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In a graph, a vertex is simplicial if its neighborhood is a clique. For an integer k≥1, a graph G=(VG,EG) is the k-simplicial power of a graph H=(VH,EH) (H a root graph of G) if VG is the set of all simplicial vertices of H, and for all distinct vertices x and y in VG, xyEG if and only if the distance in H between x and y is at most k. This concept generalizes k-leaf powers introduced by Nishimura, Ragde and Thilikos which were motivated by the search for underlying phylogenetic trees; k-leaf powers are the k-simplicial powers of trees. Recently, a lot of work has been done on k-leaf powers and their roots as well as on their variants phylogenetic roots and Steiner roots. For k≤5, k-leaf powers can be recognized in linear time, and for k≤4, structural characterizations are known. For k≥6, the recognition and characterization problems of k-leaf powers are still open. Since trees and block graphs (i.e., connected graphs whose blocks are cliques) have very similar metric properties, it is natural to study k-simplicial powers of block graphs. We show that leaf powers of trees and simplicial powers of block graphs are closely related, and we study simplicial powers of other graph classes containing all trees such as ptolemaic graphs and strongly chordal graphs.  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain information about the hyperbolicity constant of cubic graphs. They are a very interesting class of graphs with many applications; furthermore, they are also very important in the study of Gromov hyperbolicity, since for any graph G with bounded maximum degree there exists a cubic graph G* such that G is hyperbolic if and only if G* is hyperbolic. We find some characterizations for the cubic graphs which have small hyperbolicity constants, i.e. the graphs which are like trees (in the Gromov sense). Besides, we obtain bounds for the hyperbolicity constant of the complement graph of a cubic graph; our main result of this kind says that for any finite cubic graph G which is not isomorphic either to K4 or to K3, 3, the inequalities 5k/4≤δ (?)≤3k/2 hold, if k is the length of every edge in G.  相似文献   

A unit cube in k-dimension (or a k-cube) is defined as the Cartesian product R1×R2×?×Rk, where each Ri is a closed interval on the real line of the form [ai,ai+1]. The cubicity of G, denoted as cub(G), is the minimum k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-cubes. Many NP-complete graph problems can be solved efficiently or have good approximation ratios in graphs of low cubicity. In most of these cases the first step is to get a low dimensional cube representation of the given graph.It is known that for a graph G, . Recently it has been shown that for a graph G, cub(G)?4(Δ+1)lnn, where n and Δ are the number of vertices and maximum degree of G, respectively. In this paper, we show that for a bipartite graph G=(AB,E) with |A|=n1, |B|=n2, n1?n2, and Δ=min{ΔA,ΔB}, where ΔA=maxaAd(a) and ΔB=maxbBd(b), d(a) and d(b) being the degree of a and b in G, respectively, cub(G)?2(Δ+2)⌈lnn2⌉. We also give an efficient randomized algorithm to construct the cube representation of G in 3(Δ+2)⌈lnn2⌉ dimensions. The reader may note that in general Δ can be much smaller than Δ.  相似文献   

We show that the Dominating Set problem parameterized by solution size is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) in graphs that do not contain the claw (K1,3, the complete bipartite graph on four vertices where the two parts have one and three vertices, respectively) as an induced subgraph. We present an algorithm that uses 2O(k2)nO(1) time and polynomial space to decide whether a claw-free graph on n vertices has a dominating set of size at most k. Note that this parameterization of Dominating Set is W[2]-hard on the set of all graphs, and thus is unlikely to have an FPT algorithm for graphs in general.The most general class of graphs for which an FPT algorithm was previously known for this parameterization of Dominating Set is the class of Ki,j-free graphs, which exclude, for some fixed i,jN, the complete bipartite graph Ki,j as a subgraph. For i,j≥2, the class of claw-free graphs and any class of Ki,j-free graphs are not comparable with respect to set inclusion. We thus extend the range of graphs over which this parameterization of Dominating Set is known to be fixed-parameter tractable.We also show that, in some sense, it is the presence of the claw that makes this parameterization of the Dominating Set problem hard. More precisely, we show that for any t≥4, the Dominating Set problem parameterized by the solution size is W[2]-hard in graphs that exclude the t-claw K1,t as an induced subgraph. Our arguments also imply that the related Connected Dominating Set and Dominating Clique problems are W[2]-hard in these graph classes.Finally, we show that for any tN, the Clique problem parameterized by solution size, which is W[1]-hard on general graphs, is FPT in t-claw-free graphs. Our results add to the small and growing collection of FPT results for graph classes defined by excluded subgraphs, rather than by excluded minors.  相似文献   

An axis-parallel k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R 1×R 2×???×R k where R i (for 1≤ik) is a closed interval of the form [a i ,b i ] on the real line. For a graph G, its boxicity box?(G) is the minimum dimension k, such that G is representable as the intersection graph of (axis-parallel) boxes in k-dimensional space. The concept of boxicity finds applications in various areas such as ecology, operations research etc. A number of NP-hard problems are either polynomial time solvable or have much better approximation ratio on low boxicity graphs. For example, the max-clique problem is polynomial time solvable on bounded boxicity graphs and the maximum independent set problem for boxicity d graphs, given a box representation, has a $\lfloor 1+\frac{1}{c}\log n\rfloor^{d-1}An axis-parallel k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R 1×R 2×⋅⋅⋅×R k where R i (for 1≤ik) is a closed interval of the form [a i ,b i ] on the real line. For a graph G, its boxicity box (G) is the minimum dimension k, such that G is representable as the intersection graph of (axis-parallel) boxes in k-dimensional space. The concept of boxicity finds applications in various areas such as ecology, operations research etc. A number of NP-hard problems are either polynomial time solvable or have much better approximation ratio on low boxicity graphs. For example, the max-clique problem is polynomial time solvable on bounded boxicity graphs and the maximum independent set problem for boxicity d graphs, given a box representation, has a ?1+\frac1clogn?d-1\lfloor 1+\frac{1}{c}\log n\rfloor^{d-1} approximation ratio for any constant c≥1 when d≥2. In most cases, the first step usually is computing a low dimensional box representation of the given graph. Deciding whether the boxicity of a graph is at most 2 itself is NP-hard.  相似文献   

The Eulerian Editing problem asks, given a graph G and an integer k, whether G can be modified into an Eulerian graph using at most k edge additions and edge deletions. We show that this problem is polynomial-time solvable for both undirected and directed graphs. We generalize these results for problems with degree parity constraints and degree balance constraints, respectively. We also consider the variants where vertex deletions are permitted. Combined with known results, this leads to full complexity classifications for both undirected and directed graphs and for every subset of the three graph operations.  相似文献   

Given a class C of graphs, a graph G=(V,E) is said to be a C-probe graph if there exists a stable (i.e., independent) set of vertices XV and a set F of pairs of vertices of X such that the graph G=(V,EF) is in the class C. Recently, there has been increasing interest and research on a variety of C-probe graph classes, such as interval probe graphs, chordal probe graphs and chain probe graphs.In this paper we focus on chordal-bipartite probe graphs. We prove a structural result that if B is a bipartite graph with no chordless cycle of length strictly greater than 6, then B is chordal-bipartite probe if and only if a certain “enhanced” graph B is a chordal-bipartite graph. This theorem is analogous to a result on interval probe graphs in Zhang (1994) [18] and to one on chordal probe graphs in Golumbic and Lipshteyn (2004) [11].  相似文献   

The k-in-a-Path problem is to test whether a graph contains an induced path spanning k given vertices. This problem is NP-complete in general graphs, already when k=3. We show how to solve it in polynomial time on claw-free graphs, when k is an arbitrary fixed integer not part of the input. As a consequence, also the k-Induced Disjoint Paths and the k-in-a-Cycle problem are solvable in polynomial time on claw-free graphs for any fixed k. The first problem has as input a graph G and k pairs of specified vertices (s i ,t i ) for i=1,…,k and is to test whether G contain k mutually induced paths P i such that P i connects s i and t i for i=1,…,k. The second problem is to test whether a graph contains an induced cycle spanning k given vertices. When k is part of the input, we show that all three problems are NP-complete, even for the class of line graphs, which form a subclass of the class of claw-free graphs.  相似文献   

We define a perfect coloring of a graph G as a proper coloring of G such that every connected induced subgraph H of G uses exactly ω(H) many colors where ω(H) is the clique number of H. A graph is perfectly colorable if it admits a perfect coloring. We show that the class of perfectly colorable graphs is exactly the class of perfect paw-free graphs. It follows that perfectly colorable graphs can be recognized and colored in linear time.  相似文献   

An edge ranking of a graph G is a labeling r of its edges with positive integers such that every path between two different edges eu, ev with the same rank r(eu)=r(ev) contains an intermediate edge ew with rank r(ew)>r(eu). An edge ranking of G is minimum if the largest rank k assigned is the smallest among all rankings of G. The edge ranking problem is to find a minimum edge ranking of given graph G. This problem is NP-hard and no polynomial time algorithm for solving it is known for non-trivial classes of graphs other than the class of trees. In this paper, we first show, on a general graph G, a relation between a minimum edge ranking of G and its minimal cuts, which ensures that we can obtain a polynomial time algorithm for obtaining minimum edge ranking of a given graph G if minimal cuts for each subgraph of G can be found in polynomial time and the number of those is polynomial. Based on this relation, we develop a polynomial time algorithm for finding a minimum edge ranking on a 2-connected outerplanar graph.  相似文献   

A graph G is 2-outerplanar if it has a planar embedding such that the subgraph obtained by removing the vertices of the outer face is outerplanar. The oriented chromatic number of an oriented graph H is defined as the minimum order of an oriented graph H such that H has a homomorphism to H. In this paper, we prove that 2-outerplanar graphs are 4-degenerate. We also show that oriented 2-outerplanar graphs have a homomorphism to the Paley tournament QR67, which implies that their (strong) oriented chromatic number is at most 67.  相似文献   

Let G be a finite undirected graph with edge set E. An edge set E′?E is an induced matching in G if the pairwise distance of the edges of E′ in G is at least two; E′ is dominating in G if every edge eE?E′ intersects some edge in E′. The Dominating Induced Matching Problem (DIM, for short) asks for the existence of an induced matching E′ which is also dominating in G; this problem is also known as the Efficient Edge Domination Problem. The DIM problem is related to parallel resource allocation problems, encoding theory and network routing. It is ${\mathbb{NP}}$ -complete even for very restricted graph classes such as planar bipartite graphs with maximum degree three. However, its complexity was open for P k -free graphs for any k≥5; P k denotes a chordless path with k vertices and k?1 edges. We show in this paper that the weighted DIM problem is solvable in linear time for P 7-free graphs in a robust way.  相似文献   

The Contractibility problem takes as input two graphs G and H, and the task is to decide whether H can be obtained from G by a sequence of edge contractions. The Induced Minor and Induced Topological Minor problems are similar, but the first allows both edge contractions and vertex deletions, whereas the latter allows only vertex deletions and vertex dissolutions. All three problems are NP-complete, even for certain fixed graphs H. We show that these problems can be solved in polynomial time for every fixed H when the input graph G is chordal. Our results can be considered tight, since these problems are known to be W[1]-hard on chordal graphs when parameterized by the size of H. To solve Contractibility and Induced Minor, we define and use a generalization of the classic Disjoint Paths problem, where we require the vertices of each of the k paths to be chosen from a specified set. We prove that this variant is NP-complete even when k=2, but that it is polynomial-time solvable on chordal graphs for every fixed k. Our algorithm for Induced Topological Minor is based on another generalization of Disjoint Paths called Induced Disjoint Paths, where the vertices from different paths may no longer be adjacent. We show that this problem, which is known to be NP-complete when k=2, can be solved in polynomial time on chordal graphs even when k is part of the input. Our results fit into the general framework of graph containment problems, where the aim is to decide whether a graph can be modified into another graph by a sequence of specified graph operations. Allowing combinations of the four well-known operations edge deletion, edge contraction, vertex deletion, and vertex dissolution results in the following ten containment relations: (induced) minor, (induced) topological minor, (induced) subgraph, (induced) spanning subgraph, dissolution, and contraction. Our results, combined with existing results, settle the complexity of each of the ten corresponding containment problems on chordal graphs.  相似文献   

Minor Containment is a fundamental problem in Algorithmic Graph Theory used as a subroutine in numerous graph algorithms. A model of a graph H in a graph G is a set of disjoint connected subgraphs of G indexed by the vertices of H, such that if {u,v} is an edge of H, then there is an edge of G between components C u and C v . A graph H is a minor of G if G contains a model of H as a subgraph. We give an algorithm that, given a planar n-vertex graph G and an h-vertex graph H, either finds in time $\mathcal{O}(2^{\mathcal{O}(h)} \cdot n +n^{2}\cdot\log n)$ a model of H in G, or correctly concludes that G does not contain H as a minor. Our algorithm is the first single-exponential algorithm for this problem and improves all previous minor testing algorithms in planar graphs. Our technique is based on a novel approach called partially embedded dynamic programming.  相似文献   

In the Fixed Cost k-Flow problem, we are given a graph G = (V, E) with edge-capacities {u e eE} and edge-costs {c e eE}, source-sink pair s, tV, and an integer k. The goal is to find a minimum cost subgraph H of G such that the minimum capacity of an st-cut in H is at least k. By an approximation-preserving reduction from Group Steiner Tree problem to Fixed Cost k-Flow, we obtain the first polylogarithmic lower bound for the problem; this also implies the first non-constant lower bounds for the Capacitated Steiner Network and Capacitated Multicommodity Flow problems. We then consider two special cases of Fixed Cost k-Flow. In the Bipartite Fixed-Cost k-Flow problem, we are given a bipartite graph G = (AB, E) and an integer k > 0. The goal is to find a node subset S ? AB of minimum size |S| such G has k pairwise edge-disjoint paths between SA and SB. We give an \(O(\sqrt {k\log k})\) approximation for this problem. We also show that we can compute a solution of optimum size with Ω(k/polylog(n)) paths, where n = |A| + |B|. In the Generalized-P2P problem we are given an undirected graph G = (V, E) with edge-costs and integer charges {b v : vV}. The goal is to find a minimum-cost spanning subgraph H of G such that every connected component of H has non-negative charge. This problem originated in a practical project for shift design [11]. Besides that, it generalizes many problems such as Steiner Forest, k-Steiner Tree, and Point to Point Connection. We give a logarithmic approximation algorithm for this problem. Finally, we consider a related problem called Connected Rent or Buy Multicommodity Flow and give a log3+?? n approximation scheme for it using Group Steiner Tree techniques.  相似文献   

Let G(VE) be a connected undirected graph with n vertices and m edges, where each vertex v is associated with a cost C(v) and each edge e = (uv) is associated with two weights, W(u → v) and W(v → u). The issue of assigning an orientation to each edge so that G becomes a directed graph is resolved in this paper. Determining a scheme to assign orientations of all edges such that maxxV{C(x)+∑xzW(xz)} is minimized is the objective. This issue is called the edge-orientation problem (the EOP). Two variants of the EOP, the Out-Degree-EOP and the Vertex-Weighted EOP, are first proposed and then efficient algorithms for solving them on general graphs are designed. Ascertaining that the EOP is NP-hard on bipartite graphs and chordal graphs is the second result. Finally, an O(n log n)-time algorithm for the EOP on trees is designed. In general, the algorithmic results in this paper facilitate the implementation of the weighted fair queuing (WFQ) on real networks. The objective of the WFQ is to assign an effective weight for each flow to enhance link utilization. Our findings consequently can be easily extended to other classes of graphs, such as cactus graphs, block graphs, and interval graphs.  相似文献   

The (k−1)-fault diameter Dk(G) of a k-connected graph G is the maximum diameter of an induced subgraph by deleting at most k−1 vertices from G. This paper considers the fault diameter of the product graph G1G2 of two graphs G1 and G2 and proves that Dk1+k2(G1G2)?Dk1(G1)+Dk2(G2)+1 if G1 is k1-connected and G2 is k2-connected. This generalizes some known results such as Bani? and ?erovnik [I. Bani?, J. ?erovnik, Fault-diameter of Cartesian graph bundles, Inform. Process. Lett. 100 (2) (2006) 47-51].  相似文献   

Let G be any finite graph. A mapping c:E(G)→{1,…,k} is called an acyclic edge k-colouring of G, if any two adjacent edges have different colours and there are no bichromatic cycles in G. In other words, for every pair of distinct colours i and j, the subgraph induced in G by all the edges that have colour i or j is acyclic. The smallest number k of colours such that G has an acyclic edge k-colouring is called the acyclic chromatic index of G and is denoted by .Determining the acyclic chromatic index of a graph is a hard problem, both from theoretical and algorithmical point of view. In 1991, Alon et al. proved that for any graph G of maximum degree Δ(G). This bound was later improved to 16Δ(G) by Molloy and Reed. In general, the problem of computing the acyclic chromatic index of a graph is NP-complete. Only a few algorithms for finding acyclic edge colourings have been known by now. Moreover, these algorithms work only for graphs from particular classes.In our paper, we prove that for every graph G which satisfies the condition that |E(G)|?t|V(G)|−1 for each subgraph GG, where t?2 is a given integer, the constant p=2t3−3t+2. Based on that result, we obtain a polynomial algorithm which computes such a colouring. The class of graphs covered by our theorem is quite rich, for example, it contains all t-degenerate graphs.  相似文献   

Narayan Vikas 《Algorithmica》2013,67(2):180-206
The compaction problem is to partition the vertices of an input graph G onto the vertices of a fixed target graph H, such that adjacent vertices of G remain adjacent in H, and every vertex and non-loop edge of H is covered by some vertex and edge of G respectively, i.e., the partition is a homomorphism of G onto H (except the loop edges). Various computational complexity results, including both NP-completeness and polynomial time solvability, have been presented earlier for this problem for various classes of target graphs H. In this paper, we pay attention to the input graphs G, and present polynomial time algorithms for the problem for some class of input graphs, keeping the target graph H general as any reflexive or irreflexive graph. Our algorithms also give insight as for which instances of the input graphs, the problem could possibly be NP-complete for certain target graphs. With the help of our results, we are able to further refine the structure of the input graph that would be necessary for the problem to be possibly NP-complete, when the target graph is a cycle. Thus, when the target graph is a cycle, we enhance the class of input graphs for which the problem is polynomial time solvable. We also present analogous results for a variation of the compaction problem, which we call the vertex-compaction problem. Using our results, we also provide important relationships between compaction, retraction, and vertex-compaction to cycles.  相似文献   

A graph G∗ is 1-edge fault-tolerant with respect to a graph G, denoted by 1-EFT(G), if every graph obtained by removing any edge from G∗ contains G. A 1-EFT(G) graph is optimal if it contains the minimum number of edges among all 1-EFT(G) graphs. The kth ladder graph, Lk, is defined to be the cartesian product of the Pk and P2 where Pn is the n-vertex path graph. In this paper, we present several 1-edge fault-tolerant graphs with respect to ladders. Some of these graphs are proven to be optimal.  相似文献   

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