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Many large organizations are adopting agile software development as part of their continuous push towards higher flexibility and shorter lead times, yet few reports on large-scale agile transformations are available in the literature. In this paper we report how Ericsson introduced agile in a new R&D product development program developing a XaaS platform and a related set of services, while simultaneously scaling it up aggressively. The overarching goal for the R&D organization, distributed to five sites at two continents, was to achieve continuous feature delivery. This single case study is based on 45 semi-structured interviews during visits at four sites, and five observation sessions at three sites. We describe how the organization experimented with different set-ups for their tens of agile teams aiming for rapid end-to-end development: from component-based virtual teams to totally cross-functional, cross-component, cross-site teams. Moreover, we discuss the challenges the organization faced and how they mitigated them on their journey towards continuous and rapid software engineering. We present four lessons learned for large-scale agile transformations: 1) consider using an experimental approach to transformation, 2) consider implementing the transformation step-wise in complex large-scale settings, 3) team inter-changeability can be limited in a complex large-scale product — specialization might be needed, and 4) not using a common agile framework for the whole organization, in combination with insufficient common trainings and coaching may lead to a lack of common direction in the agile implementation. Further in-depth case studies on large-scale agile transformations, on customizing agile to large-scale settings, as well as on the use of scaling frameworks are needed.  相似文献   

ContextCommunities of practice—groups of experts who share a common interest or topic and collectively want to deepen their knowledge—can be an important part of a successful lean and agile adoption in particular in large organizations.ObjectiveIn this paper, we present a study on how a large organization within Ericsson with 400 persons in 40 Scrum teams at three sites adopted the use of Communities of Practice (CoP) as part of their transformation from a traditional plan-driven organization to lean and agile.MethodsWe collected data by 52 semi-structured interviews on two sites, and longitudinal non-participant observation of the transformation during over 20 site visits over a period of two years.ResultsThe organization had over 20 CoPs, gathering weekly, bi-weekly or on a need basis. CoPs had several purposes including knowledge sharing and learning, coordination, technical work, and organizational development. Examples of CoPs include Feature Coordination CoPs to coordinate between teams working on the same feature, a Coaching CoP to discuss agile implementation challenges and successes and to help lead the organizational continuous improvement, an end-to-end CoP to remove bottlenecks from the flow, and Developers CoPs to share good development practices. Success factors of well-functioning CoPs include having a good topic, passionate leader, proper agenda, decision making authority, open community, supporting tools, suitable rhythm, and cross-site participation when needed. Organizational support include creating a supportive atmosphere and providing a suitable infrastructure for CoPs.ConclusionsIn the case organization, CoPs were initially used to support the agile transformation, and as part of the distributed Scrum implementation. As the transformation progressed, the CoPs also took on the role of supporting continuous organizational improvements. CoPs became a central mechanism behind the success of the large-scale agile implementation in the case organization that helped mitigate some of the most pressing problems of the agile transformation.  相似文献   

Primavera Systems provides enterprise project portfolio management solutions that help customers manage their projects, programs, and resources. When we decided to improve how we build software and increase the quality of life for everyone on the team, we found our answer in agile software development. Adopting agile practices is a process of continuous learning and improvement. Primavera's development team is a model for others looking to adopt agile processes.  相似文献   

The healthcare industry is dependent upon the provision of well designed medical devices. To achieve this it is recommended that user-centred design should begin early, and continue throughout device development. This is a challenge, particularly for smaller companies who may lack the necessary expertise and knowledge. The aim of this study was to conduct a rigorous yet focused investigation into the user requirements for a new medical imaging device. Open-ended semi-structured interviews were conducted with potential clinical users of the device to investigate the clinical need for the device and the potential benefits for patients and clinical users. The study identified a number of new and significant clinical needs that suggested that the concept of the device should be fundamentally changed. The clinical and organisational priorities of the clinical users were identified, as well as a number of factors that would act as barriers to the safe and effective adoption of the device. The developers reported that this focused approach to early requirements elicitation would result in an improved product, reduce the time to market, and save the time and cost of producing and evaluating an inappropriate prototype.  相似文献   

Agile software development methodologies are increasingly adopted by organizations because they focus on the client’s needs, thus safeguarding business value for the final product. At the same time, as the economy and society move toward globalization, more organizations shift to distributed development of software projects. From this perspective, while adopting agile techniques seems beneficial, there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed; among these notable is the effective cooperation between the stakeholders and the geographically distributed development team. In addition, data collection and validation for requirements engineering demands efficient processing techniques in order to handle the volume of data as well as to manage different inconsistencies, when the data are collected using online tools. In this paper, we present “PBURC,” a patterns-based, unsupervised requirements clustering framework, which makes use of machine-learning methods for requirements validation, being able to overcome data inconsistencies and effectively determine appropriate requirements clusters for optimal definition of software development sprints.  相似文献   

This work discusses accessibility problems concerning content creation and publication on e-government websites, and proposes an approach based on end-user development (EUD) techniques to overcome them. To deal with the huge and diverse amount of documentation to be published, content management systems (CMSs) are usually adopted in government institutions to support content creation by a large set of publishers, who typically have no competencies in information technology. This paper proposes the integration of EUD techniques in CMSs in order to limit CMS personalization and, at the same time, relieve publishers from managing the low-level details of content representation. To demonstrate the validity of the approach, a case study research has been performed by involving some employees of the Brescia Municipality in Italy. The results of the study confirm the positive impact of EUD techniques on content accessibility and publishers’ work practice, and suggest their possible use in more sophisticated tasks.  相似文献   

ContextAgile software development changes the nature of collaboration, coordination, and communication in software projects.ObjectiveOur objective was to understand the challenges of shared decision-making in agile software development teams.MethodWe designed a multiple case study consisting of four projects in two software product companies that recently adopted Scrum. We collected data in semi-structured interviews, through participant observations, and from process artifacts.ResultsWe identified three main challenges to shared decision-making in agile software development: alignment of strategic product plans with iteration plans, allocation of development resources, and performing development and maintenance tasks in teams.ConclusionAgile software development requires alignment of decisions on the strategic, tactical, and operational levels in order to overcome these challenges. Agile development also requires a transition from specialized skills to redundancy of functions and from rational to naturalistic decision-making. This takes time; the case companies needed from one to two years to change from traditional, hierarchical decision-making to shared decision-making in software development projects.  相似文献   

In the last years the interest in developing research on integration of usability and agile software development has been increasing. The number of systematic literature reviews, systematic mapping studies and non-systematic reviews, related to this thematic has also increased. Nevertheless, there is no analysis on the quality of these published secondary studies, nor is there a consolidated research that brings the answer of how to integrate these two areas. The goal of this paper is to categorize secondary studies related to the integration of usability and agile software development and present a critical analysis on the quality of the selected studies. To accomplish this goal a tertiary study was performed to categorize the related studies selected. Initially 3,065 papers were identified and further narrowed to 14 by applying exclusion criteria and analysis. We classified the selected studies as systematic literature reviews, systematic mapping studies and non-systematic literature reviews to report the data analysis. As a result of this study different forms to integrate usability and agile software development were detected as well as the various challenges that must be overcome for the integration success. Six main categories were identified to represent ways of integrating usability into agile development: processes, techniques, practices, recommendations, principles and different approaches. Regarding to the challenges for the integration seven main categories were also identified: issues related to tests, time, work balance, modularization, feedback, prioritization, and documentation. Although the interest in researching the integration of usability and agile software development has increased in the last years, mostly of the analyzed studies neglected the quality criteria and presented difficulties to use methods to synthetize the research results. Despite this, it has been realized that the integration of usability with agile software development is possible and is strongly aligned with user-centered design. The initial studies indicated a separation of activities and roles into specific tracks with parallel work to treat usability in agile software development, but the trend is no longer to manage and control these activities in separate ways, so new challenges are becoming to appear. Although we have identified several points of tension, the integration does not become unfeasible.  相似文献   

Advanced systems engineering has traditionally paid little attention to ethical concerns relative to other technical and non-technical issues. This is particularly evident in systems analysis, design, and development methodologies. This paper asks if it is possible that the lack of emphasis upon ethical considerations in development methodologies can result in the failure of advanced technology development projects? In order to explore this contention, the paper sets out the findings of a case study of a large-scale advanced technology project in a multinational engineering company involving the implementation of an enterprise resource planning system. The research examined the extent to which ethical issues emerged in the project and assesses the impact of ethical considerations upon the technology development process and its outcomes. Evidence is presented which shows how ethical concerns clearly impacted upon the outcome of the project, supporting the contention that ethics was a success factor in the case presented. However, it was also clear that the kinds of ethical considerations that emerged were highly complex, and associated with an “ethics of care”. The findings suggested that researchers should examine the potential of an “ethics of care” as a way of complimenting the “ethics of rights” currently dominant within engineering ethics.  相似文献   

Academic research has produced many model-based specification and analysis techniques, however, most organisations continue to document requirements as textual statements. To help bridge this gap between academic research and requirements practice, this paper reports an extension to the RESCUE process in which patterns for generating requirements statements from i* system models were manually applied to i* models developed for a complex air traffic control system. The paper reports the results of this application and describes them with examples, the benefits of the approach to the project, and ongoing research to implement these patterns in the REDEPEND modelling tool to make requirements engineers more productive. We review similar work on requirements modelling and expression, and compare our work to it to demonstrate the proposed advance in the state of the art. Finally the paper discusses future uses of requirements generation from model patterns in RESCUE.  相似文献   

To allow an automatic formal analysis of requirements, the requirements have to be formalized first. However, logical formalisms are seldom accessible to stakeholders in the automotive context. Konrad and Cheng proposed a specification pattern system (SPS) represented in a restricted English grammar that can be automatically translated to logics, but looks like natural language. In this paper, we investigate whether this SPS can be applied to automotive requirements of BOSCH, in the sense that it is expressive enough to specify automotive behavioral requirements of BOSCH. We did a case study over 289 informal behavioral requirements taken from automotive BOSCH projects. We evaluated whether these requirements could be formulated in the SPS and whether the SPS has to be adapted to the automotive context. The case study strongly indicates that the SPS, extended with 3 further patterns, is suited to specify automotive behavioral requirements at BOSCH.  相似文献   

ContextThe analysis and selection of requirements are important parts of any release planning process. Previous studies on release planning have focused on plan-driven optimization models. Unfortunately, solving the release planning problem mechanistically is difficult in an agile development context.ObjectiveWe describe how a release planning method was employed in two case projects in F-Secure, a large Finnish software company. We identify the benefits which the projects gained from the method, and analyze challenges in the cases and improvements made to the method during the case projects.MethodWe observed five release planning events and four retrospectives and we conducted surveys in the first two events. We conducted six post-project interviews. We conjoined the observation notes, survey results and interviews and analyzed them qualitatively and quantitatively.ResultsThe focal point of the method was release planning events where the whole project organization gathered to plan the next release. The planning was conducted by the development teams in close collaboration with each other and with the other stakeholders. We identified ten benefits which included improved communication, transparency, dependency management and decision making. We identified nine challenges which included the lacking preparation and prioritization of requirements, unrealistic schedules, insufficient architectural planning and lacking agile mindset. The biggest improvements to the method were the introduction of frequent status checks and a big visible planning status board.ConclusionThe release planning method ameliorated many difficult characteristics of the release planning problem but its efficiency was negatively affected by the performing organization that was in transition from a plan-driven to an agile development mindset. Even in this case the benefits clearly outweighed the challenges and the method enabled the early identification of the issues in the project.  相似文献   

Many software-development organizations have recently started to adopt agile practices in order to benefit from the improvements they clearly bring, in terms of production speed and software quality, for example. However, in a large, distributed organization, such as Nokia Siemens Networks, an agile transformation may be a long-term, complex process, and therefore, evaluating the benefits achieved, and measuring the success of the change, can be difficult, especially in the early phases of the transformation. This paper is based on the results of a case study on the impact introducing agile practices actually had in a large, software-development organization, part of Nokia Siemens Networks. The impact of this agile transformation was evaluated in terms of how well it succeeded in achieving the goals set by the management before the transformation started. This longitudinal study included two separate analyses, made at 6 monthly intervals, which measured what agile practices were really in use in the organization, and what effects, if any, were visible in terms of the goals which had been set by the management The 6 monthly analyses included defect data metrics and opinion surveys of the personnel directly involved in the transformation. The study showed two things: firstly, that the introduction of agile practices does have the beneficial effects that one would expect, and secondly, that, using this kind of study, it is not only possible to evaluate the impact that the adoption of agile practices has in a large, established software-development company, but also that the effects are visible at a surprisingly early stage.  相似文献   

Agile development aims at rapidly developing software while embracing the continuous evolution of user requirements along the whole development process. User stories are the primary means of requirements collection and elicitation in the agile development. A project can involve a large amount of user stories, which should be clustered into different groups based on their functionality’s similarity for systematic requirements analysis, effective mapping to developed features, and efficient maintenance. Nevertheless, the current user story clustering is mainly conducted in a manual manner, which is time-consuming and subjective to human bias. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for clustering the user stories automatically on the basis of natural language processing. Specifically, the sentence patterns of each component in a user story are first analysed and determined such that the critical structure in the representative tasks can be automatically extracted based on the user story meta-model. The similarity of user stories is calculated, which can be used to generate the connected graph as the basis of automatic user story clustering. We evaluate the approach based on thirteen datasets, compared against ten baseline techniques. Experimental results show that our clustering approach has higher accuracy, recall rate and F1-score than these baselines. It is demonstrated that the proposed approach can significantly improve the efficacy of user story clustering and thus enhance the overall performance of agile development. The study also highlights promising research directions for more accurate requirements elicitation.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper review how complex entities, composed of many interdependent subsystems, such as international rail operators, can improve their ability to recover from incidents through the better management of key interfaces. The principles of Normal Accident Theory and resilience engineering are discussed, and the case study of the Eurostar incident of 18–19 December 2009 is considered in detail. Lessons learnt from resilience engineering are applied to the case study to extract recommendations by which incident management for open access international rail transport may be improved.  相似文献   

For many software projects, keeping requirements on track needs an effective and efficient path from data to decision. Visual analytics creates such a path that enables the human to extract insights by interacting with the relevant information. While various requirements visualization techniques exist, few have produced end-to-end value to practitioners. In this paper, we advance the literature on visual requirements analytics by characterizing its key components and relationships in a framework. We follow the goal–question–metric paradigm to define the framework by teasing out five conceptual goals (user, data, model, visualization, and knowledge), their specific operationalizations, and their interconnections. The framework allows us to not only assess existing approaches, but also create tool enhancements in a principled manner. We evaluate our enhanced tool support through a case study where massive, heterogeneous, and dynamic requirements are processed, visualized, and analyzed. Working together with practitioners on a contemporary software project within its real-life context leads to the main finding that visual analytics can help tackle both open-ended visual exploration tasks and well-structured visual exploitation tasks in requirements engineering. In addition, the study helps the practitioners to reach actionable decisions in a wide range of areas relating to their project, ranging from theme and outlier identification, over requirements tracing, to risk assessment. Overall, our work illuminates how the data-to-decision analytical capabilities could be improved by the increased interactivity of requirements visualization.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the KMoS-RE Strategy, a novel requirements engineering strategy to Informal Structured Domains. Requirements engineering aims to elicit, analyze, evaluate, consolidate, and manage the requirements of a software system. The complexity of this process depends on the application domain. In Informal Structured Domains, not all concepts and their relations are formally defined, most of the problems do not have algorithms to obtain solutions, and the domain specialists use large amounts of tacit knowledge to solve problems. These characteristics generate ambiguous, inappropriate, and incomplete requirements. It could generate an inadequate software solution, or it could be the cause of increasing the project development time. Therefore, it is important to use an appropriate requirements engineering strategy to minimize these problems. The objective of this study is to present the Knowledge Management on a Strategy to Requirements Engineering (KMoS-RE Strategy): a novel requirements engineering strategy oriented to the transformation and transference of knowledge, and with the aim to minimize the percentage of ambiguous, incomplete, and inappropriate requirements. The functionality and utility of the strategy is explained through its application to a real case study. The case study shows that using the KMoS-RE Strategy helps to internalize the domain knowledge, to clarify the solution idea, to reduce the ignorance of symmetry, to structure the domain knowledge, and to detect and correct wrong beliefs about the domain. All of these are performed in the early stage of the project development.  相似文献   

Quantitative usability requirements are a critical but challenging, and hence an often neglected aspect of a usability engineering process. A case study is described where quantitative usability requirements played a key role in the development of a new user interface of a mobile phone. Within the practical constraints of the project, existing methods for determining usability requirements and evaluating the extent to which these are met, could not be applied as such, therefore tailored methods had to be developed. These methods and their applications are discussed.
Timo Jokela (Corresponding author)Email:
Jussi KoivumaaEmail:
Jani PirkolaEmail:
Petri SalminenEmail:
Niina KantolaEmail:

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