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水平衡测试是企业搞好计划用水、节约用水的基础。通过调研及报告分析,为企业找出用水现状存在问题并提出节水措施及建议。  相似文献   

张守波 《中国计量》2013,(12):125-127
一、用水单位水平衡测试的目的和意义 水平衡测试是加强对用水单位用水进行科学管理行之有效的方法,是搞好节水工作的重要基础,是用水单位用水由行政手段管理转化到科学管理的一种手段,也是节水工作向深化发展的必由之路.定期进行水平衡测试,是搞好节约用水,实现合理用水和科学用水的基础.通过水平衡测试,可以摸清用水单位用水现状,测试出科学的产品用水单耗指标,了解到本单位节水潜力所在和合理用水水平,从而建立起科学的用水考核制度,有的放矢地采取相应的措施,挖掘节水潜力,提高水的重复利用率,为制定节水技术改造规划提供基础的科学依据.  相似文献   

赵菲 《硅谷》2014,(5):133-133,138
对于水资源管理,采用水平衡测试,有利于提升用水效率,挖掘节水潜力,掌握用水现状,节省生产成本的主要方法 ,是水资源管理与节约用水的基础工作。文章主要分析水平衡测试在水资源管理中的作用。  相似文献   

正水平衡测试是我院开展的检测项目之一,每年要承担由天津市节水办公室下达的企业水量平衡测试任务。在为企业进行水平衡测试中,发现企业在节水用水工作中存在如下问题。一、水表计量率水表计量率是企业对重点部门用水进行日常检查管理,统计用水和开展水平衡测试的重要指标。单位内部主要用水部门、单元的水表计量率应大于90%。很多用水企业并没有意识到水表计量率(特别是二级水表计量率)的重要性,认  相似文献   

鲍彪 《中国科技博览》2012,(35):608-608
随着火电厂规模和技术含量的不断扩大和发展,原本就是用水大户的火电厂对其需水量也逐渐有了更大的要求。众所周知,现在全世界缺水现象十分严重,因此严格控制火电厂的用水量,提高用水效率是火电厂发展所面临着的一个重要问题。“水平衡测试”就是控制火电厂用水量,减少水资源浪费的一个十分重要并且非常有效的一个措施,根据水平衡测试的结果可以很好地帮助工作人员分析火电厂的用水情况并制定出相应的节水策略合理调整火电厂各设备工作的用水量。本文就从火电厂水平衡测试和节水策略分析这一问题八手,重点讨论一下水平衡j则试的具体方法以及相应的节水措施。  相似文献   

李新峰 《中国计量》2012,(11):34-36
一、企业水平衡测试工作的定义企业水平衡测试工作是指对企业的用水体系进行实际测试,确定其用水参数的水量值,并根据其输入量与输出量之间的平衡关系,分析企业用水合理程度的一系列工作。企业水平衡测试的核心工作是搞好企业水平衡测试,也就是以企业整体为水量考察对象,采用仪  相似文献   

<正>云南省计量测试技术研究院应云南农业大学的委托,于2014年对其校园开展了水平衡测试工作。通过测试,全面勘察了学校的供水管网分布,各用水单元用水现状。依据专业测试机构现场测定的真实信息,有的放矢地指导学校采取相应措施,挖掘节水潜力,提高合理用水水平,进而达到创建"节水型"高校的目的。一、水平衡测试1.水平衡测试的概念水平衡测试是指对用水单元和用水系统的水量进行系统测试、统  相似文献   

经过多年的实践和发展,水平衡测试已经成为用水企业进行用水科学管理行之有效的方法。为了统一和规范水平衡测试,建设部、全国能源基础与管理标准委员会和国家质检总局相继颁布了CJ41—1999《工业企业水量平衡测试方珐》、GB/T7119-2006《节水型企业评价导则》、GB/T12452—2008《企业水平衡与测试通则》等一系列标准规范。  相似文献   

为满足主管部门和用水单位实际需求,苏州市计量测试院形成一套以“水计量器具检查、在线计量+厂区用水管道测评+水平衡测试+水效评估+用水审计+节水材料申报辅导+水效领跑者支撑”为主体的基于计量检测的节水技术一站式服务。通过节水技术一站式服务模式的构建,既提高了服务质量和满意度,又提高了服务效率,同时有助于推动全社会节水,提升水资源利用效率,促进高质量发展。  相似文献   

灌溉用水定额是实施灌溉"总量控制、定额管理"及水资源优化配置的基础,是科学确定农业种植结构和发展规模的依据。为促进节水灌溉事业的发展,进一步科学确定灌溉用水定额,本文首先简要地论述了灌溉用水定额的含义,而后提出灌溉用水的影响因素,最后还提出一些关于编制灌溉用水定额的建议。  相似文献   

本文在科学界定“水资源”概念内涵和外延基础上,提出建立政府宏观调控、市场为基础、社会公众积极参与良性互动的节水管理综合治理模式,并加快梳理和更新标龄在10年以上的节水标准,同时填补工业节水、农业节水和生活节水标准中的空白点。  相似文献   

In 2011, water conservation projects construction in China entered a stage of rapid growth. In February 2013 three dam safety accidents occurred due to improper participant subject behaviors. Improving security and risk management of water conservation projects is therefore considered as imminent. It is urgent to research the risks of the participant subject behaviors. This article takes each participating subject in the whole life-cycle of water conservation projects as the research object, analyzes the risk behaviors and risk evolution processes, dissects the cause of the risks of the participating subject behaviors on the basis of the theory of risk effect, and puts forward that reinforcing the penalties, improving criminal cost and strengthening the engineering ethics education is an effective way to solve safety problems of the current projects.  相似文献   

Due to uncertainties in water supply, there is growing demand for water resource management in enterprises. In this study, we evaluated the effects of companies’ water-saving reconstruction projects. We used Hina Advanced Materials Company as a case to construct an investment decision model to (1) calculate the internal and external costs of water resources based on circular economic value analysis theory, and (2) locate the level of water resources circulation. We adopted gray situation decision analysis to identify the typical problems that occur in water resource utilization. Moreover, we demonstrated optimization plans for different potential improvements, thereby providing guidance and references for water resource cost management and the comprehensive optimization of environmental benefits. We concluded that the circulation economic value analysis model can effectively display the flow and amount of value derived from water resource flows, thereby providing guidance and suggestions for optimizing water resource flows.  相似文献   

精益生产作为一种先进的生产组织方式,在很多企业被用于流程优化,从而实现成本最低化和利润最大化。本文针对国内钢铁行业的现状,以某一国有大型钢铁企业T公司为研究对象,面对企业管理效率低下、职工素质不高、竞争意识淡薄等问题,从重塑企业文化、推行5S管理、全面生产维护(TPM)、全面质量管理(TQM)4方面实施精益生产,并对该企业取得的成效进行总结,提出建议,为同类企业推行精益生产提供参考。  相似文献   

1 Introduction"The decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on major issues concerning the reform and development of state-owned enterprises" pointed out that "Establishing modern enterprise system is the orientation of the reform of state-owned enterprises". The country will gradually make modification to the present state-owned enterprises according to "Company Law", so that the enterprises will gradually get to "clear property and right, definite power and respon…  相似文献   

介绍了现代企业推行2000版ISO9000族质量管理体系的情况,着重探讨借鉴现代质量管理思想,建立规范,严谨的质量管理体系,制定实施各自的内部控制模式,建立与健全科学,有效的企业内部控制体系,提升我国企业经营管理水平和服务水平。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the characteristics and operation status of the process industry, as well as the development of the global intelligent manufacturing industry, a new mode of intelligent manufacturing for the process industry, namely, deep integration of industrial artificial intelligence and the Industrial Internet with the process industry, is proposed. This paper analyzes the development status of the existing three-tier structure of the process industry, which consists of the enterprise resource planning, the manufacturing execution system, and the process control system, and examines the decision-making, control, and operation management adopted by process enterprises. Based on this analysis, it then describes the meaning of an intelligent manufacturing framework and presents a vision of an intelligent optimal decision-making system based on human–machine cooperation and an intelligent autonomous control system. Finally, this paper analyzes the scientific challenges and key technologies that are crucial for the successful deployment of intelligent manufacturing in the process industry.  相似文献   

针对华电莱州发电有限公司2台1000MW汽轮发电机组海水冷却开式循环水系统在实现节能方面存在的问题,提出循环水系统运行方式优化方案,经试验分析证明该方案具有可行性,节能效果显著,保证了机组的安全、稳定、经济运行。  相似文献   

Energy Management System(EnMS), benefiting enterprises with energy conservation through the PDCA cycle, has been widely valued and applied by domestic and overseas enterprises. Based on the experience on the construction and implementation of energy management system, the paper systematically analyzes the construction ideas and development requirements of EnMS standards system, aiming to broaden the coverage of EnMS and its technical indicator system, strengthen the systematicness and comprehensiveness and provide standardized tools and methods for all users.  相似文献   

Following rapid infrastructure development and industrialization, the problems of water pollution and water shortage have become more severe. Whether there is safe drinking water in cities has attracted wide attention.The ecological risk management of drinking water project is an important means of ensuring the safety of a drinking water source. Based on ecological risk assessment and management theories, this paper establishes an ecological risk management model and assessment system with the aim of providing theoretical guidance and scientific basis for formulating a policy on the safety and protection of drinking water sources in a city. Kunming is one of the cities plagued by severe water shortage in China. Its ecological risk management of drinking water has attracted the attention of both the local government and the public.Using Kunming as the case study, this paper conducts a comparative analysis and assessment on three major reservoirs that face ecological risks. It highlights the existing problems and gives helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

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