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本文从现代远程教育为企业培养人才方面具有的特色与优势出发,深入分析、总结和研究三年多来我校通过现代远程教育为企业培养人才的办学实践,提出了发挥特色、服务行业、办好现代远程教育的必要性和可行性,并对通过现代远程教育为企业培养人才的教学实施和质量保障提出了比较系统的解决和实施方案。  相似文献   

现代远程教育的质量问题已经成为影响远程教育发展的关键因素,我国得远程教育事业能否进一步发展,在教育领域发挥其应有得作用,关键看教育的质量和教育服务的质量能否满足学习者得要求.本文就现代远程教育得质量保证问题进行了一些探讨.  相似文献   

现代远程教育开展的最终目的是服务于当地经济社会的发展,研究现代远程教育的服务形式不仅是现代远程教育持续发展的重要保证,也是用科学发展观指导现代远程教育的根本要求.拓展现代远程教育的服务形式不但要转变观念还要抓住机遇,只有通过准确定位,切实把握现代远程教育服务的针对性,才能保证现代远程教育服务于经济社会发展的有效性.  相似文献   

现代企业发展的新变化,要求我们必须树立现代的企业观和现代的企业管理思想。所谓现代的企业观,就是把企业当作一个最终满足顾客需求而设计的一系列有密切联系的能够创造价值增值或非价值增值作业的集合。在诸如产品设计、工序准备、市场营销、存货收发等作业之间,彼此形成一个起始于企业供应商,经过企业内部,最后为顾客提供产品的作业链,所以现代企业是一个由此及彼,由内到外的作业链,企业各种作业之间,前面一项作业为后面一项作业提供服务,后面一项作业是前面一项作业的顾客,彼此形成一个整体,所以现代企业还是一个顾客链;企…  相似文献   

现代远程教育是随着现代信息技术的发展而产生的一种新型的教育形式,作为现代远程教育的一个分支的电大远程教育,其营造素质教育环境的情况不容乐观,在资源建设和利用现代信息和教育技术进行教学和辅导等方面尚存问题,需要以新的理念、新的思路、新的措施来加大现代远程教育中素质教育环境建设的力度.  相似文献   

远程教育从已从函授、广播电视阶段发展到了网络阶段,基于互联网的远程教育,将在构建终身学习的社会框架中发挥重要作用。本文结合包钢职工大学现代远程教育教学站点的建立,论述了现代远程教育在学历教育、岗位培训和继续教育中的地位、作用以及发展前景。  相似文献   

三十年来,我国远程教育一直强势发展,主要反映在两个方面,一是远程教育模式不断巩固和发展,并开始逐渐将其转变为远程教育强势,二是学校教育普遍运用远程教育,推动教育改革和发展,出现教育发展的新局面.远程教育与学校教育强势发展和相互交叉,凝聚成教育整合力,正在开创着一个教育发展的新时代,即远程教育时代.  相似文献   

为了解决目前远程教育中IT服务存在的问题,对网络教育学院的IT服务和信息技术基础设施库(ITIL)标准进行了深入研究,提出了适合远程教育的IT服务管理(ITSM)模型,并以北京邮电大学网络教育学院为例,重点描述了模型中的需求分析及需求变更管理、远程教育组织结构设计、应用和基础设施监控管理三个核心流程的设计与实施,该模型为远程教育IT服务提供了解决方案.  相似文献   

远程教育对边远地区意义极大,它颠覆了边远地区传统的教学手段与学习模式,为其开拓了全新的学习思维方式,改善了边远地区教育信息与教育资源落后的现状,使边远地区教育与现代社会教育同步发展,为边远地区的发展提供了教育支持。  相似文献   

振兴科技,繁荣经济,教育为本。当前,我们的企业教育面临着两个主要矛盾:一是国家、社会、企业给予教育的投入不能满足教育改革和发展的需要;二是企业教育滞后于企业经济发展,向社会提供的人才素质不能满足国家、社会、企业的发展需要。为此,在新钢教委成立后,提出了“依托新钢办教  相似文献   

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Although studies have examined the susceptibility and pattern of injury induced by infusion of free radical-generating solutions into a number of vital organs, no such investigation has been performed for the diaphragm. The purpose of the present study was to examine the susceptibility of the diaphragm to damage by a free radical-generating solution (iron-ADP complexes). Studies were performed using an in situ canine diaphragmatic strip preparation in which the phrenic artery supplying the strip was cannulated and perfused with blood from the ipsilateral femoral artery. Four groups of studies were performed: (1) a group in which saline was infused into the arterial supply of the diaphragm for 15 min; (2) a group in which a solution of iron-ADP was infused; (3) a group in which both iron-ADP and superoxide dismutase (SOD), a free radical scavenger, were infused; and (4) a group given iron-ADP and denatured SOD. Strip tension and blood flow were monitored during electrically induced diaphragmatic contractions for 15 min before intraphrenic infusions, during the period of infusions, and for 90 min after cessation of infusions. We found that diaphragm tension did not change over time in saline-treated control animals but fell significantly in animals in which iron-ADP was infused. The effects of iron-ADP were largely prevented by concomitant administration of active SOD, but not by denatured SOD. On average, at 90 min after cessation of infusions, tension had fallen to 82 +/- 6, 41 +/- 8, 63 +/- 4, and 28 +/- 9% of its initial value in saline, iron-ADP, iron-ADP/SOD, and iron-ADP/denatured SOD groups, respectively (p < 0.001 for comparison of the four groups, with saline and iron-ADP/SOD groups different from the other two groups). Diaphragm blood flow did not change significantly in any group. These data suggest that free radical-mediated diaphragmatic injury can result in a marked reduction in diaphragm contractility.  相似文献   

The process of learning in groups, as exemplified by the author's experience in a multidiscipline conference on a surgical ward of a general hospital has been examined. A sequence of six developmental states has been identified: initial ambivalence; passive receptivity; resistance; task orientation; the work group and consolidation. These findings have been compared with those of other studies dealing with sequential stages in group development. The psychiatric consultant's role in expediting these phases and some of the difficulties encountered have been mentioned.  相似文献   

The essential elements of a P/CBDE program include the delineation of role-derived dietetic competencies, which are publicly stated in behavioral terms. The criteria used to measure the accomplishment of these competencies are criterion-referenced, and the student acquires the competencies at his own rate. Much confusion exists in differentiating between the essential characteristics and implementation modes. The use of modern technology and modular packaging of learning experiences does not automatically lead to a P/CBDE program. These are merely tools. The clear identification of competencies, objectives, and performance criteria are the essence of P/CBDE. Currently, dietetic educators are formulating competencies for their own programs. A national group of "experts" will need to be convened to develop competencies for the profession as a whole.  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基本单位,是社会的细胞,它和整个社会有着密切的关系.社会的发展,人的社会化都是从家庭开始的.家庭除了它基本功能外,教育是一个重要功能.家庭又是对儿童进行教育的最基本、最重要的场所,家庭教育在少年儿童的成长过程中占有重要的位置,起着很大的作用.  相似文献   

为探讨在体育教学中进行美育的可行性及效果,我们抽取了女生班学生进行教学实验。结果表明,体育教学中进行美育很有必要,其重点在于提高体育教师审美素质,着重对学生进行形体美的教育和训练,使美育与体育教学融为一体。  相似文献   

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