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Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to injury in crashes with heavy vehicles due to substantial differences in vehicle mass, the degree of protection and speed. There is a considerable difference in height between motorcycles and trucks; motorcycles are viewed by truck drivers from downward angles, and shorter distances between them mean steeper downward angles. Hence, we anticipated that the effects of motorcycle conspicuity treatments would be different for truck drivers. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effects of motorcycle conspicuity treatments on the identification and detection of motorcycles by truck drivers. Two complementary experiments were performed; the first experiment assessed the impact of motorcycle sensory conspicuity on the ability of un-alerted truck drivers to detect motorcycles, and the second experiment assessed the motorcycle cognitive conspicuity to alerted truck drivers. The sensory conspicuity was measured in terms of motorcycle detection rates by un-alerted truck drivers when they were not anticipating a motorcycle within a realistic driving scene, while the cognitive conspicuity was determined by the time taken by alerted truck drivers to actively search for a motorcycle. In the first experiment, the participants were presented with 10 pictures and were instructed to report the kinds of vehicles that were presented in the pictures. Each picture was shown to the participants for 600 ms. In the second experiment, the participants were presented with the same set of pictures and were instructed to respond by clicking the right button on a mouse as soon as they detected a motorcycle in the picture. The results indicate that the motorcycle detection rate increases, and the response time to search for a motorcycle decreases, as the distance between the targeted motorcycle and the viewer decreases. This is true regardless of the type of conspicuity treatment used. The use of daytime running headlights (DRH) was found to increase the detection rate and the identification of a motorcycle by a truck driver at a farther distance, but effect deteriorates as the distance decreases. The results show that the detection rate and the identification of a motorcyclist wearing a black helmet with a reflective sticker increases as the distance between the motorcycle and the truck decreases. We also found that a motorcyclist wearing a white helmet and a white outfit is more identifiable and detectable at both shorter and longer distances. In conclusion, although this study provides evidence that the use of appropriate conspicuity treatments enhances motorcycle conspicuity to truck drivers, we suggest that more attention should be paid to the effect of background environment on motorcycle conspicuity.  相似文献   

Motorcyclists are over-represented in collision statistics. While many collisions may be the direct fault of another road user, a considerable number of fatalities and injuries are due to the actions of the rider. While increased riding experience may improve skills, advanced training courses may be required to evoke the safest riding behaviours. The current research assessed the impact of experience and advanced training on rider behaviour using a motorcycle simulator. Novice riders, experienced riders and riders with advanced training traversed a virtual world through varying speed limits and roadways of different curvature. Speed and lane position were monitored. In a comparison of 60 mph and 40 mph zones, advanced riders rode more slowly in the 40 mph zones, and had greater variation in lane position than the other two groups. In the 60 mph zones, both advanced and experienced riders had greater lane variation than novices. Across the whole ride, novices tended to position themselves closer to the kerb. In a second analysis across four classifications of curvature (straight, slight, medium, tight) advanced and experienced riders varied their lateral position more so than novices, though advanced riders had greater variation in lane position than even experienced riders in some conditions. The results suggest that experience and advanced training lead to changes in behaviour compared to novice riders which can be interpreted as having a potentially positive impact on road safety.  相似文献   

This research investigates risk awareness abilities among different populations of motorcyclists. Risk awareness is defined here as an extension of the Situational Awareness theory applied to critical driving situations. This study is more particularly focused on two main cognitive abilities supporting risk awareness: hazard detection, corresponding to riders’ skill to perceive critical event occurring in the road environment and to identify it as a threat, and situational criticality assessment, corresponding to a subjective assessment of the accident risk. From this theoretical framework, the aim is to compare motorcyclists’ performances in risk awareness according to their experience in motorcycling. Four populations of motorcyclists are investigated: Professional (Policemen), Experienced riders, Novices, and Beginners. Method implemented is based of a set of 25 video sequences of driving situations presenting a risk of collision. Participants’ task was firstly to stop the video film if they detect a hazard. Then, at the end of each sequence, they have also to assess the criticality of the driving situation as a whole, with a Likert scale (from 0 to 100% of criticality). Results obtained show that cognitive abilities in both (i) hazard detection and (ii) situational criticality assessment depend of the riding experience, and are learnt from two different timing. On one side, Professional and Experienced riders obtained better results than Novices and Beginners for hazard perception (i.e. shortest reaction time). In terms of situational criticality assessment, Beginners underestimate the situational risk and seem overconfident in their abilities to manage the situational risk, against Novices, Professional and Experienced riders, who have better competences in criticality assessment. From these empirical results, a conceptual model of motorcyclists’ Risk Awareness is proposed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to study how age affects street-crossing decisions in an estimation task, with particular emphasis on how oncoming vehicle speed and a time constraint influence the time gap deemed acceptable for crossing. Experiment 1 showed that when there was a time constraint, all age groups selected a shorter time gap for the higher speed. This was associated with a large number of missed opportunities for the low speed and many unsafe decisions for the high speed. In the second experiment, which had no time constraint, young pedestrians operated in a constant-time mode regardless of speed, whereas older pedestrians accepted shorter and shorter time gaps as speed increased. The results seem to indicate that the effect of speed is due to a mixed operating mode of participants, whose decisions may be based on either time or vehicle distance, depending on the task requirements and on the participant's own ability to meet those requirements.  相似文献   

This study looked at whether drivers overtaking a bicyclist changed the proximities of their passes in response to the level of experience and skill signalled by the bicyclist's appearance. Seven outfits were tested, ranging from a stereotypical sport rider's outfit, portraying high experience and skill, to a vest with ‘novice cyclist’ printed on the back, portraying low experience. A high-visibility bicycling jacket was also used, as were two commercially available safety vests, one featuring a prominent mention of the word ‘police’ and a warning that the rider was video-recording their journey, and one modelled after a police officer's jacket but with a letter changed so it read ‘POLITE’. An ultrasonic distance sensor recorded the space left by vehicles passing the bicyclist on a regular commuting route. 5690 data points fulfilled the criteria for the study and were included in the analyses. The only outfit associated with a significant change in mean passing proximities was the police/video-recording jacket. Contrary to predictions, drivers treated the sports outfit and the ‘novice cyclist’ outfit equivalently, suggesting they do not adjust overtaking proximity as a function of a rider's perceived experience. Notably, whilst some outfits seemed to discourage motorists from passing within 1 m of the rider, approximately 1–2% of overtakes came within 50 cm no matter what outfit was worn. This suggests there is little riders can do, by altering their appearance, to prevent the very closest overtakes; it is suggested that infrastructural, educational or legal measures are more promising for preventing drivers from passing extremely close to bicyclists.  相似文献   

In a hot rolled Nb–Ti and a Nb–Ti–0.09%Mo micro-alloyed steel, the ratio of yield strength to tensile strength (YS/UTS) was found to be a function of the microstructure and cooling rate in those tests where no coiling simulation and no prior deformation. The coarse bainite or acicular ferrite, which was formed at high cooling rates, raised the YS/UTS ratio under these process conditions. With coiling simulation, the ratio was not sensitive to the cooling rate or the microstructure as coiling allows the recovery of dislocations, thereby decreasing the difference in dislocation density that had arisen between a low and a high cooling rate. Deformation with a 33% reduction below the nil-recrystallisation temperature (Tnr) prior to the transformation, led to a high YS/UTS ratio that ranged from 0.81 to 0.86. The prior deformation, therefore, had a stronger effect on the YS/UTS ratio than microstructural changes through cooling rate variations.  相似文献   

This paper considers fundamental and experimental aspects associated with the engineering design of a medical, non‐linear drilling device which exploits shape memory pseudoelasticity of NiTi wires. For this application it is important that the NiTi wires have a good fatigue resistance. This is why the present authors have previously determined the influence of various parameters on cyclic life, crack growth and stress state of pseudoelastic wires subjected to bending rotation fatigue. The actual drilling device has to withstand twist in addition to bending rotation because the free rotation is constrained by friction between the drill head and the bone material. In addition, friction between the wire and a NiTi guiding tube results in wear and this may well promote fatigue crack nucleation. In this paper, we explain the function of the medical drill. We then report results on the effect of the additional parameters (1) twist and (2) wear on the fatigue life of thin pseudoelastic NiTi wires. We finally discuss the implications of our experimental results for the design process of the medical drilling device.  相似文献   

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