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The effect of caseinate and soy protein in the diet on the mutagenicity induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was assessed in-vivo and ex-vivo in the DNA-repair host-mediated assay and liquid suspension assay, respectively. Of the two proteins only casein showed a strong antimutagenic activity over the whole digestive tract, except in the stomach. It is suggested that the molecular structure of a protein determines its protective effect against mutagens: casein lacks secondary and tertiary structure so that amino acids are more readily available for interaction with the mutagen than with the amino acids in soy protein which is a globular protein.  相似文献   

Long-time in vivo influence of chemical mutagens in low doses can decrease the level of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) induced in human as well as in laboratory mammals. The phenomenon under investigation is not specific neither for chronically acting mutagens nor for challenging agent. A decrease in UV- and gamma-ray-induced UDS was registered after chronic irradiation in plant populations and also in Chernobyl ameliorators and inhabitants of radioactively contaminated regions. The observed effect seems to have general biological character.  相似文献   

Synchronized and asynchronously growing cells of a V79 sub-line of the Chinese hamster were either whole-cell irradiated ( gamma, 254 nm) or laser-UV-microirradiated ( gamma, 257 nm). Post-incubation with caffeine (1-2 mM) often resulted in chromosome shattering, which was a rare event in the absence of this compound. In experiments with caffeine, the following results were obtained. Shattering of all the chromosomes of a cell (generalized chromosome shattering, GCS) was induced by whole-cell irradiation at the first post-irradiation mitosis when the UV fluence exceeded a "threshold" value in the sensitive phases of the cell cycle (G1 and S). GCS was also induced by laser-UV-microirradiation of a small part of the nucleus in G1 or S whereas microirradiation of cytoplasm beside the nucleus was not effective. An upper limit of the UV fluence in the non-irradiated nuclear part due to scattering of the microbeam was experimentally obtained. This UV fluence was significantly below the threshold fluence necessary to induce GCS in whole-cell irradiation experiments. In other cells, partial nuclear irradiation resulted in shattering of a few chromosomes only, while the majority remained intact (partial chromosome shattering, PCS). G1/early S was the most sensitive phase for induction of GCS by whole-cell and partial nuclear irradiation. The frequency of PCS was observed to increase when partial nuclear irradiation was performed either at lower incident doses or at later stages of S. We suggest that PCS and GCS indicate 2 levels of chromosome damage which can be produced by the synergistic action of UV irradiation and caffeine. PCS may be restricted to microirradiated chromatin whereas GCS involves both irradiated and unirradiated chromosomes in the microirradiated nucleus.  相似文献   

A technique of an in vitro microculture system has been set up in order to standardize DNA repair in adult human lymphocytes after ultraviolet and gamma irradiation measuring tritiated thymidine uptake. The results obtained in DNA unscheduled synthesis were different if ultraviolet or gamma rays were employed.  相似文献   

We have used glycerol to study the relationship between hydroxyl radicals, one of the primary radiolytic products, and the production of DNA double-strand breaks in selected E. coli strains. Our results suggest that when bacteria are irradiated at doses up to about 120 Gray, hydroxyl radicals produce DNA lesions, but not double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

When DNA of phage chiX174 or phage f1 is used as a template after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the conversion of single-stranded DNA to replicative form by cell-free extracts of Escherichia coli is inhibited. The extend of synthesis is proportional to the distance of a pyrimidine dimer from a specific origin of replication as calculated from the random location of dimers at various UV doses. The results therefore indicate that the initiation of DNA synthesis on these phage DNAs occurs normally at a specific site, and that chain elongation is blocked when replication reaches a photo product in the template. Reinitiation of DNA synthesis distal to the lesion does not occur.  相似文献   

Some indexes of nitrogen metabolism in blood, rumen content and urine of bull-calves fed on urea were studied as affected by UV-radiation. The content of protein, nonprotein, amine nitrogen, urea and ammonia in the rumen content and blood as well as as intensity of urea nitrogen and ammonia excretion with urine were determined. It is established that when 25% of protein necessary for the organism was replaced in the ration by urea, UV-radiation with a dose of 120 merg/h-m2 lowers already at the beginning of irradiation the amount of amine nitrogen and further the protein one in the young cattle rumen content. In blood of the irradiated bull-calves at the beginning of irradiation the level of amine nitrogen decreases, the level of nonprotein nitrogen lowers with a longer irradiation. The content of protein nitrogen in blood at that time increases. It was found that the content of ammonia in the bull-calves rumen during the first twenty-hours lowers, the amount of urea in blood does not change essentially. Simultaneously the ammonia excretion with urine intensifies, at the same time the excretion of urea nitrogen with urine does not differ essentially from that in the control bull-calves. In the bull-calves under study the nitrogen balance and average daily gains increase that may testify to the fact that UV-radiation in the applied dose stimulates a more complete utilization of urea nitrogen for the synthesis processes in the organism.  相似文献   

Time-resolved laser UV irradiation and controlled proteolysis have been used to study the sequential recognition of the lac UV5 promoter by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. Local rearrangements in the DNA, the appearance of intimate protein-DNA contacts, and structural changes within the sigma subunit together provide specific signatures that define major species populated during this process. At 22 degreesC, a first closed complex is characterised by a transient conformational change in the sigma subunit and by a distortion in the -35 region. Subsequently, direct contacts at -34 and at positions -8, -5 and -3 on the non-template strand appear prior to DNA strand separation. The contact in the -35 consensus region involves only the sigma subunit. This intermediate possesses different structural parameters from that formed by quenching open complexes from 37 degreesC to 14 degreesC. Sigma thus appears as the principal partner acting during promoter recognition, a strongly coupled process involving two major intermediates only.  相似文献   

A cDNA for procathepsin E was generated from human gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells, amplified by PCR and inserted into the T7 dependent vector pET 22b for expression in E. coli. Purification of the resultant product was accomplished simply, without the need to resort to column chromatography. The recombinant protein displayed comparable properties to those of its naturally occurring counterpart. The yield of homogeneous active enzyme obtained was approximately 3 mg per 40 g of cells. This is sufficient to permit crystallisation and structural analysis to begin and a mutagenesis programme to examine structure/activity relationships now to be undertaken.  相似文献   

The photochemical (lambda < 400 nm) decomposition of some monocyclic and polycyclic nitramines produces .NO2, which can be detected in the respective nitramine crystals at 77 K by EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance). In solutions of perdeutero-dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO-d6) the .NO2 produced by photolytic decomposition of dissolved nitramines can be spintrapped by the solvent to give a radical having the structure CD3-(SO2)-(NO.)-CD3. In this article, we examine this reaction for two nitramines: cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) and hexanitrohexaazaisowurzitane (HNIW), which are energetic materials. The decay of the spin-adduct radical (I) follows first-order kinetics for both nitramines studied, having a rate constant (k) of congruent to 7.1 x 10(-4) s-1. The net growth in spin concentration of (1) measured from EPR spectra is fitted by a first-order rate equation taking into account the simultaneous competitive decay rate of spin adduct (I). Using the rate data and EPR spin concentration data, the ratio of free .NO2 produced per parent nitramine molecule is estimated as 1:1 for RDX and 4:1 for HNIW. Biological implications of trapping of .NO2 by dimethyl sulfoxide are discussed.  相似文献   

根据已知的放射性土壤杆菌体内的D-甘露糖异构酶(Fmi)氨基酸序列,设计适合在大肠杆菌内表达的Fmi基因序列(1245 bp),采用体外基因拼接合成.构建了表达Fmi的重组大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)/pET30-Fmi,诱导表达的Fmi蛋白经SDS-PAGE验证为可溶性蛋白,分子量44000.通过实验优化了Fmi的催化条件,结果表明Fmi催化的最适pH值为7.5,最适温度为45℃,催化1 h酶活达5.29 U/mL.以25%的果糖溶液为底物时,催化2 h果糖转化率达29.4%.  相似文献   

DnaA protein is an initiator for chromosomal DNA replication in E. coli. We have examined the function of the protein to answer the following four questions; 1. How DnaA protein is inactivated after DNA replication for the suppression of re-initiation? 2. How DnaA protein is activated for the initiation of DNA replication? 3. Does DnaA protein have functions other than that for DNA replication? 4. Is DnaA protein is a good target for new antibiotics? In this review, I summarize our recent studies for these questions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Little research has evaluated maternal experience with fetal pulse oximetry for fetal surveillance. The purpose of this study was to compare maternal perceptions of labor with intrapartal cardiotocography with or without fetal pulse oximetry in a research setting. METHODS: One hundred women with vaginal, vertex deliveries and uncomplicated fetal outcomes were enrolled. The study group was a subset of 50 mothers who had participated in a pulse oximetry trial. The control group of 50 mothers was monitored by cardiotocography only. Both groups were matched for age, parity, weeks of gestation, epidural anesthesia use, and duration of labor. A global measure of maternal perception of labor was established by experience with labor, general attitude toward monitoring devices, satisfaction with monitoring, nursing and medical care, and anxiety, each of which was evaluated separately. The mothers in the study group were also interviewed about aspects related to the fetal pulse oximetry research setting, such as information, movement restriction, discomfort, care, privacy, and safety. The questionnaires were based on a standardized rating scale model, and the interviews were conducted two to four days after delivery. The results were analyzed by chi-squared, paired t test, and ANOVA. RESULTS: No significant differences were observed between the study and control participants in any parameter concerning the maternal perception of labor. Mothers' experiences with pulse oximetry as assessed by interview was overwhelmingly positive. CONCLUSIONS: Fetal monitoring by pulse oximetry in a research setting did not affect maternal perceptions of labor. Mothers' experiences with pulse oximetry were highly positive, suggesting that research in fetal pulse oximetry need not compromise maternal perceptions of labor.  相似文献   

The yield of UV-induced DNA double-strand breaks was studied for white blood cells ("light" fraction) derived from peripheral blood, and from patients with lymphomas, chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL), and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The method employed was constant-field electrophoresis of plug-embedded DNA in agarose gel. Characteristic dose-response curves were obtained for various cell populations. Lymphoid cells, both from healthy subjects and CLL patients, revealed less damage to DNA under UV-irradiation, whereas CML cells were much more affected. Possible interpretation of these results includes species-specific differences in UV-induced DNA damage, as well as sufficient DNA crosslinking, thus interfering with DNA dsbs detection in irradiated cells.  相似文献   

Early metabolic events in Escherichia coli exposed to nalidixic acid, a topoisomerase II inhibitor and an inducer of the SOS system, were investigated by in vivo NMR spectroscopy, a technique that permits monitoring of bacteria under controlled physiological conditions. The energetics of AB1157 (wild type) and of its isogenic, SOS-defective mutants, recBC, lexA, and DeltarecA, were studied by 31P and 19F NMR before, during, and after exposure to nalidixic acid. The content of the NTP in E. coli embedded in agarose beads and perfused at 36 degreesC was found to be 4.3 +/- 1.1 x 10(-18) mol/cell, yielding a concentration of approximately 2.7 +/- 0.7 mM. Nalidixic acid induced in the wild type and mutants a rapid 2-fold increase in the content of the NTP, predominantly ATP. This induction did not involve synthesis of uracil derivatives or breakdown of RNA and caused cell proliferation to stop. Removal of nalidixic acid after 40 min of treatment rescued the cells and resulted in a decrease of ATP to control levels and resumption of proliferation. However, in DeltarecA cells, which were more sensitive to the activity of the drug, ATP elevation could not be reversed, and ATP content continued to increase faster than in control cells. The results ruled out association between the elevation of ATP and the induction of the SOS system and suggested involvement of a process reminiscent of apoptosis in the stimulation of ATP synthesis. Thus, the presence of the RecA protein was found to be essential for reversing the ATP increase and cell rescue, possibly by its function in repair of DNA damage.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to determine whether the degree of E- and P-cadherin expression in melanomas correlates with the invasive behavior of the clinical lesions from which the cell lines were derived. Cadherins comprise a family of calcium-dependent cellular adhesion molecules expressed on most cell types that form solid tissues. In the human epidermis, melanocyte cadherin expression may function to maintain the integrity of the epidermal-melanin unit. Employing both immunofluorescence microscopy and fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis, we localized and quantitated E- and P-cadherin expression on melanoma cell lines derived from primary or metastatic lesions using the monoclonal antibodies HECD-1 and NNC-CAD-299, respectively. Human epidermal melanocytes isolated from neonatal foreskin were evaluated by similar techniques and served as a biologic control. Melanoma cell lines were isolated from primary or metastatic lesions of patients described as having "early," "intermediate," or "advanced disease." Melanoma E- and P-cadherin immunofluorescence, as quantified by fluorescence-activated cell sorter, varied inversely with disease progression. Selected log mean ratios of E-cadherin fluorescence, as compared to human epidermal melanocytes (arbitrarily = 1), ranged from 1.04 in the WM 35 melanoma cell line (low invasive potential) to 0.1 and 0.02 in the WM 983A and 1361A melanoma cell lines (derived from primary lesions with metastases), respectively. Although values for P-cadherin fluorescence were less, the trend of decreasing cadherin amounts with more advanced disease was observed. Melanoma cells appear to express E- and P-cadherin levels inversely related to disease progression. Ultraviolet radiation significantly decreased E- and P-cadherin expression in the human epidermal melanocytes and P-cadherin expression in the WM 35 melanoma cell line (p < 0.05). Although not statistically significant, E-cadherin expression in the WM 35 melanoma cell line decreased substantially. Thus, ultraviolet radiation may have a direct effect on human epidermal melanocytes and melanoma cell attachment through cadherins within the epidermis or tumor nodules.  相似文献   

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