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This note shows that the complete and the ready simulation preorders do not have a finite inequational basis over the language BCCSP when the set of actions is a singleton. Moreover, the equivalences induced by those preorders do not have a finite (in)equational axiomatization either. These results are in contrast with a claim of finite axiomatizability for those semantics in the literature, which was based on the erroneous assumption that they coincide with complete trace semantics in the presence of a singleton set of actions.  相似文献   

This paper confirms a conjecture of Bergstra and Klop's from 1984 by establishing that the process algebra obtained by adding an auxiliary operator proposed by Hennessy in 1981 to the recursion free fragment of Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems is not finitely based modulo bisimulation equivalence. Thus, Hennessy's merge cannot replace the left merge and communication merge operators proposed by Bergstra and Klop, at least if a finite axiomatization of parallel composition modulo bisimulation equivalence is desired.  相似文献   

This paper studies nested simulation and nested trace semantics over the language BCCSP, a basic formalism to express finite process behaviour. It is shown that none of these semantics affords finite (in)equational axiomatizations over BCCSP. In particular, for each of the nested semantics studied in this paper, the collection of sound, closed (in)equations over a singleton action set is not finitely based.  相似文献   

This paper studies the equational theory of prebisimilarity, a bisimulation-based preorder introduced by Hennessy and Milner in the early 1980s, over basic CCS with the divergent process Ω. It is well known that prebisimilarity affords a finite ground-complete axiomatization over this language; this study proves that this ground-complete axiomatization is also complete in the presence of an infinite set of actions. Moreover, in sharp contrast to this positive result, it is shown that prebisimilarity is not finitely based over basic CCS with the divergent process Ω when the set of actions is finite and nonempty.  相似文献   

This paper offers a finite, ground-complete axiomatization of stateless bisimilarity over the tuple-space-based coordination language Linda. As stepping stones towards that result, axiomatizations of stateless bisimilarity over the sequential fragment of Linda without the nask primitive, and over the full sequential sub-language are given. It is also shown that stateless bisimilarity coincides with standard bisimilarity over the sequential fragment of Linda without the nask primitive.  相似文献   

We derive the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of the limiting interdeparture times distribution for each class of customers of a queuing system with preemptive resume priority, Poisson inputs and general service times. Numerical results and an application to queuing networks are also given.  相似文献   

This short note offers results confirming that the priority operator of Baeten, Bergstra and Klop cannot be expressed using positive rule formats for operational semantics. Although expected, this inexpressibility result does not seem to have appeared before in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper we define a uniform language that is an extension of the language underlying the process algebraPA. One of the main extensions of this language overPA is given by so-called atomizing brackets. If we place these brackets around a statement then we treat this statement as an atomic action. Put differently, these brackets remove all interleaving points. We present a transition system for the language and derive its operational semantics. We show that there are several options for defining a transition system such that the resulting operational semantics is a conservative extension of the semantics forPA. We define a semantic domain and a denotational model for the language. Next we define a closure operator on the semantic domain and show how to use this closure operator to derive a fully abstract denotational semantics. Then the algebraic theory of the language is considered. We define a collection of axioms and a term rewrite system based on these axioms. Using this term rewrite system we are able to identify normal forms for the language. It is shown that these axioms capture the denotational equality. It follows that if two terms are provably equal then they have the same operational semantics. Finally, we show how to extend the axiomatization in order to axiomatize its operational equivalence.  相似文献   


The sensitivity analysis of priority in AHP was initiated by Masuda (1990). Although the Masuda sensitivity coefficient is by far one of the best, this note will point out some of its disadvantages and suggest an alternative sensitivity coefficient. The same example used in Masuda (1990) is discussed here for comparison and this shows clearly that our new coefficients reveal the sensitivity of an AHP more accurately than Masuda's coefficients.  相似文献   

A probabilistic calculus, derived from Milner's SCCS, WSCCS is presented. We define a notion of bisimulation for probabilistic processes and show that it is a congruence. A simple equational characterisation is shown to be both sound and complete for finite processes. We present many examples including some extended ones. The larger examples show both the expressive power of WSCCS and the availability of simple proof methods for some complex systems.  相似文献   

Languages and families of binary relations are standard interpretations of Kleene algebras. It is known that the equational theories of these interpretations coincide and that the free Kleene algebra is representable both as a relation and as a language algebra. We investigate the identities valid in these interpretations when we expand the signature of Kleene algebras with the meet operation. In both cases, meet is interpreted as intersection. We prove that in this case, there are more identities valid in language algebras than in relation algebras (exactly three more in some sense), and representability of the free algebra holds for the relational interpretation but fails for the language interpretation. However, if we exclude the identity constant from the algebras when we add meet, then the equational theories of the relational and language interpretations remain the same, and the free algebra is representable as a language algebra, too. The moral is that only the identity constant behaves differently in the language and the relational interpretations, and only meet makes this visible.  相似文献   

Summary Finite transition systems can easily be represented by binary decision diagrams (BDDs) through the characteristic function of the transition relation. Burch et al. have shown how model checking of a powerful version of the -calculus can be performed on such BDDs. In this paper we show how a BDD can be generated from elementary finite transition systems given as BDDs by applying the CCS operations of parallel composition, restriction, and relabelling. The resulting BDDs only grow linearly in the number of parallel components. This way bisimilarity checking can be performed for processes out of the reach of conventional process algebra tools. Reinhard Enders graduated from the Technical University in Munich with a Diploma in mathematics and computer science in 1978. From 1977 to 1984 he was employed by Siemens, working in computer linguistics and expert systems. From 1984 to 1988 he worked at ECRC on Prolog extensions. In Autmn 1988 he joined Siemens and is developping the constraint extension of a new Prolog product. Thomas Filkorn received the computer science degree and the Ph.D. degree, both from the Technical University of Munich. Since 1992 he works at Siemens' Corporate Research and Development on symbolic algorithms and methods for the verification of finite state systems. Dirk Taubner received his Ph.D. in informatics at the Technical University of Munich in 1988. He investigated which sublanguages of process algebra could be represented finitely by automata and Petri nets. From 1989 through 91 he worked at Siemens' Corporate Research and Development where he led a project on computer-aided verification of parallel processes. This paper presents part of the work of that project. Currently he works on commercial software engineering for a software consulting company.  相似文献   

粗代数与三值Lukasiewicz代数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代建华 《计算机学报》2007,30(2):161-167
在粗糙集的代数方法研究中一个重要的方面是从粗糙集的偶序对(〈下近似集,上近似集〉)表示入手,通过定义偶序对的基本运算,从而构造出相应粗代数,并寻找能抽象表示偶序对性质的一般代数结构.其中最有影响的粗代数分别是粗双Stone代数、近似空间代数和粗Nelson代数,它们对应的一般代数分别是正则双Stone代数、预粗代数和半简单Nelson代数.文章证明了这三种粗代数都可以化为三值Lukasiewicz代数,从而将它们统一到了三值Lukasiewicz代数的框架下.并在此基础上,更直接地证明了一个近似空间中的所有粗糙集可构成一个三值Lukasiewicz代数.最后给出一个实例,说明了从一个信息系统得到其对应三值Lukasiewicz代数的过程.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is threefold: to present a general abstract, yet practical, notion of equational system; to investigate and develop the finitary and transfinite construction of free algebras for equational systems; and to illustrate the use of equational systems as needed in modern applications.  相似文献   

This paper has the purpose of reviewing some of the established relationships between logic and concurrency, and of exploring new ones.Concurrent and distributed systems are notoriously hard to get right. Therefore, following an approach that has proved highly beneficial for sequential programs, much effort has been invested in tracing the foundations of concurrency in logic. The starting points of such investigations have been various idealized languages of concurrent and distributed programming, in particular the well established state-transformation model inspired by Petri nets and multiset rewriting, and the prolific process-based models such as the π-calculus and other process algebras. In nearly all cases, the target of these investigations has been linear logic, a formal language that supports a view of formulas as consumable resources. In the first part of this paper, we review some of these interpretations of concurrent languages into linear logic and observe that, possibly modulo duality, they invariably target a small semantic fragment of linear logic that we call LVobs.In the second part of the paper, we propose a new approach to understanding concurrent and distributed programming as a manifestation of logic, which yields a language that merges those two main paradigms of concurrency. Specifically, we present a new semantics for multiset rewriting founded on an alternative view of linear logic and specifically LVobs. The resulting interpretation is extended with a majority of linear connectives into the language of ω-multisets. This interpretation drops the distinction between multiset elements and rewrite rules, and considerably enriches the expressive power of standard multiset rewriting with embedded rules, choice, replication, and more. Derivations are now primarily viewed as open objects, and are closed only to examine intermediate rewriting states. The resulting language can also be interpreted as a process algebra. For example, a simple translation maps process constructors of the asynchronous π-calculus to rewrite operators. The language of ω-multisets forms the basis for the security protocol specification language MSR 3. With relations to both multiset rewriting and process algebra, it supports specifications that are process-based, state-based, or of a mixed nature, with the potential of combining verification techniques from both worlds. Additionally, its logical underpinning makes it an ideal common ground for systematically comparing protocol specification languages.  相似文献   

On the complemented disk algebra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of relational methods in temporal and spatial reasoning has been widely recognised in the last two decades. A quite large part of contemporary spatial reasoning is concerned with the research of relation algebras generated by the “part of” and “connection” relations in various domains. This paper is devoted to the study of one particular relation algebra appeared in the literature, viz. the complemented disk algebra. This algebra was first described by Düntsch [I. Düntsch, A tutorial on relation algebras and their application in spatial reasoning, Given at COSIT, August 1999, Available from: <http://www.cosc.brocku.ca/~duentsch/papers/relspat.html>] and then, Li et al. [Y. Li, S. Li, M. Ying, Relational reasoning in the Region Connection Calculus, Preprint, 2003, Available from: http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0505041] showed that closed disks and their complements provides a representation. This set of regions is rather restrictive and, thus, of limited practical values. This paper will provide a general method for generating representations of this algebra in the framework of Region Connection Calculus. In particular, connected regions bounded by Jordan curves and their complements is also such a representation.  相似文献   

To engineer reliable real-time systems, it is desirable to detect timing anomalies early in the development process. However, there is little work addressing the problem of accurately predicting timing properties of real-time systems before implementations are developed. This paper describes an approach to the specification and schedulability analysis of real-time systems based on the timed process algebra ACSR-VP, which is an extension of ACSR with value-passing communication and dynamic priorities. Combined with the existing features of ACSR for representing time, synchronization and resource requirements, ACSR-VP is capable of specifying a variety of real-time systems with different scheduling disciplines in a modular fashion. Moreover, we can use VERSA, a toolkit we have developed for ACSR, to perform schedulability analysis on real-time systems specified in ACSR-VP automatically by checking for a certain bisimulation relation.  相似文献   

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