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铝电解槽用无烟煤基石墨化阴极材料的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取优质电煅无烟煤,分别配以一定比例的石油焦和沥青焦作为骨料,与煤沥青混合后按照模压成型、焙烧、高压浸渍、二次焙烧和石墨化等常规炭素制品生产工艺流程制备石墨化阴极材料试样。考察了无烟煤和3种少灰料以不同配比混合制成的试样在焙烧和石墨化过程中的尺寸变化及理化性能变化规律,并通过对4种以单一原料制备的试样的理化性能分析,探讨了原料种类对试样性能的影响。结果表明,以无烟煤为主要原料,配以一定比例的少灰料作为骨料,通过适当的炭素工艺制备的石墨化阴极材料试样,其常规理化性能可以满足大电流铝电解槽用阴极材料的要求。  相似文献   

采用高温石墨化炉将太西(TX)无烟煤进行热处理,部分替代煅后焦制备铝用炭阳极,先后考察了TX石墨化煤不同添加形式、添加比例对炭阳极质量的影响。结果表明,TX无烟煤在经过超高温处理后真密度、电阻率、石墨化度、固定炭、灰分、微量元素等指标有了很大的改善,但Fe元素的脱除效果不是很明显;相较于颗粒料的添加形式,采用粉料添加形式制备的阳极质量更优;随着粉料添加量的上升,阳极体积密度、真密度、电阻率、空气反应残余率等指标均明显提高,但CO2反应残余率明显下降。  相似文献   

太西选煤厂依靠原料煤优势以及高精度的分选旋流器、介质密度检测与控制系统、快速稳定的系统调节装置 ,建设了超低灰无烟煤生产工艺 ,分选精度Ep 为 0 0 1 0~ 0 0 1 5 ,数量效率 45 %~ 5 0 % ,系统处理能力 60t/h ,精煤灰分Ad≤ 2 %。  相似文献   

无烟煤石墨化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宁夏、山西、贵州、云南和越南鸿基5种不同产地的无烟煤为原料,研究了无烟煤石墨化的机理;同时对5种石墨化煤样进行了工业分析和X射线衍射分析,还对用5种石墨化煤作成的炭砖小样进行了全面的性能分析。结果发现,经高温处理后无烟煤是可以石墨化的,但石墨化煤与人造石墨又有区别;石墨化煤与气煅煤和电煅煤相比,性能质量明显改善,灰分、硫分和电阻率均降低,真密度提高;用石墨化煤作成的炭砖小样,除了抗压强度有所降低之外,其他性能都得到了显著改善,尤其是导热系数和抗碱性的提高,这对于提高高炉炭砖的质量有利的。  相似文献   

介绍了太西无烟超低灰纯煤和石墨化无烟煤的性质,阐述了运用太西无烟超低灰纯煤开发石墨化产品的工艺和设备,展望了石墨化产品的发展前景。  相似文献   

吴汭 《炭素技术》2013,32(1):22-25
以优质煅后石油焦为主要原料,充分利用现有设施,通过对配方、混捏成型工艺、焙烧工艺、石墨化工艺进行研究改进,研制了石墨化阴极炭块,并进行工业性生产试验和在铝电解槽上应用试验。试验后的结果表明,各类产品的理化性能均达到预期目标,并优于法国沙瓦公司CH系列产品指标,达到了国际先进水平。在电解槽上进行产业化应用后与高石墨质阴极炭块相比,使用石墨化阴极炭块能降低炉底压70 mV左右,电流效率平均提高1%~2%。  相似文献   

神华宁夏煤业集团太西选煤厂负责编制煤炭行业标准《超低灰无烟煤技术条件》;首先调研了超低灰无烟煤的市场应用前景,并收集征求了大量意见,标准对超低灰无烟煤的水分、灰分、硫分及限下率做出了严格规定。  相似文献   

提高铝用阴极炭块石墨含量或石墨化度延长电解槽寿命   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
路忠胜 《炭素科技》2003,13(3):17-20
针对中国铝电解槽寿命仅为国外先进铝厂槽寿命一半的现状,提出在目前普遍采用电煅无烟煤阴极炭决(简称ECA炭决)的基础上,进一步采用炭决中石墨含量更高或石墨化度更高的炭决。炭决石墨化度越高,其抗钠侵蚀性越高,可延长槽寿命至国外先进铝厂槽寿命水平,其导电性越好,可降低电耗和强化槽电流提高铝产量,从而大幅度提高铝厂经济效益。  相似文献   

陈晓军 《炭素技术》2009,28(4):55-58
简要评述了全石墨质阴极炭块生产和应用过程中值得思考的几个问题,并根据铝电解的技术发展提出了改进建议,以供阴极炭素企业在开发和生产全石墨质阴极炭块时参考.  相似文献   

论述了采用高精度重介质旋流器进行两段等密度分选制备超低灰煤(灰分≤2.00%)的技术;经过十多年的优化试验研究,确定了旋流器的结构参数,消除了旋流器内的冲击磨损,保证了悬浮液密度和入口压力的稳定;以超低灰煤为原料生产活性炭、增碳剂、高石墨阴极炭块等产品可获得较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

实验研究了采用太西无烟超低灰纯煤冶炼高品质碳化硅的工艺技术,分析了原料煤灰分、粒度,石英砂中SiO2纯度、粒度以及炉芯尺寸、供电方式和供电时间等参数对碳化硅冶炼效果的影响,确定了最佳工艺指标。  相似文献   

Experimental data on the development of a technology for the production of fuel briquettes from anthracite fines, slack coal, and coal slurries available in the Rostov oblast are presented. The effects of the moisture content and particle size distribution of the coal components, the moisture content of the charge, the composition of a binder, the compacting pressure, and the regime of hardening on the technical properties of the fuel pellets were studied. The possibility of obtaining water-resistant briquettes was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The coal fly ash from a Chinese thermal power plant was vitrified after the addition of ∼10 wt% Na2O. The glass products have suitable viscosity at 1200 °C and displayed a good chemical durability. The heavy metals of Pb, Zn, Cr and Mn were successfully immobilized into the glass as determined by the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure method. Results indicate an interesting potential for the coal fly ash recycling to produce useful materials.  相似文献   

Furnace bottom ash (FBA) is generated in significant quantities from coal fired power stations and is a problem when commercially viable reuse applications do not exist locally. Representative samples of FBA from the Kilroot power station in Northern Ireland have been milled, pressed and sintered at a range of temperatures to form new ceramic materials. The effect of adding recycled glass to the mix has been investigated. The optimum FBA ceramics were produced by sintering at 960 °C and these had a density of 2.388 g/cm3, zero water adsorption indicating minimal open porosity, and a Vickers hardness comparable to commercially available glass-ceramics. The addition of 20% by weight of glass reduced shrinkage during sintering, while the samples maintained high density and hardness. This glass addition allows greater dimensional control during sintering to form FBA ceramic tiles. The research demonstrates that FBA can be processed into ceramics for use in higher value products compared to conventional use as lightweight aggregate. Further research is required to optimize processing and fully characterize material properties. This novel approach to managing FBA has potential to transform a problematic waste in Northern Ireland into a valuable resource.  相似文献   

几种氯产品的产需现状及发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
孙勤 《中国氯碱》2002,(9):11-14
介绍了硝基氯苯,1,2,4-三氯苯,对二氯苯,对氯苯甲醛,环氧氯丙烷,氯乙酰氯及氯乙酸等氯产品的产需现状,对市场需求进行了展望,并提出建议。  相似文献   

A technique whereby substantial portions of bituminous coal are extracted, non-destructively, is demonstrated by treating raw coal with N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP).An ultra-clean, coal-derived solid material with as little as 0.1% ash and containing no pyritic sulfur was derived by following the extraction step with precipitation of the coal-based material in water and subsequent filtration. The unextracted residue and recovered extracted material were dried under vacuum to allow the determination of overall and elemental mass balances. Amounts extracted were found to be as high as 74% (m.a.f.). The operating conditions are mild at 202°C and atmospheric pressure. Solvent recovery from the NMP-water mixture using conventional distillation on a lab scale was in excess of 97%. Ultimate and proximate analyses of three different H.V. Bituminous coals, and their residues and extracts are reported.  相似文献   

煤的燃烧性能与煤中各物质的含量有密切关系。灰分的分析是煤工业分析的重要内容。为了快捷、省时、省力确定煤的发热量,以历年来采集的400组贵州无烟煤煤质数据为基础,通过计算,得到了灰分与发热量的回归方程。通过相关性检验发现:相关系数R为0.999,大于相关系数临界值,表明线性关系特别显著。通过误差检查,确定回归方程式推算误差置信范围为0.16。为了进一步验证回归方程的准确性,用贵州12个主要产煤区煤样的实测值与计算值进行比较,发现最大误差值为0.18,最小误差值为-0.01,远小于GB/T 213—2008《煤的发热量测定方法》规定的再现性临界差。  相似文献   

介绍了太西无烟煤的特点及开发利用现状,论述了采用太西无烟煤制备超低灰纯煤、炭乳油以及超细粉碎后制备橡胶填料、超细石墨、C/C复合材料、聚合物/煤复合材料、多晶硅及单晶硅、煤基碳纳米管等新产品的研究开发情况及市场前景。  相似文献   

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