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阳王东  吴宏斌  祝青 《计算机教育》2012,(12):90-93,101
针对如何提高软件工程专业学生解决实际问题的能力,介绍一种软件工程专业本科实践教学的新模式,提出以开发工程项目为主线来开展软件工程专业的课程设计实践教学的方法。在教学过程中把理论教学和实践教学有机融合,着重培养学生解决软件项目开发过程中存在问题的能力,并以软件项目任务为驱动,有针对性地讲授课程知识。  相似文献   

本书是领域驱动设计方面的经典之作,全书围绕着设计和开发实践,结合若干真实的项目案例,向读者阐述如何在真实的软件开发中应用领域驱动设计。书中给出了领域驱动设计的系统化方法,并将人们普遍接受的一些完美实践综合到一起,融入了作者的见解和经验,展现了一些可扩展的设计的实践、已验证过的技术以及便于应对复杂领域的软件项目开发的基本原则.  相似文献   

针对计算机软件人才培养模式与对日软件外包Java Web项目开发需求间的差距,结合大连外国语学院软件学院服务外包特色人才培养实践,提出通过整合课程体系、强化实践教学、改革考试形式、开展Java Web项目实训等途径,提高学生的对日软件外包Java Web项目开发的工程实践能力和职业素养。  相似文献   

<正>到目前为止,我们重点分析了《离岸开发的潮流和软件行业的结构调整》的内容,对日本软件行业的构成和中小软件企业面临的问题及其可能的应对方案有了比较全面的了解。接下来,我们将结合日本离岸开发的现状、面临的问题、日本信息服务和软件行业的发展潮流,重点分析这些因素对我国软件服务外包行业的启示。毫无疑问,我国是日本离岸外包的最大接包国,日本软件企业的战略调整直接影响  相似文献   

软件外包人才培养的Java程序设计课程改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
软件外包业务是软件行业发展的新增长点,目前迫切需要软件外包人才。本文提出软件人才培养的Java语言程序设计教学改革方案,以软件外包工作过程为导向,开发软件外包人才的课程培养方案,然后以软件外包项目驱动课程整体设计和单元设计,通过团队协作方式完成项目实践任务,最终完成软件外包人才的培养过程,取得良好成果。  相似文献   

本文分析了国内对日软件外包的实际特点,参照软件能力成熟度集成模型,并且结合外包企业中的一些经验和做法,在.net平台下,用MVC模式设计开发了个对日软件外包管理平台,外包企业通过该平台可以提高项目管理的效率,从而能更高效地完成项目。  相似文献   

麦肯锡认为中国应像印度一样发展离岸外包。但这仅仅是外国跨国公司的意图。发展中国软件产业的思路,一直存在着不同的观点。一种观点认为,中国应当照搬印度模式,代表者是麦肯锡咨询公司在2002年所做的《中国软件产业发展战略研究报告》,它主张中国不必发展基础软件,而应像印度那样,主要发展面向出口的离岸外包业务。由于印度发展离岸外包很有成效,这种观点似乎也有道理。不过,近年来中国软件业的实践表明,离岸外包并不能成为中国软件业的主体。实际上,尽管近年来各地对离岸外包支持力度很大,但它在整个中国软件业中所占的比重仍只有2%左右,显然不能成为中国软件业的主体。  相似文献   

对于软件项目而言,项目成本的有效控制是每个项目取得成功的标志之一。恰当的软件开发成本估算方法将大大提高成本估算的稳定性和可靠性,从而提高项目经理对项目成本的有效控制。本文在深入分析目前业界常用的软件项目开发成本估算方法的基础上,针对ERP外包软件项目开发生命周期的特点,提出了以ERP程序单元为最小单位的一种项目开发成本估算法,即FRICE估算法。该估算方法已经在大量ERP外包软件项目中得到了成功应用、实践和验证,它能有效地帮助项目经理对项目开发成本进行估算、控制和管理。  相似文献   

敏捷方法在软件项目开发中的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前很多企业内中小型软件项目面临开发时间紧迫、人手不足、需求不断变化的困难,传统重量级的软件开发方法无法应对这样的挑战.敏捷方法是基于实践的软件开发方法学,为解决这类轻量级项目管理和开发所碰到的问题提供了新的思路.通过分析敏捷方法的主要目标、观点和原则,并结合一个实际的管理信息系统项目开发,从项目计划、项目文档、重构的改进和项目维护的4个方面探讨了敏捷方法的实践应用.实践证明,采用敏捷方法的观点和原则进行必要的改进,能取得项目开发的成功.  相似文献   

中国软件外包竞争力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冯磊 《软件世界》2006,(13):24-25
在软件企业盈利乏力的现状前,软件外包正在成为目前我国软件行业最热门的话题。中讯进入香港主板、大连华信及海辉成功获VC注资,中软国际向微软和IFC(国际金融公司)发行优先股,软件外包的诱人前景逐渐散发。外包是指企业为降低成本、保留核心业务和提高竞争力而将自己的部分业务委托给外部企业的一种商业行为。大部分外包业务属于离岸外包,即:将业务委托给外国企业的外包方式。软件外包属于软件出口的一个重要组成部分,它指接包方提供相应的软件服务来满足发包方的软件外包或业务流程外包的需求,主要包含企业应用软件设计与开发、应用软件…  相似文献   

针对具有大型、交互式、领域特点的软件系统,对于实际的白盒测试项目进行了认真总结,系统地阐述了该类软件测试的技术、方法、策略、过程以及管理.通过描述测试项目的组织和实施过程,提出了进行大型交互式软件测试的基本思路,即从过程、管理、培训以及测试方法等方面提取共性特征.最后对测试发现的软件问题进行统计和分析,验证测试的有效性和意义.  相似文献   

Software process models, irrespective of whether they are life cycle oriented or not, focus strictly on the activity domain within a single project. This focus is heavily challenged by COSMOS, a multidimensional software process model. In addition to the activity structure, it takes into account also the communication- and infrastructure in which software development takes place. This three-dimensional framework meets special challenges due to incorporating software reuse and object orientedness into large scale software production and it allows for adequate planning of various activities controlling software development which are not directly attributable to a specific project, but which might run in parallel to a host of projects.This paper reports on investigations concerning the mapping of this multidimensional software development model on a software process maturity scale, analog to the one proposed by Humphrey (1989).  相似文献   

Abstract This paper outlines the work of the Conceptual Change in Science project, funded as part of the ESRC InTER programme. The aims of this research project are to clarify and describe the process of change in learners' conceptual understandings of natural phenomena. The domain of reasoning selected for study is that of mechanics. Computer software which may be useful in exploring and developing pupils' reasoning and promoting conceptual change in this domain is being developed and evaluated. The group that is carrying out the research is based at the Universities of Leeds, Glasgow and the Open University.  相似文献   

The primary focus of weapon systems research and development has moved from a hardware base to a software base and the cost of software development is increasing gradually. An accurate estimation of the cost of software development is now a very important task in the defense domain. However, existing models and tools for software cost estimation are not suitable for the defense domain due to problems of accuracy. Thus, it is necessary to develop cost estimation models that are appropriate to specific domains. Furthermore, most studies of methodology development are aligned with generic methodologies that do not consider the pertinent factors to specific domains, whereas new methodologies should reflect specific domains. In this study, we apply two generic methodologies to the development of a software cost estimation model, before suggesting an integrated modeling process specifically for the national defense domain. To validate our proposed modeling process, we performed an empirical study of 113 software development projects on weapon systems in Korea. A software cost estimation model was developed by applying the proposed modeling process. The MMRE value of this model was 0.566 while the accuracy was appropriate for use. We conclude that the modeling process and software cost estimation model developed in this study is suitable for estimating resource requirements during weapon system development in South Korea’s national defense domain. This modeling process and model may facilitate more accurate resource estimation by project planners, which will lead to more successful project execution.  相似文献   

软件复用是在软件开发过程中避免重复劳动的解决方案,但要设计在许多领域都通用的可复用业务组件是很困难的,而面向领域的复用是在一个特定应用领域中实现复用;因此,设计大粒度复用的应用框架对于提高软件的生产率和软件质量具有重要的意义;文中以软件复用为出发点,基于构件化软件的开发思路,对软件的构件技术、领域工程、面向领域的应用框架技术进行了深入的研究,提出了基于需求驱动的面向领域应用框架的开发方法,并详细说明了该方法在项目评审领域的应用.  相似文献   

王勇  李逸  王丽丽  朱晓燕 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z11):480-487
准确预测软件成本是软件工程领域最具挑战性的任务之一。软件开发固有的不确定性和风险性,使得仅仅在项目早期预测总成本是不够的,还需要在开发过程中持续预测各个阶段的成本,并根据变化趋势重新分配资源,以确保项目在规定的时间和预算内完成。由此,提出一种基于类推和灰色模型的软件阶段成本预测方法——AGSE(Analogy & Grey Model Based Software Stage Effort Estimation)。该杂交方法通过合并两种方法的预测值得到最终的预测结果,避免了单独使用其中一种方法预测时存在的局限性。在真实的软件项目数据集上的实验结果表明,AGSE的预测精度优于类推方法、GM(1,1)模型、GV方法、卡尔曼滤波和线性回归,显示出较大的潜力。  相似文献   

王艳慧 《微机发展》2008,18(5):141-143
CMM是一种软件生产过程标准和软件企业成熟度评估标准,该标准侧重于软件开发过程的管理及工程能力的提高与评估。基于CMM理论在软件过程改进中的应用,针对软件开发过程中存在的问题,采用CMM2级项目级实践,实现4个关键过程域:需求管理、软件项目计划、软件项目跟踪和监督、软件质量保证,制定出符合项目需求和管理的规范与过程,将CMM理论应用于软件开发过程中,对项目各个环节的工作进行改进,取得良好的过程改进效果,并从中总结基于CMM模型进行过程改进的经验。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the installation and use of an electronic process guide within a small-to-medium software development company. The purpose of the study is to better understand how software engineers use this technology so that it can be improved and better used to support software process improvement. In the study the EPG was used to guide new processes in a software improvement programme. The use of the EPG was studied over a period of 8 months with data collected through access logs, by questionnaires and by interviews. The results show that the improvement programme was successful in improving project documentation, project management and the company's relationship with its customers. The EPG contributed to the improvement programme by providing support for the creation of templates for key project documentation, assisting with project planning and estimation and providing a forum for discussion of process and work practices. The biggest improvements that could be made to the EPG would be to provide better navigation tools including a graphical overview of the process, provide tailoring facilities, include examples and experience and link to a project management tool.  相似文献   

This paper develops tests and validates a model for the antecedents of open source software (OSS) defects, using Data and Text Mining. The public archives of OSS projects are used to access historical data on over 5,000 active and mature OSS projects. Using domain knowledge and exploratory analysis, a wide range of variables is identified from the process, product, resource, and end-user characteristics of a project to ensure that the model is robust and considers all aspects of the system. Multiple Data Mining techniques are used to refine the model and data is enriched by the use of Text Mining for knowledge discovery from qualitative information. The study demonstrates the suitability of Data Mining and Text Mining for model building. Results indicate that project type, end-user activity, process quality, team size and project popularity have a significant impact on the defect density of operational OSS projects. Since many organizations, both for profit and not for profit, are beginning to use Open Source Software as an economic alternative to commercial software, these results can be used in the process of deciding what software can be reasonably maintained by an organization.  相似文献   

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