汁损失、煮制损失和剪切力的影响。结果表明,低压电刺激加快猪背最长肌pH下降,增大剪切力,对持水性有不利影响;二阶段冷却加快猪背最长肌温度下降,减缓pH的下降速率,显著降低肉汁损失,对剪切力没有显著影响。回归分析表明,煮制损失最能反映猪肉剪切力。采用二阶段冷却或低压电刺激配合二阶段冷却工艺可以保持良好的猪肉品质。  相似文献   

Previous work identified that a large number of domestic lamb carcases processed in Australia do not meet the recommended pH/temperature window during chilling. New medium voltage electrical stimulation technology has been developed to alleviate this problem. This study used an optimised setting (800mA with a pulse width 0.5ms) to evaluate the effects on meat quality with a focus on tenderness and meat colour. In total 40 (electrically stimulated) and 40 (non electrically stimulated) lambs from 11 lots killed over 2 days were evaluated. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between stimulation treatments for initial pH, rate of pH decline and the predicted temperature at pH 6.0. There was also a large difference in the number of carcases that met the recommended window (pH of 6.0, between 18 and 25°C), with an average 67.5% of stimulated carcases and 25% of unstimulated carcases meeting or falling just above the recommended window. The stimulation treatment had no significant (P>0.05) effect on sarcomere length or myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI) of the m. longissimus (LL). After 1day of ageing LL samples from stimulated carcases had a significantly lower (P<0.05) shear force than non stimulated samples, but there was no difference between stimulation treatments after 5 days ageing. However, ageing period did have a significant effect (P<0.001) on both MFI and shear force, such that 5days aged product had higher MFI and lower shear force values. There were minimal effects of stimulation on colour stability.  相似文献   

为了探究超低压电刺激技术对热剔骨牦牛西冷的改善效果,选择18头甘南牦牛随机分为3组,分别进行超低压电刺激(21 V,50 Hz,0.25 A,1 min&2 min)和未电刺激处理后,左半胴体进行热剔骨,右半胴体跟腱吊挂,于宰后45 min、24、48、72 h测定西冷的剪切力值、持水力、肉色。结果表明:超低压电刺激处理有效降低了宰后3 d牦牛西冷的剪切力值,同时抵消了热剔骨工艺对牦牛西冷剪切力值所造成的负面影响;超低压电刺激处理对牦牛西冷持水力无显著影响,未减弱热剔骨工艺所造成的牦牛西冷持水力下降;而超低压电刺激结合热剔骨有效改善了牦牛西冷的色度值,单独热剔骨工艺则对牦牛西冷肉色无显著影响。  相似文献   

This paper describes the colour properties of seven hot-boned, unstimulated beef striploins during rigor attainment at 9, 14 and 24°C, during blooming at 4°C, and after storage at -1°C for 0, 2 and 8 weeks. Immediately after rigor attainment (0 weeks of storage) full blooming, as judged by L* and chroma, took at least 12 h. After 2 and 8 weeks storage, blooming was complete within about 4 h. The exponential equations describing blooming were different for 0 weeks compared with 2 and 8 weeks. This difference can be explained in terms of oxygen consumption by meat freshly in rigor. At 0 weeks, meat that entered rigor at 24°C had the best bloomed colour, whereas at 2 and 8 weeks the 9°C treatment had the best and the 24°C the worst. The data set, which spanned a range of ultimate pH values and three rigor attainment temperatures, was used to estimate the value of early colour measurements (first 24 h post-rigor) in predicting colour during display several weeks later. As judged by correlation coefficients, early measurements of hue were the only ones useful. L* and chroma were poor predictors. This result, together with the knowledge that blooming is slow in the first 24 h post-rigor, casts doubt on the value of subjective or objective colour assessments made in chillers. Temperature of rigor attainment between 9 and 24°C did not affect the time of browning onset, nor the rate of browning. It was confirmed that meat with lower pH had higher chroma before and after blooming.  相似文献   

The influence of effective low voltage electrical stimulation on the colour stability of beef topside (semimembranosus) muscles, during storage and retail display was studied using objective measurements and subjective assessments. Earlier results obtained from objective measurements demonstrated that during a three day retail display period, stimulated topsides had a greater loss of colour than non-stimulated topsides, and primal cuts aged for 33 days at 0 °C before display suffered faster changes to colour during retail presentation than cuts aged for 5 days. To relate results obtained using objective methods to consumer perceptions of meat quality, consumer perceptions of samples of meat displayed for 3 days in the retail cabinets of a major local supermarket were recorded. A total of 960 consumers were asked to evaluate topside steaks for meat and fat colour, meat discolouration and acceptability. During 3 days of retail display, consumers did not perceive differences in the extent of discolouration of topside steaks from electrically stimulated and non-stimulated carcasses; for the majority of the treatment groups (high or low pH muscles, 5 or 33 day ageing, 1-3 day retail display) there were no significant differences, for any of the scored attributes, between stimulated and non-stimulated samples. However, for samples in the fresh (5 days ageing), high pH (5.8-6.0) treatments group, lean meat colour and acceptability for the stimulated samples were, on some of the days on display, given significantly (P < 0.05) better ratings by the consumers than those from corresponding non-stimulated samples.  相似文献   

Twenty-four veal calves were stunned with a captive bolt. Twelve calves were shackled by the left, the other twelve by the right hindleg. Approximately 1 min after sticking, six carcasses of each of these subgroups were stimulated electrically with equipment relying on a combined high (3000 V, 0·83 pulses s(-1), 1·5 ms duration) and low 35 V, 14 pulsess(-1)) voltage action. The remaining carcasses were left unharmed. At 24 h post-mortem hindquarters were boned to commercial primal cuts. Surrounding connective tissue and cut-up surfaces of primals as well as certain locations vulnerable for blood splash were further dissected. Neither electrical stimulation nor shackling by either of the hindlegs significantly affected the prevalence and severity of blood splash. Post-mortem factors promoting blood splash and possibly related to electrical stimulation and shackling are discussed. At 7 days post-mortem the sensory meat quality was assessed. In general, electrical stimulation did not significantly affect waterbinding and colour characteristics in longissimus (M. longissimus dorsi) and semimembranosus samples. Sarcomere lengths were similar in stimulated and control groups in longissimus but not in semimembranosus muscle. In both muscles shear force values were lower after electrical stimulation. In general, neither longissimus nor semimembranosus samples excised ipsilaterally from the shackled leg side exhibited differences in tenderness and sarcomere length. It is concluded that shackling by one leg or the other does not interfere with the tenderising effect of electrical stimulation.  相似文献   

The influence of effective low voltage electrical stimulation (ES) of beef on the colour and colour stability of longissimus dorsi (LD) and semimembranosus (SM) muscles, during storage and retail display was studied by tristimulus colorimetry and reflectance spectrophotometry. ES had no significant effect on the colour of the LD muscles, but some significant effects on SM muscles of ultimate pH 5·5-5·7. Three hours after slicing into steaks at 5 days post mortem, stimulated SM muscles had a paler/lighter colour than non-stimulated controls. During a retail display of 3 days, all steaks exhibited a loss of colour quality manifested in loss of redness and decreases in both hue and chroma (saturation). These changes were most marked in the stimulated SM muscles, and analysis indicated that they were due almost exclusively to the formation of metmyoglobin (metMb). Ageing the meat, as primals cuts, for 33 days at 0°C led to no significant differences in the perceived colour three hours after slicing. The colour changes observed during the 3-day retail display of steaks occurred more rapidly in both (ES and non-ES) 33 day-aged samples than in the 5 day-aged ones. The result of this was that the colour stability of non-stimulated steaks prepared at 33 days was similar to that of ES steaks prepared fresh (5 day post mortem). In SM muscles of pH 5·8-6·0 the apparent differences in colour of the ES and non-ES samples were not significant. However, meat of pH > 5·8, although darker than meat of lesser pH, had less tendency to form metmyoglobin during retail display.

The present work also confirmed that seemingly small differences in display conditions, especially temperature, have a marked effect on metmyoglobin formation.  相似文献   

The effects of an early post mortem low voltage electrical stimulation (28 V, 60 Hz) on biochemical changes and on final tenderness in muscles Longissimus thoracis et lumborum and Semimembranosus from lamb carcasses were studied. It was shown that electrical stimulation accelerated the glycolytic process resulting in a significant fall in pH during the first 6 h post mortem in both muscles examined and in a significant reduction in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content in muscle Longissimus thoracis et lumborum. The effect of electrical stimulation on tenderness was recorded by measuring shear force values 2 and 7 days post mortem. Tenderness was significantly improved by electrical stimulation for the Longissimus thoracis et lumborum both at 2 and at 7 days post mortem, while for Semimembranosus electrical stimulation significantly increased tenderness just at 7 days post mortem.  相似文献   

目的:研究电刺激对白牦牛不同部位肉品质及感官特性的影响。方法:20头天祝白牦牛每5头一组按实验设计对宰后白牦牛胴体进行电刺激ES(电压21V、额定功率50W、时间72s)分别取前驱肱三头肌(TB)、中部背最长肌(ML)、后驱半膜肌(SM)三种不同部位肉和常规冷却排酸NES(04℃、风速0.5m·s-1)处理,在成熟过程中的24、72、168h测定牦牛肉的各指标和感官特性。结果:电刺激明显加速了宰后pH的下降。电刺激明显加速了糖原含量的下降,且24h前TB、ML与SM之间差异性极为显著(p<0.01)。电刺激对牦牛肉的剪切力、MFI作用极为显著(p<0.01),提高了牦牛肉的嫩度和多汁性及风味。结论:电刺激在牦牛屠宰加工过程中能缩短牦牛肉成熟时间,显著改善其嫩度(剪切力可降低至26.6)。特别是对肉质较差的SM部位肉效果尤为显著(p<0.01)。   相似文献   

Effects of rigor temperature and electrical stimulation on venison quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of rigor temperature and electrical stimulation on venison quality were assessed using venison longissimus dorsi muscle. In the first trial, effect of rigor temperature (0, 15, 25, 30, 35 and 42 °C) and time post-mortem (at rigor, 3, 7 and 14 days) on drip and cooking losses, % expressible water (water holding capacity, WHC), sarcomere length, protein solubility, meat tenderness and colour were investigated. In the second trial, the effects of rigor temperature (15 and 35 °C), electric stimulation (stimulated or not stimulated) and time (at rigor, 3 and 6 weeks post-mortem) on tenderness and colour were further investigated. Results of the first trial showed no clearly established trends of the effect of rigor temperature and time on the cooking and drip losses and protein solubility except venison muscles that went into rigor at 42 °C tended to have higher drip loss and lower protein solubilities compared to muscles that went into rigor at the other temperatures. Venison water holding capacity (WHC) decreased with the increase in rigor temperature (P < 0.001) and venison became more tender with time post-mortem. Venison colour improved with increasing rigor temperature. During display, samples that went into rigor at 15, 25 and 35 °C had the lowest and those at 0 and 42 °C had the highest rate of change of redness (a*) value with time. In the second trial, tenderness was improved by stimulation (P = 0.01). Redness (a*) values were affected by rigor temperature (P < 0.01) and post-mortem time (P < 0.001) but not by electrical stimulation. It is concluded that venison tenderness can be improved via the manipulation of rigor temperature to obtain acceptable level of tenderness early post-mortem with less damaging effect on colour stability.  相似文献   

Li C  Li J  Li X  Hviid M  Lundström K 《Meat science》2011,88(3):559-565
The effect of low voltage electrical stimulation after dressing (ES) on color stability and water holding capacity (WHC) of beef was investigated. Nine Swedish red cattle were slaughtered and the left side was electrically stimulated (80 V, 35 s) approximately 30 min after stunning, whereas the other side was not treated and used as control. Color and its stability, WHC, and protein solubility were evaluated on longissimus lumborum muscles from the two sides. ES produced a brighter red color at 24h mainly by increasing the oxygenation capacity of myoglobin (P<0.01), which was attenuated by postmortem aging. ES did not affect WHC, protein solubility and color stability (P>0.05). Therefore, this technology could accelerate meat tenderization without any negative effect on commercial attributes, such as color or drip of bovine longissimus muscle.  相似文献   

Three groups of male Friesian veal calves (in total, 92) were slaughtered in separate series. Within each group, a subgroup (selected on the basis of blood characteristics determined 1 week ante mortem) was electrically stimulated immediately after bleeding (64 s-Mitab® Low voltage unit). Carcasses were transferred ca. 25 min post mortem (pm) to a cooler at 6°C and ca 2 h pm to a cooler at 3°C.

Electrical stimulation (ES) increased brightness and, to a lesser extent, yellowness, of the freshly cut surface (6th rib Longissimus dorsi, 24 h pm) but resulted also in a diminished water-holding capacity (WHC) of the veal meat. The effect of ES on tenderness (Warner-Bratzler shear force, 48 h pm) is positive for two of the three groups but negative for the third. This indicates that ES probably results in two opposite effects on tenderness—‘toughening’, as a result of the sarcomere shortening which occurred in all three groups, and ‘tenderizing’, as a result of microscopical fibre disruption. Our data indicate that disadvantages of ES may outweigh advantages when followed by moderate cooling.  相似文献   

Mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) was washed with water, 0·5% NaCl or 0·5% NaHCO(3) solutions. Approximately 75·5% of the total hemoprotein pigments were removed by washing of MDCM with a sodium bicarbonate solution which resulted in the best colour improvements in the samples. Approximately 18·7% of total lipids were removed as a result of aqueous washing. The yield of proteins ranged from 56·5% after one washing with water to 43·4% after washing with water and then with a sodium bicarbonate solution. The Hunter L and a colour parameters of the samples correlated well with the total hemoproteins (correlation coefficients -0·984 and +0·947, respectively); corresponding correlation coefficient with the Hunter b value was only +0·693.  相似文献   

The effect of electrical and captive needle air pressure stunning methods on some meat quality parameters was examined in ostriches under practical conditions. One hundred and fifteen ostriches were used in three experiments. The ostriches were stunned either electrically (head only) or by using a captive needle with air pressure. In the first experiment the ostriches were stunned at 90 V (~effectively 52 V), 200 V and by captive needle using air pressure. In the second experiment voltages of 175 and 200 V were applied and a captive needle stunning method using air pressure. In the third experiment the birds were stunned at 175 V with a short stun/stick interval. Experiments 2 and 3 were performed in a different slaughterhouse from experiment 1. Meat quality was assessed by measuring the pH, temperature and colour at 45 min and 18 h post mortem and by determining water binding capacity and haemorrhage score at 18 h post mortem in the big drum, tender loin and triangular filet muscles. The measured stunning parameters in the first experiment were 204±96 mA (~52 V) during 11±1 s and 556±85 mA (~200 V) during 6±0 s. The stun/stick interval was 136±38 s. The rigor mortis value in the tender loin and both pH(1) and pH(2) in the big drum, tender loin and triangular filet muscles were (p<0.05) lower when stunned with air pressure compared with electrical stunning. Moreover internal light scattering remained higher. The measured currents in the second experiment were 561±226 mA (~173 V) during 6±2 s and 518±120 mA (~200 V) during 6 s. The stun/stick interval was 39±12 s. The pH at 45 min and 18 h differed (p<0.05) in the tender loin and triangular filet muscles as did the temperature at 45 min in the three muscles between the different stunning groups. The stunning in the third experiment was carried out with 548±180 mA during 6±2 s. The stun/stick interval was 5±2 s. After the short stun/stick interval the pH(2) was lower (p<0.05) for the tender loin and triangular filet muscles and the wetness of the filter paper of the big drum was (p<0.05) lower compared with the other groups. Our experiments showed that stunning methods affected several meat quality parameters. Using a high electrical stunning current, captive needle stunning or a short stun/stick interval may positively affect some parameters. More research is necessary to examine effects of pre slaughter handling on meat quality.  相似文献   

Carcasses from 60 Large white pigs, weighing 62-85 kg, were split and half were stimulated (700 V, 12·5 Hz for 90 s) 20 min after slaughter. Half of the stimulated (ES) and half of the non-stimulated sides were suspended from the Obturator foramen at 40 min after slaughter and resuspended from the Achilles tendon after 6 h. The sides were then subjected to one of two chilling treatments: (a) air at -15°C until M. longissimus dorsi (LD) in the lumbar region was below 10°C (approx. 3 h from slaughter), followed by air at 1°C for the remainder of chilling; (b) air at 1°C throughout. Rapid chilling increased toughness of LD but not M. semimembranosus (Sm). Stimulation improved tenderness in both muscles, increased drip loss in Sm and increased paleness in LD which could be reversed by rapid chilling. Pelvic suspension reduced drip and improved tenderness with similar magnitude to ES. Ageing improved tenderness in all except pelvic suspended sides but ES produced the most tender pork at 7 days.  相似文献   

Beef carcasses were stimulated with either 50 or 500 V and exposed to three chilling temperatures during the first 3 to 9 h post mortem. Both high (HV) and low voltage (LV) electrical stimulation (ES) treatments improved lean maturity scores, lowered the pH values at 2 h through 12 h and reduced the time required for the ATP level to reach minimum values. Both HV-ES and LV-ES treatments influenced firmness, fragmentation and connective tissue (CT) residue as measured by sensory panel and reduced Instron shear value (ISV) of loin steaks. The 30°C temperature treatment had an adverse effect while the 20°C temperature treatment had a beneficial effect on ISV and panel ratings for firmness and CT residue. There was an interaction between conditioning treatments and ES for ISV and sensory panel traits. The LV-ES-20C treatment resulted in the lowest ISV and superior panel ratings; however, the LV-ES-30C treatment had ISV and sensory panel ratings that were similar to the NES-2C (control) group.  相似文献   

Jacob RH  Thomson KL 《Meat science》2012,90(2):478-484
An experiment was conducted to compare the effect of two chilling rates (Con and Fast) on colour change of lamb meat during simulated retail display. Measurements were made on 3 muscles; LD (m. longisimuss dorsi), SM (m semimembranosus) and ST (m. semitendinous). Meat samples from 32 Merino crossbred lambs were vacuum packed and stored for 5 days at 2 °C, then cut and overwrapped in polyvinyl chloride film on black polystyrene trays, stored in a display cabinet at 4 °C with lights on and measured twice daily for 4 days, using a Hunterlab minilab 45/20 L D65, aperture 10°. Sarcomere length was shorter, shear force higher and colour change greater in meat from the Fast treatment compared to the Con treatment. Colour differences between treatments were likely due to oxygenation (bloom) as well as oxidation effects. Chill rate is important when characterising colour change during display and should be considered in measurement protocols.  相似文献   

《Meat science》2014,96(2):1040-1048
A study was undertaken, using 2701 overwrapped loin samples aged for 5 days and subjected to a simulated retail display (SRD) for 3 days; sourced from lambs in the Cooperative Research Centre for Sheep Industry Innovation information nucleus flock, born 2007–2009. The ratio of reflectance of light in the wavelengths of 630 nm and 580 nm (oxy/met) was measured daily during the SRD, using a Hunterlab spectrophotometer. A series of linear mixed models was fitted to the oxy/met and time data to compare 4 breed types and identify relevant covariates, of 19, using a forward selection process. Breed type, pH at 24 h post slaughter and Linoleic acid concentration (LA) were the most important factors and covariates, in that order. Merino breed type, high pH and high LA reduced colour stability. Fitting a spline model to predict the time for oxy/met to reach a set value, represents an alternative to comparing oxy/met at a set time, for describing colour stability.  相似文献   

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