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The interaction between the use of information technology, (IT) in organizations and that organization's culture is examined. The interaction is considered from the early stages of specification through to the regular use of the systems. The changes in the technological artefacts which result from the use of IT are discussed. Some suggestions about control of the interaction are made.  相似文献   


This paper describes some trends and issues in the application of information technology in organisations. Technology trends are outlined in the areas of computing power, telecommunications, networking, software and standards. Some trends in the applications of IT are described with respect to developments in information systems and office automation. Some differences in the likely role of IT in the industrialised and developing countries are discussed. The second half of the paper deals with issues in the management of IT applications in organisations, and issues are identified as being political, organisational and social in nature in addition to technical. A social systems framework is proposed for the analysis of these issues. Some specific IT issues are then discussed involving alternative stakeholder perspectives, the analysis of decision making processes, the process of consultation and communication and the organisational impacts of IT applications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze productivity and efficiency of information technology industries of fourteen OECD countries. IT productivity has been studied for years and most papers have confirmed the IT productivity. Some even proved that IT productivity is far better than other factors. The impact of IT to the economy depends not only on the productivity but also on the size of IT production. Thus, to analyze productivity and efficiency of IT industries is important. They are the drive for the economic growth in the new economy. Although productivity has been analyzed and discussed in the information systems field for years, little research has been done in efficiency of IT.This paper analyzes the productivity and productive efficiency of fourteen OECD countries and compared them to each other. The models we used in this paper follow Kumbhakar's 1989 models [Rev. Econ. Stat. (1989) 595] and some other econometric models in other productive efficiency studies. By using these models, we were allowed to estimate three different types of (in)efficiencies—technical, allocative and scale, and the percentage loss due to the inefficiency.  相似文献   


The paper addresses the need for a practical guide to the formulation of an operational strategy for Informatics development in less developed countries. Given the importance of Informatics, which cuts across and interacts with almost all strategic sectors of a nation's life, the inherent problems attending its development in less developed countries call for a self‐reliant approach albeit with the support of the international community. Some key issues involved are discussed and the paper concludes with an illustrative 20‐point checklist of actions which, it is suggested, may be adapted as appropriate to meet the particular needs of any country.  相似文献   


Information technology (IT) forms an increasingly important component of donor‐funded development projects, yet there has been very little structured analysis of the IT transfer process. This paper presents and evaluates a structured framework for analysis of IT transfer ‐ the information technology transfer life‐cycle ‐ based on a study of four Chinese technology projects. The life‐cycle framework helps to structure both data‐gathering and analysis, and it is used to highlight a number of shortcomings within the Chinese projects. However, several broader project and environmental issues are also identified that impinge on the technology transfer process. The life‐cycle framework must therefore be viewed within a broader contextual model, which is presented in the paper.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to discuss the main elements that define an information technology (IT) diffusion policy for small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) and to discuss the relevance of this policy for developing countries. The paper will review how innovation and regional development studies confer on SMEs an important role in economic development. Furthermore, it presents a discussion on the present supply and demand oriented IT diffusion policies in developed countries, that reveals the challenges for policy definition. In conclusion, the main elements that define an IT policy for SMEs will be highlighted, and lessons for developing countries will be discussed.  相似文献   

Aid organizations represent an important source of funding for projects involving information technology (IT) in developing countries. However, few of these organizations see information technology as a new and important sector in development, despite the fact that numerous developing countries are themselves committing large human and capital resources to information technology development. This situation may change, given some new initiatives by a few organizations to begin helping developing countries build their own capacity in information technology. This article is a report on these initiatives, and is also a brief analysis of the role of the World Bank in information technology transfer.  相似文献   

Our research attempted to identify the behavioral process of knowledge transfer by examining the effects of IT human capability, human character, trust, and cooperative learning on it in an IT outsourcing situation. By analysing data collected from vendor and client matched-pair samples of 87 IT outsourcing projects, we found that both the client's and the vendor's character influenced trust, trust affects on cooperative learning, and the cooperative learning influence on knowledge transfer. More importantly, it we found that the client's IT human capability had a direct impact on cooperative learning and knowledge transfer. This indicated that client's IT human capability was a crucial factor in effective knowledge transfer during IT outsourcing. It also implied that client firms should identify and retain some IT personnel who can apply vendors’ competencies in IT practice and respond effectively to any technological challenges.  相似文献   


While the potentially crucial role of information technology in the development of Third World countries has been widely prescribed, the evolving interaction between IT and the organization during the process of IT implementation and its implications for managers in these environments, has received little attention. This paper argues for more fieldwork to better analyze the dynamic interweaving between the new technology and the social/organizational setting in which it is being embedded.  相似文献   

Whilst there have been many studies to determine the factors that influence the use of information technology (IT) in organisations, few have considered how these factors change with the level of IT use. This paper presents the results of such a study involving the use of IT to support Total Quality Management (TQM). The population studied consisted of those organisations in the Malaysian public sector that had applied for the Malaysian Prime Minister's Quality Award during the period 1992–1997.Three sets of factors were investigated for their impact on the use of IT to support TQM in this setting: external, organisational, and technological factors. Overall, the organisational and technological factors had more influence on IT usage than did the external factors. However, as organisations became more experienced in their use of IT, the major contextual influences on IT usage levels changed. At low levels of IT usage the major contextual influences were organisational. At medium levels of IT usage a combination of technological and organisational factors became important, whilst at high IT usage levels, the dominant factors were technological.  相似文献   


In twelve months, the world's computers will hit a technological wall. Some will survive without even noticing the transition. Others will hit so hard, we will feel the impact while sitting in the comfort of our homes. We will know that it is not Dick Clark's New Year's Celebration we feel, but the crashing and burning of countless computers. We in the information technology profession are probably more aware of the underlying issues than the average person but, in the long run, I do not think that really helps.  相似文献   


Governments globally are leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) growth towards improving the quality of public procurement services for socio-economic development. However, the extent of its application differs across nations. Notwithstanding the extant theoretical and empirical literature on IT for development, knowledge on how to assess readiness for adopting a full e-procurement system in the public sector of lower and lower-middle income countries (LMICs) begs for understanding. With the narrative of Ghana, we address this gap by drawing on the institutional and economic theory and the United Nations E-Government Development Index towards a holistic framework beyond the dyad of linear website functionalities and internet focus of prior e-government adoption models. Elite interviews gathered from multiple cases from Ghana’s public sector reveals the key readiness determinants for a full public sector e-procurement system. This study has significant implications for shaping the process-oriented management of government e-procurement projects towards socio-economic development in LMICs amid their complex institutional and socio-technical environments.  相似文献   

By the very nature of information technology (IT), change and dynamism have always been significant drivers on its path to further development—and it has traditionally been the Western countries leading these. Now the picture is changing. The new high growth economies of the world (also known as BRIC countries) are increasingly pressing forward as active IT development drivers. Internal IT organizations of international companies are experiencing these global shifts firsthand and are facing changes in their traditional roles. This exploratory research is aimed at clarifying the context of the impact of high growth economies on such IT departments of Western-rooted enterprises. Forty-six interviews were conducted with IT managers, HR managers and expatriates emphasizing the importance of intercultural interaction, maturing IT economies, change in IT landscape and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

A stream of research exists that explores a country's information technology (IT) industry success. The theoretical model used in these studies is primarily focused on small developed countries. We contend that the factors that contribute to IT industry success in developing countries are likely to differ somewhat from those that play a role in small developed countries. Research to date on IT industry success has neglected developing countries. This study therefore presents an alternative IT industry success model for developing countries. It adapts Ein-dor, Myers, and Raman's (1997) model in developing such a conceptual model. The adapted framework is then applied in a study of IT industry in a developing country—Thailand. We found IT-related foreign direct investment to be vital to IT industry success in Thailand. Unlike findings from earlier studies on small developed countries, geographical location and to a lesser extent government investment promotion policies are also important to IT industry success in a developing country. These findings support the view that there are differences in the factors that affect IT industry success in developed and developing countries. Implications for research and practice are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The interaction between the use of information technology, (IT) in organizations and that organization's culture is examined. The interaction is considered from the early stages of specification through to the regular use of the systems. The changes in the technological artefacts which result from the use of IT are discussed. Some suggestions about control of the interaction are made.  相似文献   

This paper documents information technology (IT) impacts that extend across organizational boundaries based on the economic theory. It evaluates how a firm's production cost is affected by the IT decisions of its business partners, over which it has no direct control. Using cross-sectional data on 100 audit engagements for the 100 largest continuing clients of a leading international public accounting firm's main office, it empirically evaluates the impact of the clients’ IT choices on their supplier's (the public accounting firm's) production costs, professional allocations and product prices. The results indicate, other things being equal, that the higher intensity or complexity a client's IT exhibits, the more effort public accounting professionals need to exert, thus, the higher the production cost incurred by the public accounting firm. In contrast, the better documentation or security a client's IT furnishes, the lower the cost the public accounting firm sustains. Furthermore, such differences in production cost are eventually passed on to the client via differences in product price.  相似文献   

An important model for the nation's development and the innovation of the concept and its cluster has been studied together. The most prominent feature of the industry is Information technology. Industry clusters, success factors within the scope of the determined IT. industry clusters generally are discussed. The mostly true in the IT. industry cluster. Success attributes to support the industrial cluster's baseline at all levels, and it is possible to establish by identifying both the I.T. industry groups and decision-making. The creation of employment for IT. skills and civic thousands of people, excessive emphasis infrastructure, real estate costs soaring, and IT. Investment in the absence of the challenges of typical IT. companies, professionals. I.T. sector is based on the 5 G network services, is moving towards the provision of value-added services of high-end, value proposition structure of the sector. Still, industrial innovation clusters rise because of the most convincing of industry innovation clusters with development.For this reason, industry growth is not a duplication. It seems to be growth by innovation. The low combination is one of the most compelling reasons for the large supply of I.T. costs, and high-quality human resources are still the proposed value of the sector.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of information technology (IT) spillovers from suppliers and customers on an industry's technical efficiency and evaluates how such impact is moderated by its IT intensity and supply chain relationships. We employ a two-stage stochastic production frontier approach to estimate the relationship between IT spillovers and technical efficiency in U.S. industries. The findings show that the benefits from suppliers' and customers' IT spillovers in improving technical efficiency are greater in more IT-intensive industries, in industries that are more dependent on suppliers or customers in their production, and in industries that are more concentrated than their suppliers.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of the Singapore Government in Singapore's computerization efforts. In restructuring Singapore's economy and sharpening its competitive edge, information technology (IT) is singled out as one of the economic boosting engines whose dynamic, innovative role will change the economic and social fabric of society leading to a better quality of life for Singaporeans. The government and its agencies have deliberately intervened in the IT diffusion process through proactive IT policies, effective regulations and implementation. The national computerization plans, namely, the National IT Plan and the IT2000 Report, contain a set of IT strategic initiatives. Although the socioeconomic conditions and the cultural factors do have a significant influence on the IT diffusion process, an understanding of roles different institutions play and the various institutional policies will provide a better assessment of the impacts of IT on Singapore's information economy.  相似文献   


Changes in information technology (IT) services and their delivery have shifted the need for non-IT firms' (i.e., firms whose primary business is something other than providing IT goods and services) IT skills and capabilities to emphasize a business focus while integrating more outsourcing options from both domestic and global third-party providers. This paper explores how organizations of different sizes value critical IT skills and investigates firms' needs for entry-level and mid-level capabilities. The results show that smaller organizations consider more in-house hiring than their counterparts. Although desired entry-level skills differed among organizations of varying sizes, they all valued project management skills highly for mid-level IT staff.  相似文献   

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