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Abstract— Film is recorded at 24 Hz, which is sufficient to achieve the effect of motion but is well within the flicker sensitivity of the human‐visual system (HVS) and thus would result in severe flicker. To avoid this, film projectors project at twice this rate, using a 48‐Hz screen refresh rate. While this greatly mitigates flicker, projected film images still exhibit considerable flicker in bright scenes. DLP Cinema? projection technology allows us to display images at any frame rate, and in practice we have been able to match the 48‐Hz refresh rate of film projectors. This paper describes a technique by which we take advantage of the fact that the HVS temporal sensitivity curve shows more sensitivity with bright content but much less sensitivity as content dims. This is done using the control versatility of the Digital Micromirror Device? (DMD?), which allows independent control of every bit. The result is an overall image signal that is beyond the HVS temporal sensitivity curve, resulting in the complete removal of any visible flicker. This technique gives DLP Cinema? projection its characteristic “solid” and “stable” appearance that standard film projection does not provide. 相似文献
Abstract— In order to increase the screen brightness of Digital Micromirror Device? projectors (DMD? projectors), we designed a new compact lamp. In our previous work, we discussed a lamp that has an aspherical lamp reflector and an aspherical front glass, which we called EHLa. Although EHLas improve the light convergence at the entrance of rod integrators, they require external lenses for light condensation. We, therefore, discuss a new EHLa that can converge light without the need for external lenses. The new lamp corresponds to conventional elliptic reflector‐type lamps, which are widely used for mobile‐type DMD? projectors. Our simulations demonstrated that the ratio of increased brightness is 17.1% for the new lamp design versus conventional lamps in a 0.7‐in.‐diagonal DDR DMD? panel. 相似文献
Abstract— Projection systems have reached convincing performance with several thousand screen lumens created by systems of only a few liters in volume. With more than 10 lm/W they are the most efficient display systems realized today. The tremendous progress achieved up to now relies on the outstanding properties of the UHP lamp. The combination of high brightness with lifetimes extending up to more than 10,000 hours is ideal for projection applications. This paper will summarize some recent technological achievements: the volume of the lamp and driver system has been reduced by a factor of 10, exploiting a reduced ignition voltage as well as new optical concepts for the reflector. The optical performance of short‐arc projection lamps can be improved dramatically: a dichroic coating on one half of the UHP burner is applied to focus all light into one hemisphere. This allows for extremely compact reflector systems and an improvement by 20–30% in light collection. 相似文献
Aletéia P.F. Araújo Cristina Boeres Vinod E.F. Rebello Celso C. Ribeiro 《International Transactions in Operational Research》2011,18(6):679-705
The adoption of the same cluster‐based programming strategies for grid applications, although requiring minimal effort from a programmer's point of view, does not always take advantage of the available computational resources to their fullest extent. This paper investigates the impact of a distributed and hierarchical autonomic strategy on the performance of parallel metaheuristics to solve hard combinatorial optimization problems on grids. Two problems, the mirrored traveling tournament problem and the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem, for which high quality sequential heuristics based on the paradigms of the GRASP and Iterated Local Search metaheuristics already exist, are employed as case‐studies. The computational results obtained on a grid by the novel autonomic strategy show that outstanding performance improvements over the traditional master–worker parallelization approach can be achieved. 相似文献
Abstract— A dual‐f/# optical system is evaluated and considered for illumination. Étendue theory has been employed to increase the optical throughput and collection efficiency. A classical Cooke triplet with a dual f/# is included for illustration. As a demonstration of the potential application to projection displays, an elliptically shaped illumination‐pupil system is proposed to increase the optical collection efficiency in the DMD? (Digital Micromirror Device?)‐based projection system. With a dual‐f/# configuration, this design can eliminate the f/2.4 constraint that was caused by the light‐steering action of the narrow ±12° tilt angles on the DMD?. The percentage of increase in the optical collection efficiency is 6.2% in the dual f/2.0 × f/2.4 optical projection system by using ray‐tracing simulation. This method enables a lower than f/2.4 optical design with a high brightness and an adequate contrast ratio in the DMD?‐based projectors. 相似文献
Holger Moench Guenther Derra Ernst Fischer Xaver Riederer 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2002,10(1):87-94
UHP lamps are now standard equipment in highly efficient projection systems. These systems are moving toward smaller displays, brighter screens, and ultra‐compactness. Consequently, a range of UHP lamps has been developed to fulfil these ever‐increasing demands. This paper describes the basic principles of UHP lamps and reviews the major achievements made over the last several years, which include reduction in arc size, arc stabilization, and ignition voltage reduction. 相似文献
Mick Jordan Laurent Dayns Marcin Jarzab Ciarn Bryce Grzegorz Czajkowski 《Software》2006,36(6):557-580
The Java? 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE?), is established as the standard platform for hosting enterprise applications written in the Java programming language. Similar to an operating system, a J2EE server can host multiple applications, but this is problematic due to limitations on scalability, weak inter‐application isolation and inadequate resource management facilities in the underlying Java platform. These limitations lead to a proliferation of server instances with a consequent dramatic increase in the total memory footprint and more complex system administration. The Multi‐tasking Virtual Machine (MVM) solves this problem by providing an efficient and scalable implementation of the isolate API for multiple, isolated tasks, enabling the co‐location of multiple server instances in a single MVM process. Isolates also enable the restructuring of a J2EE server implementation as a collection of isolated components, offering increased flexibility and reliability. The resulting system is a step towards a complete and scalable operating environment for enterprise applications. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Amy L. Lansky 《Computational Intelligence》1988,4(3):319-340
This paper presents the GEM concurrency model and GEMPLAN, a multiagent planner based on this model. Unlike standard state-based AI representations, GEM is unique in its explicit emphasis on events and domain structure. In particular, a world domain is modeled as a set of regions composed of interrelated events. Event-based temporal-logic constraints are then associated with each region to delimit legal domain behavior. The GEMPLAN planner directly reflects this emphasis on domain structure and constraints. It can be viewed as a general-purpose constraint satisfaction facility which constructs a network of interrelated events (a “plan”) that is subdivided into regions (“subplans”), satisfies all applicable regional constraints, and also achieves some stated goal. GEMPLAN extends and generalizes previous planning architectures in the range of constraint forms it handles and in the flexibility of its constraint satisfaction search strategy. One critical aspect of our work has been an emphasis on localized reasoning—techniques that make explicit use of domain structure. For example, GEM localizes the applicability of domain constraints and imposes additional “locality constraints” on the basis of domain structure. Together, constraint localization and locality constraints provide semantic information that can be used to alleviate several aspects of the frame problem for multiagent domains. The GEMPLAN planner reflects the use of locality by subdividing its constraint satisfaction search space into regional planning search spaces. Utilizing constraint and property localization, GEMPLAN can pinpoint and rectify interactions among these regional search spaces, thus reducing the burden of “interaction analysis” ubiquitous to most planning systems. Because GEMPLAN is specifically geared towards parallel, multiagent domains, we believe that its natural application areas will include scheduling and other forms of organizational coordination. 相似文献
Abstract— In this paper, an LCD backlight with holographic diffusers as the top diffuser was investigated. Using a suitable elliptical holographic diffuser, the moiré pattern was eliminated and the brightness of the backlight was increased up to 15% compared to that for a backlight with a conventional diffuser. A Monte Carlo simulation was also applied to compare with the experimental results. In addition, elliptical diffusers can be applied to modify the viewing cone of the backlight. 相似文献
T. Inoue H. Motousu S. Shirai K. Oku A. Tobe S. Mikoshiba 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2003,11(2):395-403
Abstract— An evaluation technique of overall raster moiré patterns on color CRTs is developed. The technique can simulate any of the moiré modes. Generation mechanisms of various moiré patterns are clarified using the technique. It is found that the moiré patterns, no matter how complicated, consist of four basic types: barrel, pincushion, elliptical, and hyperbolic types. The patterns are found to be sensitive to the scan line distribution. When the scan lines are curved, the pattern appearing on the upper screen is different from that on the lower screen. When the scan lines are tilted, the patterns have horizontal shifts. By observing the moiré patterns, the scan line distribution can be estimated precisely. 相似文献
Christopher J. Bernard David Connors Lauren Barber Sukhanya Jayachandra Andrew Bullen Angela Cacace 《Journal of The Association for Laboratory Automation》2004,9(4):209-217
The design and implementation of an automated tissue culture flask labeling, delivery, scraping, and retrieval system centered around the Cellmate™ cell culture robot is presented. Three new custom subsystems named FlaskMaster, FlaskLabeler, and FlaskScraper were created and integrated into the Cellmate robotic system. FlaskMaster is a centralized multi-axis robot with a surrounding enclosure that houses racks of stacked tissue culture flasks (size T-175). The FlaskMaster system interfaces externally with the Cellmate's conveyor system to deliver and retrieve flasks. FlaskLabeler is a print and apply system that labels flasks prior to transfer between FlaskMaster and the Cellmate. FlaskScraper is a scraping rod and blade assembly that was specifically designed for automated scraping of T-175 flasks. The combination of these systems allows for large-scale, unattended cell seeding and harvesting of cells from flasks. The addition of these new capabilities significantly reduces the manpower needed to operate the Cellmate. Moreover, these changes greatly improve the performance and capability of the stand-alone Cellmate system. 相似文献
Pablo Monzn 《Systems & Control Letters》2005,54(8):109
In this work, we present a result relating the recent ideas of almost global stability and density functions with the classical Poincaré–Bendixson theory for planar systems. 相似文献
Vernica Dahl 《Computational Intelligence》1989,5(3):161-179
This article ties together previously scattered research on discontinuous grammars—logic grammars in which non-explicit sequences of symbols can be alluded to in the rules and sometimes repositioned by them. After an introduction, we define them formally, present their background, and provide intuitive insight into their use. Next, we examine several motivating arguments, from both formal and natural language processing viewpoints, and we discuss the static discontinuity family of these grammars, in which (a) the nonexplicit strings are not allowed to move and (b) linguistic constraints specifically designed to suit, in particular, Government and Binding theory can be defined modularly and statically in terms of node domination in parse trees and are enforced dynamically. Finally, we discuss implementation issues, related work, and extensions. 相似文献
We present the method developed for migrating the Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) from its representation with frames in Protégé to its logical representation in OWL and our experience in reasoning with it. Despite the extensive use of metaclasses in Protégé, it proved possible to convert the FMA from Protégé into OWL DL, while capturing most of its original features. The conversion relies on a set of translation and enrichment rules implemented with flexible options. Unsurprisingly, reasoning with the FMA in OWL proved to be a real challenge, due to its sheer size and complexity, and raised significant inference problems in terms of time and memory requirements. However, various smaller versions have been successfully handled by Racer. Some inconsistencies were identified and several classes reclassified. The results obtained so far show the advantage of OWL DL over frames and, more generally, the usefulness of DLs reasoners for building and maintaining the large-scale biomedical ontologies of the future Semantic Web. 相似文献
Jung‐Young Son Beom Ryeol Lee Min‐Chul Park Hyoung Lee 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2011,19(12):873-879
Abstract— Diffusers with different characteristics were inserted between the viewing‐zone forming optics and the image display panel of a contact‐type multiview 3‐D imaging system to examine their effects on moiré and cross‐talk in the system. The diffusers are effective in reducing the moiré but induce an increase in cross‐talk in most cases. However, a diffuser with the characteristics of a 200‐μm‐pitch lenticular diffuser or a scatter plate used in mobile phones can be used to reduce moiré because it does not cause any noticeable increase in the cross‐talk but still preserves the image properties without using a diffuser. This means that a diffuser can be used to reduce moiré in a contact‐type multiview 3‐D imaging system without significantly sacrificing image quality. 相似文献
The exponential output tracking problem for a class of single‐input, single‐output uncertain nonlinear systems, including systems with extended matching unstructured uncertainties and without a well‐defined global relative degree, is addressed. Conditions on the uncertain system dynamics are derived, which allow us to design a state‐feedback learning control achieving semi‐global exponential output tracking of sufficiently smooth and periodic reference signals of known period, while guaranteeing ??2 and ??∞ transient performances during the learning phase. The application of the proposed learning approach to the position tracking control problem for uncertain permanent magnet step motors with non‐sinusoidal flux distribution and uncertain position‐dependent load torque allows us to provide a solution to a yet unsolved problem. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Presented in this paper is a loop-shaping solution to the H∞ robust performance problem for a class of SISO systems. The key feature of this work is the explicit incorporation of phase information into the controller synthesis to facilitate loop-shaping over all frequencies. Consequently, a significant reduction in the required controller gain/bandwidth is achieved. It is also shown that the optimal solution, in the sense of controller gain/bandwidth minimization, to the robust performance problem is that which makes μ = 1 over all frequencies. This is different from the usual definition of optimality in the H∞/μ literature. An example is included for completeness. 相似文献
This paper presents a detailed study, based on Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, on the derivatisation of p+-type porous silicon (PS) via thermal activated hydrosilylation of α-undecene. The α-undecene was used as a model for alkene precursor to calculate the efficiency of the hydrosilylation reaction, determined by comparing the integrated intensity of the SiHx peaks (2200–2000 cm−1) of the as-prepared and modified sample, by varying three parameters: the reaction time, the reagent concentration and the sample thickness. This study aims to optimize the PS derivatisation as a function of the thickness, in order to consider the thermal activation as a useful process for modifying PS slab waveguide for sensing application. Moreover two methods using ω-carboxy alkenes (where the carboxylic moiety was an ester or an acid) to obtain a PS surface –COOH-terminated, to be exploited for bioconjugation protocols, were tested and the reactions efficiency compared with the alkene model, i.e. α-undecene. FTIR spectroscopy and contact angle measurements were used to characterize the modified PS samples. 相似文献
This paper interrogates the currently pervasive discourse of the ‘net generation’ finding the concept of the ‘digital native’ especially problematic, both empirically and conceptually. We draw on a research project of South African higher education students' access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to show that age is not a determining factor in students' digital lives; rather, their familiarity and experience using ICTs is more relevant. We also demonstrate that the notion of a generation of ‘digital natives’ is inaccurate: those with such attributes are effectively a digital elite. Instead of a new net generation growing up to replace an older analogue generation, there is a deepening digital divide in South Africa characterized not by age but by access and opportunity; indeed, digital apartheid is alive and well. We suggest that the possibility for digital democracy does exist in the form of a mobile society which is not age specific, and which is ubiquitous. Finally, we propose redefining the concepts ‘digital’, ‘net’, ‘native’, and ‘generation’ in favour of reclaiming the term ‘digitizen’. 相似文献