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随着福清、方家山核电项目的陆续开工,在设备制造过程中,出现了一些设备制造的NCR.以福清/方家山工程的SG大锻件为对象,通过对设备制造过程中NCR的产生、发现、申报审批、纠正预防措施进行分析总结,提醒我们在设备制造过程中,要严格NCR的处理过程管理,加强纠正预防措施的落实,减少NCR的发生,以保证设备的生产质量,避免潜在的质量风险,对核电工程建设的质量保证和安全运行是十分必要的.  相似文献   

针对EPR核电机组在运行中出现的因设备本体保温效果不佳引起的厂房温度超温问题,本文提出了一种穿戴式软质保温技术,该技术能够有效地提高设备的保温效果,降低核岛稳压器、蒸发器等房间温度并提升设备的安全性能。本文介绍了EPR核电机组的概况和厂房温度控制的重要性。本文针对传统硬质保温盒保温技术的不足之处,提出了穿戴式软质保温技术的应用。该技术采用了新型的软质保温材料,根据不同设备形状缝制而成,能够有效地提高设备的保温效果。在实验中,我们采用了多组EPR核电机组设备进行了试验对比,结果表明相较于传统的硬质保温盒,穿戴式软质保温材料的贴合度更高、保温效果更好,能够有效降低核岛稳压器、蒸发器等房间的温度。该技术应用能够确保EPR核电机组设备在运行过程中温度的稳定性,从而提高核电站的安全性和可用性。  相似文献   

与标准的第二代反应堆相比,AP1000先进压水反应堆的一些核岛关键设备具有明显的变化。正是由于AP1000的这些特点,为其设备的制造带来了挑战。尤其是,一些关键技术还处于试验阶段。并且,国内制造厂家缺乏这些关键设备的制造技术和经验,这都给设备的国产化带来了巨大困难。 通过对AP1000先进压水堆设备的制造特点进行分析,可以加深对第三代先进压水堆技术的了解;帮助我们理清思路,明确设备制造的难点以及设备制造国产化面临的一些问题,便于设备制造过程中对一些关键环节的把握,促进设备制造工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

BEPCⅡ储存环的预准直   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京正负电子对撞机(BEPCII)的正负电子储存环,建于原BEPC储存环隧道中,需完成拆除旧加速器、地面改造、水电安装、墙壁修整及新设备安装等工作。为提高工作效率,我们将构成BEPCII储存环主体的84个标准单元的安装准直工作抽取出来,作为预准直工程。本文介绍此预准直工程概况,给出了磁铁的标定方法、标定精度分析、主要设备在标准单元中的安装和调整方案、理论位置坐标计算方法、准直所用仪器和单元中主要设备的准直精度。BEPCII预准直工程顺利通过了国家验收。  相似文献   

【美国《核新闻》2003年6月刊报道】 截至2003年4月22日,美国能源部(DOE)已经在全国各地的应急响应社区部署了1500多件放射性探测仪。DOE表示,这些设备价值70万美元。 这批设备是根据DOE和国土安全部(DHS)的联合计划——国土防御设备重新使用(HDER)计划——提供的。该计划主要是为国家和地方的应急响应社区提供相关设备,以增强它们的应急准备能力。 DOE部长Spencer Abraham在4月22日说:“我们能帮助美国的执法和应急人员获得必需的设备和培训,以使其能对任何紧急事件做出全面而有效的响应,我们对此感到十分骄傲。对于能利用DOE的…  相似文献   

本工作对后处理工艺研究中常用的两种物料输送设备——单柱塞泵(简称柱塞泵)和双柱塞泵(平流泵)的应用性能进行了实验评价。测定了经我们改进设计的这两种泵在给定流量范围内的稳定性、准确性等。在此基础上,以先进二循环台架实验中运行数据为依据,对两种物料输送设备评价如下。  相似文献   

本工作对后处理工艺研究中常用的两种物料输送设备——单柱塞泵(简称柱塞泵)和双柱塞泵(平流泵)的应用性能进行了实验评价。测定了经我们改进设计的这两种泵在给定流量范围内的稳定性、准确性等。在此基础上,以先进二循环台架实验中运行数据为依据,对两种物料输送设备评价如下:  相似文献   

【俄罗斯原子能机构网站2007年2月28日报道】俄罗斯原子能机构(Rosatom)主任谢尔盖·基里延科表示,俄罗斯正在考虑与日本开展广泛的核能合作,尤其是与日本共同在俄罗斯境内组建一家核设备制造企业。一些日本企业在核电厂设备制造领域居世界领先地位。他说:"日本企业也有意向为我们的核能发展计划提供设备,而我们也在考虑与日本组建合资公司的事宜。"  相似文献   

随着核电站在我们国家的大力发展。核电站的厂址逐步由沿海转向内陆,内陆核电站较沿海核电站的一大变化就是冷却方式的改变,由海水冷却变为空气冷却,其冷源品质发生了大的改变,冷源的品质对发电效率有重大的影响,同时也有会引起核岛及常规岛中需要冷却的设备的参数变化。进一步会影响到设备的布置。本文就冷源品质的改变对相关设备的影响、冷却方式的优缺点比较以及冷却方式的改变对后续设计中可能会产生的问题予以简单的分析。  相似文献   

随着液相色谱技术的飞速发展,液相色谱的应用亦愈来愈广泛。在液相色谱的设备上多采用超细不锈钢管,因此,超细不锈钢管的耐压密封联接就成了波相色谱设备的一个关键问题。我们设计了一种联接超细不锈钢管(管子直径由1.1到4毫米)的卡套联接装置,经过使用,性能良好,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

In the context of the ITER contract “ITER/CT/07/219–200 kV Stored Energy Tests”, electrical breakdown tests have been performed in vacuum with a stored energy of up to 425 J. The experiments have been conceived and performed with the collaboration of Consorzio RFX. The tests are being performed in the 1 MV test facility at IRFM, CEA-Cadarache. They should simulate the conditions that will be found in the ITER Neutral Beam accelerator, at 200 kV. This paper presents the set-up of the test bed, the choice of critical components, the diagnostic equipments and the results obtained with 200 kV applied on the anode electrode.  相似文献   

Single Event Effects (SEEs) triggered by energetic heavy ions traversing a sensitive parts of electric devices have been studied using high-energy heavy ion microbeams connected with Transient Ion Beam Induced Current (TIBIC) measuring system at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Takasaki Ion Accelerators for Advanced Radiation Applications (TIARA) facility. In the TIBIC system, SEE for semiconductor device, that is fast charge collection, has been observed in timescales of the order of picoseconds. In this paper, we show successful demonstration of the performance of the system, in which clear images of TIBIC map have been observed for Si pin photodiodes irradiated by 260 MeV 20Ne7+ and also by 520 MeV 40Ar14+ microbeams.  相似文献   

The new test facility ELISE (Extraction from a Large Ion Source Experiment) has been designed and installed since November 2009 at IPP Garching to support the development of the radio frequency driven negative ion source for the Neutral Beam System on ITER. The test facility is now completely assembled; all auxiliary systems have been commissioned and are operational. First plasma and beam operation is starting in October 2012.The source is designed to deliver an ion beam of 20 A of D? ions, operating at 0.3 Pa source pressure at an electron to ion current ratio below 1. Beam extraction is limited to 60 kV for 10 s every 3 minutes, while plasma operation of the source can be performed continuously for 1 hour. The ion source and extraction system have the same width as the ITER source, but only half the height, i.e. 1 × 1 m2 source area with an extraction area of 0.1 m2. The aperture pattern of the extraction system and the multi driver source concept stay as close as possible to the ITER design. Easy access to the source for diagnostic tools or modifications allows to analyze and optimize the source performance. Among other possibilities many different magnetic filter field configurations inside the source can be realized to enhance the negative ion extraction and to reduce the co-extraction of electrons. Beam power and profiles are measured by calorimetry and thermography on an inertially cooled target as well as by beam emission spectroscopy. Cs evaporation into the source is done via two dispenser ovens.  相似文献   

The spectral deterioration of Hamamatsu S5821 silicon photodiodes for ion types and energies frequently used in Ion Beam Analysis was investigated. Focused proton beams with energies 430 keV and 2 MeV were applied to generate radiation damage via an area selective ion implantation in unbiased diodes at room temperature. The variations of spectroscopic features were measured “in situ” by Ion Beam Induced Current (IBIC) method as a function of fluence, within the 109–5 × 1012 ion/cm2 range and diode bias voltages, between 0 and 100 V.An empirical model has been developed to describe the radiation damage. Equations are derived for the variations of the normalized peak position and peak width. The derived empirical equations are physically correct, as far as they account for the superposition of the influence of charge carrier trapping by native and radiation-induced defects and for the effect of charge carrier velocity saturation with electric field strength, as well.  相似文献   

A small- and medium-sized nuclear reactor (SMR) has drawn attention because it is used for multi-purpose applications and the SMR has the virtue of being safer than a large-sized nuclear reactor. According to this tendency, the Regional Energy Research Institute for Next Generation (RERI) has been designing a Regional Energy Reactor-10 MWth (REX-10). REX-10 is an integral type pressurized water reactor (PWR), and is designed to remove heat by natural circulation to improve safety. To investigate the natural circulation characteristics of REX-10, we designed a REX-10 Test Facility (RTF) using the scaling law and carried out experiments in two parameters: heater power and primary pressure. The experimental results have shown that the heater power is the most important parameter of the natural circulation behavior. On the other hand, the primary pressure does not show remarkable effect on natural circulation. In addition, MARS code simulation has been conducted to compare the experimental results and its results show good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, evaluation of the capability of natural circulation was conducted. The result of the evaluation shows that the RTF is sufficiently capable of removing the thermal power of this system.  相似文献   

Fusion is the energy production technology, which could potentially solve problems with growing energy demand of population in the future. Starting 2007, Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) is a member of European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) organization. LEI is cooperating with Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP, Germany) in the frames of EFDA project by performing safety analysis of fusion device W7-X. Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is an experimental stellarator facility currently being built in Greifswald, Germany, which shall demonstrate that in the future energy could be produced in such type of fusion reactors. In this paper the safety analysis of 40 mm inner diameter coolant pipe rupture in cooling circuit and discharge of steam–water mixture through the leak into plasma vessel during the W7-X no-plasma “baking” operation mode is presented. For the analysis the model of W7-X cooling system (pumps, valves, pipes, hydro-accumulators, and heat exchangers) and plasma vessel was developed by employing system thermal-hydraulic state-of-the-art RELAP5 Mod3.3 code. This paper demonstrated that the developed RELAP5 model enables to analyze the processes in divertor cooling system and plasma vessel. The results of analysis demonstrated that the proposed burst disc, connecting the plasma vessel with venting system, opens and pressure inside plasma vessel does not exceed the limiting 1.1 × 105 Pa absolute pressure. Thus, the plasma vessel remains intact after loss-of-coolant accident during no-plasma operation of Wendelstein 7-X experimental nuclear fusion facility.  相似文献   

The ITER Heating Neutral Beam injectors will be implemented in three steps: development of the ion source prototype, development of the full injector prototype, and, finally, construction of up to three ITER injectors. The first two steps will be carried out in the ITER neutral beam test facility under construction in Italy. The ion source prototype, referred to as SPIDER, which is currently in the development phase, is a complex experiment involving more than 20 plant units and operating with beam-on pulses lasting up to 1 h. As for control and data acquisition it requires fast and slow control (cycle time around 0.1 ms and 10 ms, respectively), synchronization (10 ns resolution), and data acquisition for about 1000 channels (analogue and images) with sampling frequencies up to tens of MS/s, data throughput up to 200 MB/s, and data storage volume of up to tens of TB/year. The paper describes the architecture of the SPIDER control and data acquisition system, discussing the SPIDER requirements and the ITER CODAC interfaces and specifications for plant system instrumentation and control.  相似文献   

The Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) technique was used to map the charge collection efficiency (CCE) of a 4H–SiC photodetector with coplanar interdigitated Schottky barrier electrodes and a common ohmic contact on the back side.IBIC maps were obtained using focused proton beams with energies of 0.9 and 1.5 MeV, at different bias voltages and different sensitive electrode configurations (charge collection at the top Schottky or at the back Ohmic contact).These different experimental conditions have been modeled using a two-dimensional finite element code to solve the adjoint carrier continuity equations and the results obtained have been compared with experimental results. The excellent agreement between the simulated and experimental CCE maps allows an exhaustive interpretation of the charge collection mechanisms occurring in pixellated or strip detectors.  相似文献   

The design of ITER Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) is based on a five-stage electrostatic accelerator, known as Multi-Aperture Multi-Grid (MAMuG) and characterised by an overall acceleration voltage of ?1 MV. The MAMuG accelerator requires a five-stage power supply system under strict load protection requirements, being subjected in operation to breakdowns. In this paper a circuit model of ITER Neutral Beam Injector power supplies and MAMuG accelerator is illustrated, for the simulation of fast transients related to accelerator breakdowns in particular. Consideration of the high voltage involved and of the complex inductive and capacitive couplings implied careful assessment of stray parameters by calculations with finite element techniques. The circuit model, developed to address a number of design issues requiring simulations at system level, is now ready for use—the optimisation of passive protections being the most significant application.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the on-going design, R&D and procurement activities, mostly conducted within the ITER framework, on-going in Europe under the co-ordination of Fusion for Energy (F4E), in co-operation with the European Fusion Associations and aimed at the establishment of the ITER Heating Neutral Beam (HNB) system.  相似文献   

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