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Reviews the book, Creativity: Theories and themes: Research, development, and practice by Mark A. Runco (see record 2007-00543-000). This book consists of 11 chapters with the following titles: "Cognition and Creativity," "Developmental Trends and Influences on Creativity," "Biological Perspectives on Creativity," "Health and Clinical Perspectives," "Social, Attributional, and Organizational Perspectives," "Educational Perspectives," "History and Historiometry," "Culture and Creativity," "Personality and Motivation," "Enhancement and the Fulfillment of Potential," and "Conclusion: What Creativity Is and What It Is Not." Beyond this all-encompassing content, the volume is crammed with illustrations and with all those "boxes" that are so characteristic of introductory textbooks in psychology. Each chapter also begins with appropriate quotations and a didactic "Advanced Organizer." Finally, Runco closes with 63 pages of references and a 15-page subject index. The reviewer has one major complaint: Runco seems to have adopted an "open the floodgates" approach that sometimes results in the almost willy nilly insertion of ideas and material. One consequence of this tendency is that the illustrations and boxes are at times less useful than they ought to be. Another repercussion of Runco's leave-nothing-out approach is that it occasionally leads to the presentation of ideas with minimal if any discussion or commentary. The reviewer does assert though, that for someone in the market for a text for use in an introductory creativity course, a book that is wide-ranging and most current, Runco's Creativity is a good choice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Self-esteem: Research, theory, and practice by Chris Mruk (1995). Historically, attempting to define self-esteem has been a lot like defining love, often tried and ever elusive. When one aspect was grasped, others remain out of reach. Dr. Mruk, in his book Self- Esteem: Research, Theory, and Practice acknowledges that self-esteem is both a popular and elusive construct. It is used as both cause and effect, as explanation and outcome, as a factor and as a goal to be attained. It is a construct currently invoked by educators and politicians, clinicians and sociologists, columnists and critics, the authors of popular self-help books and talk show hosts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Musical creativity: Multidisciplinary research in theory and practice by Irène Deliège and Geraint A. Wiggins (2006). This book is an edited volume developed from the proceedings of a conference held at the University of Liège in Belgium in 2002, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. The book is ambitious in scope, and it is clearly organized around a varied series of perspectives on musical creativity. The purpose of this book is explicitly stated as "a source of ideas, research topics to start on, to follow up on, or to develop" (p. xv). In that sense, the book succeeds. Even those who are not particularly interested in music research might find some of its ideas and perspectives stimulating and take them as a challenge to develop them analogously in their own areas. On the whole, Musical Creativity is well worth a look, and its best chapters make it a useful and valuable reference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Work Alienation: An Integrative Approach by Rabindra N. Kanungo (1982). This volume presents a systematic investigation of one of the main work related constructs. After critically reviewing the literature, the author presents an approach designed to remedy the conceptual problems he has identified in previous work. He then develops appropriate measures for his new conceptualizations, and follows this with three studies in support of his approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The handbook of humanistic psychology: Leading edges in theory, research, and practice by Kirk J. Schneider, James F. T. Bugental, and J. Fraser Pierson (see record 2001-01409-000). Over 30 years ago Abraham Maslow (1971) envisioned a 3rd force psychology that would bring about “a change of basic thinking along the total front of man’s endeavors, a potential change in every social institution, in every one of the ‘fields’ of intellectual endeavor, and in every one of the professions.” Schneider, Bugental, and Pierson must have been guided by a similar vision as they edited the Handbook of humanistic psychology: Leading edges in theory, research, and practice. The breadth of the handbook is impressive with chapters addressing everything from psychotherapy, pedagogy, medicine, and spirituality to ecology, literature, social action and the workplace. The editors have successfully recruited authors from a variety of disciplines—including psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, education, and politics—who are well respected both inside and outside humanistic circles and who are exceptionally qualified to address their topics. Fortunately, despite this far-reaching breadth, the editors have not spread the handbook too thin. In fact, in areas where it seems especially needed (e.g., methodology) there is a much welcome depth and detail that is far from typical of other handbooks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, From research to clinical practice, edited by George Stricker and Robert H. Keisner (1985). The intended audience for this edited volume "will probably be practicing psychotherapists...[with] a minimum knowledge of the research area but a ready familiarity with clinical concepts" (p. xv). In addition, the editors suggest to the chapter authors that a successful chapter should provide new meaning for the term "scientist professional" by providing a feedback loop between research and practice. The authors also state that the theoretical focus of this volume is psychodynamic. The book is divided into four areas each preceded by a brief overview. The following areas are covered: Basic issues, social psychology, developmental psychology, and special topics. Overall, I found the chapters to be informative and well written. I think some practitioners may find this book overly academic in tone and may question whether enough of the chapters are sufficiently relevant to busy, practicing clinicians. This is not a book on spotting golden research nuggets between the covers of the volume. Instead, this book requires careful mining of considerable content in order to find sparkling applications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Therapeutic communities for addictions: Readings in theory, research and practice edited by George DeLeon and James T. Ziegenfuss Jr. (1986). DeLeon and Ziegenfuss present a collection of readings that are representative of the current thinking about therapeutic communities. Initially the concept of therapeutic communities was exclusively utilized in psychiatric settings. Since the 1960s the therapeutic community approach has been widened and predominantly applied in the treatment of drug abusers. The therapeutic community offers a systematic approach to achieve its main rehabilitative objective, which is the reorganization of the life-style, perception, and behavior of the addict. The overall conceptualization of the book is an excellent one. One aspect that it has failed to address is the impact on the staff, usually former addicts, of prolonged work within the TC. A chapter on burnout and how to combat it within the TC would have enriched the book. This book will appeal to the researcher, to the clinician, and to psychotherapists who may need to refer clients to a TC within their geographic area. It gives a clear understanding of historical roots, functioning, and contributions to treatment of addicts. It also explores the implications of extensive longtitudinal research findings on our dealing with the addicts in our society. Certainly a worthy book to add to our libraries on clinical understanding of such a critical problem. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Therapeutic communities for addictions: Readings in theory, research and practice edited by George De Leon and James T. Ziegenfus Jr. (1986). The editors represent this collection of articles concerning therapeutic communities (TCs) and substance abuse as "a first." Its stated purpose is to educate "audiences within and outside of the field of addictions" about the relevancy of the TC as a rehabilitative model, to enhance the "credibility and efficacy" of the TC within the range of treatment models and services, and to stimulate dialogue and research among professionals. The first section of this three-part volume addresses the expression of the TC in its two main varieties: the self-help hierarchical model, widely used in the rehabilitation of substance abusers, and the democratic type, more commonly seen in the treatment of psychiatric patients. Part Two concerns the effectiveness of treatment outcomes and processes. Part Three elaborates on some issues previewed in Part Two. A balanced and comprehensive overview of the subject appears to have been accomplished through careful selection of the material. The authors have presented salient issues of theory, practice, research, and development of the TC model within a sociological framework. While this volume has broad appeal for practitioners, researchers, and students, it has special utility for the professional in the addictions field with limited exposure to this treatment modality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Child neuropsychology: An introduction to theory, research, and clinical practice by Byron P. Rourke, Dirk J. Bakker, John L. Fisk, and John D. Strang (1983). With the arrival of this landmark text, there is now an established child neuropsychology literature that suggests more clearly than ever before that injury to the growing brain is often accompanied by strikingly different behavioural sequelae than a similar injury to the mature brain. This volume opens with a repudiation of the "nature-nurture" controversy. The second chapter includes a relevant and well-communicated account of the embryonic and foetal development of the nervous system. Chapters on brain asymmetry and plasticity combine to form the scholarly core of the text. Methodological problems in the study of cerebral asymmetry are highlighted. Chapters on assessment and remediation together with individual case studies illustrate how theory and research affect the manner in which one performs as a clinician. A review of behaviour modification strategies and insight-oriented psychotherapy is one of the few areas of weakness in this otherwise excellent volume. Child neuropsychology is one of the first books of its kind and is recommended highly for anyone interested in the study of brain/behaviour relationships in children. Its use as a textbook for senior undergraduate or graduate courses in child neuropsychology is strongly endorsed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The psychopath: Theory, research and practice edited by Hugues Hervé and John C. Yuille (see record 2006-11788-000). This book begins with an historical overview of the construct of psychopathy and then works its way through a variety of important issues, including measurement, etiology, behavioural manifestations of the disorder, typologies, and practice considerations. A few notable exceptions notwithstanding, this text is a fine primer on psychopathy: It includes a number of outstanding chapters and other important issues in the area of psychopathy receive solid treatment. Although there is occasionally some drop-off in quality, I suspect that even the less outstanding chapters in this book would prove informative for students, lay consumer groups, and clinicians who do not routinely work with psychopaths. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychology: Theoretical-historical perspectives, second edition by Robert W. Rieber and Kurt D. Salzinger (see record 1998-06434-000). Like its predecessor, this second edition is a useful volume with a broad scope and any psychologist perusing even a portion of its 500 plus pages will likely come away convinced that there is more to history than a tedious collection of names and dates. As a pedagogical supplement and general introduction to the history of psychology field, this book succeeds admirably. However, in publishing a second edition, Rieber and Salzinger set themselves a more ambitious agenda. One of the goals of the book was to acknowledge the growth and vibrancy of recent scholarship in the history of psychology and to "present some synthesis within the confines of one book." Using these commendable goals as a metric, the book is somewhat disappointing. The book is too much like the first edition in both its choice of questions and authors. This sort of repetition is not a problem in and of itself; however the history of psychology has changed dramatically since the publication of the first edition 18 years ago. There is relatively little in the second edition to indicate that there have been any significant historiographic developments within the history of psychology field since the 1970s. By ignoring these changes, the book left me unable to answer a fundamental question that all second editions must face: Why is a new edition needed? (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Re-envisioning psychology: Moral dimensions of theory and practice by Frank C. Richardson, Blaine J. Fowers, and Charles B. Guignon (see record 1999-02563-000). Not often in the discipline of psychology does a work of genuinely praiseworthy philosophical sophistication come along that also manages to avoid not only being overly narrow in its relevance but also avoids being filled with unintelligible and pseudo-intellectual jargon. This excellent text is an example of one such work. The authors divided their text into three major sections beginning with a careful and ranging analysis of the ethical underpinnings of contemporary psychotherapy, followed by a timely and provocative discussion of individualism, social constructionism, and hermeneutics, and complete the volume with a preliminary exploration of the principle features of an interpretive psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews "Current theory and research in motivation: a symposium," by Judson S. Brown et al (see record 1954-05574-000). This small volume is a collection of six prepared papers and the comments to them generated among the participants of a two-part symposium on motivation held early in 1953 at the University of Nebraska. Although the papers tend to be uneven in quality and variable in the degree to which theoretical formulations and experimental data are emphasized, they are by and large stimulating, informative, and provocative. The comments on these papers add considerably to their value and give the reader a feeling of being witness to a scholarly free-for-all, in which each participant seems to wield his cudgels with an open and objective mind, firmly convinced of the correctness of his own position. This volume should prove valuable reading to all psychologists and students interested in problems of motivation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychological theories of drinking and alcoholism edited by Howard T. Blane and Kenneth E. Leonard (1987). This volume presents different psychological elements in alcoholism and theories underlining a variety of sources of the motivation to drink. The volume is thus a sign of the maturing of psychology's view of alcoholism and of the creation of real bodies of data and a firm foundation for understanding alcoholism from a psychological perspective. The editors, Blane and Leonard, arrange nine bodies of psychological theory and research about drinking and alcoholism into two sections: Traditional Approaches and Recent Theoretical Models. The chapters do not deal with equivalent kinds of theories; the theories differ not only in their scope but in their level of analysis. Nonetheless, given the differences in the material and the amount to be reviewed, the volume accomplishes very well what it sets out to do. The presentations are inclusive and generally well written. They organize largely distinct areas of psychological knowledge into accessible chapters. The contributors give attention not only to theory and data but also to clinical applications of the theories. In nearly all cases, the chapters serve as perhaps the best available surveys of the topics, making this an invaluable teaching tool and reference book. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Lesbian and gay psychology: Theory, research, and clinical applications by Beverly Greene and Gregory M. Herek (1994). This volume is a collection of theoretical, research, and clinical articles which share in common only their focus of a psychological approach to gay and lesbian issues. Particularly admirable is the handling of a variety of lesbian issues including sexual pride and shame, physical appearance, and feminist politics of sexual orientation. There are also good articles on stereotypes and attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. This volume moves the psychological study of lesbian and gay issues beyond being merely gay affirmative into looking at hard issues, and reconnecting gay studies with the larger body of psychological theory, research, and clinical practice. As a psychological potpourri of articles, it suggests what can be accomplished in lesbian and gay psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Self and others: Object relations theory in practice by N. Gregory Hamilton (see record 1988-97224-000). Hamilton's book, Self and Others, is useful because it attempts to render much of the complexity of understanding object relational approaches more negotiable. Without question, the book is addressed to the beginner or relative beginner (i.e., the person who wishes to get an introduction to object relations). However, because of its elementary focus, the book can be especially valuable for clinicians, residents, and related mental health trainees who are in the process of learning about object relations theory. Too often it seems introductory books on object relations either assume a knowledge the reader does not possess or become so overly mired in discussing the intricacies of theoretical controversy (e.g., Kohut versus Kernberg) that they leave the beginning student of psychoanalysis in a state of bewilderment. Such is not the case with Self and Others. Hamilton's book, while not being without its limitations, does have some interesting features to offer for beginning instruction in object relations theory. The book attempts to show how object relations theory can be applied in practice. Some interesting and instructive definitions, case examples, and discussion are provided, and they all can prove of value to the interested student of object relations theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, A history of psychology: Original sources and contemporary research, 3rd edition by Ludy T. Benjamin Jr. (see record 2008-08540-000). This book joins recent scholarship in the history of psychology with an assortment of classic articles and texts in the field. Published primarily as a reader or companion text, it offers a collection of 44 articles, 20 of which are primary source material; the remainder are more recent secondary sources from well-established authors in the area. In this third edition, Benjamin has made some editorial changes from previous versions of this popular text. For example, the number of chapters has been reduced from 16 to 11 in order to make it a more suitable companion to a traditional textbook on the history of psychology. While there are some wonderful articles here, the reviewer notes a general lack of critical perspective in both Benjamin’s narratives and his choice of secondary sources which prevents him from giving this review the glow that one would normally associate with such esteemed authors and scholarship. His main concerns are that, first, the epistemic and ontological perspectives offered are largely those of professional psychologists rather than those of historians, reflecting a field where researchers already struggle with the notions of interpretation and context, all set within a self-imposed framework of empirical science and objectivity. Second, as a result of this, the future of the history of psychology course is in peril because of its own popularity as a capstone course, where it seems to serve, by and large, the ceremonial and disciplinary function of codifying psychology’s scientific identity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Motivation and personality by A. H. Maslow (1954). As indicated in the preface, "this book was started during the years 1935-1936 and was intended to be a systematic psychology of the older type." Thirteen of the eighteen chapters appeared as separate articles although the author did have an over-all plan into which these separates did fit. There have been only slight changes in the chapters in the preparation of this publication because the author felt that his thinking has "stood up very well." The opening chapter has as its thesis the importance of taking into account the scientist as well as the science, and is followed by a second chapter with a related theme. The third chapter, titled "Holistic-Dynamic Theory in the Study of Personality" is described by the author as being "already somewhat dated." The fourth chapter is titled "Preface to Motivation Theory" and presents some vital concepts such as treating the individual as a whole. In the following chapter, "A Theory of Human Motivation," the author makes the point that "The organism is dominated and its behavior organized by unsatisfied needs." This chapter is followed by one in which the author re-evaluates the instinct theory. Subsequent chapters discuss love and self-actualization. The reviewer reports that overall, the general style of the book as a whole is pleasant in its personal quality and sincerity. It is easy to see how as individual articles, the sections could have been interesting points of departure for discussion, but the assembling of these does not result in an integrated approach nor the "systematic psychology" which the author mentions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Destiny and motivation in language by A.A. Roback (see record 1954-07463-000). This book is a collection of 22 essays on a wide variety of subjects relating to language. In the reviewer's opinion, the most valuable chapter in the book is the one on slang. In this essay, much of which was written forty years ago, the author manages to sustain a line of thought long enough to reach some pretty interesting conclusions. One such conclusion is that slang is the rebel's form of expression, whether the rebel be an adolescent, a criminal, or a member of a persecuted minority. Although this book is not an important contribution to the psychology of language, it will be read with interest by people who like the stimulus of fresh, off-beat speculation. The author has a keen eye for the ironical, an affectionate feeling for words, and a highly permissive attitude toward ideas. It is pretty apparent that this book was undertaken as a labor of love. It deserves to be read and criticized with the same emotion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The prevention of anxiety and depression: Theory, research and practice edited by David J. A. Dozois and Keith S. Dobson (2004). Dozois and Dobson have compiled an impressive volume whose chapters identify and then address the highly complex issues relevant to prevention of anxiety and depression, ending with an excellent summary and synthesis of the body of work covered in the text. The book features contributions by leading researchers in the area, the level of scholarship is consistently high, and the writing is clear and accessible. The essential message of this book is that the development of prevention interventions is a) necessary and b) foreseeable, if not in the immediate future. The book illustrates the charted territories of research on factors associated with the development of anxiety and depression, with successful treatment and with maintenance of treatment gains, but it also appropriately identifies large uncharted territories, such as our lack of understanding of comorbidity and of the development of specific disorders. At the same time, the book offers detailed guidelines for measuring and evaluating the success of prevention interventions. It thus provides an excellent road map for future work on prevention of anxiety and depression. This book is a very valuable contribution to knowledge and will be essential reading for researchers and clinicians interested in prevention and in anxiety and depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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