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China began the research and development of renewable energy generation since 1970s, in particular in the Eighth Five-year Plan period, the State made closer attention to the research and development of renewable energy, therefore the technical level, application scale and economic, social benefits have seen greater progress. The combined capacity of renewable energy generation reached 100 MW at the end of 1994. And it is planned a combined capacity of 1236 MW will be targeted for the year 2000.  相似文献   

The Northwest Electric Power Design Institute (NWEPDI) located in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China, was established in 1956. There are now 1,742 staff, including 1,234 engineers in more than 30 specialities as follows: thermo-mechanical, coal handling, ash handling, electrical (main and secondary circuits), auxiliary power supply, illumination, I & C, architecture, structure, heating & ventilation, plant general layout, HVAC, water supply & discharge, hydrostructure, chemical water treatment, waste water treatment, technical-economics, construction organization design, environmental impact assessment,  相似文献   

Since the founding of new China, especially sinceimplementing the reform and open policy, China'selectric power industry has witnessed rapid growth, withgigantic achievement of world interest gained. Electric powerinstalled generating capacity grew from 1850MW just afterliberation to l00 GW in 1987. At the end of 1999, the installedgenerating capacity had reached more than 290 GW,approaching 300 GW, increasing by 160 times, with an annualaverage growth of about 11%. In the meantime, yearly…  相似文献   

ProspectsforRealizationofOptimizedAllocationofEnergyResourcesandPowerSupplyfromtheWesttotheEastintheSouthJointPowerNetworkYua...  相似文献   

ExploitingSouthwesternEnergyResources,PromotingInterprovincialInterconnection─PowerSupplyfromWesttoEastProgramPlanningDepartm...  相似文献   

Brief introductionInformation Research Institute ofWater Resources and Electric Power(IIWE)was set up in 1964.It is under di-rect jurisdiction of two Ministries:Ministryof Energy and Ministry of Water Re-sources,PRO.IIWE renders the following informa-tion services:—Collection and analysis of scien-  相似文献   

Promotion of the power industry is an important part of the strategy of the national energy development. Power is an important link in the chain of energy industry. Considering the requirements of sustainable energy development in China, to accelerate the construction of a national power grid based on ultra-high voltage trunks and coordinately developed power grids at all levels may solve the vital problems being faced in energy development It is also significant for creating a system of stable, economic, clean and safe energy supply.  相似文献   

1.BriefintroductiontoNorthChinapowerindustryTheelectricpowerindustryandpowernetworkinNorthChinaregionisprimarilyrunandmanagedbyNorthChinaPowerGroup(NCPG).NorthChinaPowerNetworkcoversBeijingandTianjinmunicipalities,HebeiandShanxiprovincesandinnerMongoliaAutonomousRegionwithatotalpopulationof140million.itsserviceterritoryis1.47millionsquarekilometers,aboutonesixthofthetotalterritoryofChina.NorthChinaPowerGroupasaconglomerateintegratingpowergeneration,supply,dispatching,repairandmanufac…  相似文献   

In light of China s Ninth Five-year Plan (1996-2000) for Electric Power Industry & the Long Term Targets by the Year 2010, the paper considers the strategy for developing China's thermal power in the 21st century shall be the efficiency and cleaning technology of coal use. Especially important is the structure of power sources and configuration of technology process, and secondly the implementation of energy saving and environmental protection ideology in the various stages of thermal power construction and design work.  相似文献   

Shanghai Relay Plant (SRP) was founded in 1959. With continuous development in nearly 40 years, SRP has become one of the biggest specialized manufacturers of protective relaying and distribution automation equipment for power system in China and a key enterprise of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. SRP was evaluated a State Second-Grade Enterprise in 1988 and awarded the  相似文献   

Grace Chang 《电气》2011,(3):12-15
This article analyzes the importance of the moderately leading development in electric power industry, and the basic policy of the industry in China. It evaluates if the industry is appropriately developed ahead of other industries from the aspects of legal structuring, planning, electricity pricing mechanism, fixed assets investment, human resources, technological innovation and production and supply capacity etc., and proposes f ive recommendations.  相似文献   

XinjianginNorthwestChina,withvastterritoryandrichresources,isaregionwherevariousethnicnationalitiesliveincompactcommunities.Fromnowontotheearlynextcentury,developmentandconstructionofXinjiangisenteringintoanewhistoricalperiod.TheobjectivesandbasictasksfordevelopmentofelectricpowerindustryinXinjiangaretograsptheopportunities,speedupdevelopment,strivetoreducethegapbetweentheelectricpowerindustryinXinjiangandthemoredevelopedinnerprovinces(orregion)andconstantlysatisfytheincreasingdemandsofthena…  相似文献   

Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Congress of the CPC called in 1979 to redouble the GNP of China from 1980 to the year 2000, the electric power industry developed most rapidly, with installed generating capacity reached 100 GW in 1987, and 200 GW in 1995. The reform and opening  相似文献   

The State Science and Technology Commission, State Economic and Trade Commission, and State Planning Commission of China have jointly worked out the Program for the Development of Chinese New and Renewable Energy recently.  相似文献   

Abstract—Energy storage devices and systems are playing a major role in all electrical systems from small electronics devices and automotive systems to the utility grid. The main objective of this article is to review energy storage devices, management, control, interface, and demonstrations for electrical power systems. Various types of energy storage systems are discussed, but the main focus is on batteries and ultracapacitors. Different types of batteries and their electrical models are explained. Three major types of ultracapcitors are also discussed. The battery management system and its functions, controls, and hardware are discussed. Various power electronics-based interface systems for battery and ultracapcitor charging and discharging are presented. Applications of energy storage systems for utility applications, including renewable firming, power shifting, and ancillary services, are discussed.  相似文献   

China covers a vast territory with many rivers and richhydropower potential.China's exploitable hydropowercapacity amounts to 378 GW which corresponds to an annual powergeneration of 1920 TWh.This makes China the leading country inthe world as far as hydropower resources are concerned.At the end of 1990,the country's hydro capacity developedwas 36.0 GW,accounting for 26.1% of the country's total,with anannual electricity production of 126.4 TWh,accounting for almost20.34% of the country's total.By the end of this century,China's hydropower capacity willreach 75-80 GW,constituting 19.8-21.1% of the country's  相似文献   

Within the seven years' period from 1987 to 1994. the total installed capacity of China's electric power industry doubled from 100 GW to 200 GW. This high rate of growth has imposed new and more stringent requirements on all the branches in the power  相似文献   

OnMarch25-27,MinistryofElectricPowerheldtheFifthElectricPowerComputerApplicationandlnformationWorkingConference.MinisterofElectricPowerShiDazhenattendedtheconttrenceandaddressedanimportantspeech.ViceMinisterLuYanchangmadeworkingreportandsununarerep0rtontheconference.Theconferencediscussedandpassedinprinciple《TheNinthFive-yearPlanofElectricPowerInformationTechnologyandItsDevelopmentProgrammefortheYear20l0》and《SeveralStipulationsonStrengtheningtheConstructionandManagementofElect…  相似文献   

Zhong Zhaorui 《电气》2013,24(1):13-17
Review of economic and electric power development Economic development.Since China's reform and opening up,China has made great developments in its economy and industry.The Chinese economy sustained a rapid growth,and it has become the second largest economy in the world.The economic structure has changed from a rudimentary and unbalanced structure to a mature and relatively balanced one,and the coordination of economic development has been distinctly strengthened.Although the economy increased rapidly,there are still some issues in improving the quality of development,promoting industry transformation and upgrading,in order to realize a balanced and harmonious development of regional economies,and a sustainable healthy development of the economy.  相似文献   

FormationofSouthChinaInterconnectedPowerNetworkandTransmittingPowerfromWesttoEastWangFang,WeiKairongI.Retrospectoftheformatio...  相似文献   

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