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小波消噪在振动信号处理中的应用 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
信噪分离是小波分析中的一个有效的信号检测方法。本文在阐述了小波分析及消噪的小波理论的基础上,给出了从噪声污染信号中恢复原信号的实例,并与傅立叶分析消噪进行了比较,结果表明对于非平稳振动信号小波消噪的效果明显优于傅立叶变换。 相似文献
基于小波包变换和小波阈值消噪的语音特征提取 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了实现强噪声背景下语音信号的特征提取,根据小波变换的多分辨率特性,以及与人耳耳蜗滤渡相一致的特性,利用小波包变换,在各语音特征频率段上,提取出包含丰富的非平稳信息的语音特征;并在小波包分解去噪的基础上,构造了模糊阈值函数,利用小波模糊阈值去噪,得到了信噪比较高的语音信号.研究结果表明,小波包变换和小波阈值去噪,较好地消除了强噪声背景下的噪声,并有效地提取出了语音信号特征. 相似文献
小波消噪在滚动轴承故障诊断的应用研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
滚动轴承振动信号容易受到随机噪声的污染,如何去噪成为滚动轴承故障诊断的关键问题之一。而传统的消噪方法可能会将信号中一些能量小的有用信号当作噪声消除,本文即提出一种改进的小波消噪方法,并用仿真信号和实测滚动轴承振动信号对额方法和传统消噪的方法进行性能比较。结果表明,在消噪方面,小波消噪能更好地提高信噪比,为进一步故障诊断决策提供了可靠的依据。 相似文献
为测量微电机械系统(MEMS)谐振器的动态特性参数,根据MEMS谐振器运动图像的特点,将小波变换应用于MEMS谐振器运动轨迹的特征提取中.基于模糊图像合成技术,利用小波变换对MEMS谐振器的模糊运动图像进行了增强及降噪处理,并结合传统的图像处理方法,提取MEMS谐振器的运动轨迹,最终获得了MEMS谐振器的特性参数,从而可为MEMS器件的设计提供重要参考.实验结果表明,利用小波变换的方法获得了更好的测量精度,测量重复性误差为100nm. 相似文献
The aim of this present work is to identify and localize the defect in gear and measure the angle between two damaged teeth in the time domain of the vibration signal. The vibration signals are captured from the experiments and the burst in the vibration signal is focused in the analysis. The enveloping technique is revisited for defect identification but is found unsatisfactory in measuring the angle between two faulty teeth. A signal processing scheme is proposed to filter the noise and to measure the angle between two damaged teeth. The proposed technique consists of undecimated wavelet transform (UWT), which is used to denoise the signal. The analytic wavelet transform (AWT) has been implemented on approximation signal followed by a time marginal integration (TMI) of the AWT scalogram. The TMI graph time-axis is mapped onto the angular displacement of the driver gear. The measurement is shown to identify the first and the second defective teeth impact on gear meshing, which is visible as sharp spikes in the TMI graph. An attempt is also made to replace the approximation from UWT with Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF) derived from the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). The present experimental work establishes the proposed method of measuring and localizing multiple gear teeth defect using vibration signal in the time domain. 相似文献
利用第二代小波变换--提升小波变换,为第一代小波变换提供了一种新的更快速的实现方法,使得其构造不再依赖于Fourier 变换构造,可以实现所有的第一代小波变换,提升方案把此变换过程分为分裂、预测和更新3个阶段.基于提升算法的小波变换是新一代静止图像压缩标准--JPEG 2000的核心算法之一.在研究小波提升方案的基础上,分析了它在JPEG 2000应用,最后将小波提升和Mallat算法进行分析比较,试验证明提升方案的小波变换算法计算时间比Mallat 算法减半. 相似文献
Adaptive wavelet transform for vibration signal modelling and application in fault diagnosis of water hydraulic motor 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
There has been an increasing application of water hydraulics in industries due to growing concern on the environmental, health and safety issues. The fault diagnosis of water hydraulic motor is important for improving water hydraulic system reliability and performance. In this paper, fault diagnosis of water hydraulic motor in water hydraulic system is investigated based on adaptive wavelet analysis. A novel method for modelling the vibration signal based on the adaptive wavelet transform (AWT) is proposed. The linear combination of wavelets is introduced as wavelet itself and adapted for the particular vibration signal, which goes beyond adapting parameters of a fixed-shape wavelet. The AWT procedure based on the parametric optimisation by genetic algorithm (GA) is developed. The model-based method by AWT is applied to extract the features in the fault diagnosis of the water hydraulic motor. This technique for de-noising the corrupted simulation signal shows that it can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the vibration signal. The results of the experimental signal demonstrate the characteristic vibration signal details in fine resolution. The magnitude plots of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) show the characteristic signal's energy in time and frequency domain which can be used as feature values for fault diagnosis of water hydraulic motor. 相似文献
基于小波变换的客车车内振动噪声源识别 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
测定了不同工况下车内噪声信号和车架车身等处的振动信号,利用Daubechies小波函数对噪声信号和振动信号做小波变换,获取信号能量分布的特征向量和相关系数,确定两种信号相关程度,根据相关系数大小识别车内振动、噪声源,经过识别发现发动机为该车的主要振动噪声源。试验表明,该方法比传统的分析方法更为简单、有效。 相似文献
在Donoho D L和Johnston IM提出的多分辨分析小波阈值去噪方法的基础上,提出了一种新的双变量阈值函数。采用新的阈值函数的去噪效果无论在视觉效果,还是在信噪比增益和最小均方意义上均优于传统的硬阈值和软阈值,克服了采用硬阈值法去噪效果不佳和软阈值法过度光滑使信号失真的缺点。通过仿真实验结果,表明该方法的有效性和优越性。 相似文献
Acoustic signal from a gear mesh with faulty gears is in general non-stationary and noisy in nature. Present work demonstrates improvement of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) by using an active noise cancellation (ANC) method for removing the noise. The active noise cancellation technique is designed with the help of a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) based Least Mean Square (LMS) adaptive filter. The acoustic signal from the healthy gear mesh has been used as the reference signal in the adaptive filter. Inadequacy of the continuous wavelet transform to provide good time–frequency information to identify and localize the defect has been removed by processing the denoised signal using an adaptive wavelet technique. The adaptive wavelet is designed from the signal pattern and used as mother wavelet in the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). The CWT coefficients so generated are compared with the standard wavelet based scalograms and are shown to be apposite in analyzing the acoustic signal. A synthetic signal is simulated to conceptualize and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Synthetic signal analysis also offers vital clues about the suitability of the ANC as a denoising tool, where the error signal is the denoised signal. The experimental validation of the proposed method is presented using a customized gear drive test setup by introducing gears with seeded defects in one or more of their teeth. Measurement of the angles between two or more damaged teeth with a high level of accuracy is shown to be possible using the proposed algorithm. Experiments reveal that acoustic signal analysis can be used as a suitable contactless alternative for precise gear defect identification and gear health monitoring. 相似文献