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张畅  谢克家  麻倩倩  张月  宋睿智  张恒博 《矿产勘查》2022,13(10):1525-1532
东非大裂谷代表岩石圈层位的一个大型减薄带,是陆地上最大的断裂带。东非大裂谷埃塞俄比亚段贯穿整个埃塞俄比亚岩石系列单元,是埃塞俄比亚板块(努比亚板块)和索马里板块的离散边界,延伸超过1000 km。本文通过系统总结该区域多年来的地质学、地球物理等研究成果,结合部分地质调查结果,得出埃塞俄比亚裂谷系统的北部为阿法尔洼地,是一个规模巨大的三角形构造拗陷地带;南部为埃塞俄比亚主裂谷,其内部形成较为对称的地堑系统,进而发育了数量众多的断陷湖。由于埃塞俄比亚板块和索马里板块持续性裂谷作用,裂谷系统内形成了丰富的地热资源。其中,阿法尔洼地的Danakil地区及主裂谷的阿巴塔湖(Lake Abiata)和莎拉湖(Lake Shala)的地热资源具有较好的资源勘查潜力,值得当地企业进一步关注。  相似文献   

In oxidizing aquifers, arsenic (As) mobilization from sediments into groundwater is controlled by pH-dependent As desorption from and dissolution of mineral phases. If climate is dry, then the process of evaporative concentration contributes further to the total concentration of dissolved As. In this paper the principal As mobility controls under these conditions have been demonstrated for Salí River alluvial basin in NW Argentina (Tucumán Province; 7000 km2), which is representative for other basins or areas of the predominantly semi-arid Chaco-Pampean plain (1,000,000 km2) which is one of the world’s largest regions affected by high As concentrations in groundwater. Detailed hydrogeochemical studies have been performed in the Salí River basin where 85 groundwater samples from shallow aquifers (42 samples), deep samples (26 samples) and artesian aquifers (17 samples) have been collected. Arsenic concentrations range from 11.4 to 1660 μg L−1 leaving 100% of the investigated waters above the provisional WHO guideline value of 10 μg L−1. A strong positive correlation among As, F, and V in shallow groundwaters was found. The correlations among those trace elements and U, B and Mo have less significance. High pH (up to 9.2) and high bicarbonate (HCO3) concentrations favour leaching from pyroclastic materials, including volcanic glass which is present to 20-25% in the loess-type aquifer sediments and yield higher trace element concentrations in groundwater from shallow aquifers compared to deep and artesian aquifers. The significant increase in minor and trace element concentrations and salinity in shallow aquifers is related to strong evaporation under semi-arid climatic conditions. Sorption of As and associated minor and trace elements (F, U, B, Mo and V) onto the surface of Fe-, Al- and Mn-oxides and oxi-hydroxides, restricts the mobilization of these elements into groundwater. Nevertheless, this does not hold in the case of the shallow unconfined groundwaters with high pH and high concentrations of potential competitors for adsorption sites (HCO3, V, P, etc.). Under these geochemical conditions, desorption of the above mentioned anions and oxyanions occurs as a key process for As mobilization, resulting in an increase of minor and trace element concentrations. These geochemical processes that control the concentrations of dissolved As and other trace elements and which determine the groundwater quality especially in the shallow aquifers, are comparable to other areas with high As concentrations in groundwater of oxidizing aquifers and semi-arid or arid climate, which are found in many parts of the world, such as the western sectors of the USA, Mexico, northern Chile, Turkey, Mongolia, central and northern China, and central and northwestern Argentina.  相似文献   

The effects of hardness (Ca2+) and alkalinity (HCO3) on arsenic(V) removal from humic acid (HA)-deficient and HA-rich groundwater by zero-valent iron (Fe0) were investigated using batch experiments. Arsenic, in general, is removed from groundwater possibly by adsorption and co-precipitation with the iron corrosion products. However, in the co-presence of HCO3 and Ca2+, the removal rate of arsenic increased with increasing concentrations of either Ca2+ or HCO3. It was observed that the removal of arsenic was significantly enhanced by the formation of CaCO3 as a nucleation seed for the growth of large iron (hydr)oxide particles. In the co-existence of Ca2+, HCO3 and HA, the presence of HA diminished the positive role of Ca2+ due to the formation of Fe-humate complexes in solution and delaying of the formation of CaCO3. As a result, the formation of the large iron (hydr)oxide particles was inhibited in the earlier stage which, in turn, affected the removal of arsenic. However, after the formation of CaCO3 and the subsequent growth of such particles, the presence of large iron (hydr)oxide particles resulted in the rapid removing of arsenic and Fe-humate by adsorption and/or co-precipitation.  相似文献   

Groundwater and core sediments of two boreholes (to a depth of 50 m) from the Chapai-Nawabganj area in northwestern Bangladesh were collected for arsenic concentration and geochemical analysis. Groundwater arsenic concentrations in the uppermost aquifer (10-40 m of depth) range from 2.8 μg L−1 to 462.3 μg L−1. Groundwater geochemical conditions change from oxidized to successively more reduced, higher As concentration with depth. Higher sediment arsenic levels (55 mg kg−1) were found within the upper 40 m of the drilled core samples. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy was employed to elucidate the arsenic speciation of sediments collected from two boreholes. Environmental scanning electron microscopy and transmission X-ray microscopy were used to investigate the characteristics of FeOOH in sediments which adsorb arsenic. In addition, a pH-Eh diagram was drawn using the Geochemist's Workbench (GWB) software to elucidate the arsenic speciation in groundwater. The dominant groundwater type is Ca-HCO3 with high concentrations of As, Fe and Mn but low levels of NO3 and SO42−. Sequential extraction analysis reveals that Mn and Fe hydroxides and organic matter are the major leachable solids carrying As. High levels of arsenic concentration in aquifers are associated with fine-grained sediments. Fluorescent intensities of humic substances indicate that both groundwater and sediments in this arsenic hotspot area contain less organic matter compared to other parts of Bengal basin. Statistical analysis clearly shows that As is closely associated with Fe and Mn in sediments while As is better correlated with Mn in groundwater. These correlations along with results of sequential leaching experiments suggest that reductive dissolution of MnOOH and FeOOH mediated by anaerobic bacteria represents an important mechanism for releasing arsenic into the groundwater.  相似文献   

Antimony (Sb) has received increasing attention recently due to its toxicity and potential human carcinogenicity. In the present work, drinking water, fish and algae samples were collected from the Xikuangshan (XKS) Sb mine area in Hunan, China. Results show that serious Sb and moderate arsenic (As) contamination is present in the aquatic environment. The average Sb concentrations in water and fish were 53.6 ± 46.7 μg L− 1 and 218 ± 113 μg kg− 1 dry weight, respectively. The Sb concentration in drinking water exceeded both Chinese and WHO drinking water guidelines by 13 and 3 times, respectively. Antimony and As concentrations in water varied with seasons. Fish gills exhibited the highest Sb concentrations but the extent of accumulation varied with habitat. Antimony enrichment in fish was significantly lower than that of As and Hg.  相似文献   

Effects of eutrophication on arsenic speciation were studied in eutrophic Lake Kiba and mesotrophic Lake Biwa, Japan. By combining hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry with ultraviolet irradiation, inorganic, methyl and ultraviolet-labile fractions of arsenic were determined. In both Lakes, inorganic species (As(V + III)) dominated over other forms of arsenic all the year round. Most of methylarsenic fraction was dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA), and the concentration of monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) was below the detection limit. Measurements of size-fractioned arsenic concentrations in water column indicate that most of the DMAA was distributed in truly dissolved fraction (< 10 kDa), while ultraviolet-labile fractions were distributed in particulate (> 0.45 µm) and colloidal (10 kDa-0.45 µm) fractions. Arsenic speciation in eutrophic Lake Kiba fluctuated greatly with season. The ultraviolet-labile fractions were observed with the increase of DMAA from May to October, and they disappeared with the decrease of DMAA in January. In mesotrophic Lake Biwa, the ultraviolet-labile fractions of arsenic were not influenced as much as those in eutrophic Lake Kiba. On the other hand DMAA concentration was higher in Lake Biwa compared to that in Lake Kiba. The results suggest that the biosynthesis of complex organoarsenicals was enhanced by eutrophication, and the arsenic speciation would be influenced by the balance of biological processes in natural waters.  相似文献   

Naturally contaminated soil, sediment and water at the Mokrsko-West gold deposit, Central Bohemia, have been studied in order to determine the processes that lead to release of As into water and to control its speciation under various redox conditions. In soils, As is bonded mainly to secondary arseniosiderite, pharmacosiderite and Fe oxyhydroxides and, rarely, to scorodite; in sediments, As is bonded mainly to Fe oxyhydroxides and rarely to arsenate minerals.The highest concentrations of dissolved As were found in groundwater (up to 1141 μg L− 1), which mostly represented a redox transition zone where neither sulphide minerals nor Fe oxyhydroxide are stable. The main processes releasing dissolved As in this zone are attributed to the reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides and arsenate minerals, resulting in a substantial decrease in their amounts below the groundwater level. Some shallow subsurface environments with high organic matter contents were characterized by reducing conditions that indicated a relatively high amount of S− 2,0 in the solid phase and a lower dissolved As concentration (70-80 μg L− 1) in the pore water. These findings are attributed to the formation of Fe(II) sulphides with the sorbed As. Under oxidizing conditions, surface waters were undersaturated with respect to arsenate minerals and this promoted the dissolution of secondary arsenates and increased the As concentrations in the water to characteristic values from 300 to 450 μg L− 1 in the stream and fishpond waters. The levels of dissolved As(III) often predominate over As(V) levels, both in groundwaters and in surface waters. The As(III)/As(V) ratio is closely related to the DOC concentration and this could support the assumption of a key role of microbial processes in transformations of aqueous As species as well as in the mobility of As.  相似文献   

What will be the outcome of the large-scale construction programmes and under-delivered promises undertaken in preparation for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games? Ana Luiza Nobre , Associate Professor of Architectural History at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and Head of Research and Education at the Instituto Moreira Salles, gazes into her crystal ball and asks what the ongoing legacy of Rio 2016 might be.  相似文献   

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