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We investigate two-party quantum teleportation through noisy channels for multi-qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) states and find which state loses less quantum information in the process. The dynamics of states is described by the master equation with the noisy channels that lead to the quantum channels to be mixed states. We analytically solve the Lindblad equation for \(n\) -qubit GHZ states \(n\in \{4,5,6\}\) where Lindblad operators correspond to the Pauli matrices and describe the decoherence of states. Using the average fidelity, we show that 3GHZ state is more robust than \(n\) GHZ state under most noisy channels. However, \(n\) GHZ state preserves same quantum information with respect to Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen and 3GHZ states where the noise is in \(x\) direction in which the fidelity remains unchanged. We explicitly show that Jung et al.’s conjecture (Phys Rev A 78:012312, 2008), namely “average fidelity with same-axis noisy channels is in general larger than average fidelity with different-axes noisy channels,” is not valid for 3GHZ and 4GHZ states.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel scheme for probabilistic teleportation is presented with multi-parameter measurements via a non-maximally entangled state. This is in contrast to the fact that the measurement kinds for quantum teleportation are usually particular in most previous schemes. The detail implementation producers for our proposal are given by using of appropriate local unitary operations. Moreover, the total success probability and classical information of this proposal are calculated. It is demonstrated that the success probability and classical cost would be changed with the multi-measurement parameters and the entanglement factor of quantum channel. Our scheme could enlarge the research range of probabilistic teleportation.  相似文献   

Quantum Information Processing - We study the process of quantum telecloning of d-dimensional pure quantum states using partially entangled pure states as quantum channel. This process efficiently...  相似文献   

We constructed a class of non-maximally entangled mixed states (Adhikari et al. in Quantum Inf Comput 10:0398, 2010) and extensively studied their entanglement properties and also their usefulness as teleportation channels. In this article, we have revisited our constructed state and have studied it from three different perspectives. Since every entangled state is associated with a witness operator, we have found a suitable entanglement as well as teleportation witness operator for our non-maximally entangled mixed states. We considered the noisy channel’s effects on our constructed states to see how much it affects the states’ capacities as teleportation channels. For this purpose, we have mainly focussed on amplitude damping channel. A comparative study on concurrence and quantum discord of our constructed state of Adhikari et al. (2010) has also been carried out here.  相似文献   

A theoretical scheme is proposed to implement bidirectional quantum controlled teleportation (BQCT) by using a nine-qubit entangled state as a quantum channel, where Alice may transmit an arbitrary two-qubit state called qubits \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) to Bob; and at the same time, Bob may also transmit an arbitrary two-qubit state called qubits \(B_1\) and \(B_2\) to Alice via the control of the supervisor Charlie. Based on our channel, we explicitly show how the bidirectional quantum controlled teleportation protocol works. And we show this bidirectional quantum controlled teleportation scheme may be determinate and secure. Taking the amplitude-damping noise and the phase-damping noise as typical noisy channels, we analytically derive the fidelities of the BQCT process and show that the fidelities in these two cases only depend on the amplitude parameter of the initial state and the decoherence noisy rate.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate the distinguishability of orthogonal multiqudit entangled states under restricted local operations and classical communication. According to these properties, we propose a quantum secret sharing scheme to realize three types of access structures, i.e., the (nn)-threshold, the restricted (3, n)-threshold and restricted (4, n)-threshold schemes (called LOCC-QSS scheme). All cooperating players in the restricted threshold schemes are from two disjoint groups. In the proposed protocol, the participants use the computational basis measurement and classical communication to distinguish between those orthogonal states and reconstruct the original secret. Furthermore, we also analyze the security of our scheme in four primary quantum attacks and give a simple encoding method in order to better prevent the participant conspiracy attack.  相似文献   

We investigate the entanglement properties of the two magnon states and explicate conditions under which, the two magnon state becomes useful for several quantum communication protocols. We systematically study the temporal behaviour of concurrence to find out the effect of exchange interaction on entanglement. The two magnon state, which is potentially realizable in quantum dots using Heisenberg exchange interaction, is found to be suitable for carrying out deterministic teleportation of an arbitrary two qubit composite system. Further, conditions for which the channel capacity reaches “Holevo bound”, allowing four classical bits to be transmitted through two qubits are derived. Later, an unconventional protocol is given to demonstrate that this state can be used for sharing of a two qubit entangled state among two parties.  相似文献   

By means of Temperley–Lieb Algebra and topological basis, we make a new realization of topological basis, and get sixteen complete orthonormal topological basis states which are all maximally entangled for four quasi-particles. Then we present an explicit protocol for teleporting an arbitrary two-qubit state via a topological basis entanglement channel. We also show that four bits of classical information can be encoded into a topological basis state by two-particle unitary operations.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose two schemes for teleportation of a sub-class of tripartite states, the first one with the four-qubit cluster state and the second one with two Bell pairs as entanglement channels. A four-qubit joint measurement in the first case and two Bell measurements in the second are performed by the sender. Appropriate unitary operations on the qubits at the receiver’s end along with an ancilla qubit result in the perfect teleportation of the tripartite state. Analysis of the quantum circuits employed in these schemes reveal that in our technique the desired quantum tasks are achieved with lesser quantum cost, gate count and classical communication bits compared with other similar schemes.  相似文献   

为了提高量子密钥分发的效率和安全性,利用高维Hilbert空间中的Bell态和Hadamard门设计了一种量子密钥分发协议。首先通过量子态的动态演变验证了三维Bell纠缠态在Z基和X基下具有不同的表示特性,然后以此为基础进行协议设计,其中利用Z基测量来检测窃听,利用X基测量来产生密钥。安全性分析表明,该协议可以抵抗截获重发、纠缠附加粒子和特洛伊木马三种常见的攻击。最后将协议与其他方案进行了比较,该协议在保证量子比特效率50%的基础上,安全性也有所提升。  相似文献   

An efficient scheme is proposed for faithful teleportation of an arbitrary unknown multi-particle state via multi-particle quantum states, in which the teleportation is completely deterministic providing that one can successfully construct a group of EPR pairs. Our scheme can effectively avoid possible destruction of the unknown state to be teleported, which however may occur in existing probabilistic teleportation schemes. In addition, we develop a scheme for establishing a faithful quantum channel for both indirect and direct teleportation multi-particle system, which can be applied in a teleportation network where intermediate agents exist between a sender and a receiver. Compared to the indirect construction of the faithful channel, the required auxiliary particle resources, local operations and classical communications in the direct construction scheme are considerably reduced.  相似文献   

The paper addresses a state estimation problem involving communication errors and capacity constraints. Discrete-time partially observed linear systems perturbed by stochastic unbounded additive disturbances are studied. Unlike the classic theory, the sensor signals are communicated to the estimator over a limited capacity noisy digital link modeled as a stochastic discrete memoryless channel. It is shown that the capability of the noisy channel to ensure state estimation with a bounded in probability error is identical to its capability to transmit information with as small probability of error as desired. In other words, the classic Shannon capacity of the channel constitutes the boundary of the observability domain. It is shown that whenever the Shannon capacity bound is met, a reliable observation can be ensured by means of a state estimator consuming a bounded (as time progresses) computational complexity and memory per unit time. The corresponding state estimator is constructed explicitly and is based on the classic block coding approach, so that traditional block encoding–decoding procedures can be employed for its implementation. This work was supported by the Australian Research Council and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant 06-08-01386.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an efficient scheme for remote state preparation of arbitrary n-qubit states with real coefficients. Quantum channel is composed of n maximally two-qubit entangled states, and several appropriate mutually orthogonal bases including the real parameters of prepared states are delicately constructed without the introduction of auxiliary particles. It is noted that the successful probability is 100% by using our proposal under the condition that the parameters of prepared states are all real. Compared to general states, the probability of our protocol is improved at the cost of the information reduction in the transmitted state.  相似文献   

针对量子秘密共享的量子态局限于最大纠缠态的问题,提出一种实现任意N位量子态的秘密共享方案。该方案使用纠缠态作为量子信道,首先发送方对粒子进行Bell基测量,然后接收方Bob或Charlie使用单粒子测量,最后参与者根据Alice和单粒子测量得到的结果,选用合适的联合幺正变换对量子态进行相应的变换,这样可以实现任意N粒子量子态的秘密共享。该方案能够抵御外部窃听者和内部不诚实参与者的攻击,安全性分析表明此方案是安全的。  相似文献   

We propose an efficient scheme for remotely preparing an arbitrary n-qubit equatorial state via n two-qubit maximally entangled states. Compared to the former scheme (Wei et al. in Quantum Inf Process 16:260, 2017) that has the 50% successful probability when the amplitude factors of prepared states are \(2^{-n{/}2}\), the probability would be increased to 100% by using of our modified proposal. The feasibility of our scheme for remote preparation arbitrary multi-qubit equatorial states is explicitly demonstrated by theoretical studies and concrete examples.  相似文献   

It is assumed in the π-calculus that communication channels are always noiseless. But it is usually not the case in the mobile systems that developers are faced with in the real life. In this paper, we introduce an extension of π, called πN, in which noisy channels may be present. A probabilistic transitional semantics of πN is given. The notions of approximate (strong) bisimilarity and equivalence between agents in πN are proposed, and various algebraic laws for them are established. In particular, we introduce the notion of stratified bisimulation which is suited to describe behavior equivalence between infinite probabilistic processes. Some useful techniques for reasoning about approximate bisimilarity and equivalence are developed. We also introduce a notion of reliability in order to compare different behaviors of an agent in π and πN. It is shown that reliability is preserved by the basic combinators in π. A link between reliability and bisimulation is given. This provides us with a uniform framework in which we can reason about both correctness properties and reliability of mobile systems. Also, a potential way of combing value-passing process algebras and Shannon’s information theory is pointed out.  相似文献   

In this paper, two theoretical schemes of the arbitrary single-qubit states via four-qubit cluster state are proposed. One is three-party quantum broadcast scheme, which realizes the broadcast among three participants. The other is multi-output quantum teleportation. Both allow two distant receivers to simultaneously and deterministically obtain the arbitrary single-qubit states, respectively. Compared with former schemes of an arbitrary single-qubit state, the proposed schemes realize quantum multi-cast communication efficiently, which enables Bob and Charlie to obtain the states simultaneously in the case of just knowing Alice’s measurement results. The proposed schemes play an important role in quantum information, specially in secret sharing and quantum teleportation.  相似文献   

Here we study the quantum steering, quantum entanglement, and quantum discord for Gaussian Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen states via Gaussian channels. And the sudden death phenomena for Gaussian steering and Gaussian entanglement are theoretically observed. We find that some Gaussian states have only one-way steering, which confirms the asymmetry of quantum steering. Also we investigate that the entangled Gaussian states without Gaussian steering and correlated Gaussian states own no Gaussian entanglement. Meanwhile, our results support the assumption that quantum entanglement is intermediate between quantum discord and quantum steering. Furthermore, we give experimental recipes for preparing quantum states with desired types of quantum correlations.  相似文献   

We study use of non-maximally entangled states (NME) in quantum teleportation (QT) of single qubit. We find that if NME states are written in the form ${| E \rangle =\sum_{j,k} {E_{jk} | j \rangle | k \rangle}}$ , where (j, k) = 0 and 1, and maximally entangled Bell-basis is used in measurement by the sender, the ??Minimum Assured Fidelity?? (the minimum value of fidelity for all possible information states) for QT is 2C/(1?+?C), where C is the concurrence of ${| E \rangle }$ given by C?=?2|det (E)| and E is the matrix defined by the coefficients E jk . We also find the average of fidelity over various results of Bell-state measurement and its minimum value over all possible information states and discuss it for some special cases. We also show that, to evaluate quality of imperfect QT, minimum assured fidelity is a better measure than concurrence or minimum average fidelity.  相似文献   

A scheme is proposed to implement two-qubit controlled quantum phase gate and SWAP gate and generate two-qubit entangled state via long-range off-resonant Raman coupling between two spatially separated superconducting quantum-interference devices (SQUIDs). In the scheme each SQUID is coupled with a single-mode cavity individually and the two distant cavities are connected by an optical fiber. The two lowest levels of each SQUID are used to represent the two logical states of a qubit while the two intermediate levels of each SQUID are used to facilitate coherent coupling of quantum states of the qubits during the virtual excitation process of photon. The scheme is robust against fiber loss, cavity decay, and the effect of spontaneous decay from the higher levels and it would be an important step toward distributed quantum computation and long-distance entanglement distribution.  相似文献   

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