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国际计量委员会推荐 ,1990年 1月 1日起在世界范围内启用量子化霍尔电阻标准代替使用了几十年的电阻实物基准。中国计量科学研究院经过十几年的努力 ,于 2 0 0 3年建成了量子化霍尔电阻标准。自主研制了能满足实际量值传递工作要求的量子化霍尔器件 ,并建成了高精度的低温电流比较仪 ,以把量子化霍尔电阻量值传递到日常检定工作中使用的十进位电阻。课题成果中有多项独创性的成就。目前所建量子化霍尔电阻标准的不确定度为 10 -10 量级 ,达到国际领先水平。  相似文献   

量子化霍尔电阻国家标准的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张钟华  贺青  李正坤  刘勇 《计量学报》2005,26(2):97-101
中国计量科学研究院在2003年建成了量子化霍尔电阻标准装置。成功研制了系统的核心器件—量子化霍尔器件。并通过对低温电流比较仪系统及运行过程的研究,发现了氦气气压波动引起的冻结磁通蠕动导致的附加噪声是限制系统不确定度的主要原因。进而提出了一种新型的气压滤波器,消除了这些干扰因素。还改进了电路动态特性,改善了前馈补偿环节,把匝数比提高了8倍,信噪比也因而提高了8倍。完成的量子化霍尔电阻标准装置的综合不确定度为2.4×10-10(k=1)。  相似文献   

基于砷化镓的量子霍尔电阻自然基准需要在约1.5K的温度条件下运行,存在成本高和操作复杂等诸多问题。随着石墨烯材料独特电性能的发现,因其可以在约4.2K的温度复现量子霍尔效应而成为制作量子霍尔电阻的理想材料。各国专家围绕石墨烯在电学计量领域的应用开展了大量的工作,取得了可喜的进展。对当前石墨烯在量子霍尔电阻中应用的进展和存在的问题进行了总结,并对未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

在现代军事计量中,电磁计量直接影响国防建设质量和武器技战水平。现有电学计量体系中,基于约瑟夫森效应和量子化霍尔效应的量子电压和量子电阻的基准装置已经完成建设并已投入应用,然而基于量子效应的电流基准仍处于探索阶段。本论文基于高灵敏度原子磁力仪技术提出一种新型电流计量技术,可将电流间接溯源至约瑟夫森效应、量子化霍尔效应和拉莫尔进动效应三种量子自然基准。该技术有潜力用于建设电流计量基准装置和研制基于量子自然基准的新型电流比较仪。具体阐述了电流计量及量值传递方案的物理思想和实施过程,并通过相关实验验证了方案的可行性。  相似文献   

电阻电容电桥主要实现电阻和电容之间的比较和传递.首先回顾了电阻电容电桥在整个电学计量领域里所扮演的历史角色,然后详细分析了传统电阻电容电桥的基本原理和国内外在该领域的研究概况,最后通过深入分析,指出了这类电桥固有的若干缺点,并在此基础上提出了几种新的研究方案.  相似文献   

报告了自1990年以来通过与量子化霍尔电阻比对考核的国家直流电阻(实物)基准的长期漂移率及偏差。结果表明2001年以来,国家直流电阻(实物)副基准的漂移率为-0.0551μΩ/a,主基准的漂移率为-0.0808μΩ/a;2006年10月25日,国家直流电阻(实物)基准复现的电阻量值较量子化霍尔电阻的相对偏差为+0.677mm,预计2007年1月1日需要修正-0.69μΩ/a。  相似文献   

中国计量科学研究院张钟华院士负责用量子化霍尔效应建立国家电阻标准,他带领的研究组研制的低温电流比较仪的不确定度达到10^-10量级为世界第一,在世界电学领域享有极高声誉。在中国仪器仪表学会2005学术年会上张钟华院士就“二十一世纪中的计量测试技术”做了精彩演讲,博得与会代表热烈掌声。会后就同一问题,接受了本刊记者的采访。[编者按]  相似文献   

邵海明  贺青  张钟华  梁波 《计量学报》2008,29(2):190-192
报告了2003年以来采用量子化霍尔电阻(QHR)监测的原国家电阻基准的长期漂移率;通过直流电阻副基准分别与QHR和原主基准比对,确定了原主基准相对于QHR的偏差.2008年1月1日启用QHR新基准时,溯源到原基准的直流电阻及相关量值的修正量为-0.70 μΩ/Ω,该修正量的不确定度为0.05 μΩ/Ω,涉及到一等及其以上各级电阻计量标准.  相似文献   

We present detailed measurements of the temperature dependence of the Hall and longitudinal resistances on a quantum Hall device [(GaAs(7)] which has been used as a resistance standard at NIST. We find a simple power law relationship between the change in Hall resistance and the longitudinal resistance as the temperature is varied between 1.4 K and 36 K. This power law holds over seven orders of magnitude change in the Hall resistance. We fit the temperature dependence above about 4 K to thermal activation, and extract the energy gap and the effective g-factor.  相似文献   

Precision tests verify the dc equivalent circuit used by Ricketts and Kemeny to describe a quantum Hall effect device in terms of electrical circuit elements. The tests employ the use of cryogenic current comparators and the double-series and triple-series connection techniques of Delahaye. Verification of the dc equivalent circuit in double-series and triple-series connections is a necessary step in developing the ac quantum Hall effect as an intrinsic standard of resistance.  相似文献   

Many ac quantized Hall resistance experiments have measured significant values of ac longitudinal resistances under temperature and magnetic field conditions in which the dc longitudinal resistance values were negligible. We investigate the effect of non-vanishing ac longitudinal resistances on measurements of the quantized Hall resistances by analyzing equivalent circuits of quantized Hall effect resistors. These circuits are based on ones reported previously for dc quantized Hall resistors, but use additional resistors to represent longitudinal resistances. For simplification, no capacitances or inductances are included in the circuits. The analysis is performed for many combinations of multi-series connections to quantum Hall effect devices. The exact algebraic solutions for the quantized Hall resistances under these conditions of finite ac longitudinal resistances provide corrections to the measured quantized Hall resistances, but these corrections do not account for the frequency dependences of the ac quantized Hall resistances reported in the literature.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of the large capacitances-to-shields existing in all sample probes on measurements of the ac quantized Hall resistance RH. The object of this analysis is to investigate how these capacitances affect the observed frequency dependence of RH. Our goal is to see if there is some way to eliminate or minimize this significant frequency dependence, and thereby realize an intrinsic ac quantized Hall resistance standard. Equivalent electrical circuits are used in this analysis, with circuit components consisting of: capacitances and leakage resistances to the sample probe shields; inductances and resistances of the sample probe leads; quantized Hall resistances, longitudinal resistances, and voltage generators within the quantum Hall effect device; and multiple connections to the device. We derive exact algebraic equations for the measured RH values expressed in terms of the circuit components. Only two circuits (with single-series “offset” and quadruple-series connections) appear to meet our desired goals of measuring both RH and the longitudinal resistance Rx in the same cool-down for both ac and dc currents with a one-standard-deviation uncertainty of 10−8 RH or less. These two circuits will be further considered in a future paper in which the effects of wire-to-wire capacitances are also included in the analysis.  相似文献   

介绍了电流比较仪的基本原理和几种常见电流比较仪式电容电桥,并重点介绍了模拟大电容的组成原理及测量模拟大电容用的电流比较仪电桥,同时就测量大电容需要注意的事项,给出了简单的说明。  相似文献   

在高精密小电阻的测量过程中,由于接触电阻、测量线电阻及测量条件等都会对其测量结果产生不可忽视的影响,因此,选择合适的测量方法对提高测量结果的置信度尤为重要。本文着重介绍了用恒流源和数字电压表间接测量高精密小电阻的具体方法,对其测量结果的不确定度进行了分析与评定。  相似文献   

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