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This paper extends previous studies on learnability in non-acceptable numberings by considering the question: for which criteria which numberings are optimal, that is, for which numberings it holds that one can learn every learnable class using the given numbering as hypothesis space. Furthermore an effective version of optimality is studied as well. It is shown that the effectively optimal numberings for finite learning are just the acceptable numberings. In contrast to this, there are non-acceptable numberings which are optimal for finite learning and effectively optimal for explanatory, vacillatory and behaviourally correct learning. The numberings effectively optimal for explanatory learning are the K-acceptable numberings. A similar characterization is obtained for the numberings which are effectively optimal for vacillatory learning. Furthermore, it is studied which numberings are optimal for one and not for another criterion: among the criteria of finite, explanatory, vacillatory and behaviourally correct learning all separations can be obtained; however every numbering which is optimal for explanatory learning is also optimal for consistent learning.  相似文献   

This work extends studies of Angluin, Lange and Zeugmann on the dependence of learning on the hypothesis space chosen for the language class in the case of learning uniformly recursive language classes. The concepts of class-comprising (where the learner can choose a uniformly recursively enumerable superclass as the hypothesis space) and class-preserving (where the learner has to choose a uniformly recursively enumerable hypothesis space of the same class) are formulated in their study. In subsequent investigations, uniformly recursively enumerable hypothesis spaces have been considered. In the present work, we extend the above works by considering the question of whether learners can be effectively synthesized from a given hypothesis space in the context of learning uniformly recursively enumerable language classes. In our study, we introduce the concepts of prescribed learning (where there must be a learner for every uniformly recursively enumerable hypothesis space of the same class) and uniform learning (like prescribed, but the learner has to be synthesized effectively from an index of the hypothesis space). It is shown that while for explanatory learning, these four types of learnability coincide, some or all are different for other learning criteria. For example, for conservative learning, all four types are different. Several results are obtained for vacillatory and behaviourally correct learning; three of the four types can be separated, however the relation between prescribed and uniform learning remains open. It is also shown that every (not necessarily uniformly recursively enumerable) behaviourally correct learnable class has a prudent learner, that is, a learner using a hypothesis space such that the learner learns every set in the hypothesis space. Moreover the prudent learner can be effectively built from any learner for the class.  相似文献   

The infinity problem for ω-automata is to decide if the ω-language recognized by a given automaton is infinite; the countability problem is to decide if a given automaton recognizes a countable ω-language. We prove that these problems are NLogspace-complete for (nondeterministic) Büchi, generalized Büchi, Muller, Rabin and parity automata.  相似文献   

Trial and error     
A pac-learning algorithm isd-space bounded, if it stores at mostd examples from the sample at any time. We characterize thed-space learnable concept classes. For this purpose we introduce the compression parameter of a concept classb and design our Trial and Error Learning Algorithm. We show: b isd-space learnable if and only if the compression parameter ofb is at mostd. This learning algorithm does not produce a hypothesis consistent with the whole sample as previous approaches e.g. by Floyd, who presents consistent space bounded learning algorithms, but has to restrict herself to very special concept classes. On the other hand our algorithm needs large samples; the compression parameter appears as exponent in the sample size. We present several examples of polynomial time space bounded learnable concept classes:
  • - all intersection closed concept classes with finite VC-dimension.
  • - convexn-gons in ?2.
  • - halfspaces in ?n.
  • - unions of triangles in ?2.
  • We further relate the compression parameter to the VC-dimension, and discuss variants of this parameter.  相似文献   

    《Information and Computation》2006,204(8):1264-1294
    The paper deals with the following problem: is returning to wrong conjectures necessary to achieve full power of algorithmic learning? Returning to wrong conjectures complements the paradigm of U-shaped learning when a learner returns to old correct conjectures. We explore our problem for classical models of learning in the limit from positive data: explanatory learning (when a learner stabilizes in the limit on a correct grammar) and behaviourally correct learning (when a learner stabilizes in the limit on a sequence of correct grammars representing the target concept). In both cases we show that returning to wrong conjectures is necessary to achieve full learning power. In contrast, one can modify learners (without losing learning power) such that they never show inverted U-shaped learning behaviour, that is, never return to old wrong conjecture with a correct conjecture in-between. Furthermore, one can also modify a learner (without losing learning power) such that it does not return to old “overinclusive” conjectures containing non-elements of the target language. We also consider our problem in the context of vacillatory learning (when a learner stabilizes on a finite number of correct grammars) and show that each of the following four constraints is restrictive (that is, reduces learning power): the learner does not return to old wrong conjectures; the learner is not inverted U-shaped; the learner does not return to old overinclusive conjectures; the learner does not return to old overgeneralizing conjectures. We also show that learners that are consistent with the input seen so far can be made decisive: on any text, they do not return to any old conjectures—wrong or right.  相似文献   

    We study the problem of PAC-learning Boolean functions with random attribute noise under the uniform distribution. We define a noisy distance measure for function classes and show that if this measure is small for a class and an attribute noise distribution D then is not learnable with respect to the uniform distribution in the presence of noise generated according to D. The noisy distance measure is then characterized in terms of Fourier properties of the function class. We use this characterization to show that the class of all parity functions is not learnable for any but very concentrated noise distributions D. On the other hand, we show that if is learnable with respect to uniform using a standard Fourier-based learning technique, then is learnable with time and sample complexity also determined by the noisy distance. In fact, we show that this style algorithm is nearly the best possible for learning in the presence of attribute noise. As an application of our results, we show how to extend such an algorithm for learning AC0 so that it handles certain types of attribute noise with relatively little impact on the running time.  相似文献   

    A challenging problem within machine learning is how to make good inferences from data sets in which pieces of information are missing. While it is valuable to have algorithms that perform well for specific domains, to gain a fundamental understanding of the problem, one needs a “theory” about how to learn with incomplete data. The important contribution of such a theory is not so much the specific algorithmic results, but rather that it provides good ways of thinking about the problem formally. In this paper we introduce the unspecified attribute value (UAV) learning model as a first step towards a theoretical framework for studying the problem of learning from incomplete data in the exact learning framework.In the UAV learning model, an example x is classified positive (resp., negative) if all possible assignments for the unspecified attributes result in a positive (resp., negative) classification. Otherwise the classification given to x is “?” (for unknown). Given an example x in which some attributes are unspecified, the oracle UAV-MQ responds with the classification of x. Given a hypothesis h, the oracle UAV-EQ returns an example x (that could have unspecified attributes) for which h(x) is incorrect.We show that any class of functions learnable in Angluin’s exact model using the MQ and EQ oracles is also learnable in the UAV model using the MQ and UAV-EQ oracles as long as the counterexamples provided by the UAV-EQ oracle have a logarithmic number of unspecified attributes. We also show that any class learnable in the exact model using the MQ and EQ oracles is also learnable in the UAV model using the UAV-MQ and UAV-EQ oracles as well as an oracle to evaluate a given boolean formula on an example with unspecified attributes. (For some hypothesis classes such as decision trees and unate formulas the evaluation can be done in polynomial time without an oracle.) We also study the learnability of a universal class of decision trees under the UAV model and of DNF formulas under a representation-dependent variation of the UAV model.  相似文献   

    Learning from positive data constitutes an important topic in Grammatical Inference since it is believed that the acquisition of grammar by children only needs syntactically correct (i.e. positive) instances. However, classical learning models provide no way to avoid the problem of overgeneralization. In order to overcome this problem, we use here a learning model from simple examples, where the notion of simplicity is defined with the help of Kolmogorov complexity. We show that a general and natural heuristic which allows learning from simple positive examples can be developed in this model. Our main result is that the class of regular languages is probably exactly learnable from simple positive examples.  相似文献   

    In this paper we prove that, under suitable conditions, Atanassov’s Kα operators, which act on intervals, provide the same numerical results as OWA operators of dimension two. On one hand, this allows us to recover OWA operators from Kα operators. On the other hand, by analyzing the properties of Atanassov’s operators, we can generalize them. In this way, we introduce a class of aggregation functions - the generalized Atanassov operators - that, in particular, include two-dimensional OWA operators. We investigate under which conditions these generalized Atanassov operators satisfy some properties usually required for aggregation functions, such as bisymmetry, strictness, monotonicity, etc. We also show that if we apply these aggregation functions to interval-valued fuzzy sets, we obtain an ordered family of fuzzy sets.  相似文献   

    By reformulating a learning process of a set system L as a game between Teacher and Learner, we define the order type of L to be the order type of the game tree, if the tree is well-founded. The features of the order type of L (dimL in symbol) are (1) we can represent any well-quasi-order (wqo for short) by the set system L of the upper-closed sets of the wqo such that the maximal order type of the wqo is equal to dimL; (2) dimL is an upper bound of the mind-change complexity of L. dimL is defined iff L has a finite elasticity (fe for short), where, according to computational learning theory, if an indexed family of recursive languages has fe then it is learnable by an algorithm from positive data. Regarding set systems as subspaces of Cantor spaces, we prove that fe of set systems is preserved by any continuous function which is monotone with respect to the set-inclusion. By it, we prove that finite elasticity is preserved by various (nondeterministic) language operators (Kleene-closure, shuffle-closure, union, product, intersection, …). The monotone continuous functions represent nondeterministic computations. If a monotone continuous function has a computation tree with each node followed by at most n immediate successors and the order type of a set system L is α, then the direct image of L is a set system of order type at most n-adic diagonal Ramsey number of α. Furthermore, we provide an order-type-preserving contravariant embedding from the category of quasi-orders and finitely branching simulations between them, into the complete category of subspaces of Cantor spaces and monotone continuous functions having Girard’s linearity between them.  相似文献   

    The present work initiates the study of the learnability of automatic indexable classes which are classes of regular languages of a certain form. Angluin?s tell-tale condition characterises when these classes are explanatorily learnable. Therefore, the more interesting question is when learnability holds for learners with complexity bounds, formulated in the automata–theoretic setting. The learners in question work iteratively, in some cases with an additional long-term memory, where the update function of the learner mapping old hypothesis, old memory and current datum to new hypothesis and new memory is automatic. Furthermore, the dependence of the learnability on the indexing is also investigated. This work brings together the fields of inductive inference and automatic structures.  相似文献   

    Boolean formulas have been widely studied in the field of learning theory. We focus on the model of learning with queries, and study a restriction of the class of k-quasi-Horn formulas, that is, conjunctive normal form formulas where the number of unnegated literals per clause is at most k. This class is known to be as hard to learn as the general class CNF of conjunctive normal form formulas. By imposing some constraints, we define a fragment of this logic that can be learned using only membership queries. Also we prove that none of these constraints makes by itself the class learnable.  相似文献   

    Within a mathematically rigorous model, we analyse the curse of dimensionality for deterministic exact similarity search in the context of popular indexing schemes: metric trees. The datasets X are sampled randomly from a domain Ω, equipped with a distance, ρ, and an underlying probability distribution, μ. While performing an asymptotic analysis, we send the intrinsic dimension d of Ω to infinity, and assume that the size of a dataset, n, grows superpolynomially yet subexponentially in d. Exact similarity search refers to finding the nearest neighbour in the dataset X to a query point ωΩ, where the query points are subject to the same probability distribution μ as datapoints. Let denote a class of all 1-Lipschitz functions on Ω that can be used as decision functions in constructing a hierarchical metric tree indexing scheme. Suppose the VC dimension of the class of all sets {ω:f(ω)≥a}, a∈? is o(n 1/4/log2 n). (In view of a 1995 result of Goldberg and Jerrum, even a stronger complexity assumption d O(1) is reasonable.) We deduce the Ω(n 1/4) lower bound on the expected average case performance of hierarchical metric-tree based indexing schemes for exact similarity search in (Ω,X). In paricular, this bound is superpolynomial in d.  相似文献   

    This note serves three purposes: (i) we provide a self-contained exposition of the fact that conjunctive queries are not efficiently learnable in the Probably-Approximately-Correct (PAC) model, paying clear attention to the complicating fact that this concept class lacks the polynomial-size fitting property, a property that is tacitly assumed in much of the computational learning theory literature; (ii) we establish a strong negative PAC learnability result that applies to many restricted classes of conjunctive queries (CQs), including acyclic CQs for a wide range of notions of acyclicity; (iii) we show that CQs (and UCQs) are efficiently PAC learnable with membership queries.  相似文献   

    We propose abstract observation tables, an abstract data type for learning deterministic weighted tree automata in Angluin’s minimal adequate teacher (MAT) model, and show that every correct implementation of abstract observation tables yields a correct MAT learner. Besides the “classical” observation table, we show that abstract observation tables can also be implemented by observation trees. The advantage of the latter is that they often require fewer queries to the teacher.  相似文献   

    We prove new lower bounds for learning intersections of halfspaces, one of the most important concept classes in computational learning theory. Our main result is that any statistical-query algorithm for learning the intersection of $\sqrt{n}$ halfspaces in n dimensions must make $2^{\varOmega (\sqrt{n})}$ queries. This is the first non-trivial lower bound on the statistical query dimension for this concept class (the previous best lower bound was n Ω(log?n)). Our lower bound holds even for intersections of low-weight halfspaces. In the latter case, it is nearly tight. We also show that the intersection of two majorities (low-weight halfspaces) cannot be computed by a polynomial threshold function (PTF) with fewer than n Ω(log?n/log?log?n) monomials. This is the first super-polynomial lower bound on the PTF length of this concept class, and is nearly optimal. For intersections of k=ω(log?n) low-weight halfspaces, we improve our lower bound to $\min\{2^{\varOmega (\sqrt{n})},n^{\varOmega (k/\log k)}\},$ which too is nearly optimal. As a consequence, intersections of even two halfspaces are not computable by polynomial-weight PTFs, the most expressive class of functions known to be efficiently learnable via Jackson’s Harmonic Sieve algorithm. Finally, we report our progress on the weak learnability of intersections of halfspaces under the uniform distribution.  相似文献   

    This paper concerns learning binary-valued functions defined on R, and investigates how a particular type of ‘regularity’ of hypotheses can be used to obtain better generalization error bounds. We derive error bounds that depend on the sample width (a notion analogous to that of sample margin for real-valued functions). This motivates learning algorithms that seek to maximize sample width.  相似文献   

    Gold introduced the notion of learning in the limit where a class S is learnable iff there is a recursive machine M which reads the course of values of a function f and converges to a program for f whenever f is in S. An important measure for the speed of convergence in this model is the quantity of mind changes before the onset of convergence. The oldest model is to consider a constant bound on the number of mind changes M makes on any input function; such a bound is referred here as type 1. Later this was generalized to a bound of type 2 where a counter ranges over constructive ordinals and is counted down at every mind change. Although ordinal bounds permit the inference of richer concept classes than constant bounds, they still are a severe restriction. Therefore the present work introduces two more general approaches to bounding mind changes. These are based on counting by going down in a linearly ordered set (type 3) and on counting by going down in a partially ordered set (type 4). In both cases the set must not contain infinite descending recursive sequences. These four types of mind changes yield a hierarchy and there are identifiable classes that cannot be learned with the most general mind change bound of type 4. It is shown that existence of type 2 bound is equivalent to the existence of a learning algorithm which converges on every (also nonrecursive) input function and the existence of type 4 is shown to be equivalent to the existence of a learning algorithm which converges on every recursive function. A partial characterization of type 3 yields a result of independent interest in recursion theory. The interplay between mind change complexity and choice of hypothesis space is investigated. It is established that for certain concept classes, a more expressive hypothesis space can sometimes reduce mind change complexity of learning these classes. The notion of mind change bound for behaviourally correct learning is indirectly addressed by employing the above four types to restrict the number of predictive errors of commission in finite error next value learning (NV′′)—a model equivalent to behaviourally correct learning. Again, natural characterizations for type 2 and type 4 bounds are derived. Their naturalness is further illustrated by characterizing them in terms of branches of uniformly recursive families of binary trees.  相似文献   

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