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Twitter, the popular microblogging site, has received increasing attention as a unique communication tool that facilitates electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). To gain greater insight into this potential, this study investigates how consumers’ relationships with brands influence their engagement in retweeting brand messages on Twitter. Data from a survey of 315 Korean consumers who currently follow brands on Twitter show that those who retweet brand messages outscore those who do not on brand identification, brand trust, community commitment, community membership intention, Twitter usage frequency, and total number of postings.  相似文献   

Social virtual worlds (SVWs) have become important environments for social interaction. At the same time, the supply and demand of virtual goods and services is rapidly increasing. For SVWs to be economically sustainable, retaining existing users and turning them into consumers are paramount challenges. This requires an understanding of the underlying reasons why users continuously engage in SVWs and purchase virtual items. This study builds upon Technology Acceptance Model, motivational model and theory of network externalities to examine continuous usage and purchase intention and it empirically tests the model with data collected from 2481 Habbo users. The results reveal a strong relationship between continuous usage and purchasing. Further, the results demonstrate the importance of the presence of other users in predicting the purchase behavior in the SVW. Continuous SVW usage in turn is predicted directly by perceived enjoyment and usefulness while the effect of attitude is marginal. Finally, perceived network externalities exert a significant influence of perceived enjoyment and usefulness of the SVW but do not have a direct effect on the continuous usage.  相似文献   

A behavior genetics perspective suggests both social and biological forces influence human behavior, including highly specialized media and communication behaviors. In this paper, I use a behavior genetics framework and twin study data from the 2013 Midlife in the United States (MIDUS III) survey to examine how both environmental and genetic factors contribute to social media use. By applying a straightforward—and easily replicable—analytical extension to linear regression called DeFries-Fulker (DF) regression, I demonstrate that approximately one-to two-thirds of variance in social media use is attributable to additive genetic traits; unique and shared environmental factors account for the remainder of variance. In addition to showing social media use is partially motivated by underlying genetic traits, this paper, more importantly, provides an analytical blueprint for using DF regression in future investigations of genetic influence on communication behaviors and media effects.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of four communication modes (computer-based video teleconferencing, computer-based electronic chat, telephone, and face-to-face) on developmental interactions between dyads; specifically on the transmission of psychosocial versus instrumental information. The dyads consisted of undergraduates at a southeastern university. One member of the dyad was an incoming first year student; the second member was an upper division student who served as a developmental coach. The study was experimental in design, which controlled the amount of interaction, the frequency of interaction, and prior acquaintanceship of the dyadic pair. The small amount of variance attributable to communication mode suggests that people matter more than the machines. Specifically, in terms of implementing non-face-to-face developmental programs, it might be more useful to focus on reducing the variability in the coaches’ behaviors through selection or training, than to focus on communication mode. Additionally, independent observers watched and rated the dyadic interactions to provide a third point of view. There was very little overlap between coach and trainee perceptions, although there was considerable agreement between the raters’ and coaches’ ratings.  相似文献   

As online communication is more and more integrated in everyday life to support and maintain existing social ties, this study examined the factors associated with preference of face to face, phone or online conversations. A contextual framework that emphasizes the role of relationship origin, relationship intensity and content of communication on communication channel choice among adolescents was empirically tested. Based on a nationwide survey in Israel, it was found that communication content, relationship origin and place of residence affect the preference of face to face and online communication. Phone communication appears to be a more non specific channel to conduct personal and non personal conversations and relationship origin did not affect its use. These findings suggest that relationship origin is important, and face to face communication is preferred for ties that were initiated face to face and online communication for ties that were initiated online. For this sample of regular population, there is no indication that online communication tends to be personal or hyper personal. The use of all the communication channels is preferred to the maintenance of existing ties and is less used for the creation of new ties.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(8):759-779
A novel design method of robot behavior is discussed to realize efficient local communication for cooperation of multiple mobile robots. Local communication is now increasingly utilized in cooperative many-robot systems because of its advantages of load distribution and simple implementation. In its usage, the design of each robot's behavior is a very important issue since it has a significant effect upon the communication efficiency in a collective manner. In this study, we introduce a simple group behavior and analyze how it improves the performance of local communication among many mobile robots. The performance is evaluated using the information transmission time that plays a crucial part in effective cooperation. Next, the optimal group size is analytically derived by minimizing the transmission time. The effectiveness of the analytical design method is verified by computer simulations of many-robot communication.  相似文献   

A cyber physical system (CPS) is a complex system that integrates sensing, computation, control and networking into physical processes and objects over Internet. It plays a key role in modern industry since it connects physical and cyber worlds. In order to meet ever-changing industrial requirements, its structures and functions are constantly improved. Meanwhile, new security issues have arisen. A ubiquitous problem is the fact that cyber attacks can cause significant damage to industrial systems, and thus has gained increasing attention from researchers and practitioners. This paper presents a survey of state-of-the-art results of cyber attacks on cyber physical systems. First, as typical system models are employed to study these systems, time-driven and event-driven systems are reviewed. Then, recent advances on three types of attacks, i.e., those on availability, integrity, and confidentiality are discussed. In particular, the detailed studies on availability and integrity attacks are introduced from the perspective of attackers and defenders. Namely, both attack and defense strategies are discussed based on different system models. Some challenges and open issues are indicated to guide future research and inspire the further exploration of this increasingly important area.   相似文献   

网络空间靶场技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
网络靶场已经成为支撑网络空间安全技术验证、网络武器试验、攻防对抗演练和网络风险评估的重要手段。本文首先介绍了网络靶场国内外研究现状;然后介绍了靶场相关技术的研究进展,包括大规模网络仿真、网络流量/服务与用户行为模拟、试验数据采集与评估、系统安全与管理等方面;最后阐述了网络靶场发展面临的挑战与发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of financial risk on perceptions of service quality and relationship-marketing quality in the online retail environment. Perceptions of financial risk were found to be negatively associated with service quality. In particular, a well-designed and attractive Web site was found to mitigate perceptions of financial risk during early trial-buy purchasing. Relationship-marketing quality was not affected by financial risk. This study adds to an enhanced understanding of how risk perceptions influence assessment of service quality and relationship-marketing quality. While the drivers of service quality and relationship-marketing quality have been examined extensively in the online setting, a surprising lack of research investigates the role of risk perceptions in the early stage, buy-trial purchasing behavior. This emerging area of research interest is deserving of more attention. Our findings provide valuable normative guidance to researchers interested in the affects of perceived risk (particularly financial risk) on new online shoppers, emphasizing the interdependency between Web site design and risk perceptions.  相似文献   

This study used Social Impact Theory to explore sources and functions of interpersonal influence in Computer-Mediated Communication. Participants were 43 female and 17 male graduate students ranging from 25 to 60 years of age. In each of five distinct graduate classes (n1 = 15, n2 = 11, n3 = 10, n4 = 12, n5 = 12) delivered online at a research university, participants engaged in anonymous and computer-mediated discourse and then nominated peers who were directive and/or influential (positive and negative) during the online interaction. High numbers of peer nominations were expected to characterize participants perceived as emanating social impact. Four interpersonal factors were chosen as strength operants in accordance with Social Impact Theory and were, therefore, expected to predict social impact. Of the four, assertiveness and exaggeration were significant, while emotional intensity and sensitivity were not. Two factors, contribution total and word total, were chosen as immediacy operants in accordance with Social Impact Theory. Both factors were found to be significant predictors of social impact. Implications of these findings relative to online learning and interpersonal influence as it occurs in an online context are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of the influence of new information technologies (NIT) on verbal communication has attracted attention from researchers. Results obtained in previous studies suggest that NIT communication media produce a deindividualization in group processes that enhances uninhibited behavior and flaming. However, identity theory emphasizes the role of social context, challenging the interpretation that features of the media are the main antecedent of this behavior. The aim of the present paper is threefold: (1) to empirically test whether there are significant differences in the frequency of uninhibited behavior in groups working under face-to-face, videoconference and computer-mediated communication; (2) to test whether familiarity among group members, group climate, assertiveness and their interactions significantly predict uninhibited behavior in groups, regardless of the communication media; and (3) to analyze whether communication media moderate the prediction of these variables on uninhibited behavior. Uninhibited behavior has been operationalized, distinguishing between informal speech and flaming. The experiment was carried out with 28 groups of five subjects each. Results show that informal speech and flaming present higher rates in computer mediated communication than in videoconference and face-to-face. Social familiarity among group members significantly predicts mild uninhibited behavior regardless of the medium, but does not account for flaming. Communication media moderate the prediction power of familiarity and its interaction with assertiveness and group climate on mild uninhibited behavior (informal speech). Results are discussed in relation to the alternative theories and models formulated.  相似文献   

Smartphones greatly reduce parents' ability to monitor their children's online activities. A recommended surveillance technique is to ‘friend’ adolescents on social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook. However, adolescents use these sites to experiment with adjusting their self-image based on friends' feedback, so is it possible for them to simultaneously satisfy the very different expectations of both peers and parents? This study explores adolescents' attitudes to parental presence on Facebook using Communications Privacy Management theory (Petronio, 2002) as the theoretical framework to investigate the relative influence of privacy management, relational quality and peer pressure. The study was conducted among 262 secondary school children living at home and recruited via their schools. Results showed that while privacy management and peer influence were significantly related to adolescent attitudes to parental presence on Facebook, only attitude to parental presence on Facebook and parental-adolescent relational quality predicted friendship status. A picture emerged of adolescents very much in control of their SNS privacy who were largely indifferent to parents on Facebook. There was however, a sizable, peer-influenced minority, opposed to parental presence, for whom friendship may be counter-productive. While this study uncovered many unique associations relating to adolescent-parental Facebook friendship, further qualitative research is recommended to provide a deeper understanding of this complex subject.  相似文献   

区块链以其特有的安全性,已在许多领域中得到应用。然而,对其网络安全的进一步研究往往被忽略,较为突出的表现之一就是关于这方面的研究成果很少被关注并发表。本文针对区块链数据的完整性、匿名性与隐私保护的安全需求,系统分析了区块链的安全攻击,综述了安全保护技术研究进展,尤其对区块链密码学安全防护技术进行了对比分析。本文对当前区块链安全防护技术的综述工作,将有效地帮助区块链的架构优化与安全算法改进。  相似文献   

Home-based communication system for older adults and their remote family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As in many Latin–American countries, in Mexico many older adults live alone as a result of the migration of one or more of their relatives, mostly to the USA. Thus, not only do they live alone, but they might seldom see these relatives for long periods, even though they often depend on them financially. With the goal of designing appropriate communication technology for seniors and their relatives experiencing this situation, we conducted interviews and evaluated scenarios and prototypes to reveal the practical ways they maintain emotional ties despite the distance. Based on those findings, we envisioned a communication system through which seniors and their relatives can maintain close social ties by sharing information, personal reminiscences and stories. We found that older adults perceived the system as a richer, natural form of communication with their relatives that could facilitate their integration into the networks that currently connect members of their families.  相似文献   

Private transport accounts for a large amount of total CO2 emissions, thus significantly contributing to global warming. Tools that actively support people in engaging in a more sustainable life-style without restricting their mobility are urgently needed. How can location-aware information and communication technology (ICT) enable novel interactive and participatory approaches that help people in becoming more sustainable? In this survey paper, we discuss the different aspects of this challenge from a technological and cognitive engineering perspective, based on an overview of the main information processes that may influence mobility behavior. We review the state-of-the-art of research with respect to various ways of influencing mobility behavior (e.g., through providing real-time, user-specific, and location-based feedback) and suggest a corresponding research agenda. We conclude that future research has to focus on reflecting individual goals in providing personal feedback and recommendations that take into account different motivational stages. In addition, a long-term and large-scale empirical evaluation of such tools is necessary.  相似文献   

We tested the claim that computer-mediated communication (CMC) is more egalitarian than face-to-face (FTF) communication by studying patterns of reported participation and influence in 30 FTF and 30 synchronous CMC groups over seven weeks. Twenty-two of these groups were composed of a majority of males or females; these were used to test effects of communication medium and sex composition on relative levels of participation and influence among group members. Competing predictions were derived from three theories: proportional theory, social role theory, and expectation states theory. Results indicated that CMC participation was perceived as more centralized than was FTF participation in groups' first meetings, but as similar for the remaining six meetings. Results revealed no or weak support for any of the competing theories of sex composition. Influence was perceived as most centralized in CMC majority-male groups and in FTF majority-female groups. In CMC groups, males in majority-female groups were perceived as having more influence than their female group members, whereas males in majority-male groups were perceived as having less influence than their female group members. In FTF groups, the ratio of male-to-female influence in majority-male and majority-female groups did not differ significantly. Implications of these findings and the need for additional longitudinal research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an anticipation model of potential customers’ purchasing behavior. This model is inferred from past purchasing behavior of loyal customers and the web server log files of loyal and potential customers by means of clustering analysis and association rules analysis. Clustering analysis collects key characteristics of loyal customers’ personal information; these are used to locate other potential customers. Association rules analysis extracts knowledge of loyal customers’ purchasing behavior, which is used to detect potential customers’ near-future interest in a star product. Despite using offline analysis to filter out potential customers based on loyal customers’ personal information and generate rules of loyal customers’ click streams based on loyal customers’ web log data, an online analysis which observes potential customers’ web logs and compares it with loyal customers’ click stream rules can more readily target potential customers who may be interested in the star products in the near future.  相似文献   

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