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绿豆啤酒的研制   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在啤酒的生产过程中加入部分绿豆作为辅料生产具有清热消暑的保健绿豆啤酒。该文介绍了绿豆啤酒的生产工艺过程,并对绿豆啤酒的非生物稳定性进行了探讨。绿豆啤酒生产的基本工艺和普通啤酒生产基本相同,不需另加设备,便于大规模生产。  相似文献   

众所周知.啤酒消费税的征收不同于增值税。啤酒增值税是以每个流通环节的增值额作为课征对象.体现为“道道征收”.而啤酒消费税的征收环节具有单一性,即它只是在啤酒生产、流通或消费的某一环节征税,并不是多环节多次征收。从啤酒的生产流通体制来看.国内生产的应税啤酒产品一般要经过生产、批发、零售三个环节,  相似文献   

以富含有α-氨基氮的啤酒糖浆分别以不同的比例取代啤酒原料生产啤酒,对所产生的麦汁、成品啤酒的理化指标进行了比较,结果表明,在啤酒糖浆组分与麦汁组分接近或相同时,可以大量的取代啤酒原料,生产出的啤酒质量可以得到保证。并对啤酒生产中使用糖浆的量及添加方式进行了论述。  相似文献   

啤酒的连续生产周秀琴译浙江杭州第七中学(310009)关键词啤酒,连续生产,固定化酵母一、固定化酵母连续生产啤酒传统的啤酒生产采用间隙发酵法,发酵及熟成时间长。近几年日本研究采用固定化酵母菌连续生产啤酒,设备流程如图1所示。由通风搅拌槽和固定化酵母(...  相似文献   

在啤酒酿造过程中,常会有数量不等的有害微生物侵入,造成啤酒的混浊、酸败或回味异常。为生产高质量、口味纯正的啤酒,必须注意生产过程中有害微生物的监测,建立起一套系统、完整的监测检验手段。1.啤酒生产过程中存在的有害微生物种类及主要特性啤酒生产过程中有害微生物  相似文献   

小型纯生鲜啤酒的生产卢华明(南宁万力食品研究所南宁530031)我国啤酒工业发展迅速,啤酒年产量居全世界第二位,仅次于美国。啤酒生产的特点是规模效益,规模越大,产量越大,效益就越好。大型化的啤酒生产企业在物耗成本和利税、劳动生产率、质量和社会信誉等方...  相似文献   

赵锐 《酿酒科技》1998,(3):63-63
淡季生产啤酒的工艺控制措施关键词啤酒工艺控制措施淡季。啤酒生产的淡旺季区别非常明显,淡季的酒在市场上存放时间往往较长,啤酒的质量受外界、客观因素影响较大,特别是啤酒非生物稳定性和口味稳定性。同时淡季酒是旺季的前奏,也是打市场的关键,因此搞好淡季生产具...  相似文献   

本文就啤酒生产全过程的循环经济技术应用和行业循环经济模式进行了系统的分析研究。在保证啤酒产品质量、安全的前提下,对啤酒生产管理进行优化,从而实现效益的最大化,希望对啤酒行业的循环经济工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

刘绍文 《酿酒》1998,(1):16-17
本文通过对氧气在啤酒生产过程中的作用、影响和危害的分析,对啤酒生产过程的设备工艺进行改造、调整,以及对回收的CO2的酿造、过滤和包装等过程的使用,降低成品啤酒中的含氧量,减少啤酒的氧化味,提高产品的质量。  相似文献   

国外将啤酒视作营养价值的清凉饮料。因此除按传统的比尔森淡色啤酒、慕尼黑浓色啤酒方法生产产品之外,还有在这基础上进行特殊加工,生产出具有除啤酒之外,还兼有某一特征的饮料。我国自六十年代中期吉林新站葡萄酒厂生产葡萄汁啤酒以来,最近各地对生产果汁啤酒兴趣很大。其实还可将加工范围再扩大些。为此,选择了下面几种以麦汁发酵为基础,再经特殊加工而生产出别具一格饮料的生产方法供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

从3 200 份玉米自交系中选取123 份作为研究材料,采用微生物法和分光光度法分别测定玉米籽粒中烟酸和玉米黄质含量,分析玉米类型、籽粒色泽、籽粒类型对籽粒中烟酸和玉米黄质含量的影响及烟酸和玉米黄质含量的相关性。结果表明,玉米籽粒中烟酸含量为0.57~4.80 mg/100 g,糯玉米远高于普通玉米,白玉米高于黄玉米,紫玉米介于白玉米和黄玉米之间。不同粒型间、同一粒色不同粒型间的烟酸含量则差异不显著。玉米籽粒中玉米黄质含量为0.35~4.03 mg/kg,糯玉米远低于普通玉米,白玉米低于黄玉米,紫玉米介于白玉米和黄玉米之间。不同粒型间、同一粒色不同粒型间的玉米黄质含量则差异不显著。由此说明,玉米类型、籽粒色泽对烟酸含量和玉米黄质含量有极显著影响,而籽粒类型的主效应、籽粒类型与籽粒色泽的交互效应均不显著。相关分析表明,籽粒中烟酸含量与玉米黄质含量存在极显著的中度负相关关系(r=-0.361,P<0.01),即籽粒中烟酸含量越高,玉米黄质含量越低。  相似文献   

Differences in the action pattern of porcine pancreatic α-amylase during hydrolysis of maize, waxy maize and high amylose maize starches and their hydroxypropyl derivatives were examined by measuring changes in blue value and reducing value during digestion. Among the unmodified starches, the degree of random attack increased in the order waxy maize < high amylose maize < maize. Increasing substitution with hydroxypropyl groups led to increased random attack for both maize and high amylose maize starches. For waxy maize starches random attack increased up to a molar substitution of 0.07 and subsequently declined.  相似文献   

Equivalent levels of metabolisable energy (ME) from either maize starch or maize oil were fed to laying hens receiving a constant intake of all other nutrients from diets containing either maize or wheat as the sole cereal ingredient. Birds receiving maize oil as compared with maize starch utilised a greater proportion of the ME to synthesise body tissue. Increasing dietary additions of maize starch consistently improved the numbers of eggs laid but no beneficial effect of maize starch on egg size could be observed. In contrast, increasing dietary additions of maize oil consistently improved egg size but had little influence on the numbers of eggs laid. Although the increased egg size in birds fed supplementary maize oil appeared to be due to some component of the oil other than ME no significant difference in total egg yield could be observed between maize starch and maize oil treatments. The substitution of wheat for maize as the sole cereal ingredient in the ration did not alter the pat terns of response observed with the maize diet.  相似文献   

Maize is a main botanical source used for extraction of starch in the world market. New maize cultivars with different amylose contents and special starch metabolism characteristics have been generated. Three types of maize cultivars, namely, normal maize, waxy maize (wxwx homozygous mutant), and super-sweet maize (sh2sh2 homozygous mutant), were investigated to determine differences in endosperm structures, morphologies, and physicochemical properties of starches. Maize kernels exhibited significantly different contents of total starch, soluble sugar, and amylose. Normal maize kernels contained the largest proportion of floury endosperm, followed by waxy maize and then super-sweet maize. Normal maize starch and waxy maize starch were larger in size than super-sweet maize starch. Normal maize starch and waxy maize starch were spherical and polygonal in floury and vitreous endosperms, respectively. Super-sweet maize starch was spherical both in floury and vitreous endosperms. Waxy maize starch showed the strongest birefringence patterns, the highest crystallinity and the largest proportion of ordered structure in external region of granules, and the largest proportion of double helix components, followed by normal maize starch and then super-sweet maize starch. Waxy maize starch showed the highest peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown viscosity, gelatinization temperatures (i.e., gelatinization conclusion temperature, gelatinization onset temperature, gelatinization peak temperature, and gelatinization enthalpy). By contrast, super-sweet maize starch showed the lowest corresponding values for these parameters.  相似文献   

基于计算机视觉的玉米粒形检测方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了利用计算机视觉技术检测整粒玉米和破碎玉米的方法,以适应快速准确检测玉米品质的要求。设计了一套基于计算机视觉技术的玉米粒形检测装置,开发了玉米粒形检测算法;首先采用玉米粒形检测装置获取玉米籽粒图像,再对图像进行预处理,然后根据玉米籽粒的特点提取面积、周长、长、宽等8个特征参数,将粒形特征参数作为输入值构建BP神经网络对玉米的粒形进行检测。结果表明:该方法对整粒玉米检测的准确率为97.50%;对破碎玉米检测的平均准确率为91.83%。  相似文献   

Batches of ogi were produced from maize flour slurry, dehulled maize grains and whole maize grains using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus brevis as starter cultures. Fermentation over time showed that dehulled maize grains inoculated with the starter cultures and processed whole maize grains requiring steeping led to higher acid production than fermentation with dry-milled maize slurry. Ogi from dehulled maize grains inoculated with starter cultures showed the highest levels of lysine and methionine. Steeping grains encouraged a stronger ogi aroma than fermentation of maize flour slurry alone. Lactobacillus brevis contributed most to the taste of ogi. Fermentation with starter cultures showed good prospects for improving the lysine and methionine levels of ogi.  相似文献   

Relationships involving maize (Zea mays) production, maize retained for household consumption, household maize requirement, household size, rainfall and temperatures were assessed in order to explain food insufficiency among smallholder farmers in Choma, Zambia. Post-harvest agricultural data for 1976 to 2014 were collected from the Central Statistics Office while a survey of 319 smallholder farmers and eight key informants provided data on mean annual household maize requirements and crop preference. Despite maize production in Choma increasing at an annual rate of 230.8 t/year, maize insufficiency persisted as maize retained for household consumption could not sustain the 185.2 kg per capita maize requirement by farmers in the area. While extending the maize area planted was responsible for increasing annual maize production by 1.8 t for each additional ha planted, Choma’s annual percentage population increase was larger at 2.6%, requiring an increase of 821 t/year for maize sufficiency. Maize produced was usually enough for annual consumption before sales. However, farmers sold about 50% of what they produced making the amount of maize retained for household consumption insufficient. Government incentives attached to maize production and marketing encouraged a maize-centric farming culture among farmers. Maize which had a guaranteed market from the Zambia Food Reserve Agency was allocated 73.4% of the available land over the study period. The maize centric system has encouraged mono-cropping of maize. Farmer preference for maize, rooted in cultural norms, further encouraged maize mono-cropping at the expense of food sufficiency. In conclusion, government incentivising production and marketing of other agronomically suitable crops for the region could reduce food insufficiency.  相似文献   

为了探究玉米在萌发期生长状态和营养成分的变化规律,本实验以湘荟玉1号(普通玉米)、湘农甜玉4号(甜玉米)和湘农白糯2号(糯玉米)为材料,测定不同萌发时间的营养成分含量,并统计萌发期玉米的发芽率、胚根长和胚芽长。结果表明:普通玉米生长状态最好,萌发速度最快;在萌发期间,3个玉米的清蛋白、球蛋白、还原糖和赖氨酸含量均呈上升变化趋势,增加范围分别为5.33%~103.26%、1.92%~125.00%、10.40%~529.59%和12.50%~100.00%,其中糯玉米是富集营养物质能力强的优秀品种;相关性分析结果发现玉米的生长状态与营养物质密切相关。  相似文献   

为解决玉米淀粉易于回生的难题,试验探讨了挤压蒸煮制备玉米淀粉酯复合物的结构和回生机理。试验结果表明:玉米淀粉-GMS复合物的回生凝胶焓值和回生凝胶温度低于原玉米淀粉的回生凝胶焓值和回生凝胶温度。X射线衍射分析原玉米淀粉属于A型衍射图,经挤压蒸煮处理制备的玉米淀粉-GMS复合物属弱V型结晶结构。FT-IR光谱的分析可知,玉米淀粉-GMS复合物的进程结晶度降低,在1735 cm~(-1)处有吸收峰,玉米淀粉与分子蒸馏单甘酯(GMS)发生酯交换反应生成了玉米淀粉-GMS复合物,分子蒸馏单甘酯能有效抑制玉米淀粉回生。随分子蒸馏单甘酯添加量的增加,分子蒸馏单甘酯对玉米淀粉回生的抑制作用增加显著。在食品工业生产中,玉米淀粉-GMS复合物是非常有应用价值抗回生的高质量淀粉基产品。  相似文献   

玉米抗黄曲霉毒素污染的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陶芳 《中国粮油学报》2012,27(5):112-117
黄曲霉毒素污染是影响玉米食用安全的重要因素。筛选培育玉米抗性品种,从源头控制黄曲霉的侵染,是解决玉米田间及储存期黄曲霉污染的有效方法。对国内外玉米黄曲霉抗原种质的筛选鉴定、分子标记辅助选育及部分抗性机理等方面的研究进行了概述,并就目前存在的一些问题,探讨了我国玉米抗黄曲霉的研究方向。  相似文献   

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