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Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) was used to measure the in vivo signal of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), a putative neuronal marker, in the brain of the mutant wobbler mouse, a model of motor neuron disease. The ratio of NAA to creatine-phosphocreatine, an internal standard, was significantly lower in five affected wobbler mice (0.79+/-0.05; mean+/-s.d.) than in five unaffected littermates (0.98+/-0.10, p = 0.006). Ubiquitin and phosphorylated heavy neurofilament immunoreactivities were increased in cortical neurons of affected animals. This is the first demonstration of cerebral neuronal pathology in the wobbler mouse, supporting its use as a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In vivo IH-MRS and correlative postmortem study of wobbler mouse brain will allow temporal monitoring of neuronal degeneration and responsiveness to neuroprotective pharmacotherapies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neurological and physiological deficits have been reported in the brain in developmental dyslexia. The temporoparietal cortex has been directly implicated in dyslexic dysfunction, and substantial indirect evidence suggests that the cerebellum is also implicated. We wanted to find out whether the neurological and physiological deficits manifested as biochemical changes in the brain. METHODS: We obtained localised proton magnetic resonance spectra bilaterally from the temporo-parietal cortex and cerebellum of 14 well-defined dyslexic men and 15 control men of similar age. FINDINGS: We found biochemical differences between dyslexic men and controls in the left temporo-parietal lobe (ratio of choline-containing compounds [Cho] to N-acetylaspartate [NA] p< or =0.01) and right cerebellum (Cho/NA, p< or = 0.01; creatine [Cre] to NA p< or =0.05; (not significant). We found lateral biochemical differences in dyslexic men in both these brain regions (Cho/NA in temporo-parietal lobe, left vs right, p< or =0.01; Cre/NA in cerebellum, left vs right, p< or =0.001). We found no such lateral differences in controls. There was no significant relation between the degree of contralateral chemical difference and handedness in dyslexic or control men. INTERPRETATION: We suggest that the observed differences reflect changes in cell density in the temporo-parietal lobe in developmental dyslexia and that the altered cerebral structural symmetry in dyslexia is associated with abnormal development of cells or intracellular connections or both. The cerebellum is biochemically asymmetric in dyslexic men, indicating altered development of this organ. These differences provide direct evidence of the involvement of the cerebellum in dyslexic dysfunction.  相似文献   

The mortality from coronary and cerebrovascular diseases is higher in Finnmark County than in other Norwegian counties. In a population-based cohort study, we compared the incidence of myocardial infarction, stroke, and diabetes mellitus in different ethnic groups in Finnmark. A total of 10,622 subjects of Norse, Sami, and Finnish origin were followed for 14 years. During approximately 150,000 person-years, we identified 509 and 84 cases of myocardial infarction, 107 and 75 cases of stroke, and 96 and 73 cases of clinical diabetes mellitus among men and women, respectively. A total of 533 men and 199 women died. Norse subjects born outside of Finnmark had the most favorable risk factor levels and, in general, the lowest incidence of disease. Men of Finnish origin had a higher incidence rate of all endpoints than other men, and Finnish women had a higher incidence rate of myocardial infarction than other women. Sami women were more obese but did not have a higher diabetes mellitus incidence than other women. After adjustment for major cardiovascular risk factors and height, most ethnic differences were attenuated.  相似文献   

Elevated tissue lactate concentrations typically found in tumors can be measured by in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In this study, lactate turnover in rat C6 glioma was determined from in vivo 1H NMR measurements of [3-13C]lactate buildup during steady-state hyperglycemia with [1-13C]glucose. With this tumor model, a narrow range of values was observed for the first-order rate constant that describes lactate efflux, k2 = 0.043 +/- 0.007 (n = 12) SD min-1. For individual animals, the standard error in k2 was small (< 18%), which indicated that the NMR data fit the kinetic model well. Lactate measurements before and after infusing [1-13C]glucose showed that the majority of the tumor lactate pool was metabolically active. Signals from 13C-labeled glutamate in tumors were at least 10-fold smaller than the [3-13C]lactate signal, whereas spectra of the contralateral hemispheres revealed the expected labeling of [4-13C]glutamate, as well as [2-13C] and [3-13C]glutamate, which indicates that label cycled through the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the brain tissue. Lack of significant 13C labeling of glutamate was consistent with low respiratory metabolism in this glioma. It is concluded that lactate in rat C6 glioma is actively turning over and that the kinetics of lactate efflux can be quantified noninvasively by 1H NMR detection of 13C label. This noninvasive NMR approach may offer a valuable tool to help evaluate tumor growth and metabolic responsiveness to therapies.  相似文献   

Several radiologic findings point toward the lentiform nucleus as a possible site of lesion in primary dystonia. Histologic examinations, however, have shown inconsistent results. 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) has proved helpful to assess neuronal degeneration in a variety of basal ganglia disorders. MRS data of dystonia patients are, however, lacking so far. 1H-MRS centered on the lentiform nuclei was performed in 14 patients with primary focal hand dystonia and in 12 healthy control subjects using a 1.5-T MR imager. No statistically significant differences of N-acetylaspartate/creatine and lactate/creatine ratios were found between patients and control subjects. Based on these data, the authors found no evidence that primary focal dystonia was associated with a conspicuous loss of lentiform nucleus neurons or a marked disturbance of the aerobic metabolism, although minor abnormalities cannot be excluded because of the possibly limited sensitivity of the method.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), an application of the methods of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), is a functional imaging modality that provides a view of localized biochemistry in vivo. A number of studies applying MRS to the neurochemistry of schizophrenia have been reported, which encompass a range of patient populations, states of medication, anatomic regions, nuclear species, and MRS techniques. A brief review of the history and methodology of NMR and MRS is presented. Comparison is made of MRS capabilities with other functional imaging modalities. Aspects of the neurochemistry of schizophrenia relevant to MRS studies are reviewed, as are the reported MRS studies involving patients with schizophrenia. Areas of consistent findings include decreased phosphomonoesters and increased phosphodiesters in frontal lobes, and decreases in the putative neuronal cell marker, N-acetylaspartate, in temporal lobes. Studies of neurotransmitters such as glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and glutamine have generated inconsistent results. New insights into alterations in neurochemistry in schizophrenia have been provided by MRS. Studies of neurotransmitters have future potential with improvements in field strength and in spectral editing techniques. MRS has the potential to measure brain medication levels and simultaneous effects on neurochemistry. MRS may assist in characterizing high-risk populations, and ultimately guide medication use.  相似文献   

Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) is a potent inducer of vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation. Large scale expression of TXA2 synthase (TXAS) is very useful for studies of the reaction mechanism, structural/functional relationships, and drug interactions. We report here a heterologous system for overexpression of human TXAS. The TXAS cDNA was modified by replacing the sequence encoding the first 28 amino acid residues with a CYP17 amino-terminal sequence and by adding a polyhistidine tag sequence prior to the stop codon; the cDNA was inserted into the pCW vector and co-expressed with chaperonins groES and groEL in Escherichia coli. The resulting recombinant protein was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity by affinity, ion exchange, and hydrophobic chromatography. UV-visible absorbance (UV-Vis), magnetic circular dichroism (MCD), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra indicate that TXAS has a typical low spin cytochrome P450 heme with an oxygen-based distal ligand. The UV-Vis and EPR spectra of recombinant TXAS were essentially identical to those of TXAS isolated from human platelets, except that a more homogenous EPR spectrum was observed for the recombinant TXAS. The recombinant protein had a heme:protein molar ratio of 0.7:1 and a specific activity of 12 micromol of TXA2/min/mg of protein at 23 degreesC. Furthermore, it catalyzed formation of TXA2, 12-hydroxy-5,8,10-heptadecatrienoic acid, and malondialdehyde in a molar ratio of 0.94:1.0:0.93. Spectral binding titrations showed that bulky heme ligands such as clotrimazole bound strongly to TXAS (Kd approximately 0.5 microM), indicating ample space at the distal face of the heme iron. Analysis of MCD and EPR spectra showed that TXAS was a typical low spin hemoprotein with a proximal thiolate ligand and had a very hydrophobic distal ligand binding domain.  相似文献   

The volume-selection performance was studied for single- and double-volume-of-interest (VOI) acquisition with the volume-selection method image-selected in vivo spectroscopy for 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. High-resolution signal profiles were measured using a phantom simulating a brain. Inside the phantom there was a small, remotely controlled, movable signal source filled with ortho-phosphoric acid. Signal profiles of the VOI were measured in three perpendicular directions for 1VOI (single VOI) and 2VOI (double VOI) acquisition. The measured signal profiles for both acquisitions were very similar, but they showed a discrepancy with regard to the intended VOI (iVOI). The transition regions were on average 3.8 mm and the average full width at half maximum of the signal profile was 30 mm for an iVOI size of 30*30*30 (mm3). No displacement was observed in the signal profiles. To avoid overlapping signal profiles, the minimum separation between two iVOIs was found to be 10 mm in our magnetic resonance (MR) system. A substantial negative signal contribution from regions outside the iVOI was measured in the y-direction for 1VOI acquisition and one of the two VOIs in 2VOI acquisition. The other VOI in 2VOI acquisition exhibited only minor contamination. The measurements presented underline the importance of detailed knowledge on the volume selection performance in in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Quantitative proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed on six children with Sturge-Weber syndrome following gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI revealed only unilateral involvement in all cases. The mean concentration (mmol/kg wet weight) of the neuronal marker N-acetyl-aspartate was significantly reduced by 37% in the ipsilateral gadolinium enhanced volume of interest compared to a similarly placed contralateral volume of interest (5.39 +/- 1.70 [SD] vs 8.50 +/- 1.14, P < .005, two-tailed paired Student's t-test). Decreased N-acetyl-aspartate in the ipsilateral volume of interest was observed in all patients studied. No significant differences were found in the concentrations of creatine/phosphocreatine or choline compounds between the ipsilateral and contralateral volumes of interest. These findings give possible new insight into the pathophysiology of this disease and suggest that quantitative proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy may be useful for the early characterization and monitoring of neuronal dysfunction or loss in infants and children with Sturge-Weber syndrome.  相似文献   

The significance of the ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) scores and SSEP (somatosensory evoked potentials) recordings in predicting the recovery of bladder function was evaluated in 70 patients with acute, traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). The patients were examined following admission to the rehabilitation centre (mean 10 days post-trauma) both clinically by the ASIA scores and electrophysiologically by tibial and pudendal SSEP recordings. The results of the initial examinations were related to the degree of recovery of bladder function of the patients assessed by urodynamic examination at the end of the rehabilitation programme (at least 6 months post-trauma). The recovery of somatic nerve function (external urethral sphincter function) involved in bladder function was correlated to both the initial ASIA scores and SSEP recordings (Spearman correlation, P < 0.001). The latter parameters, however, were not related to the outcome of autonomic nerve function (eg detrusor vesicae function) (Spearman correlation, P = 0.1). Therefore, the initial clinical and electrophysiological examinations are of value in assessment of the degree to which the patient will recover somatic nervous control of bladder function. However, these examinations are not indicative of urodynamic impairment. Therefore, urodynamic examination should be mandatory for the diagnostic assessment and therapeutical approach of bladder dysfunction in patients with acute SCI.  相似文献   

The development of clinical applications of 19F magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been limited by the inability to localize 19F spectra to specific regions of interest, making it difficult to quantitate drug and metabolite concentrations accurately. To develop methodology for quantitation, we studied the liver of patients receiving rapid bolus i.v. injections of 5-FU. In serial studies, 5-FU disappeared from the liver within 17-26 min, and its catabolite, alpha-fluoro-beta-alanine (FBAL), rose to reach a plateau after 40 min. A high peak level of fluoro-ureido-propionic acid preceded that of FBAL in only one patient, and dihydrofluorouracil was never observed. During the plateau, we obtained MR imaging-directed 19F MR spectra localized using three-dimensional chemical shift imaging. The spin-lattice relaxation time of FBAL in liver, measured using a variable nutation angle method, was 1.6 +/- 0.2 s (mean +/- SD; n = 5). The concentration of FBAL at 60 +/- 10 min after injection was 1.0 +/- 0.2 mm in liver (mean +/- SD; n = 7). This amount represents approximately 20% of the injected dose and 1.4 times the initial hepatic 5-FU concentration. Our approach may permit one to obtain molar concentrations of fluoropyrimidine metabolites simultaneously in hepatic cancers and surrounding liver, and it helps expand pharmacokinetic modeling of fluoropyrimidine catabolism.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Mechanisms of postburn immunosuppression are complicated and remain unclear. In the present experiment the effect of linoleic acid hydroperoxide (LOOH) on lymphocytes was evaluated in vitro, and then the changes in postburn lipid peroxide (LPO) levels and lymphocyte functions were measured, in order to investigate the mechanism of immunosuppression following burn. METHODS: Proliferation and IL-2 production and LPO of lymphocytes were assayed after the incubation with LOOH for in vitro study. On day 6 after induction of 11%-12% TBSA full-thickness burn, the animals were sacrificed, and proliferation and IL-2 production of splenic lymphocytes, LPO levels of the plasma, livers and spleens were measured. RESULTS: LOOH inhibited proliferation and IL-2 production and induced lipid peroxidation of lymphocytes in vitro, and Vit E could attenuate the effects of LOOH. LPO levels increased and proliferation and IL-2 production decreased after burn, but those changes in Vit E or SOD group showed no statistical significance compared with normal control group. CONCLUSION: Enhancement of lipid peroxidation and increased LPO after burn may be one of the mechanisms of postburn immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Single-volume proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, localized to basal ganglia, was carried out in 10 patients with primary blepharospasm (PB) to assess the levels of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), creatine-phosphocreatine, and choline-containing compounds. NAA was reduced significantly in patients compared with control subjects. This result suggests a striatal neuronal loss in PB.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test the hypothesis that irrecoverable neurological deficit in multiple sclerosis is associated with axonal loss. METHODS: 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was carried out in a group of patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis (n=31). Using this technique, the apparent concentration of NA ([NA] the sum of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), a neuronal marker, and N-acetylaspartylglutamate has been compared in four groups of patients with multiple sclerosis classified as relapsing-remitting, secondary progressive, primary progressive, benign, and a control group. RESULTS: In the patients with relapsing-remitting disease (n=9) there was a highly significant reduction of apparent NA (median 8.73 mM, range 6.86 mM-10.74 mM, P=0.0008) from an area of high signal compared with the control group (median 11.97 mM, range 10.55 mM-14.5 mM). In the patients with secondary progressive disease (n=10), there was again a highly significant reduction of apparent NA (median 7.82 mM, range 3.5 mM-10.3 mM, P=0.0003) from an area of high signal compared with the control group. In the patients with primary progressive disease (n=6) there was once again a highly significant reduction of apparent NA (median 8.83 mM, range 6.95 mM-9.89 mM, P<0.002) from an area of high signal compared with the control group. In the patients with benign disease, however, there was no significant difference in the apparent NA (median 10.5 mM, range 8.53 mM-12.8 mM, P>0.05) from an area of high signal compared with the control group. In the patients with benign disease (n=5) there was also no significant difference in the apparent NA (median 10.74 mM, range 8.58 mM-13.4 mM, P>0.3) from an area of normal appearing white matter compared with the control group. In the patients with primary progressive disease, however, there was a significant reduction of apparent NA from an area of normal appearing white matter (median 8.78 mM, range 8.7 mM-12.38 mM, P< 0.025) compared with the control group. There was a significant inverse correlation between [NA] from lesions in the patients with multiple sclerosis and disability as measured on the Kurtzke expanded disability scale score (r= -0.364, 0.05>P>0.02). CONCLUSION: These findings support the hypothesis that axonal loss is important in the development of disability in multiple sclerosis. They also provide evidence for axonal loss in normal appearing white matter in patients with primary progressive disease.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The pathogenesis of brain injury following radiosurgery is poorly understood. To better elucidate the relationship between blood-brain barrier disruption and metabolic derangements, we used magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and 1H MR spectroscopy to detect early changes from focused single-fraction, high-dose irradiation injury in rat brains. METHODS: Using the Leksell gamma knife, we irradiated the frontoparietal cortex of 11 male Wistar rats with a single dose of 120 Gy. Four weeks later, we sequentially performed water-suppressed 1H MR spectroscopy and gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced T1-weighted MR imaging. Metabolic maps were created of n-acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine and choline (Cr/Cho), and lactate from the MR spectroscopy data set. Detection of irradiation injury among the tested modalities was assessed by receiver operating characteristic analysis and by quantitative signal intensity changes. Pathologic confirmation of irradiation damage was obtained in all rats. RESULTS: Gadopentetate dimeglumine-enhanced T1-weighted MR imaging was the only imaging modality that detected statistically significant signal intensity changes (p < .05). No reproducible changes in the metabolites of interest could be detected by 1H MR spectroscopy. CONCLUSION: In our animal model, blood-brain barrier disruption was a reproducible, integral finding of single-fraction, high-dose irradiation injury. No reproducible metabolic derangements of ischemia or necrosis were detected by 1H MR spectroscopy, possibly because of dose-latency effects or sensitivity issues.  相似文献   

The polyimides LaRC-TPI, LaRC-IA and LaRC-SI and related model compounds were investigated using 13C and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Magic angle spinning was used to acquire 13C isotropic chemical shift spectra of these materials. The spectra were assigned as completely as possible. In addition, the principal components of some shielding tensors were measured using variable angle correlation spectroscopy (VACSY). Of those studied, LaRC-SI is the only polymer that is soluble. However, after it is heated past its glass transition temperature, LaRC-SI becomes insoluble. Experiments were performed in an attempt to identify causes of this behavior. When magnetization from nuclei in rigid regions of the polymer is suppressed, the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of soluble LaRC-SI are significantly different from those of insoluble LaRC-SI. Hydration studies of LaRC-SI show that absorbed water plasticizes the polymer.  相似文献   

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