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For developing and lower-income countries or jurisdictions, the proposal to establish a 3D cadastre must be supported by a discussion of the situational need and a cost–benefit analysis of the concept. The aim of this exercise is to determine the advisability for introducing a 3D cadastre in Trinidad and Tobago. An assessment is conducted to determine where the existence of a 3D cadastre would improve the activities that are now performed using the 2D cadastre. For this analysis, therefore, an assessment is made of the percentage of the area of the country where 3D rights exist, and are acknowledged and supported, and where 3D restrictions and responsibilities exist and are actively enforced, and the benefits of the use of the 3D cadastre to manage those rights. This is compared with the increases in costs that would come from introduction and maintenance of the 3D cadastre.This paper finds that there is an implied and an expressed need for a 3D cadastre in Trinidad and Tobago but that the optimum effectiveness of its introduction is largely isolated to the urban, densely populated areas and the oil mining areas. The cost/benefit analysis finds a positive benefit/cost ratio. Beyond the economically advisable outcome, the non-quantifiable benefits of introducing a 3D cadastre are several, and, therefore, the introduction of a 3D cadastre, in selected areas only, is recommended to optimise the use of resources. This paper adds to the literature by introducing a procedure that can be replicated in other resource scarce jurisdictions.  相似文献   

传感器是自动化设备的核心部件,传感器故障检测显得尤为重要。针对目前汽车衡维护、检修的困难,为有效准确判断故障传感器,提出了以径向基函数神经网络(RBFNN)预估值的初始化数据库专家系统判别方法。经现场测试准确率达到96%以上,从而有效简单地判定传感器好坏和识别故障传感器的位置。  相似文献   

为缩小需求分析与系统设计和实现之间的间隙,采用以需求为导向的系统开发方法,识别了航空型号研制项目干系人中的重要角色,通过对研制项目协同计划、控制过程的分析,提出了项目管理生命周期各阶段面向角色的系统需求矩阵,在此基础上构建了分布式航空型号研制项目管理信息系统框架,并给出系统用例。  相似文献   

Previous research into the benefits student response systems (SRS) that have been brought into the classroom revealed that SRS can contribute positively to student experiences. However, while the benefits of SRS have been conceptualized and operationalized into a widely cited scale, the validity of this scale had not been tested. Furthermore, subsequent research found the scale to be unreliable. Therefore, this project used two studies and created a reliable and valid SRS benefit scale. First, iterative exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted to determine whether the stated conceptual definitions matched the operational definitions reflected in student responses to survey items. The results of this statistical analysis showed an 8‐item, two‐factor scale demonstrating the benefits of SRS in the large lecture classroom. Study 2 used a new sample for confirmatory factor analysis that confirmed the results of the EFA suggested a good model fit with excellent scale reliability. Implications for future assessment of the benefits of SRS were discussed.  相似文献   

Cross docking plays a very importation role in supply chain management. The efficiency of cross docking will influence the lead time, inventory level and response time to the customer. This research aims to improve the efficiency of multi-door cross docking by optimizing both inbound and outbound truck sequencing and both inbound and outbound truck dock assignment. The objective is to minimize the makespan. The problem is new in the literature and no previous formulation of the problem can be found. In order to optimize the problem, a model for calculating the makespan is proposed. When given a sequence of all inbound and outbound trucks, the calculation model can assign all inbound and outbound trucks to all inbound and outbound doors based on first come first served and then calculate the makespan. The proposed makespan calculation model is then integrated with a variable neighborhood search (VNS) which can optimize the sequence of all inbound and outbound trucks. Four simulated Annealing (SA) algorithms are adopted for comparison. The experimental results show the proposed VNS provides 8.23–40.97% improvement over the solution generated randomly. Although it does not provide the best result for all problems when compared with SA algorithms, it provides robust results within a reasonable time. Thus the proposed method is efficient and effective in solving cross docking operation problems.  相似文献   

The management of crisis situations has been a challenging problem from different points of views, such as communication efficiency and avoiding casualties. This paper presents a novel approach that includes an interaction organization pattern for Multi-agent Systems (MASs) in crisis management, abstracted from several existing case studies in which the agents follow a sequence of interactions and the organization must optimize the use of human resources. The pattern considers an emergent organization of peers that adopt different roles according to the circumstances. The key features of the organization are its robustness, scalability (in terms of both agents and roles), flexibility to deal with a changing environment, and the efficient use of resources. In order to validate the organization, the paper presents its modeling and development with the Ingenias methodology, conforming the corresponding MAS. This development follows a model-driven approach, which allows a smooth transition from the specification to the code, and a low-cost testing of the system with different settings. Another key aspect is the application of metrics for validating and improving the MAS in terms of response time. The MAS has been tested with 600 agents representing 200 citizens, showing its performance.  相似文献   

W. Mann 《Automatica》1983,19(2):131-148
In order to utilize pulp, which is a by-product of the extraction of sugar from beet, one has to dry it. This is usually done with a rotary dryer. Generally the dry substance percentage of the dried pulp is controlled manually; this, however, is not sufficient. The aim was to improve the quality of control and thereby to reduce the fuel consumption. To reach this goal, first a linear, time-invariant, discrete-time mathematical model of the dynamic behaviour of the drying process was identified off-line. A correlation analysis method with least-squares parameter estimation was used. Based on the identified model, the parameters of the control algorithms of a digital multicascaded control system were designed with computer aid. The control behaviour was simulated and compared with the control behaviour achieved by an optimal state feedback control system. Although the latter one gave a better control performance, the cascaded control system was implemented on a process control computer—this was done for practical reasons. The results and experience gained during three campaigns show that the goal, a significant improvement of the control performance and the resulting saving in fuel oil, was achieved.  相似文献   

FCS系统在蔗糖行业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对广西蔗糖业的巨大前景,为了提高总体技术水平,缩小与发达国家和国际先进水平的差距,对该行业的一些关键工段进行自动化控制是目前能够实现也完全能达到国际水平的。通过FCS2000现场总线控制系统在广西蔗糖业的成功应用,反映了国产FCS2000现场总线控制系统的系统功能的实用性和稳定性,实现了对蔗糖生产中蔗渣燃烧锅炉及其相关的自动控制,提高了管理水平和自动化程度,降低了单位能耗,节约了资源。为广西蔗糖业的发展贡献了一份力量。  相似文献   

This work presents new evidence on how ethnography and the grounded theory approach can be integrated within a participatory information system development process. We conducted an ethnography in a hospital unit, collecting data from observations, interviews, and documents. The discussion about emergent themes with the actors in their natural context and the development of a grounded model allowed us to identify widespread discomfort felt by personnel and to code it as process conflict, that is a particular type of conflict caused by inefficiencies in the organization of work activities. The grounded model was the starting point for conducting a series of focus groups during which the organizational actors were allowed to face process conflict while defining the requirements of a new management information system. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our study for IS researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the development of a disaster management decision support system through the use of a prototyping strategy. The system was designed to aid a Regional Emergency Medical Organization in establishing an effective means of dealing with multiple casualty emergencies. Prototyping proved to be an appropriate development approach, promoting a high level of user involvement and interest in a setting where tasks were somewhat ill-structured and the problem and associated decision rules not well understood. The authors conjecture that their approach will work well in the development of similar systems for other crisis on disaster managers. The limitations of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

分析我国模具企业的业务流程以及生产过程中存在的问题,提出基于订单和产品的管理系统模型,并根据此模型实现了订单文档管理系统。系统管理模具从订单到交货的整个生命周期,缩短了产品设计周期,提高了产品质量,增强了企业竞争力。  相似文献   

计算机网络控制系统在大型糖厂的开发应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机网络控制系统在糖厂的应用大刚刚开始,针对糖厂生产的特殊性,本文结合国外某大型糖厂的设计实践,就计算机网络控制系统中方案的选择和系统的组成,谈谈自己设计中的体会和看法。  相似文献   

毕业环节教学管理系统的开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本科毕业环节是高等学校人才培养方案中最重要的实践教学环节之一,对提高人才培养质量意义十分重要.本文分析在高等教育大众化背景下毕业设计教学环节的现状;制定教学改革措施;将信息管理和计算机技术引入毕业环节教学工作中,基于Microsoft.Net平台,采用Visual Studio 2005为开发工具,开发了一套毕业环节教学管理系统.重点介绍该教学管理信息系统的设计思想、系统框架和主要功能.其开发和应用将增强毕业环节教学管理的信息化程度,教学水平显著提高,并可以向学院推广.  相似文献   

传统汽车衡不具备故障诊断功能,任一称重传感器发生故障都将导致称重系统失效.为此提出了一种基于信息融合的汽车衡称重传感器故障诊断方法,利用径向基函数神经网络(RBFNN)逼近汽车衡多路称重传感器之间的函数关系,预测各传感器的输出,并给出RBFNN的训练算法;以各传感器的预测信号与实测信号为输入,建立了融合检测模型,采用表决融合检测准则,完成故障传感器寻址、故障类型识别、故障程度判决和故障传感器正常输出估计等故障诊断.大量实验与现场检定证明,采用这种方法的汽车衡准确实现了称重传感器故障诊断,任一称重传感器失效后的汽车衡性能优于正常状态下4级秤的指标,其最大称重误差0.7%,提高了系统可靠性.  相似文献   

This paper presents the real identification and non-linear predictive control of a melter unit; the unit is used in a sugar factory placed in Benavente (Spain). The proposed approach uses a specific recurrent neural network that allows us to identify a non-linear model of the process, providing a mathematical representation in the state space form. Output and state variables can be obtained from the inputs and measured disturbances acting on the system. The neural based predictive control is carried out through the optimization of a cost function that takes into account the output prediction errors from a reference trajectory and the future control efforts, by using the identified model as a prediction model for the system outputs. The solution to this problem provides the optimal set of future control actions, but only the first one is applied to the real process, and the optimization problem is solved again at time t + 1.The results show the good performance of neural predictive control and its suitability for applications in real systems, particularly in the process industry.  相似文献   

The process industry handles most of the flammable and toxic materials within the industrial sector. Hence, safety issues are of prime importance as any possible accident can have severe consequences for both humans and the environment. For the safe and efficient operation of a plant while preventing mishaps in the process, a good alarm system is very important. Ultimate plant safety relies not only on the efficiency of the alarm system but also on the ability of the operators. In this study the authors develop the specifications required for a critical alarm system appropriate for most of the process industries; the specifications are based on optimal information flow between the operating system, guidance system, and the operator, ultimately to make the job less stressful and easier for the operators. The aim is to reduce the risk involved in control room operations that are associated with human factors. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Hum Factors Man 16: 321–337, 2006.  相似文献   

根据压力表信息管理网络化的需要,应用Visual Basic6.0作为前台开发工具和SOL Server2000作为后台数据库,采用C/S模式,开发了1套压力表信息管理系统.该软件具有登录,压力表信息统计,压力表检定记录信息统计,修改、删除、浏览、排序、多功能查询、打印、输出到Excel表、数据库备份与恢复、权限设置等功能模块,采用计算机网络设计,因此它可实现一系列增强型的功能,支持多用户远程进行数据操作和查询,并且具有数据录入快速,准确,数据库冗余小,备份恢复方便,数据管理统一,安全,完整,用户界面友好,使用方便等优点.由于该软件中压力表信息能随时间进行自动更新,及时直观提醒相关操作人员各压力表的动态信息,时效性强,和传统的纸质文档以及Excel电子文档管理压力表信息相比,无需操作人员去现场巡检或翻阅大量的纸质及电子文档,节省了劳动力,提高了工作效率,提升了管理水平.  相似文献   

This paper presents an intelligent management system realized on the basis of ontologies and formalized expert knowledge, mathematical models and numerical methods. We introduce a complex approach to the analysis of transport logistics systems using an original concept of multilevel modeling. The constructed mathematical models and software modules integrated in the system are described in brief. Modern intellectualization tools are applied for providing interaction among different modules and processing of incomplete statistical data. And finally, we consider some test and applied problems and their solution by the system.  相似文献   

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