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Some laboratory sediment-transport experiments are described in which a compound channel with a mobile-bed composed of uniform sand with a d50 of 0.88?mm was subjected to overbank flows. The main river channel was monitored to determine the effect of floodplain roughness on conveyance capacity, bed-form geometry, resistance, bed-load transport, and dune migration rate. The floodplain roughness was varied to simulate a wide range of conditions, commensurate with conditions that can occur in a natural river. For a given discharge, the main river channel bed was found to adjust itself to a quasi-equilibrium condition governed by the lateral momentum transfer between the floodplain and main channel flows and the local alluvial resistance relationship appropriate for the proportion of total flow in the main river channel. The sediment transport rate was found to reflect all these influences. The data are summarized in equation form for comparison with other experimental studies and for checking numerical river simulation models.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to apply coupled hydrodynamic, sediment process, and contaminant fate and transport models to the studies of surface water systems. So far, there are few published modeling studies on sediment and metal transport in rivers that simulate storm events on an hourly basis and use comprehensive data sets for model input and model calibration. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in 1997 emphasized the need for credible modeling tools that can be used to quantitatively evaluate the impacts of point sources, nonpoint sources, and internal transport processes in 1D/2D/3D environments. A 1D and time-dependent hydrodynamic, sediment, and toxic model, within the framework of the 3D Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC), has been developed and applied to Blackstone River, Mass. The Blackstone River Initiative (USEPA) in 1996, a multiyear and multimillion-dollar project, provided the most comprehensive surveys on water quality, sediment, and heavy metals in the river, and served as the primary data set for this study. The model simulates three storm events successfully. The river flow rates are well calculated both in amplitude and in phase. The sediment transport and resuspension processes are depicted satisfactorily. The concentrations of sediment and five metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, and lead) during the three storm events are also simulated very well. Numerical analyses are conducted to clarify the impacts of contaminant sources and sediment resuspension processes on the river. While point sources are important to sediment contamination in the river, other sources, including nonpoint sources from watershed and bed resuspension, were found to contribute significantly to the sediment and metals in the river. Point sources alone cannot account for the total metals in the river. The model presented in this paper can be a useful tool for studying sediment and metals transport in shallow rivers and for water resource management.  相似文献   

In the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, sediment loads from stream runoff generally change more rapidly in the rising limb than in the falling limb of a storm hydrograph. As a result, sediment load reaches its peak prior to flow peak, an observation known as clockwise hysteresis. This dynamic load–flow relationship is poorly reproduced by the existing multivariate linear regression models. This paper explores regressors that attempt to incorporate observed features in a statistical model and thus improve load estimates. These included inverse discharge and flow-change regressors. The load estimates using three regression models for eight rivers are compared, and recommended regression equations are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a two-dimensional morphological model for unsteady flow and both suspended-load and bed-load transport of multiple grain size to simulate transport of graded sediments downstream from the Three Gorges Reservoir. The model system includes a hydrodynamic module and a sediment module. The hydrodynamic module is based on the depth-averaged shallow water equations in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. The sediment module describing nonuniform sediment transport is developed to include nonequilibrium transport processes, bed deformation, and bed material sorting. The model was calibrated using field observations through application to a 63-km-long alluvial river channel on the middle Yangtze River in China. A total of 16 size groups and a loose layer method of three sublayers were considered for the transport of the nonuniform bed materials in a long-term simulation. Predictions are compared with preliminary results of field observations and factors affecting the reliability of the simulated results are discussed. The results may be helpful to the development of more accurate simulation models in the future.  相似文献   

The high sediment load of the Yellow River results in rapid infilling of its reservoirs when sediment is not regularly flushed. Simultaneously, the downstream reaches of the Yellow River experience extremely high siltation rates, which are reduced when sediment is retained in its reservoirs. To minimize siltation in the reservoirs and the downstream river bed, water and sediment are released from the reservoir in a controlled way through flushing experiments. In this paper, we analyze the effect of such a flushing event on the downstream river bed through data analysis and numerical modeling. Sedimentation may be minimized by relating the amount of sediment released from the reservoir to the sediment available for release through operational monitoring and by releasing relatively clear water after turbid water. Despite this flushing of sediment, the reservoir will eventually fill up, and more sediment released again into the lower Yellow River. The change in discharge magnitude and frequency brought about by the reservoir will then probably result in increased siltation rates in the lower Yellow River compared to the predam situation.  相似文献   

There is increasing demand for simulation tools of flow and suspended sediment transport over complex boundaries in hydraulic engineering. The diagonal Cartesian method, which approximates complex boundaries using both Cartesian grid lines and diagonal lines segments, is presented in the paper to simulate the complex boundaries of two-dimensional shallow-water turbulence equations and nonequilibrium suspended sediment transport equation. The method, which utilizes cell-centered nodes on a nonstaggered grid, uses boundary velocity information at the wall boundary to avoid the specification of water level. An enlarged finite-difference method is introduced for momentum and suspended sediment equations on the complex boundary. This paper describes an application of the diagonal Cartesian method to calculate the tidal current and suspended sediment concentration of Quanzhou Bay in the Fujian province of China. The results show that the method predicts the flow and suspended sediment concentration well, and the calculations agree well with the measurement.  相似文献   

The results are presented from a laboratory and theoretical study to investigate the effects of sediment concentration and initial phosphorus loading on adsorption isotherm and capacity. The tested aquatic sediment was collected from the Chongqing reach of the Yangtze River. The adsorption isotherm of dissolved phosphate was approximated by the Langmuir equation. Using mass conservation and Langmuir adsorption kinetic equations, the authors derived formulas for calculating both the particulate and dissolved phosphate concentration. Kinetic experiments on fine sediment samples (<0.008?mm) show that the adsorption process is time dependent and takes place in three stages, namely, an initial fast stage followed by a gradual adsorption, leading to the eventual equilibrium. The results indicate that larger initial phosphate loading causes longer duration, higher adsorption rate, and less adsorption percentages on both the first and second stages. The sediment concentration mainly influences the adsorption rate of the first stage, in which the adsorption rate significantly increases with the increasing sediment concentration.  相似文献   

This note, using a three-dimensional model of river flow and sediment transport, examines the effect of the vertical resolution and the choice a nonequilibrium adaptation length Ls in predicting flow and sediment transport around groins in China’s Yongding River. The results show that a fine vertical grid and nonequilibrium sediment transport model provide good predictions, especially on the river bed profile with an obvious main channel and flood plain.  相似文献   

It has been the conventional assumption that wash load is supply limited and is only indirectly related to the hydraulics of a river. Hydraulic engineers also assumed that bed-material load concentration is independent of wash load concentration. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Yellow River sediment transport data to determine whether the above assumptions are true and whether wash load concentration can be computed from the original unit stream power formula and the modified unit stream power formula for sediment-laden flows. A systematic and thorough analysis of 1,160 sets of data collected from 9 gauging stations along the Middle and Lower Yellow River confirmed that the method suggested by the conjunctive use of the two formulas can be used to compute wash load, bed-material load, and total load in the Yellow River with accuracy.  相似文献   

This case study paper presents results on the application of the HEC-6 model to the main stem of the Kankakee River in Illinois, a distance of about 39.3?km. Modeling was performed to develop comprehensive plans for enhancing the aquatic habitats and also to forecast future sedimentation problems if specific management practices are implemented. The paper concentrates on the modeling aspects of this research. The extent of the model was from the Stateline Bridge to Kankakee Dam in Kankakee. The HEC-6 model, originally developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was adapted for this application. The model was run, calibrated, and verified for both the hydraulic and sediment components. The hydraulic component was calibrated through comparison of measured yearly hydrographs with computed values for three gauging stations on the river. The hydrologic component was verified for the same three gauging stations for two yearly hydrographs for 2 additional water years. The sediment component was calibrated with river cross-sectional data collected by the Illinois State Water Survey in 1980 and 1999. The calibrated and verified hydraulic and calibrated sediment components then were used to predict future changes in water surface elevations and thalweg elevations for a 20-year period beginning in 1999, the last date for which river cross-sectional data are available.  相似文献   

Bank erosion frequently occurs in the Lower Yellow River (LYR), playing an important role in the evolution of this braided river. A two-dimensional (2D) composite model is developed herein that consists of a depth-averaged 2D flow and sediment transport submodel and a bank-erosion submodel. The model incorporates a new technique for updating bank geometry during either degradational or aggradational bed evolution, allowing the two submodels to be closely combined. Using the model, the fluvial processes in the braided reach of the LYR between Huayuankou and Laitongzhai are simulated, and the calculated results generally agree with the field measurements, including the water-surface elevation, variation of water-surface width, and variations of cross-sectional profiles. The calculated average water-surface elevation in the study reach was 0.09?m greater than the observed initial value, and the calculated mean bed elevation for six cross sections was 0.11?m lower than the observed value after 24 days. These errors are attributed to the large variability of flow and sediment transport processes. Sensitivity tests of three groups of parameters are conducted, and these groups of parameters are related to flow and sediment transport, bank erosion, and model application, respectively. Analysis results of parameter sensitivity tests indicate that bank erodibility coefficient and critical shear stress for bank material are sensitive to the simulated bank erosion process. The lateral erosion distance at Huayuankou will increase by 19% as the value of bank erodibility coefficient changes from 0.1 to 0.3, and it will decrease by 57% as the value of critical shear stress for bank increases from 0.6 to 1.2?N/m2. Limited changes of other parameters have relatively small effects on the simulated results for this reach, and the maximum change extent of calculated results is less than 5%. Because the process of sediment transport and bank erosion in the braided reach of the LYR is very complicated, further study is needed to verify the model.  相似文献   

One-dimensional numerical sediment transport models (DREAM-1 and DREAM-2) are used to simulate seven experimental runs designed to examine sediment pulse dynamics in a physical model of forced pool-riffle morphology. Comparisons with measured data indicate that DREAM-1 and -2 closely reproduce the sediment transport flux and channel bed adjustments following the introduction of fine and coarse sediment pulses, respectively. The cumulative sediment transport at the flume exit in a DREAM-1 simulation is within 10% of the measured values, and cumulative sediment transport at flume exit in a DREAM-2 simulation is within a factor of 2 of the measured values. Comparison of simulated and measured reach-averaged aggradation and degradation indicates that 84% of DREAM-1 simulation results have errors less than 3.3?mm, which is approximately 77% of the bed material geometric mean grain size or 3.7% of the average water depth. A similar reach-averaged comparison indicates that 84% of DREAM-2 simulation results have errors less than 7.0?mm, which is approximately 1.7 times the bed material geometric mean grain size or 11% of the average water depth. Simulations using measured thalweg profiles as the input for the initial model profile produced results with larger errors and unrealistic aggradation and degradation patterns, demonstrating that one-dimensional numerical sediment transport models need to be applied on a reach-averaged basis.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of suspended sediment transport in open channels under various flow conditions through a kinetic-model-based simulation. The kinetic model, accounting for both sediment-turbulence and sediment-sediment interactions, successfully represents experimentally observed diffusion and transport characteristics of suspended sediments with different densities and sizes. Without tuning any model coefficients, the nonmonotonic concentration distribution and the noticeable lag velocity with a negative value close to the wall are reasonably reproduced. Examination of flow conditions typical of suspension dominated rivers shows that the conventional method may overestimate or underestimate unit suspended-sediment discharge, depending on the Rouse number, sediment size, as well as shear velocity. The error may be less than 20% for dp<0.5?mm and might exceed 60% for dp>1.0?mm under typical flow conditions where shear velocity ranges from 1.0?to?12.5?cm/s and flow depth ranges from 1.0?to?5.0?m.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model was applied to compute uniform and nonuniform sediment transport and bed deformation in an S-shaped laboratory channel located at the University of Innsbruck, where detailed measurements of the velocity field and bed elevation changes were made. The channel had two bends, a trapezoidal cross section, and a slope of S = 0.005. Gravel with a mean diameter of 4.2?mm was used as movable bed material and for sediment feeding. Wu’s formula for multiple grain sizes was compared with van Rijn’s formula using one grain size. Fairly good agreement was found between the computed and measured bed elevations for both approaches, whereas Wu’s formula could further improve the numerical results. Looking at the physics of the erosion pattern, the computed scour areas were located slightly more downstream than what was observed in the physical model. The current study also includes several parameter tests: grid distribution in vertical, lateral, and longitudinal direction; time step; number of inner iterations/time step; active sediment layer thickness; and the Shields coefficient. The variation of those parameters gave some differences in the results, but the overall pattern of bed elevation changes remained the same.  相似文献   

One of the problems in irrigation structures is sedimentation control in the inlet to the irrigation networks. Water quality for agriculture requires that the sediments be controlled at their entrance point to the networks. This is possible by constructing a settling basin (SB). The bigger the basins, the better the retardation of the sediments but the expenses are higher too. Different mathematical models are developed for SBs. Most of these models show the relationship between efficiency and effective parameters with mathematical formulas. In this research, a computer simulation model was written for calculating the efficiency of a SB. Using this model, another computer program was developed in which design parameters (length, width, depth, slope, and water velocity in the basin) were determined such that the basin has the specified characteristics and minimum construction costs. In this respect, operations research and a lexicographic enumeration algorithm was used. Validation of the computer simulation was performed by applying it to two SBs in Nekouabad diversion dam, west of Isfahan, Iran. The average actual efficiencies of right and left Nekouabad SBs were 31.2 and 36.2%, respectively, while the average calculated efficiencies for right and left SBs were 35.4 and 40.2%, respectively. Application of this program for designing an optimum SB for Nekouabad diversion dam was shown to be promising.  相似文献   

A steady, two-dimensional numerical model was created to study the hydrodynamics of a rectangular sedimentation basin under turbulent conditions. The strip integral method was used to formulate the flow equations, using a forward marching scheme for solving the governing partial differential equations of continuity, momentum, advection–diffusion, turbulent kinetic energy, and its dissipation. In this way the flow equations were converted to a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in terms of the key physical parameters. These parameters, along with a set of shape functions, describe flow variables including the velocity, the concentration of suspended sediments, and both the kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. Four Gaussian distributions were investigated, one corresponding to each flow parameter. In order to calculate the turbulent shear stresses, a two-equation turbulence model (i.e., k-ε model) was used. A fourth order Runge–Kutta method numerically integrates the set of ODEs. Simulation results were compared with experimental data, and close agreement (generally within 5–10%) was observed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a three-dimensional (3D) mathematical model for suspended load transport in turbulent flows. Based on the stochastic theory of turbulent flow proposed by Dou, numerical schemes of Reynolds stresses for anisotropic turbulent flows are obtained. Instead of a logarithmic law, a specific wall function is used to describe the velocity profile close to wall boundaries. The equations for two-dimensional suspended load motion and sorting of bed material have been improved for a 3D case. Numerical results are in good agreement with the measured data of the Gezhouba Project. The present method has been employed to simulate sediment erosion and deposition in the vicinity of the Three Gorges Dam. The size distribution of the deposits and bed material, and flow and sediment concentration at different times and elevations, are predicted. The results agree well with the observations in physical experiments. Thus, a new method is established for 3D simulation of sediment motion in the vicinity of dams.  相似文献   

Recently, increasing nutrient (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations have been observed in the surface water of many countries and this nonpoint source (NPS) pollution has become an important factor in the deterioration of water quality in the upper reach of the Yangtze River Basin. In this paper, the NPS pollution loads in the upper reach of Yangtze River Basin in the year 2000 were estimated using export coefficient model and remote sensing techniques. The spatial distributions of the NPS loads within the watershed were then displayed using geographical information system. Results indicated that the total nitrogen load was 1.947×106?t and the total phosphorus load was 8.364×104?t. Important source areas for the nutrients were croplands in the Jinsha R. and Jialing R. watershed, as well as the Chongqing municipality.  相似文献   

A finite-volume computer code developed at the Institute for Hydromechanics, University of Karlsruhe, has been used to calculate the flow and sediment transport in a laboratory channel with constriction and movable bed. The flow is calculated by solving the fully three dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with k?ε turbulence model. The bed deformation is obtained from an overall mass-balance equation for sediment transport and the bed-load transport is simulated with a nonequilibrium model. The calculated results for flow and scour development in the laboratory channel are compared with experimental measurements. The sensitivity of the simulated results to the nonequilibrian adaptation-length parameter in the nonequilibrium bed-load transport model is investigated systematically, which represents the main contribution of this paper.  相似文献   

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