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Jin Yun  Zhu He 《中国油气》2014,(1):29-35
Generally, oil refining industry maintained steady growth in China in 2013, oil refining capacity continued to grow rapidly, growth rate of processed crude oil slowed down, and operating rate of refineries declined slightly: average scale of oil refining units was increased continuonsly, upgrading of oil quality sped up, and structure of refining units went on being adjusted; oil refining layout continued to be upgraded, and diversified market entity developed further: a batch of large newly- built and expanded oil refining projects were promoted further, and China became a hotspot and lightspot for construction and development of world oil refining industry.  相似文献   

Analysis of Environment for Development of Oil Refining Business in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This articles focuses on analysis of the changing trend relating to crude supply and petroleum products demand inside China, while introducing the preliminary progress resulted from restructuring of China's refining industry and dynamics of competition among Chinese refining enterprises. This article has made a preliminary judgment and analysis on the situation facing China's refining industry and may serve as a reference to refiners intending to develop refining business inside China.  相似文献   

中国炼油工业现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评述了我国原油加工能力统计、原油加工能力分布、未来我国石油需求形势以及未来原油加工能力需求及炼油建设展望。  相似文献   

Overview of development in China's oil and gas industry in 2013
China's economy grew slowly but steadily, at an expected annual rate of 7.6%, and investment as a contribution towards economic growth increased
In 2013, the economy of China entered a transition period of slow but steady growth, with the annual GDP growth expected to be 7.6%, after a down-and-up swing. Driven by policies ensuring steady growth, investment once again became the main driving force of economic growth.  相似文献   

This article introduces the situation related with the increasingly deteriorating crude quality, the demand for cleaner transportation fuels and clean production processes that the world's petroleum refining industry is faced with. This article also suggests that the trend for future development of global refining industry is focused on the economy of scale for the refineries and the oil processing units, the refining structure readjustment, integration of the oil refining and chemical production and formation of oil refining bases. The oil refining industry will uninterruptedly rectify its industry allocation and processing unit configuration and strive for the reduction of production cost through technical progress and management innovations to reduce the production cost, boost the profitability and sharpen the market competitive edge.  相似文献   


Coker diesel oil is refined by extraction of furfural adding assistant in this study. The influences of different operating conditions, such as the amount of assistant, the solvent/oil ratio, the refining temperature, the refining time, and the settlement time, on the quality of refined oil were investigated in batch experiments, and suitable operating conditions under which coker diesel oil refined can meet product qualify specifications of 0# diesel oil were given out. These had been verified in continuous experiments, i.e., the amount of additive was 8 g/kg, the refining temperature was 70°C, the solvent/oil ratio (v) was 1.0, the settlement time was 30 min, and refining time was 30 min. The experimental results show that the influence of basic nitride on the stability of coker diesel oil is predominant.  相似文献   

委内瑞拉超重原油和加拿大油砂沥青是世界上最重要的两种非常规石油资源,但这两种非常规原油都是高比重、高黏度、高硫、高残炭、高金属、高沥青质的劣质原油,常规炼厂直接加工这两种原料会出现一系列问题。目前这两种非常规原油主要在其本国的改质工厂进行改质,改质得到的合成原油可作为炼厂原料进一步加工生产运输燃料和其他石油产品。委内瑞拉现有四座超重原油改质工厂,其中三座改质工厂生产重质高硫合成原油,另外一座改质工厂生产高质量的轻质低硫合成原油,四座改质工厂采用的核心改质工艺都是焦化。加拿大现有6座主要的油砂沥青改质工厂,改质途径主要是焦化和/或加氢,生产的合成原油性质也有所差别。非常规石油资源是未来我国炼厂原料重要的接替资源,我国石油公司必须加快相关领域关键技术的研发和推广应用,以技术提升核心竞争力,拓展国际能源合作的机遇。  相似文献   

The oil refining industry in China supports the needs of national economic development and has gone through industrial upgrading at all stages, as represented by the upgrades in the quality of refined oil products.Currently, it has acquired strong technical and engineering strength and delivered good results in scale, information technology and environmental friendliness. However, compared with the world's leading oil refining powers, the oil refining industry in China still lags behind in terms of overall competitiveness. There is an urgent need to enhance its competitiveness and adjust its product structure, plant structure and capacity structure to both launch a new round of industrial upgrading and coordinate with the associated industries. Great potential exists for China to cooperate with the countries along the Belt and Road initiative in various fields such as petroleum resources, product markets and technical equipment. Together, multi-dimensional cooperation bonded by resources, markets, technologies and capital/funds can be carried out, and cooperation between the upstream and downstream industries throughout the industry chain can be facilitated. There is much to expect from the prospects for cooperative development.  相似文献   

中国炼油工业发展现状和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评述了中国炼油工业的发展现状,炼油厂加快向规模化演化,加工含硫原油和优化方案发展战略,对外合资进展,炼油版图现状与炼油产业结构升级状况。为适应加工原油重质化,高含硫等原料的需要,正在优化规模化经营、淘汰落后产能、调整产品结构、合理布局,加快产品升级换代的速度,增强炼油业在国际竞争中的能力。  相似文献   

重油催化轻柴油络合精制与低压加氢精制组合工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了大庆重油催化轻柴油通过柴油络合精制与低压加氢精制组合工艺解决柴油质量问题的方法,讨论了有关结果,认为络合精制与低压加氢精制组合技术处理大庆重油催化轻油方案可行,是解决二次加工柴油质量的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Fuel oils (numbers 1–6) are fractions of crude oil. The boiling point and carbon chain length of the fuel increases with fuel oil number. Viscosity increases with the number, and is needed to flow the heated heavy oil. No. 4 fuel oils are used as burner fuel for domestic and industrial heating and have to raise steam for power generation and marine propulsion. Recycling and rerefining are application processes for the treatment of petroleum-based heavy products by converting into reusable light products such as gasoline and No. 2 diesel fuel. Possible pyrolysis and cracking processes are appropriate. The purpose of this study is performed to obtain light products, especially gasoline and No. 2 diesel fuel from No. 4 fuel oil by the method of pyrolytic distillation. Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) was used in pyrolysis as catalyst and the purified oil samples were blended separately with catalysts having a mass basis of 5% and 10%. If the objective is to maximize the yield of distillate producing from No. 4 fuel oil, a low temperature and a high heating rate process would be required. The yield of gasoline-like fuel was 10.6% in the noncatalytic conversion, while 13.3% was obtained in the catalytic conversion. The yield of No. 2 diesel-like fuel was 23.3% in the noncatalytic conversion, while of 32.6% was obtained in the catalytic conversion. The yield of No. 2 diesel-like obtained from the catalytic conversion was higher 39.9% than that of the noncatalytic conversion.  相似文献   

Oil sands, also known as sand asphalt, are a kind of sandstone or other kinds of stone than contains natural asphalt. Oil sands from different regions of the world have different compositions. Being one of the non-conventional oil resources, oil sands is distributed widely in the globe with a recoverable resources of about 651 billions of barrels, accounting for 32% of world's total recoverable oil and gas resources. Oil-rich countries include Canada, Russia, Venezuela, and USA. Among them, Canada owns most of oil sands in the world. Oil sands have been an important replacement for conventional energy resources.[第一段]  相似文献   

李智 《石油商技》2001,19(6):28-30
介绍了国内电梯传动系统的主要类型及润滑油的使用情况,分析了我国在该领域今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

于国庆  高金森  徐春明 《石化技术》2004,11(1):58-60,68
随着含硫原油加工量的增多和环保标准对汽、柴油硫含量的要求越来越低,原油及其馏分的硫分布类型和催化裂化过程中硫转化规律成为目前研究的热点,各种原油加工脱硫工艺发展很快。考虑到我国的炼油工艺结构等实际情况,从催化裂化过程脱硫的角度出发,指出催化裂化脱硫工艺和催化裂化汽、柴油脱硫工艺应是发展的重点。并提出了建议。  相似文献   

以蒸馏过程强化与节能为背景,在对塔盘、填料、分布器等塔内件技术发展分析的基础上,总结了我国蒸馏过程的大型化技术在石油炼制工业中的应用与发展,提出了采用新型碳化硅泡沫材料在塔盘及填料上的应用可大幅度提升精馏效率的思路。通过将低温余热发电技术与蒸馏过程进行耦合,实现了对于蒸馏过程低品位热能的有效利用,结合热耦合精馏、热泵精馏、多效精馏技术等节能措施,蒸馏过程能量的使用与回收变得更加科学与全面。新型材料传质元件和低温余热发电技术的开发与应用使绿色蒸馏概念在石油炼制行业的发展更迅速、有效。  相似文献   

从全球炼油催化剂的发展现状及需求趋势入手,分析了用于催化裂化(FCC)、清洁汽柴油加氢、FCC原料预处理等催化剂最新研究方向,指出提高催化剂的选择性和活性,改善原料的适应性,延长装置的运行周期等是炼油催化剂技术发展的主要方向。最后从FCC及清洁汽柴油加氢对我国炼油工业的重要性、对企业效益的影响力,以及需要开发适于我国炼油企业特色的催化剂等方面,对我国炼油催化剂业务的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

以南海X-2海上油气田项目为例,分析了原油燃料对海洋平台主电站的影响因素,指出低闪点原油会影响主电站的正常运行和安全,同时是第三方的强制要求。提出利用小型炼油装置提高低闪点原油的闪点,并对提高原油闪点的处理流程以及操作参数进行模拟计算,得到了该生产系统的压力、温度、设备负荷以及尺寸等参数。对油田油样进行了初步实验,实验结果表明此处理流程可行。对设备的工业应用进行了调研。研究结论表明,利用小型炼油装置将原油提高到要求的闪点是可行的,而且相对于传统的外购原油方案,节省了大量的费用和能源消耗,在海上油气田开发中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

加工高硫、高酸原油对胜利炼油厂装置运行的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了胜利炼油厂加工高硫、高酸原油的情况以及对装置运行带来的影响,通过分析提出了解决问题的方案和措施。  相似文献   

杨勇 《石油商技》2003,21(3):8-10
介绍了中国车用汽油质量升级的意义,回顾了车用汽油质量升级的历程及存在的问题,提出了车用汽油质量升级的对策和建议。  相似文献   

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