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Breeding birds and anurans (frogs and toads) in coastal wetlands of Green Bay, Lake Michigan vary dynamically with changing water levels, habitat type, and geography. We describe species assemblages over a seven-year period (2011–2017) beginning with historic low water levels followed by an increase in average lake level of 0.85?m. In general, species richness and abundance of marsh-obligate species responded positively to increasing water levels, although several species of shallow wetlands (sandhill crane, sedge wren, swamp sparrow, and American toad) showed the opposite trend. Anuran assemblages were more diverse in the middle and upper bay, coinciding with a well-established nutrient gradient from the hypereutrophic lower bay to more oligotrophic waters of the upper bay. Three marsh-obligate bird species (black tern, sandhill crane, and sedge wren) were significantly more abundant in the middle or upper bay while sora, American coot, and common gallinule were more abundant in the eutrophic lower bay. Our findings have several important implications for conservation. Inland wetlands near the coast (including diked wetlands) might play a key ecological role by providing refugia for some species during low water years. However, the importance of shallow coastal wetlands and nearshore gradients of wetland habitat might be overlooked during low water years; when high water returns, these areas can become extremely productive and species-rich.  相似文献   

Coastal Wetlands (CWs) provide critical ecosystem services that maintain biogeochemical processes and habitats in the coastal zone of the Great Lakes. When nutrient-laden surface waters flow into CWs from their watersheds, internal physical, chemical, and biological processes can alter the final nutrient loadings to the lake. However, CWs can periodically be inundated with lake water from seiche events, and little is known about the impacts of seiches on nutrient processing and loadings from CWs. To evaluate the influence of lake seiches on CW phosphorous-loading dynamics, we built a multi group structural equation model (SEM) using climatic and wave data, and interannual (2009–2018) estimated sediment and phosphorous loadings from three CWs on the north-shore of central Lake Ontario (Rouge Marsh, Duffin’s Marsh, and Carruthers Marsh). Wind speeds, lake levels, and an increased peak period of wave spectra were significant explanatory variables of seiche events (p-value < 0.001). We identified that seiche events caused significant sediment resuspension (p-value < 0.001) in CWs, which contributed to a significant increase of phosphorous loading to the coastal zone of Lake Ontario (p-value < 0.001). Our results indicate that lake-seiche events can influence CW phosphorous-loadings to Lake Ontario, and should be considered when modelling water quality in the nearshore zone.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands in the Laurentian Great Lakes undergo frequent, sometimes dramatic, physical changes at varying spatial and temporal scales. Changes in lake levels and the juxtaposition of vegetation and open water greatly influence biota that use coastal wetlands. Several regional studies have shown that changes in vegetation and lake levels lead to predictable changes in the composition of coastal wetland bird communities. We report new findings of wetland bird community changes at a broader scale, covering the entire Great Lakes basin. Our results indicate that water extent and interspersion increased in coastal wetlands across the Great Lakes between low (2013) and high (2018) lake-level years, although variation in the magnitude of change occurred within and among lakes. Increases in water extent and interspersion resulted in a general increase in marsh-obligate and marsh-facultative bird species richness. Species like American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), common gallinule (Gallinula galeata), American coot (Fulica americana), sora (Porzana carolina), Virginia rail (Rallus limicola), and pied-billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) were significantly more abundant during high water years. Lakes Huron and Michigan showed the greatest increase in water extent and interspersion among the five Great Lakes while Lake Michigan showed the greatest increase in marsh-obligate bird species richness. These results reinforce the idea that effective management, restoration, and assessment of wetlands must account for fluctuations in lake levels. Although high lake levels generally provide the most favorable conditions for wetland bird species, variation in lake levels and bird species assemblages create ecosystems that are both spatially and temporally dynamic.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands serve as mediation zones between the land and the lake, regulating the fate of materials received from tributaries prior to discharge to the lake nearshore zone. To improve our understanding of water quality processing and nutrient fate in coastal wetlands, we evaluated within- and across-wetland water quality as a function of environmental drivers over a decade (2009–2018) in three drowned river mouth (Carruthers, Duffin’s, and Rouge) and one barrier lagoon (Frenchman’s Bay) wetlands on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Overall, land-use had a weak relative association with most water quality parameters, reflecting no appreciable changes in land-use across the study years. The barrier lagoon wetland Frenchman’s Bay had a distinctly different water quality pattern from the drowned river mouth wetlands, where water quality followed a high to low concentration gradient from near the tributary confluences (high) to the lake-wetland confluence (low) (permutational analysis of variance p-value < 0.001). Notably, we observed significant differences among celled (i.e., natural ponds in wetlands) and non-celled sites in Duffin’s and Rouge marshes, primarily attributed to strong covariation among phosphorus, phosphate, and organic nitrogen concentrations (permutational analysis of variance p-value < 0.001). This water-quality signature seemed to be driven by solar radiation and lake level variability (i.e., seiche inundation), inferring that wetlands may be important sites for the mobilization of legacy phosphorus in sediments under certain climatic conditions, and following seiche events.  相似文献   

Since 2016 we have studied the largest interdunal wetlands/slack lying within a deflated parabolic dune east of Lake Michigan. Geologic cross-sections show ∼ 15 m of sand and gravel beneath the dunes, creating an aquifer hydraulically connecting Lake Michigan-Huron (MH) with the water table/shallow groundwater influencing the slack. Lake Michigan-Huron (MH) water levels have risen ∼ 1 m from 2016 to 2020, increasing water levels within and around the slack ∼ 1 m. Color-infrared images and vegetation quadrat sampling show water appearing, then significantly expanding with the main slack and upland/dune vegetation transitioning to wetland vegetation in response to this rise. Monitoring well data show slack water levels rise in spring as Lake MH rises. Levels drop as the growing season begins while Lake MH continues to rise through summer. Short-term slack water level increases occur due to local rain events, but significant water level declines follow due to evapotranspiration. Slack water levels begin to rise again in late summer and into fall as the end of the growing season arrives, evapotranspiration decreases, and heavier, more frequent rain events occur. Together, these factors push slack water levels to their highest point of the year while Lake MH levels are decreasing. In late fall–winter, slack water levels drop in concert with Lake MH levels. Climate change effects, increased transpiration from higher temperatures, summer drought, and greater variability in lake level fluctuations, may make it more difficult to maintain wet growing conditions for hydrophytic vegetation. Hence, climate change poses risks to the existence of this imperiled ecosystem.  相似文献   

The shallow-sloping coastal bathymetry of Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) supports broad fringing wetlands. Because benthic invertebrates form an important forage base for fish, wading birds, and waterfowl that utilize these habitats, understanding the drivers of invertebrate community structure has significant management implications. We used Great Lakes basin-wide data from 2002 to place Saginaw Bay wetland invertebrate communities and their environmental drivers into a basin-wide context. Various aspects of community structure were highly correlated with fetch and watershed agriculture across the basin. Saginaw Bay wetlands had relatively high fetch and watershed agriculture and supported unique invertebrate communities, typified by high abundances of many insect taxa. Wetlands from other regions around the basin tended to have more crustaceans and gastropods than the Saginaw Bay wetlands. A 1997–2012 time series from three representative Saginaw Bay wetlands revealed substantial shifts in community structure throughout the period, especially from 2001 through 2004. These years followed a 1-m decline in Lake Huron water levels that occurred between 1997 and 2000. Major community changes included decreasing insect abundance, especially chironomids, and increasing crustacean abundances, especially Hyalella azteca (Amphipoda). While factors in addition to water levels were likely also important, our time series analysis reveals the marked temporal dynamics of Saginaw Bay wetland invertebrate communities and suggests that water level decline may have influenced these communities substantially. Both the spatial and temporal community patterns that we found should be considered in future bio-assessments utilizing wetland invertebrates.  相似文献   

Fish have been shown to be sensitive indicators of environmental quality in Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Fish composition also reflects aquatic macrophyte communities, which provide them with critical habitat. Although investigators have shown that the relationship between water quality and fish community structure can be used to indicate wetland health, we speculate that this relationship is a result of the stronger, more direct relationship between water quality and macrophytes, together with the ensuing interconnection between macrophyte and fish assemblages. In this study, we use data collected from 115 Great Lakes coastal marshes to test the hypothesis that plants are better predictors of fish species composition than is water quality. First we use canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to conduct an ordination of the fish community constrained by water quality parameters. We then use co-correspondence analysis (COCA) to conduct a direct ordination of the fish community with the plant community data. By comparing the statistic ‘percent fit,’ which refers to the cumulative percentage variance of the species data, we show that plants are consistently better predictors of the fish community than are water quality variables in three separate trials: all wetlands in the Great Lakes basin (whole: 21.2% vs 14.0%; n = 60), all wetlands in Lakes Huron and Superior (Upper: 20.3% vs 18.8%; n =  32), and all wetlands in Georgian Bay and the North Channel (Georgian Bay: 18% vs 17%; n =  70). This is the largest study to directly examine plant–fish interactions in wetlands of the Great Lakes basin.  相似文献   

We used the results of seventeen years of Great Lakes benthic monitoring conducted by the U.S. EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of benthic communities, assess their status, trends, and main drivers, and to infer the potential impact of these community changes on ecosystem functioning. Benthic abundance and diversity were higher at shallow (<70?m in depth) stations with chlorophyll concentrations above 3?μg/L than at deeper sites (<1?μg/L). We infer that lake productivity, measured by chlorophyll was likely the major driver of benthic abundance and diversity across lakes. Consequently, benthic diversity and abundance were the highest in the most productive Lake Erie, followed by lakes Ontario, Michigan, Huron, and Superior. Multivariate analysis distinguished three major communities shared among lakes (littoral, sublittoral, and profundal) that differed in species composition and abundance, functional group diversity, and tolerance to organic pollution. Analysis of temporal trends revealed that the largest changes occurred in profundal communities, apparent in significant shifts in dominant taxa across all lakes except Lake Superior. In lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario, the former dominant Diporeia was replaced with Dreissena and Oligochaeta. Profundal species, with the exception of dreissenids, became less abundant, and their depth distribution has shifted. In contrast, density and diversity of native littoral and sublittoral communities increased. The invasion of dreissenids was among the most important drivers of changes in benthic communities. Continued monitoring is critical for tracking unprecedented changes occurring in the Great Lakes ecosystem.  相似文献   

Catches from standardized littoral electrofishing (EF) surveys (1990–2016) at various locales in Severn Sound, Georgian Bay, were analyzed. Catches were adjusted for size-selectivity using published results of laboratory immobilization experiments. Adjusted abundance-mean size relationships were consistent with the metabolic theory of ecology where body size has a central role in structuring community features. Relationships among species richness and areal estimates of biomass and annual production of the adjusted catches were assessed. Richness was the key variable driving other community metrics and was, in turn, largely driven by habitat fetch metrics and sampling time of day. Richness, biomass, and production decreased with increasing maximum effective fetch. Richness increased with time after sunset. Year and locale had smaller roles in variation of community metrics with more vegetated/ less urbanized areas having higher values. Higher fish production is expected in sheltered areas where the contributions of allochthonous and benthic primary production are expected to be greater. Further analyses using additional EF datasets from Great Lakes’ littoral zones should increase understanding of the differences between littoral and offshore fish productivity and help guide management of littoral habitats to ensure healthy fish communities.  相似文献   

为探究生物扰动作用对滨海湿地物质交换的影响,以螃蟹为研究对象进行室内控制试验,模拟了潮汐条件下不同螃蟹密度时沉积物地貌变化和水盐运移情况。结果表明:螃蟹能够将大量地下沉积物搬运至地表,形成起伏多变的微地形,使沉积物表面积明显增大;螃蟹活动能促进地表水与地下水交换,加快浅层土壤的盐分运移过程;地表水与地下水交换量和盐分运移量均随螃蟹密度的增大而明显增大。生物扰动作用是造成沉积物地貌改变的重要因素,进而促进了滨海湿地的水盐交换。  相似文献   

Hydropeaking operation leads to fluctuations in wetted area between base and peak flow and increases discharge-related hydraulic forces (e.g. flow velocity). These processes promote macroinvertebrate drift and stranding, often affecting benthic abundance and biomass. Our field experimental study—conducted in three hydropeaking-regulated Swiss rivers—aimed to quantify (a) the short-term effects of the combined increase in flow amplitude and up-ramping rate based on macroinvertebrate drift and stranding, as well as (b) long-term effects based on the established community composition. Hydropeaking led to increased macroinvertebrate drift compared to base flow and to unaffected residual flow reaches. Moreover, stranding of macroinvertebrates was positively related to drift, especially during the up-ramping phase. Flow velocity and up-ramping rate were identified as major determinants for macroinvertebrate drift, while flow ratio and down-ramping rate for stranding. Particularly high sensitivity towards hydropeaking was found for Limnephilidae, whereas Heptageniidae seemed to be resistant in respect to short- and long-term hydropeaking effects. In the long-term, hydropeaking did not considerably reduce benthic density of most taxa, especially of some highly resistant and resilient taxa such as Chironomidae and Baetidae, which dominated the community composition even though they showed comparably high drift and stranding responses. Therefore, we argue that high drift and/or stranding, especially of individual-rich taxa, does not necessarily indicate strong hydropeaking sensitivity. Finally, our results demonstrate the necessity to consider the differences in river-specific morphological complexity and hydropeaking intensity, since these factors strongly influence the community composition and short-term drift and stranding response of macroinvertebrates to hydropower pressure.  相似文献   

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