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Corecursion is the ability of defining a function that produces some infinite data in terms of the function and the data itself, as supported by lazy evaluation. However, in languages such as Haskell strict operations fail to terminate even on infinite regular data, that is, cyclic data.Regular corecursion is naturally supported by coinductive Prolog, an extension where predicates can be interpreted either inductively or coinductively, that has proved to be useful for formal verification, static analysis and symbolic evaluation of programs.In this paper we use the meta-programming facilities offered by Prolog to propose extensions to coinductive Prolog aiming to make regular corecursion more expressive and easier to program with.First, we propose a new interpreter to solve the problem of non-terminating failure as experienced with the standard semantics of coinduction (as supported, for instance, in SWI-Prolog). Another problem with the standard semantics is that predicates expressed in terms of existential quantification over a regular term cannot directly defined by coinduction; to this aim, we introduce finally clauses, to allow more flexibility in coinductive definitions.Then we investigate the possibility of annotating arguments of coinductive predicates, to restrict coinductive definitions to a subset of the arguments; this allows more efficient definitions, and further enhance the expressive power of coinductive Prolog.We investigate the effectiveness of such features by showing different example programs manipulating several kinds of cyclic values, ranging from automata and context free grammars to graphs and repeating decimals; the examples show how computations on cyclic values can be expressed with concise and relatively simple programs.The semantics defined by these vanilla meta-interpreters are an interesting starting point for a more mature design and implementation of coinductive Prolog.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide a theoretical foundation for program extraction from inductive and coinductive proofs geared to practical applications. The novelties consist in the addition of inductive and coinductive definitions to a realizability interpretation for first-order proofs, a soundness proof for this system, and applications to the synthesis of non-trivial provably correct programs in the area of exact real number computation. We show that realizers, although per se untyped, can be assigned polymorphic recursive types and hence represent valid programs in a lazy functional programming language such as Haskell. Programs extracted from proofs using coinduction can be understood as perpetual processes producing infinite streams of data. Typical applications of such processes are computations in exact real arithmetic. As an example we show how to extract a program computing the average of two real numbers w.r.t. the binary signed digit representation.  相似文献   

This paper contains a novel approach to observational equivalence for coalgebras. We describe how to define weak homomorphisms, weak bisimulation, and investigate the connection between them as well as the relation to the known theory of bisimulation for coalgebras. The ultimate result of the paper is the correctness-proof for a weak coinduction proof principle.  相似文献   

We introduce the λ-coiteration schema for a distributive law λ of a functor T over a functor F. Under certain conditions it can be shown to uniquely characterise functions into the carrier of a final F-coalgebra, generalising the basic coiteration schema as given by finality. The duals of primitive recursion and course-of-value iteration, which are known extensions of coiteration, arise as instances of our framework. One can furthermore obtain schemata justifying recursive specifications that involve operators such as addition of power series, regular operators on languages, or parallel and sequential composition of processes.Next, the same type of distributive law λ is used to generalise coinductive proof techniques. To this end, we introduce the notion of a λ-bisimulation relation. It specialises to what could be called bisimulation up-to-equality or bisimulation up-to-context for contexts built from operators of the type mentioned above. We state that every such relation is contained in some larger conventional bisimulation and demonstrate that this principle leads to simpler bisimilarity proofs using less complex relations.  相似文献   

We study the problem of characterizing contextual equivalence in higher-order languages with passivation. To overcome the difficulties arising in the proof of congruence of candidate bisimilarities, we introduce a new form of labeled transition semantics together with its associated notion of bisimulation, which we call complementary semantics. Complementary semantics allows to apply the well-known Howe?s method for proving the congruence of bisimilarities in a higher-order setting, even in the presence of an early form of bisimulation. We use complementary semantics to provide a coinductive characterization of contextual equivalence in the HOπP calculus, an extension of the higher-order π-calculus with passivation, obtaining the first result of this kind. We then study the problem of defining a more effective variant of bisimilarity that still characterizes contextual equivalence, along the lines of Sangiorgi?s notion of normal bisimilarity. We provide partial results on this difficult problem: we show that a large class of test processes cannot be used to derive a normal bisimilarity in HOπP, but we show that a form of normal bisimilarity can be defined for HOπP without restriction.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a proof-theoretic observation about two kinds of proof systems for regular cyclic objects. It is presented for the case of two formal systems that are complete with respect to the notion of “recursive type equality” on a restricted class of recursive types in μ-term notation. Here we show the existence of an immediate duality with a geometrical visualization between proofs in a variant of the coinductive axiom system due to Brandt and Henglein and “consistency-unfoldings” in a variant of a 'syntactic-matching' proof system for testing equations between recursive types due to Ariola and Klop.Finally we sketch an analogous result of a duality between a similar pair of proof systems for bisimulation equivalence on equational specifications of cyclic term graphs.  相似文献   

Formal verification methods have gained increased importance due to their ability to guarantee system correctness and improve reliability. Nevertheless, the question how proofs are to be formalized in theorem provers is far from being trivial, yet very important as one needs to spend much more time on verification if the formalization was not cleverly chosen. In this paper, we develop and compare two different possibilities to express coinductive proofs in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. Coinduction is a proof method that allows for the verification of properties of also non-terminating state-transition systems. Since coinduction is not as widely used as other proof techniques as e.g. induction, there are much fewer “recipes” available how to formalize corresponding proofs and there are also fewer proof strategies implemented in theorem provers for coinduction. In this paper, we investigate formalizations for coinductive proofs of properties on state transition sequences. In particular, we compare two different possibilities for their formalization and show their equivalence. The first of these two formalizations captures the mathematical intuition, while the second can be used more easily in a theorem prover. We have formally verified the equivalence of these criteria in Isabelle/HOL, thus establishing a coalgebraic verification framework. To demonstrate that our verification framework is suitable for the verification of compiler optimizations, we have introduced three different, rather simple transformations that capture typical problems in the verification of optimizing compilers, even for non-terminating source programs.  相似文献   

We propose diagrammatic techniques for visualizing relational reasoning in formal methods like B or Z; in particular for induction and coinduction. These are similar to those for functional diagrams in category theory and inspired by rewriting theory. Diagrams are endowed with a simple algebraic semantics that imposes a convenient balance between expressive and algorithmic power. This makes the approach particularly suitable for mechanization and automation. Its usefulness for visual reasoning is illustrated by various examples.  相似文献   

A region calculus is a programming language calculus with explicit instrumentation for memory management. Every value is annotated with a region in which it is stored and regions are allocated and deallocated in a stack-like fashion. The annotations can be statically inferred by a type and effect system, making a region calculus suitable as an intermediate language for a compiler of statically typed programming languages.Although a lot of attention has been paid to type soundness properties of different flavors of region calculi, it seems that little effort has been made to develop a semantic framework. In this paper, we present a theory based on bisimulation, which serves as a coinductive proof principle for showing equivalences of polymorphically region-annotated terms. Our notion of bisimilarity is reminiscent of open bisimilarity for the -calculus and we prove it sound and complete with respect to Morris-style contextual equivalence.As an application, we formulate a syntactic equational theory, which is used elsewhere to prove the soundness of a specializer based on region inference. We use our bisimulation framework to show that the equational theory is sound with respect to contextual equivalence.  相似文献   

We develop two applications of middle-out reasoning in inductive proofs: logic program synthesis and the selection of induction schemes. Middle-out reasoning as part of proof planning was first suggested by Bundy et al. Middle-out reasoning uses variables to represent unknown terms and formulae. Unification instantiates the variables in the subsequent planning, while proof planning provides the necessary search control. Middle-out reasoning is used for synthesis by planning the verification of an unknown logic program: The program body is represented with a meta-variable. The planning results both in an instantiation of the program body and a plan for the verification of that program. If the plan executes successfully, the synthesized program is partially correct and complete. Middle-out reasoning is also used to select induction schemes. Finding an appropriate induction scheme during synthesis is difficult because the recursion of the program, which is unknown at the outset, determines the induction in the proof. In middle-out induction, we set up a schematic step case by representing the constructors that are applied to induction variables with meta-variables. Once the step case is complete, the instantiated variables correspond to an induction appropriate to the recursion of the program. We have implemented these techniques as an extension of the proof planning system CL A M, called Periwinkle, and synthesized a variaety of programs fully automatically. Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and ARC Project BC/DAAD Grant 438. The work described in this paper was carried out while the first author was at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the University of Edinburgh. Supported by the German Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT) under grant ITS 9102 and ARC Project BC/DAAD Grant 438. Responsibility for the contents of this publication lies with the authors. Supported by SERC grant GR/J/80702, ESPRIT BRP grant 6810, ESPRIT BRP grant EC-US 019-76094, and ARC Project BC/DAAD Grant 438.  相似文献   

We illustrate the use of recently developed proof techniques for weak bisimulation by analysing a generic framework for the definition of distributed abstract machines based on a message-passing implementation. We first define this framework, and then focus on the algorithm which is used to route messages asynchronously to their destination.A first version of this algorithm can be analysed using the standard bisimulation up to expansion proof technique. We show that in a second, optimised version, rather complex behaviours appear, for which more sophisticated techniques, relying on termination arguments, are necessary to establish behavioural equivalence.  相似文献   

We present a meta-logic that contains a new quantifier (for encoding “generic judgments”) and inference rules for reasoning within fixed points of a given specification. We then specify the operational semantics and bisimulation relations for the finite π-calculus within this meta-logic. Since we restrict to the finite case, the ability of the meta-logic to reason within fixed points becomes a powerful and complete tool since simple proof search can compute this one fixed point. The quantifier helps with the delicate issues surrounding the scope of variables within π-calculus expressions and their executions (proofs). We shall illustrate several merits of the logical specifications we write: they are natural and declarative; they contain no side conditions concerning names of variables while maintaining a completely formal treatment of such variables; differences between late and open bisimulation relations are easy to see declaratively; and proof search involving the application of inference rules, unification, and backtracking can provide complete proof systems for both one-step transitions and for bisimulation.  相似文献   

The problem of proving that two programs, in any reasonable programming language, are equivalent is well-known to be undecidable. In a formal programming system, in which the rules for equivalence are finitely presented, the problem of provable equivalence is semi-decidable. Despite this improved situation there is a significant lack of generally accepted automated techniques for systematically searching for a proof (or disproof) of program equivalence. Techniques for searching for proofs of equivalence often stumble on the formulation of induction and, of course, coinduction (when it is present) which are often formulated in such a manner as to require inspired guesses.There are, however, well-known program transformation techniques which do address these issues. Of particular interest to this paper are the deforestation techniques introduced by Phil Wadler and the fold/unfold program transformation techniques introduced by Burstall and Darlington. These techniques are shadows of an underlying cut-elimination procedure and, as such, should be more generally recognized as proof techniques.In this paper we show that these techniques apply to languages which have both inductive and coinductive datatypes. The relationship between these program transformation techniques and cut-elimination requires a transformation from initial and final “algebra” proof rules into “circular” proof rules as introduced by Santocanale (and used implicitly in the model checking community). This transformation is only possible in certain proof systems. Here we show that it can be applied to cartesian closed categories with datatypes: closedness is an essential requirement. The cut-elimination theorems and attendant program transformation techniques presented here rely heavily on this alternate presentation of induction and coinduction.  相似文献   

In this article we present a method to define algebraic structure (field operations) on a representation of real numbers by coinductive streams. The field operations will be given in two algorithms (homographic and quadratic algorithm) that operate on streams of Möbius maps. The algorithms can be seen as coalgebra maps on the coalgebra of streams and hence they will be formalised as general corecursive functions. We use the machinery of Coq proof assistant for coinductive types to present the formalisation.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the relevance of distributive laws for the solution of recursive equations, and shows that one approach for obtaining coinductive solutions of equations via infinite terms is in fact a special case of a more general approach using an extended form of coinduction via distributive laws.  相似文献   

We develop a combination, called hidden preordered algebra, between preordered algebra, which is an algebraic framework supporting specification and reasoning about transitions, and hidden algebra, which is the algebraic framework for behavioural specification. This combination arises naturally within the heterogeneous framework of the modern formal specification language CafeOBJ. The novel specification concept arising from this combination, and which constitutes its single unique feature, is that of behavioural transition. We extend the coinduction proof method for behavioural equivalence to coinduction for proving behavioural transitions.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of bisimulation equivalence for the broadcast calculus CBS. Both the strong and weak versions of bisimulation congruence we study are justified in terms of a characterisation as the largest CBS congruences contained in an appropriate version of barbed bisimulation. We then present sound and complete proof systems for both the strong and weak congruences over finite terms. The first system we give contains an infinitary proof rule to accommodate input prefixes. We improve on this by presenting a unitary proof system where judgements are relative to properties of the data domain.  相似文献   

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