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Almost every traditional personality theorist had something to say about religion, but the topic of how religious beliefs might affect individuals’ views of human nature remains largely unstudied. All religions, however, contain certain implicit ideas regarding personality that are likely to impact individual behavior. This article draws on Islamic sources to consider what a practicing Muslim might believe about motivation, personality development, the self, the unconscious, psychological adjustment, and the individual and society. In general terms, understanding these beliefs can be useful in the broader study of how cultural issues affect personality. More specifically, understanding Islamic beliefs related to personality can assist in planning for the provision of psychological services to Muslims, as well as understanding the psychological perspectives of Muslims who are not extremists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of the literature on implicit personality theory reveals that there has been considerable concentration on various techniques for measuring the theory. While such measures do have considerable overlap they also vary in a variety of ways. The major theoretical questions have involved personality correlates of individual implicit personality theory, relationship of the theory to linguistic structure, and whether it reflects the actual distribution of traits in other people. Questions are raised about whether traits are the most appropriate units of person cognition and whether perceivers see traits as distributed across situations as well as stimulus persons. (91 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Action-oriented representations of implicit personality theories.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
120 female undergraduates rated significant persons in their lives on repertory test dimensions. The 5 independent variables were priming (for family life vs, peer life vs, no priming), instrumentality of the psychological dimensions to the actors' goals from family vs peer life, consistency of knowledge about family and peer actors' goals, types of rated persons, and concentration on the persons before ratings. Ratings on dimensions instrumental to family goals were more variable after priming for family life. In contrast, the dimensions instrumental to peer goals were more variable, after priming for peer life. These relations were more marked after concentration, especially among Ss with high consistency of knowledge about family or peer actors' goals. Results support the hypotheses that an individual may have alternative systems of psychological knowledge that are organized in the form of action-oriented representations and in which categories of actors' goals and psychological conditions of achieving the goals play a central role. Ratings in the no-priming conditions corresponded well to the findings of earlier studies on implicit personality theories. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to comments by Maddi (see record 2006-05893-007) on "A Tale of Two Visions: Can a New View of Personality Help Integrate Psychology?" (see record 2005-05480-001). In the original article, the current author proposed a new fieldwide framework for the discipline of personality psychology; in essence, it is a new outline to organize contemporary theory and research in the field. Maddi raised two interrelated objections to that proposed framework. First, he believes that there is a better way to organize the discipline of personality psychology than the one the current author proposed. His method involves comparing and analyzing the grand theories of personality and using the results of his analyses to guide research in the discipline. Maddi's (1968) meta-theory usefully organizes the statements of the grand theories of the early-to-mid-20th century, but the current author is not sure it is sufficient to organize the field. Second, he was concerned that the current author wants to de-emphasize the grand theories of the field. Maddi (2006) believes that disagreements among the grand theories are a fruitful source of research ideas. Although that may be true, there is more to personality psychology than the grand theories alone. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Based on a model of personality prototypes developed by N. Cantor and W. Mischel (see record 1977-25296-001) it was reasoned that people use beliefs about personality (e.g., extraversion, introversion) to process information about people. Prototypes serve to organize the matrix of perceived trait relationships, to organize implicit personality theories. It was argued in the present study that perceived trait and behavior relationships among prototype-relevant stimuli should be strengthened when the relevant prototype was salient. In Exp I, 45 undergraduates rated the extent to which introverted or extraverted traits and behaviors implied one another under conditions in which the stimulus person was identified as an extravert, an introvert, or was not identified. As expected, perceived extraverted trait relationships were stronger when the extraverted prototype was salient, and introverted trait and behavior relationships were perceived as higher when the introverted prototype was salient. However, neither pattern of results differed strongly from the no-salience control conditions. In Exp II (96 Ss), the salience of mature and immature prototypes was manipulated by having Ss work on unrelated tasks involving these variables before they worked on a behavior implication task. Results strongly support the prototype salience model. It is suggested that implicit personality theories play an active role in information processing. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In serial reaction time (RT) tasks, RT decreases faster with practice when a short sequence of trials is repeated continuously than when the sequence of trials is random (e.g., M. J. Nissen & P. Bullemer, 1987). Learning is implicit because Ss are not asked to learn the sequence and they often seem unaware of it. Relative to a random sequence, the repeating sequence imposes extreme statistical constraints. The present research examined the relation between these statistical constraints and implicit serial learning. Two experiments showed that the greater the statistical structure, the greater the reduction in RT with practice. Statistical structure was manipulated by varying the structure of a repeating sequence (Exp 1) and by varying the degree to which sequences approximated the statistical structure of a repeating sequence (Exp 2). The implications of these results for theories of implicit serial learning are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The cognitive processes by which people infer whether individuals who possess one trait also possess another were examined in 2 reaction time experiments with a total of 66 undergraduates. Ss took less time to affirm and more time to deny that 2 traits co-occurred, the greater the semantic similarity of the traits. As the amount of recalled evidence required to affirm that 2 traits co-occurred was increased by altering the nature of the co-occurrence statements, true response times increased and false response times decreased. Although it was not possible to determine whether the stored semantic "features" of a trait are locations on meaning dimensions, specific behaviors, known people characterized by the trait, or something else, results strongly suggest that implicit personality inferences result from a 2-stage process in which the 2nd and more detailed memory search stage is entered only if the similarity of the semantic features of the traits falls between 2 task-established decision criteria. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

62 hospitalized female patients (aged 18–43 yrs) with a clinical diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) were assessed for Axis II disorders by the SCID-II and for personality traits with the NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI). The predominant personality trait profile for these patients involved a very high Neuroticism score and low Agreeableness score. Five of the 8 BPD criteria had significant correlations with NEO-PI scales. The combination of BPD severity and personality traits as measured on the NEO-PI had a significant relationship to the patients' social adjustment. The utility of gathering information on both borderline personality pathology and personality traits is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 3 major approaches to personality scale construction—the external, inductive, and deductive strategies—are discussed and their rationales compared. It is suggested that all scales should possess validity, communicability, and economy. The relative importance of these characteristics, however, varies with the purpose for which the instrument is being constructed. A review of more than a dozen comparative studies revealed no consistent superiority of any strategy in terms of validity or predictive effectiveness. However, deductive scales normally communicate information more directly to an assessor, and they are more economical to build and to administer. (66 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the degrees to which various models of personality disorder (PD) configuration are consistent with the primary data sets from clinical and community samples reported in the recent literature. Factor analyses were conducted on PD intercorrelation matrices, and the loading matrices were rotated to maximum possible fit with target matrices representing the PD configuration models. There was little support for the interpersonal circle or other circular orderings of PDs, or for T. Millon's (1990, 1996) biosocial learning theory. There was moderate support for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) dimensions, for C. R. Cloninger's (1987) tridimensional theory, and for S. Torgersen and R. Alnaes's (1989) decision tree. There was consistent, stronger support for the 5-factor model (T. A. Widiger, T. J. Trull, J. F. Clarkin, C. Sanderson, & P. T. Costa, 1994) and for an empirically derived 7-factor model by C. R. Cloninger and D. M. Svrakic (1994). However, a focus on just 4 factors seems preferable and sufficient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested J. L. Holland's assumption that personality variables interact with environment. The following hypotheses were investigated: (a) for males who leave engineering (n = 27) there is a personality change different from that found among those who remain in engineering (n = 25); and (b) for males who leave or remain in engineering, the personality development is different from that of males in a 2-yr college (n = 22). Analysis of Omnibus Personality Inventory scores indicates that 2 dimensions represented differences between groups: intellectual independence and practical inclination. Transfers to arts and sciences from engineering became more realistic, nonjudgmental, intellectual, liberal, and skeptical of orthodox religious beliefs. 2-yr students showed greater variability in their personality change scores and a loss in their liking for reflective and abstract thought. Results tend to support Holland's theory of vocational development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Directed forgetting has been studied by instructing Ss to forget either (1) an initial list or (2) individually selected words. Differential encoding was hypothesized to be responsible for word-method directed forgetting, and retrieval inhibition for list-method directed forgetting. In Exps 1 and 2, directed forgetting was observed in recognition with the word method but not with the list method. Release from directed forgetting occurred in final recall after recognition but only with the list method. These results are interpreted in terms of a theoretical framework that integrates distinctive-relational processing theory with revised generation-recognition theory. In Exps 1–3, predictions from that framework were generally well supported on implicit and explicit retention tests that provided the same stimulus conditions. Consistent with processing theory, list-method directed forgetting was absent on data-driven or conceptually driven implicit tests, and word-method directed forgetting was absent on data-driven implicit tests. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The value system of 204 Mennonite young people was compared with a comparable control group of 200 non-Mennonites using a battery of five psychological tests. The findings suggest that Mennonites are more strongly motivated to interpret behaviour in "religious" terms, which includes feeling the need for punishment for wrong doing, being more concerned about moral issues, and having a greater need to orient their life around religious values. Urban Mennonites were found to be more dominant and to feel more guilt than rural Mennonites. The greater dominance of the urban Mennonites possibly reflects the result of being exposed to surrounding cultural pressures, which may then increase anxiety as the influence of the primary value system is challenged. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Lay dispositionism and implicit theories of personality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to assess, via heart rate, the arousal levels of participants in group trauma reexposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder, and so to better understand this common mode of treatment, particularly in regards to its presumed curative factor, extinction. Six Vietnam combat-related PTSD inpatients participated twice weekly in group trauma reexposure therapy during which their electrocardiograms were recorded. Heart rate was quantified continuously off-line. Heart rates of participants not directly engaged in imaginal reexposure to their personal combat traumas consistently exhibited mild linear declines from the beginnings to the ends of the approximately 2.5 hour sessions. Participants actively engaged in personal combat trauma reexposure exhibited higher whole-session heart rates. Most also exhibited more specific elevation extending over the later portions of therapy sessions during which intensive reexposure usually occurred. Surprisingly, no patients exhibited focal increases in heart rate concurrent with periods of most intensive traumatic incident review as judged from videotape. Administering imaginal reexposure in a group context does not preclude substantial physiological (sympathetic) arousal, as is preconditional for extinction. Under conditions in which the actively engaged reexposure patient is reliably identified, group trauma reexposure therapy may not provide an opportunity for "vicarious" flooding in nonengaged participants.  相似文献   

The psycholexical approach to personality structure in American English has led to the Big Five factors. The present study considers whether this result is similar or different in other languages. Instead of placing the usual emphasis on quantitative indices, this study examines the substantive nature of the factors. Six studies in European languages were used to develop a taxonomy of content categories. The English translations of the relevant terms were then classified under this taxonomy. The results support the generality of Big Five Factor III (Conscientiousness). Factors IV (Emotional Stability) and V (Intellect) generally did not cohere. Factors I (Extraversion) and II (Agreeableness) tended to split when this was necessary to produce 5 factors. The analysis was extended to several additional studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four verbal implicit memory tests, word identification, word stem completion, word fragment completion, and anagram solution, were directly compared in 1 experiment and were contrasted with free recall. On all implicit tests, priming was greatest from prior visual presentation of words, less (but significant) from auditory presentation, and least from pictorial presentations. Typefont did not affect priming. In free recall, pictures were recalled better than words. The 4 implicit tests all largely index perceptual (lexical) operations in recognizing words, or visual word form representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

186 individuals divided into 62 groups of 3 persons each tried to predict the responses of people seen in moving pictures. Individual and independent predictions were first made; and then after group discussion, the consensus predictions were made. "A comparison was made of the accuracy of (a) the average of the total accuracy scores of the independent predictions made by each of the three persons composing the group, (b) the group consensus predictions, (c) the accuracy of an 'artificial group' derived through the statistical combination of the independent item by item predictions of these same three persons, and (d) the accuracy of the 'best judge' from each group. The results indicated that the average accuracy of the individuals is significantly inferior to any of the three procedures… . the pooling of several independent judges' ratings (by items) appeared to be the most satisfactory procedure." From Psyc Abstracts 36:04:4HE50C. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared 80 multi-drug-habituated patients with a population of outpatients matched for age and sex using the MMPI and the Interpersonal Check List. The drug abusers emerged as significantly more hostile and critical, idealizing the socially undesirable behaviors of distrust and nonconformity and revealing a significant degree of self-deception. Self-perceptions of the 2 groups were similar and reflected a lack of confidence in their own ability to achieve success, but their reactions to these feelings were markedly different. Both groups perceived their parents as strong, self-reliant, and behaving in a socially desirable manner, although mothers of drug abusers were described as lacking warmth and nurturant behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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