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[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 3(4) of Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (see record 2008-09594-001). On p. 12, in the caption to Figure 2, the copyright statement is missing. The caption should have read "The environment, the worker, and illness: Dynamic associations linking environmental strain and learning to evolution of personality. From Healthy Work: Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction of Working Life (p. 99), by R. A. Karasek and T. Theorell, 1990, New York: Basic Books. Copyright 1990 by Basic Books. Used with permission."] Examines recent reviews of cardiovascular (CV) job strain (JS) research by P. L. Schnall and P. A. Landsbergis (1994) and T. S. Kristensen (see record 1995-39109-001), which conclude that JS as defined by the demand–control model (the combination of contributions of low job decision latitudes and high psychological job demands) is confirmed as a risk factor for CV mortality in a large majority of studies. Lack of social support at work appears to increase this risk. Several still-unresolved issues are discussed in light of recent research. Methodological issues related to the use of occupational & career aggregate estimates, use of standard scales for job analysis, and recall bias in issues of self-reporting are examined. Confounding factors and differential strengths of associations by subgroups in JS–CV disease analyses with respect to social class, gender, and working hours are addressed. A review of results of monitoring JS–blood pressure associations and associated methodological issues is provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by A. P. Yonelinas and L. L. Jacoby (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1996, Vol 125[4], 422–434). On page 433, Appendix A, the equations were presented incorrectly. The correct reading of the equations is provided. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 84-06353.) Two different approaches for treating response bias in the process-dissociation procedure were assessed: a multinomial approach proposed by A. Buchner et al (see record 1995-31816-001) and a dual-process, signal-detection approach proposed by A. P. Yonelinas et al (see record 1996-29360-001). The authors examined data presented by Buchner et al and found that, although the signal-detection-based model worked slightly better than the multinomial model, the data did not provide a strong test of either model. However, an examination of other recognition data showed that the multinomial model produced distorted estimates of recollection and familiarity, and it was unable to account for observed receiver operating characteristics (ROCs). In contrast, the dual-process, signal detection model produced unbiased estimates and was able to account for the observed ROCs.… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by M. Rilling (American Psychologist, 1996[Jun], 51[6], 589–598). On page 590, the 1st full paragraph should read "Robert [not Richard] Thompson, the senior author with James McConnell (Thompson & McConnell, 1995) on a now-classic study on learning in planaria, studied with Lashley.' The correct reference for the Thompson and McConnell study is also provided (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1996-04950-001). During the 1960s, at a time of skepticism about the possibility of invertebrate learning, James McConnell and other researchers attracted to the glamour created by McConnell for planarian learning established invertebrate learning with a Pavolovian conditioning paradigm and a wide variety of control groups and procedures that are still used today in work on the biochemistry of learning and memory. McConnell abandoned his dream to transfer memory from one organism to another through RNA as a "memory molecule.' As a science writer and "pop' psychologist, McConnell was a public relations genius who oversold planarian learning and, later, behavior modification. This article solves the mystery of why the Unabomber tried unsuccessfully to kill McConnell with a letter bomb. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Cross-cultural universality of social-moral development: A critical review of Kohlbergian research" by John R. Snarey (Psychological Bulletin, 1985[Mar], Vol 97[2], 202-232). The subheadings in Table 5 are incorrect and should be reversed. The first subheading should read "Countries for Which Studies Did Not Report Significant Differences," and the second subheading should read "Countries for Which Studies Did Report Statistically Significant Differences." (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1985-19924-001.) Reviews 45 cross-cultural studies of moral reasoning published from 1969 to 1984 to evaluate the empirical support for the primary empirical assumptions underlying the claim of L. Kohlberg (1971) that there is a cross-cultural universality of moral development. The assumptions underlying the claim are identified as culturally diverse samplings, universal and moral questions, invariant stage sequence, full range of stages, and general applicability of the stages. Findings support the underlying assumptions and identify some major caveats regarding the range and general applicability of the stages across cultures. Biases in favor of complex urban societies and middle-class populations are evident in the studies. It is suggested that sociocultural systems should be expected to vary in modal stage of usage and should also be understood as fully equal. A key to this position is to distinguish between society and culture and to bring a developmental perspective to both. (3 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by P. Cavanagh and Y. G. Leclerc (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1989, Vol 15[1], 3–27). Corrections are made to the brightness levels of panels g, h, and i of Figure 4. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1989-17755-001.) The colors, textures, and shapes of shadows are physically constrained in several ways in natural scenes. The visual system appears to ignore these constraints, however, and to accept many patterns as shadows even though they could not occur naturally. In the stimuli that we have studied, the only requirements for the perception of depth due to shadows were that shadow regions be darker than the surrounding, nonshadow regions and that there be consistent contrast polarity along the shadow border. Three-dimensional shape due to shadows was perceived when shadow areas were filled with colors or textures that could not occur in natural scenes, when shadow and nonshadow regions had textures that moved in different directions, or when they were presented on different depth planes. The results suggest that the interpretation of shadows begins with the identification… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The list of "Accredited Doctoral Programs in Professional Psychology: 2003" (American Psychologist, 2003, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1067-1080) contained an error. On page 1074, the University of Southern California is incorrectly identified (Footnote 7) as no longer admitting students to its doctoral program in clinical psychology. This is not the case. However, the University of Southern California is no longer admitting students to its doctoral program in counseling psychology (listed on page 1078), and the program is being phased out. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 2008-06168-001.) This is the official listing of accredited doctoral programs. It reflects all committee decisions through June 29, 2003. This list also is provided by electronic means (http://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation/doctoral.html), but that listing is for informational purposes only and should not be used for official credential review. The APA Committee on Accreditation has accredited the doctoral training programs in the traditional substantive areas of clinical, counseling, school, or combined professional-scientific psychology representing two or more of those areas listed alphabetically below by their host institutions.. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "A preliminary evaluation of SOLVE: Addressing psychosocial problems at work" by Tahira M. Probst, David Gold and Joannah Caborn (Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2008[Jan], Vol 13[1], 32-42). In the aforementioned article, the copyright attribution is incorrect. The article is in the public domain. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-00533-004.) The International Labour Organization (ILO) has developed a workplace intervention known as SOLVE, aimed at reducing the incidence of psychosocial problems related to job stress, workplace violence, tobacco use, drug and alcohol abuse, and HIV/AIDS. Although this ILO intervention is widely implemented, this article reports the first attempt to empirically assess its effectiveness. Using pre- and posttests of knowledge related to the course content gathered from 268 individuals in 7 countries who attended 1 of 15 SOLVE courses, analyses show that participant learning significantly improved as a function of attending the training. Knowledge gains were consistent regardless of course attended, language used to deliver the training program, and country in which the training took place. Implications of the SOLVE program are discussed, and future steps for further intervention development and assessment are recommended. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Violent recidivism: Assessing predictive validity" by Marnie E. Rice and Grant T. Harris (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1995[Oct], Vol 63[5], 737-748). In this article, several errors are present on pp. 738 and 746. The corrections are listed in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1996-04934-001.) Until very recently, there has been little evidence of the ability of either clinicians or actuarial instruments to predict violent behavior. Moreover, a confusing variety of measures have been proposed for the evaluation of the accuracy of predictions. This report demonstrates that receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) have advantages over other measures inasmuch as they are simultaneously independent of the base rate for violence in the populations studied and of the particular cutoff score chosen to classify cases as likely to be violent. In an illustration of the value of this approach, the base rates of violence were altered with the use of data from 3.5-, 6-, and 10-year follow-ups of 799 previously violent men. Base rates for the 10-year follow-up were also altered by changing the definition of violent recidivism and by examining a high-risk subgroup. The report also shows how ROC methods can be used to compare the performance of different instruments for the prediction of violence. The report illustrates how ROCs facilitate decisions about whether, at a particular base rate, the use of a prediction instrument is warranted. Finally, some of the limitations of ROCs are outlined, and some cautionary remarks are made with regard to their use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by G. E. Good et al (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1995 [Jan], Vol 42 [1], 3-10). On page 6, the numbers on line 2 for the Tucker-Lewis fit index should be .827 (Sample 2) and .830 (Sample 3). (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1995-15746-001.) Two distinct deficits in research on male gender role conflict are addressed: (a) lack of psychometric information and (b) lack of research involving clinical samples. First, using 1,043 men across 3 samples, the psychometric properties of the Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS) were examined through confirmatory analyses, internal consistency estimation, and construct validation. Next, using 130 male university counseling center clients across 2 samples, the relation between gender role conflict and psychological distress was examined. The GRCS demonstrated good internal consistency and was best modeled as 4 intercorrelated factors, as originally proposed by J. M. O'Neil, B. Helms, R. Gable, L. David, and L. Wrightsman (1986). Construct validity was supported through correlations with attitudes about masculinity, fear of intimacy, and social desirability in expected directions. However, male gender role conflict was significantly related to psychological… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Motivation sharpens exogenous spatial attention" by Jan B. Engelmann and Luiz Pessoa (Emotion, 2007[Aug], Vol 7[3], 668-674). The supplemental materials link is as follows: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/1528-3542.7.3.668.supp. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2007-11660-020.) Although both attention and motivation affect behavior, how these 2 systems interact is currently unknown. To address this question, 2 experiments were conducted in which participants performed a spatially cued forced-choice localization task under varying levels of motivation. Participants were asked to indicate the location of a peripherally cued target while ignoring a distracter. Motivation was manipulated by varying magnitude and valence (reward and punishment) of an incentive linked to task performance. Attention was manipulated via a peripheral cue, which correctly predicted the presence of a target stimulus on 70% of the trials. Taken together, our findings revealed that the signal detection measure, reflecting perceptual sensitivity, increased as a function of incentive value during both valid and invalid trials. In addition, trend analyses revealed a linear increase in detection sensitivity as a function of incentive magnitude for both reward and punishment conditions. Our results suggest that elevated motivation leads to improved efficiency in orienting and reorienting of exogenous spatial attention and that one mechanism by which attention and motivation interact involves the sharpening of attention during motivationally salient conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports a error in the original article by J.W. Pennebaker and Amina Memon (Psychological Bulletin, 1996 [May], Vol 119 [3], 381–385). On page 384, column 2, lines 27–29, the sentence should read "The first survey (300 U.S. registered psychotherapists, 43% response rate) was conducted in 1992.' (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1996-01402-002.) The recovered memory debate exposes several traditional and recent contradictions within psychology. Building on K. Bowers and P. Farvolden (see record 83-27619), the nature of recovered memories has profoundly different meanings for therapeutic vs legal settings. Whereas memory can be distorted during the process of retrieval, certain techniques—such as nondirective writing—may be helpful in reducing suggestive influences in recall. Ironically, methods have been found to produce the most accurate recollections of the past appear only subtly different from those that yield the greatest distortions. The recovered memory debate must ultimately be viewed within a cultural context, both in terms of the phenomenon and its treatment. The authors discuss parallels to other explanatory and therapeutic fads related to states of nonspecific distress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Amphetamine sensitization: Nonassociative and associative components" by Ying-Chou Wang and Sigmund Hsiao (Behavioral Neuroscience, 2003[Oct], Vol 117[5], 961-969). The institutional affiliation for Ying-Chou Wang is incomplete. The correct affiliation is Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health and National Chung Cheng University. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2003-08567-009.) Rats, pretreated with amphetamine (AMPH, 1 mg/kg) or saline for 2 weeks, were challenged with AMPH (0.5 mg/kg) or saline following 1 week of abstinence, and locomotion was measured. In Experiments 1 and 2, the pretreatment occurred in various contexts (home cage, novel box, test box). Sensitization was observed only when pretreatment context and test context were the same; a context switch abolished sensitization. When rats anesthetized with chloral hydrate were pretreated with AMPH, sensitization was completely dependent on the pretreatment, but independent of context. This "zero context" condition isolated the basal level of excitation attributable to unconditioned neural change to determine the role of contextual input to be a modulator that enhances or inhibits sensitization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "APA-accredited predoctoral internships for doctoral training in psychology: 1996" by (American Psychologist, 1996[Dec], Vol 51[12], 1287-1305). In the original article, Central Louisiana State Hospital was incorrectly listed under Programs Withdrawing From Accreditation at the End of Training Year 1995-1996 on page 1305. The correct listing is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1996-06917-011.) Lists the agencies whose predoctoral internship training programs in psychology were accredited by the American Psychological Association's (APA's) Committee on Accreditation. For each program, the date of accreditation and the date for the next regularly scheduled site visit are listed. Programs listed as accredited have been judged by the Committee to be consistent substantively and procedurally with the "Guidelines and Principles for Accreditation of Programs in Professional Psychology" in a satisfactory manner. (A correction concerning this article appears in American Psychologist, 1997[Jan], Vol 52[1], 31. On page 1305, Central Louisiana State Hospital was incorrectly listed under "Programs withdrawing from acceditation at the end of training year 1995–1996." It should have been included in the list of APA-accedited professional internships.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "School readiness and later achievement" by Greg J. Duncan, Chantelle J. Dowsett, Amy Claessens, Katherine Magnuson, Aletha C. Huston, Pamela Klebanov, Linda S. Pagani, Leon Feinstein, Mimi Engel, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Holly Sexton, Kathryn Duckworth and Crista Japel (Developmental Psychology, 2007[Nov], Vol 43[6], 1428-1446). The DOI for the supplemental materials was printed incorrectly. The correct DOI is as follows: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0012-1649.43.6.1428.supp. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2007-16709-012.) Using 6 longitudinal data sets, the authors estimate links between three key elements of school readiness--school-entry academic, attention, and socioemotional skills--and later school reading and math achievement. In an effort to isolate the effects of these school-entry skills, the authors ensured that most of their regression models control for cognitive, attention, and socioemotional skills measured prior to school entry, as well as a host of family background measures. Across all 6 studies, the strongest predictors of later achievement are school-entry math, reading, and attention skills. A meta-analysis of the results shows that early math skills have the greatest predictive power, followed by reading and then attention skills. By contrast, measures of socioemotional behaviors, including internalizing and externalizing problems and social skills, were generally insignificant predictors of later academic performance, even among children with relatively high levels of problem behavior. Patterns of association were similar for boys and girls and for children from high and low socioeconomic backgrounds. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the name of one of the section editors of the Special Section: Men's Issues II (Professional Psychology: Research and practice, Vol. 34, No. 2, p. 121 [see records 2003-02179-001 and 2003-02179-002, for example]. A section editor's name was inadvertently omitted in the table of contents for the issue. Mark A. Stevens was a section editor in addition to Emil R. Rodolfa and Ronald F. Levant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Stable negative social exchanges and health" by Jason T. Newsom, Tyrae L. Mahan, Karen S. Rook and Neal Krause (Health Psychology, 2008[Jan], Vol 27[1], 78-86). In the aforementioned article, there is an error in the Appendix. The labels for the factors Unsympathetic or insensitive behavior and Rejection or neglect were transposed. The revised table, listing the items correctly under each factor, is presented in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-00647-011.) Negative social exchanges with family, friends, and neighbors are known to be an important source of stress in daily life, and chronic stress is theorized to have especially potent impacts on health. Little is known about the health effects of stably high levels of negative social exchanges, however. In a national, longitudinal study of older adults (N = 666), we examined the association between stable negative social exchanges and health over a 2-year period. Trait-state-error models indicated that higher levels of stable negative social exchanges were significantly predictive of lower self-rated health, greater functional limitations, and a higher number of health conditions over 2 years after controlling for initial levels of health and sociodemographic variables. These results highlight the importance of examining continual and recurring interpersonal problems in efforts to understand the health effects of social relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "An algorithm for identifying nonsystematic delay-discounting data" by Matthew W. Johnson and Warren K. Bickel (Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2008[Jun], Vol 16[3], 264-274). Several misprints occurred and should read as follows: 1) Warren K. Bickel is with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. It appears correctly in this erratum. 2) The first sentence in the abstract should read "Several discounting studies have used the R2 measure to identify data with poor fits to a mathematical discounting model as nonsystematic data to be eliminated." 3) In Table 2, the last row of column one should read "Madden opioid". 4) In the last line of the caption of Figure 2, "though" should read "through". (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-06716-009.) Several previous discounting studies have use the R2 measure to identify data sets with poor fits to a mathematical discounting model as nonsystematic data to be eliminated before further analyses are conducted. Data from three previous delay-discounting studies (six separate groups, with a total of 161 individuals) were used to demonstrate why using R2 to assess the fits of discounting data is problematic. A significant, positive correlation between discounting rate parameter and R2 was found in most groups, showing that R2 is more stringent as a measure of fit for low discounting rates than for high discounting rates. Furthermore, it is suggested that identifying nonsystematic data based on any measure of fit to a mathematical discounting model may be problematic because it confounds discounting rate comparison with the issue of discounting model assessment. Therefore, a model-free method to identify nonsystematic data is needed. An algorithm for identifying nonsystematic data is presented that is based on the expectation of a monotonically decreasing discounting function. This algorithm identified 13 cases out of the 161 reanalyzed data sets as nonsystematic. These nonsystematic data are presented, along with examples of data not identified as nonsystematic. This algorithm, or modifications of it, may be useful in a variety of human and nonhuman animal discounting studies (e.g., delay discounting, probability discounting) as an alternative to the R2 measure for identifying nonsystematic data. The algorithm may be used in empirical investigations to improve discounting methodology, and may be used to identify outliers to be removed from analyses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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