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In classification tasks, active learning is often used to select out a set of informative examples from a big unlabeled dataset. The objective is to learn a classification pattern that can accurately predict labels of new examples by using the selection result which is expected to contain as few examples as possible. The selection of informative examples also reduces the manual effort for labeling, data complexity, and data redundancy, thus improves learning efficiency. In this paper, a new active learning strategy with pool-based settings, called inconsistency-based active learning, is proposed. This strategy is built up under the guidance of two classical works: (1) the learning philosophy of query-by-committee (QBC) algorithm; and (2) the structure of the traditional concept learning model: from-general-to-specific (GS) ordering. By constructing two extreme hypotheses of the current version space, the strategy evaluates unlabeled examples by a new sample selection criterion as inconsistency value, and the whole learning process could be implemented without any additional knowledge. Besides, since active learning is favorably applied to support vector machine (SVM) and its related applications, the strategy is further restricted to a specific algorithm called inconsistency-based active learning for SVM (I-ALSVM). By building up a GS structure, the sample selection process in our strategy is formed by searching through the initial version space. We compare the proposed I-ALSVM with several other pool-based methods for SVM on selected datasets. The experimental result shows that, in terms of generalization capability, our model exhibits good feasibility and competitiveness.  相似文献   

An automated solution for maize detasseling is very important for maize growers who want to reduce production costs. Quality assurance of maize requires constantly monitoring production fields to ensure that only hybrid seed is produced. To achieve this cross-pollination, tassels of female plants have to be removed for ensuring all the pollen for producing the seed crop comes from the male rows. This removal process is called detasseling. Computer vision methods could help positioning the cutting locations of tassels to achieve a more precise detasseling process in a row. In this study, a computer vision algorithm was developed to detect cutting locations of corn tassels in natural outdoor maize canopy using conventional color images and computer vision with a minimum number of false positives. Proposed algorithm used color informations with a support vector classifier for image binarization. A number of morphological operations were implemented to determine potential tassel locations. Shape and texture features were used to reduce false positives. A hierarchical clustering method was utilized to merge multiple detections for the same tassel and to determine the final locations of tassels. Proposed algorithm performed with a correct detection rate of 81.6% for the test set. Detection of maize tassels in natural canopy images is a quite difficult task due to various backgrounds, different illuminations, occlusions, shadowed regions, and color similarities. The results of the study indicated that detecting cut location of corn tassels is feasible using regular color images.  相似文献   

基于主动学习支持向量机的文本分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出基于主动学习支持向量机的文本分类方法,首先采用向量空间模型(VSM)对文本特征进行提取,使用互信息对文本特征进行降维,然后提出主动学习算法对支持向量机进行训练,使用训练后的分类器对新的文本进行分类,实验结果表明该方法具有良好的分类性能。  相似文献   

A method for the sparse solution of recurrent support vector regression machines is presented. The proposed method achieves a high accuracy versus complexity and allows the user to adjust the complexity of the resulting model. The sparse representation is guaranteed by limiting the number of training data points for the support vector regression method. Each training data point is selected based on the accuracy of the fully recurrent model using the active learning principle applied to the successive time-domain data. The user can adjust the training time by selecting how often the hyper-parameters of the algorithm should be optimised. The advantages of the proposed method are illustrated on several examples, and the experiments clearly show that it is possible to reduce the number of support vectors and to significantly improve the accuracy versus complexity of recurrent support vector regression machines.  相似文献   

This article introduces an approach to identify unknown nonlinear systems by fuzzy rules and support vector machines (SVMs). Structure identification is realised by an on-line SVM technique, the fuzzy rules are generated automatically. Time-varying learning rates are applied for updating the membership functions of the fuzzy rules. Finally, the upper bounds of the modelling errors are proven.  相似文献   

肖建鹏  张来顺  任星 《计算机应用》2008,28(7):1642-1644
针对直推式支持向量机在进行大数据量分类时出现精度低、学习速度慢和回溯式学习多的问题,提出了一种基于增量学习的直推式支持向量机分类算法,将增量学习引入直推式支持向量机,使其在训练过程中仅保留有用样本而抛弃无用样本,从而减少学习时间,提高分类速度。实验结果表明,该算法具有较快的分类速度和较高的分类精度。  相似文献   

On-line fuzzy modeling via clustering and support vector machines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wen Yu  Xiaoou Li 《Information Sciences》2008,178(22):4264-4279
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to identify unknown nonlinear systems with fuzzy rules and support vector machines. Our approach consists of four steps which are on-line clustering, structure identification, parameter identification and local model combination. The collected data are firstly clustered into several groups through an on-line clustering technique, then structure identification is performed on each group using support vector machines such that the fuzzy rules are automatically generated with the support vectors. Time-varying learning rates are applied to update the membership functions of the fuzzy rules. The modeling errors are proven to be robustly stable with bounded uncertainties by a Lyapunov method and an input-to-state stability technique. Comparisons with other related works are made through a real application of crude oil blending process. The results demonstrate that our approach has good accuracy, and this method is suitable for on-line fuzzy modeling.  相似文献   

A probabilistic active support vector learning algorithm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper describes a probabilistic active learning strategy for support vector machine (SVM) design in large data applications. The learning strategy is motivated by the statistical query model. While most existing methods of active SVM learning query for points based on their proximity to the current separating hyperplane, the proposed method queries for a set of points according to a distribution as determined by the current separating hyperplane and a newly defined concept of an adaptive confidence factor. This enables the algorithm to have more robust and efficient learning capabilities. The confidence factor is estimated from local information using the k nearest neighbor principle. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated on real-life data sets both in terms of generalization performance, query complexity, and training time.  相似文献   

Model selection for support vector machines via uniform design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of choosing a good parameter setting for a better generalization performance in a learning task is the so-called model selection. A nested uniform design (UD) methodology is proposed for efficient, robust and automatic model selection for support vector machines (SVMs). The proposed method is applied to select the candidate set of parameter combinations and carry out a k-fold cross-validation to evaluate the generalization performance of each parameter combination. In contrast to conventional exhaustive grid search, this method can be treated as a deterministic analog of random search. It can dramatically cut down the number of parameter trials and also provide the flexibility to adjust the candidate set size under computational time constraint. The key theoretic advantage of the UD model selection over the grid search is that the UD points are “far more uniform”and “far more space filling” than lattice grid points. The better uniformity and space-filling phenomena make the UD selection scheme more efficient by avoiding wasteful function evaluations of close-by patterns. The proposed method is evaluated on different learning tasks, different data sets as well as different SVM algorithms.  相似文献   

针对支持向量机类增量学习过程中参与训练的两类样本数量不平衡而导致的错分问题,给出了一种加权类增量学习算法,将新增类作为正类,原有类作为负类,利用一对多方法训练子分类器,训练时根据训练样本所占的比例对类加权值,提高了小类别样本的分类精度。实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

We propose new support vector machines (SVMs) that incorporate the geometric distribution of an input data set by associating each data point with a possibilistic membership, which measures the relative strength of the self class membership. By using a possibilistic distance measure based on the possibilistic membership, we reformulate conventional SVMs in three ways. The proposed methods are shown to have better classification performance than conventional SVMs in various tests.  相似文献   

Fuzzy support vector machines   总被引:151,自引:0,他引:151  
A support vector machine (SVM) learns the decision surface from two distinct classes of the input points. In many applications, each input point may not be fully assigned to one of these two classes. In this paper, we apply a fuzzy membership to each input point and reformulate the SVMs such that different input points can make different contributions to the learning of decision surface. We call the proposed method fuzzy SVMs (FSVMs).  相似文献   

Distributed support vector machines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A truly distributed (as opposed to parallelized) support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is presented. Training data are assumed to come from the same distribution and are locally stored in a number of different locations with processing capabilities (nodes). In several examples, it has been found that a reasonably small amount of information is interchanged among nodes to obtain an SVM solution, which is better than that obtained when classifiers are trained only with the local data and comparable (although a little bit worse) to that of the centralized approach (obtained when all the training data are available at the same place). We propose and analyze two distributed schemes: a "na/spl inodot//spl uml/ve" distributed chunking approach, where raw data (support vectors) are communicated, and the more elaborated distributed semiparametric SVM, which aims at further reducing the total amount of information passed between nodes while providing a privacy-preserving mechanism for information sharing. We show the feasibility of our proposal by evaluating the performance of the algorithms in benchmarks with both synthetic and real-world datasets.  相似文献   

核函数支持向量机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
概述了基于核函数方法的支持向量机。首先简要叙述支持向量机的基本思想和核特征空间,然后重点介绍核函数支持向量机的前沿理论与领先技术,同时描述了核函数支持向量机在关键领域的应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel framework for microcalcification clusters (MCs) detection in mammograms. The proposed framework has three main parts: (1) first, MCs are enhanced by using a simple-but-effective artifact removal filter and a well-designed high-pass filter; (2) thereafter, subspace learning algorithms can be embedded into this framework for subspace (feature) selection of each image block to be handled; and (3) finally, in the resulted subspaces, the MCs detection procedure is formulated as a supervised learning and classification problem, and in this work, the twin support vector machine (TWSVM) is developed in decision-making of MCs detection. A large number of experiments are carried out to evaluate and compare the MCs detection approaches, and the effectiveness of the proposed framework is well demonstrated.  相似文献   

An Electrocardiogram or ECG is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. This ECG can be classified as normal and abnormal signals. The classification of the ECG signals is presently performed with the support vector machine. The generalization performance of the SVM classifier is not sufficient for the correct classification of ECG signals. To overcome this problem, the ELM classifier is used which works by searching for the best value of the parameters that tune its discriminant function and upstream by looking for the best subset of features that feed the classifier. The experiments were conducted on the ECG data from the Physionet arrhythmia database to classify five kinds of abnormal waveforms and normal beats. In this paper, a thorough experimental study was done to show the superiority of the generalization capability of the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) that is presented and compared with support vector machine (SVM) approach in the automatic classification of ECG beats. In particular, the sensitivity of the ELM classifier is tested and that is compared with SVM combined with two classifiers, and they are the k-nearest Neighbor Classifier and the radial basis function neural network classifier, with respect to the curse of dimensionality and the number of available training beats. The obtained results clearly confirm the superiority of the ELM approach as compared with traditional classifiers.  相似文献   

支持向量机和最小二乘支持向量机的比较及应用研究   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56  
介绍和比较了支持向量机分类器和量小二乘支持向量机分类器的算法。并将支持向量机分类器和量小二乘支持向量机分类器应用于心脏病诊断,取得了较高的准确率。所用数据来自UCI bench—mark数据集。实验结果表明,支持向量机和量小二乘支持向量机在医疗诊断中有很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

针对支持向量机的多分类问题,提出一种新颖的基于非平行超平面的多分类簇支持向量机。它针对k模式分类问题分别训练产生k个分割超平面,每个超平面尽量靠近自身类模式而远离剩余类模式;决策时,新样本的类别由它距离最近的超平面所属的类决定,克服了一对一(OAO)和一对多(OAA)等传统方法存在的“决策盲区”和“类别不平衡”等缺陷。基于UCI和HCL2000数据集的实验表明,新方法在处理多分类问题时,识别精度显著优于传统多分类支持向量机方法。  相似文献   

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