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陈理国  刘超 《软件学报》2014,25(6):1169-1179
在软件系统中,缺陷定位是缺陷修复的一个关键环节,如果能将缺陷自动定位到很小的范围,将会极大地降低缺陷修复的难度.基于高斯过程提出了一种缺陷定位方法(GPBL),即针对每个缺陷,向开发人员推荐这个缺陷可能存在于哪些源文件中,从而帮助开发人员快速修复缺陷.为了验证方法的有效性,采集了开源软件Eclipse 和Argouml 中的数据,实验结果表明,高斯过程缺陷定位的查全率和查准率平均分别为87.16%和78.90%.与基于LDA的缺陷定位方法进行比较,表明高斯过程更能准确定位缺陷的位置.  相似文献   

Machine learning (ML) techniques and algorithms have been successfully and widely used in various areas including software engineering tasks. Like other software projects, bugs are also common in ML projects and libraries. In order to more deeply understand the features related to bug fixing in ML projects, we conduct an empirical study with 939 bugs from five ML projects by manually examining the bug categories, fixing patterns, fixing scale, fixing duration, and types of maintenance. The results show that (1) there are commonly seven types of bugs in ML programs; (2) twelve fixing patterns are typically used to fix the bugs in ML programs; (3) 68.80% of the patches belong to micro-scale-fix and small-scale-fix; (4) 66.77% of the bugs in ML programs can be fixed within one month; (5) 45.90% of the bug fixes belong to corrective activity from the perspective of software maintenance. Moreover, we perform a questionnaire survey and send them to developers or users of ML projects to validate the results in our empirical study. The results of our empirical study are basically consistent with the feedback from developers. The findings from the empirical study provide useful guidance and insights for developers and users to effectively detect and fix bugs in MLprojects.  相似文献   

Toward an understanding of bug fix patterns   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Twenty-seven automatically extractable bug fix patterns are defined using the syntax components and context of the source code involved in bug fix changes. Bug fix patterns are extracted from the configuration management repositories of seven open source projects, all written in Java (Eclipse, Columba, JEdit, Scarab, ArgoUML, Lucene, and MegaMek). Defined bug fix patterns cover 45.7% to 63.3% of the total bug fix hunk pairs in these projects. The frequency of occurrence of each bug fix pattern is computed across all projects. The most common individual patterns are MC-DAP (method call with different actual parameter values) at 14.9–25.5%, IF-CC (change in if conditional) at 5.6–18.6%, and AS-CE (change of assignment expression) at 6.0–14.2%. A correlation analysis on the extracted pattern instances on the seven projects shows that six have very similar bug fix pattern frequencies. Analysis of if conditional bug fix sub-patterns shows a trend towards increasing conditional complexity in if conditional fixes. Analysis of five developers in the Eclipse projects shows overall consistency with project-level bug fix pattern frequencies, as well as distinct variations among developers in their rates of producing various bug patterns. Overall, data in the paper suggest that developers have difficulty with specific code situations at surprisingly consistent rates. There appear to be broad mechanisms causing the injection of bugs that are largely independent of the type of software being produced.
E. James Whitehead Jr.Email:

相较于其他类型的漏洞,安全性漏洞更容易发生再修复,这使得安全性漏洞需要更多的开发资源,从而增加了这些安全性漏洞修复的成本。因此,减少安全性漏洞再修复的发生的重要性不言而喻。对安全性漏洞再修复的经验研究有助于减少再修复的发生。首先,通过对Mozilla工程中一些发生再修复的安全性漏洞的安全性漏洞类型、发生再修复的原因、再修复的次数、修改的提交数、修改的文件数、修改的代码行数的增减、初始修复和再修复的对比等数据进行分析,发现了安全性漏洞发生再修复是普遍存在的,且与漏洞发生原因的识别的复杂程度和漏洞修复的复杂程度这两个因素有关;其次,初始修复涉及的文件、代码的集中程度是影响再修复的原因之一,而使用更复杂、更有效的修复过程可有效避免再修复的发生;最后,总结了几种安全性漏洞发生再修复的原因,使开发人员有效地识别不同类型的安全性漏洞再修复。  相似文献   

孙小兵  周澄  杨辉  李斌 《软件学报》2018,29(8):2294-2305
软件开发与维护过程中常会出现一些安全性缺陷,这些安全性缺陷会给软件和用户带来很大的风险.安全性缺陷在修复过程中,其修复级别和质量要求往往高于一般性的缺陷,因此,推荐出富有安全性经验的开发者及时有效地修复这些安全性缺陷非常重要.现有的开发者推荐技术在推荐开发者时仅仅考虑了开发者的历史开发内容,很少考虑到开发人员的安全性缺陷修复经验和修复质量等因素,所以这些技术不适用于安全性缺陷的开发者推荐.本文针对安全性缺陷的修复提出了一种有效的软件开发者推荐方法SecDR.SecDR在推荐开发者时不仅考虑了开发者的历史开发内容(与安全性相关),还分析了开发者的修复质量和历史修复缺陷的复杂度等因素.此外,SecDR还实现了开发者的多经验级别推荐:推荐初级开发者修复简单的安全性缺陷,高级开发者修复复杂的安全性缺陷.本文在三个开源项目(Mozilla,Libgdx,ElasticSearch)上分别对SecDR推荐开发者进行有效性验证.通过对比实验证明,SecDR针对安全性缺陷推荐开发者相比于其他方法(如:DR_PSF)的推荐精度平均高出19%~42%.另外,实验对比了SecDR与实际开发人员的分配情况,结果显示SecDR可以更好地规避不合理的软件开发者的推荐.  相似文献   

王燕  吴化尧  聂长海  徐家喜  尹震  钮鑫涛 《软件学报》2022,33(11):3983-4007
缺陷追踪是软件项目管理的一个重要环节,是保证现代大规模开源软件开发顺利进行并持续提高软件质量的必要手段.目前,大部分开源软件都使用开放的缺陷跟踪系统进行软件缺陷的管理.它允许用户向开发者提交系统故障(即defect类型缺陷)以及系统改进建议(即enhancement类型缺陷),但是这些用户的反馈所起的作用尚未得到充分研究.针对这一问题,对Firefox的缺陷跟踪系统进行实证研究,收集了2018年和2019年提交的19 474份Firefox Desktop以及3 057份Firefox for Android缺陷报告.在此基础上,对比分析了普通用户和核心开发者提交的缺陷在数量、严重性、组件分布、修复率、修复速度以及修复者上的差别,并调查了缺陷报告的撰写质量与缺陷处理结果和修复时间的关系.主要发现包括:(1)当前缺陷追踪系统中普通用户人数众多,但参与程度较浅,86%的用户只提交过一个缺陷,其中,高严重等级的缺陷不超过3%;(2)普通用户提交的缺陷主要分布在和用户交互相关的UI组件上(例如地址栏、音频/视频等),然而还有43%的缺陷由于缺乏充分描述信息而难以准确地定位到具体的关联组件;(3)在缺陷处理结果上,由于查重系统以及缺陷填报系统在设计上过于简单,致使普通用户提交的大量缺陷被处理为“无用”缺陷,缺陷修复率低于10%;(4)在缺陷修复流程上,由于普通用户难以准确、充分地描述缺陷,导致系统对其重视程度不足,普通用户提交缺陷的处理流程也比核心开发者提交的复杂,平均需要多花至少8天的时间进行修复.上述研究结果揭示了当前缺陷追踪系统在用户参与激励机制、缺陷自动查重以及缺陷报告填写智能辅助等方面的不足,能够为缺陷跟踪系统开发者和管理者改进系统、提高普通用户对开源软件的贡献提供参考.  相似文献   

Bug fixing accounts for a large amount of the software maintenance resources. Generally, bugs are reported, fixed, verified and closed. However, in some cases bugs have to be re-opened. Re-opened bugs increase maintenance costs, degrade the overall user-perceived quality of the software and lead to unnecessary rework by busy practitioners. In this paper, we study and predict re-opened bugs through a case study on three large open source projects—namely Eclipse, Apache and OpenOffice. We structure our study along four dimensions: (1) the work habits dimension (e.g., the weekday on which the bug was initially closed), (2) the bug report dimension (e.g., the component in which the bug was found) (3) the bug fix dimension (e.g., the amount of time it took to perform the initial fix) and (4) the team dimension (e.g., the experience of the bug fixer). We build decision trees using the aforementioned factors that aim to predict re-opened bugs. We perform top node analysis to determine which factors are the most important indicators of whether or not a bug will be re-opened. Our study shows that the comment text and last status of the bug when it is initially closed are the most important factors related to whether or not a bug will be re-opened. Using a combination of these dimensions, we can build explainable prediction models that can achieve a precision between 52.1–78.6 % and a recall in the range of 70.5–94.1 % when predicting whether a bug will be re-opened. We find that the factors that best indicate which bugs might be re-opened vary based on the project. The comment text is the most important factor for the Eclipse and OpenOffice projects, while the last status is the most important one for Apache. These factors should be closely examined in order to reduce maintenance cost due to re-opened bugs.  相似文献   

席圣渠  姚远  徐锋  吕建 《软件学报》2018,29(8):2322-2335
随着开源软件项目规模的不断增大,人工为缺陷报告分派合适的开发人员(缺陷分派)变得越来越困难.而不合适的缺陷分派往往会严重影响缺陷修复的效率,为此迫切需要一种缺陷分派辅助技术帮助项目管理者更好地完成缺陷分派任务.当前,大部分研究工作都基于缺陷报告文本以及相关元数据信息分析来刻画开发者的特征,忽略了对开发者活跃度的考虑,使得对具有相似特征的开发者进行缺陷报告分派预测时表现较差.本文提出了一个基于循环神经网络的深度学习模型DeepTriage,一方面利用双向循环网络加池化方法提取缺陷报告的文本特征,一方面利用单向循环网络提取特定时刻的开发者活跃度特征,并融合两者,利用已修复的缺陷报告进行监督学习.在Eclipse等四个不同的开源项目数据集上的实验结果表明,DeepTriage较同类工作在缺陷分派预测准确率上有显著提升.  相似文献   

In practice, some bugs have more impact than others and thus deserve more immediate attention. Due to tight schedule and limited human resources, developers may not have enough time to inspect all bugs. Thus, they often concentrate on bugs that are highly impactful. In the literature, high-impact bugs are used to refer to the bugs which appear at unexpected time or locations and bring more unexpected effects (i.e., surprise bugs), or break pre-existing functionalities and destroy the user experience (i.e., breakage bugs). Unfortunately, identifying high-impact bugs from thousands of bug reports in a bug tracking system is not an easy feat. Thus, an automated technique that can identify high-impact bug reports can help developers to be aware of them early, rectify them quickly, and minimize the damages they cause. Considering that only a small proportion of bugs are high-impact bugs, the identification of high-impact bug reports is a difficult task. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify high-impact bug reports by leveraging imbalanced learning strategies. We investigate the effectiveness of various variants, each of which combines one particular imbalanced learning strategy and one particular classification algorithm. In particular, we choose four widely used strategies for dealing with imbalanced data and four state-of-the-art text classification algorithms to conduct experiments on four datasets from four different open source projects. We mainly perform an analytical study on two types of high-impact bugs, i.e., surprise bugs and breakage bugs. The results show that different variants have different performances, and the best performing variants SMOTE (synthetic minority over-sampling technique) + KNN (K-nearest neighbours) for surprise bug identification and RUS (random under-sampling) + NB (naive Bayes) for breakage bug identification outperform the F1-scores of the two state-of-the-art approaches by Thung et al. and Garcia and Shihab.  相似文献   

当软件缺陷被提交到缺陷跟踪系统并经过确认之后,它会被分发给开发人员进行缺陷修复.这个过程就叫做缺陷分发.随着被提交到系统的缺陷报告日益增多,手工分发缺陷报告会变得越来越困难.提出了一种自动分发缺陷的方法BUTTER.与其他方法不同的是,BUTTER不仅利用主题模型分析缺陷报告中的文本信息,而且创新性地建立了一个包含提交者、缺陷和开发者三种节点及其相互关系的异构网络,从该异构网络中抽取了更多的结构信息.实验证明,BUTTER进行自动缺陷分发较其他缺陷自动分发方法要好.  相似文献   

Nowadays, many software organizations rely on automatic problem reporting tools to collect crash reports directly from users’ environments. These crash reports are later grouped together into crash types. Usually, developers prioritize crash types based on the number of crash reports and file bug reports for the top crash types. Because a bug can trigger a crash in different usage scenarios, different crash types are sometimes related to the same bug. Two bugs are correlated when the occurrence of one bug causes the other bug to occur. We refer to a group of crash types related to identical or correlated bug reports, as a crash correlation group. In this paper, we propose five rules to identify correlated crash types automatically. We propose an algorithm to locate and rank buggy files using crash correlation groups. We also propose a method to identify duplicate and related bug reports. Through an empirical study on Firefox and Eclipse, we show that the first three rules can identify crash correlation groups using stack trace information, with a precision of 91 % and a recall of 87 % for Firefox and a precision of 76 % and a recall of 61 % for Eclipse. On the top three buggy file candidates, the proposed bug localization algorithm achieves a recall of 62 % and a precision of 42 % for Firefox, and a recall of 52 % and a precision of 50 % for Eclipse. On the top 10 buggy file candidates, the recall increases to 92 % for Firefox and 90 % for Eclipse. The proposed duplicate bug report identification method achieves a recall of 50 % and a precision of 55 % on Firefox, and a recall of 47 % and a precision of 35 % on Eclipse. Developers can combine the proposed crash correlation rules with the new bug localization algorithm to identify and fix correlated crash types all together. Triagers can use the duplicate bug report identification method to reduce their workload by filtering duplicate bug reports automatically.  相似文献   

Information Retrieval (IR) approaches, such as Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and Vector Space Model (VSM), are commonly applied to recover software traceability links. Recently, an approach based on developers’ eye gazes was proposed to retrieve traceability links. This paper presents a comparative study on IR and eye-gaze based approaches. In addition, it reports on the possibility of using eye gaze links as an alternative benchmark in comparison to commits. The study conducted asked developers to perform bug-localization tasks on the open source subject system JabRef. The iTrace environment, which is an eye tracking enabled Eclipse plugin, was used to collect eye gaze data. During the data collection phase, an eye tracker was used to gather the source code entities (SCE’s), developers looked at while solving these tasks. We present an algorithm that uses the collected gaze dataset to produce candidate traceability links related to the tasks. In the evaluation phase, we compared the results of our algorithm with the results of an IR technique, in two different contexts. In the first context, precision and recall metric values are reported for both IR and eye gaze approaches based on commits. In the second context, another set of developers were asked to rate the candidate links from each of the two techniques in terms of how useful they were in fixing the bugs. The eye gaze approach outperforms standard LSI and VSM approaches and reports a 55 % precision and 67 % recall on average for all tasks when compared to how the developers actually fixed the bug. In the second context, the usefulness results show that links generated by our algorithm were considered to be significantly more useful (to fix the bug) than those of the IR technique in a majority of tasks. We discuss the implications of this radically different method of deriving traceability links. Techniques for feature location/bug localization are commonly evaluated on benchmarks formed from commits as is done in the evaluation phase of this study. Although, commits are a reasonable source, they only capture entities that were eventually changed to fix a bug or resolve a feature. We investigate another type of benchmark based on eye tracking data, namely links generated from the bug-localization tasks given to the developers in the data collection phase. The source code entities relevant to subjected bugs recommended from IR methods are evaluated on both commits and links generated from eye gaze. The results of the benchmarking phase show that the use of eye tracking could form an effective (complementary) benchmark and add another interesting perspective in the evaluation of bug-localization techniques.  相似文献   

As developers modify software entities such as functions or variables to introduce new features, enhance old ones, or fix bugs, they must ensure that other entities in the software system are updated to be consistent with these new changes. Many hard to find bugs are introduced by developers who did not notice dependencies between entities, and failed to propagate changes correctly. Most modern development environments offer tools to assist developers in propagating changes. For example, dependency browsers show static code dependencies between source code entities. Other sources of information such as historical co-change or code layout information could be used by tools to support developers in propagating changes. We present the Development Replay (DR) approach which empirically assess and compares the effectiveness of several not-yet-existing change propagation tools by reenacting the changes stored in source control repositories using these tools. We present a case study of five large open source systems with a total of over 40 years of development history. Our empirical results show that historical co-change information recovered from source control repositories along with code layout information can guide developers in propagating changes better than simple static dependency information.
Richard C. HoltEmail:

System software typically offers a large amount of compile-time options and variability. A good example is the Linux kernel, which provides more than 10,000 configurable features, growing rapidly. This allows users to tailor it with respect to a broad range of supported hardware architectures and application domains. From the maintenance point of view, compile-time configurability poses big challenges. The configuration model (the selectable features and their constraints as presented to the user) and the configurability that is actually implemented in the code have to be kept in sync, which, if performed manually, is a tedious and error-prone task. In the case of Linux, this has led to numerous defects in the source code, many of which are actual bugs. In order to ensure consistency between the variability expressed in the code and the configuration models, we propose an approach that extracts variability from both into propositional logic. This reveals inconsistencies between variability as expressed by the C Preprocessor (CPP) and an explicit variability model, which manifest themselves in seemingly conditional code that is in fact unconditional. We evaluate our approach with the Linux, for which our tool detects 1,766 configurability defects, which turned out as dead/superfluous source code and bugs. Our findings have led to numerous source-code improvements and bug fixes in Linux: 123 patches (49 merged) fix 364 defects, 147 of which have been confirmed by the corresponding Linux developers and 20 as fixing a previously unknown bug.  相似文献   

Existing evaluations of automated repair techniques focus on the fraction of the defects for which the technique can produce a patch, the time needed to produce patches, and how well patches generalize to the intended specification. However, these evaluations have not focused on the applicability of repair techniques and the characteristics of the defects that these techniques can repair. Questions such as “Can automated repair techniques repair defects that are hard for developers to repair?” and “Are automated repair techniques less likely to repair defects that involve loops?” have not, as of yet, been answered. To address such questions, we annotate two large benchmarks totaling 409 C and Java defects in real-world software, ranging from 22K to 2.8M lines of code, with measures of the defect’s importance, the developer-written patch’s complexity, and the quality of the test suite. We then analyze relationships between these measures and the ability to produce patches for the defects of seven automated repair techniques —AE, GenProg, Kali, Nopol, Prophet, SPR, and TrpAutoRepair. We find that automated repair techniques are less likely to produce patches for defects that required developers to write a lot of code or edit many files, or that have many tests relevant to the defect. Java techniques are more likely to produce patches for high-priority defects. Neither the time it took developers to fix a defect nor the test suite’s coverage correlate with the automated repair techniques’ ability to produce patches. Finally, automated repair techniques are less capable of fixing defects that require developers to add loops and new function calls, or to change method signatures. These findings identify strengths and shortcomings of the state-of-the-art of automated program repair along new dimensions. The presented methodology can drive research toward improving the applicability of automated repair techniques to hard and important bugs.  相似文献   

Just-in-time defect prediction can remind software developers and managers to verify and fix bugs at the moment they appeared, thus improving the effectiveness and validity of bug fixing. Existing studies mainly focus on just-in-time prediction for software files (JIT-F). JIT-F is a binary classification problem, which classifies (hence predicts) a file change as buggy or clean. This article provides a detailed analysis of just-in-time defect prediction for software hunks (JIT-H), which predicts bugs at a finer level of granularity, and hence further improves the efficiency of bug fixing. Classification is performed using the ensemble technique of bagging—aggregated combinations of random under sampling plus multiple classifiers (J48 and Random Forest). An empirical study with 10 open source projects was conducted to validate the effectiveness of JIT-H. Experimental results show that JIT-H is effective at predicting defects in software hunk changes. Compared with JIT-F, JIT-H is more cost effective. Additionally, analysis on the change features indicates that Text Vector features and hunk change level features are of more importance than features in other groups and levels.  相似文献   

Complexity, cohesion and coupling have been recognized as prominent indicators of software quality. One characterization of software complexity is the existence of dependency relationships. Moreover, the degree of dependency reflects the cohesion and coupling between software elements. Dependencies in the design and implementation phase have been proven to be important predictors of software bugs. We empirically investigated how requirements dependencies correlate with and predict software integration bugs, which can provide early estimates regarding software quality and thus facilitate decision making early in the software lifecycle. We conducted network analysis on the requirements dependency networks of three commercial software projects. Significant correlation is observed between most of our network measures and the number of bugs. Furthermore, many network measures demonstrate significantly greater values for higher severity (or a higher fixing workload). Afterward, we built bug prediction models using these network measures and found that bugs can be predicted with high accuracy and sensitivity, even in cross-project and cross-company contexts. We further identified the dependency type that contributes most to bug correlation, as well as the network measures that contribute more to bug prediction. These observations show that the requirements dependency network can be used as an early indicator and predictor of software integration bugs.  相似文献   

ContextBug report assignment, namely, to assign new bug reports to developers for timely and effective bug resolution, is crucial for software quality assurance. However, with the increasing size of software system, it is difficult to assign bugs to appropriate developers for bug managers.ObjectiveThis paper propose an approach, called KSAP (K-nearest-neighbor search and heterogeneous proximity), to improve automatic bug report assignment by using historical bug reports and heterogeneous network of bug repository.MethodWhen a new bug report was submitted to the bug repository, KSAP assigns developers for the bug report by using a two-phase procedure. The first phase is to search historically-resolved similar bug reports to the new bug report by K-nearest-neighbor (KNN) method. The second phase is to rank the developers who contributed to those similar bug reports by heterogeneous proximity.ResultsWe collected bug repositories of Mozilla, Eclipse, Apache Ant and Apache Tomcat6 projects to investigate the performance of the proposed KSAP approach. Experimental results demonstrate that KSAP can improve the recall of bug report assignment between 7.5–32.25% in comparison with the state of art techniques. When there is only a small number of developer collaborations on common bug reports, KSAP has shown its excellence over other sate of art techniques. When we tune the parameters of the number of historically-resolved similar bug reports (K) and the number of developers (Q) for recommendation, KSAP keeps its superiority steadily.ConclusionThis is the first paper to demonstrate how to automatically build heterogeneous network of a bug repository and extract meta-paths of developer collaborations from the heterogeneous network for bug report assignment.  相似文献   

在传统调试过程中,缺陷定位通常作为程序修复的前置步骤.最近,一种新型调试框架(统一化调试)被提出.不同于传统调试中缺陷定位和程序修复的单向连接方式,统一化调试首次建立了定位与修复之间的双向连接机制,从而达到同时提升两个领域的效果.作为首个统一化调试技术,ProFL利用程序修复过程中伴随产生的大量补丁执行信息逆向地提升已...  相似文献   

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