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This study investigated how attachment style predicted first-year students' responses to a transition to university group facilitation program. Participants (N = 148) at three universities were randomly assigned to a control or facilitation group. Each group consisted of on average six first-year students and two facilitators who met weekly for nine weeks at the beginning of the first semester to discuss issues relevant to the transition to university. Attachment styles (preoccupied, secure, dismissing, and fearful), feelings toward group experiences, and adjustment were assessed by questionnaire at the end of the program in November and again in March. Results indicated that, as hypothesised, dismissing style scores were generally negatively correlated with student attendance and feelings toward the group. Secure style ratings tended to be positively correlated with reports of group feelings. Adjustment measures collected in March indicated a potential buffering effect of the facilitation program for the preoccupied students in that the preoccupied students in the control group indicated more depression and loneliness, plus poorer adjustment to university, than the preoccupied students in the intervention groups. However, all other styles, including the dismissing style, did not show differences between intervention and control groups on subsequent adjustment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether the perception of the university environment mediated the relationship between ethnic identity and persistence attitudes of Latino college students. Participants were 175 Latino college students who attended a primarily White university. The results supported the hypothesized mediating role of the university environment. Higher Latino ethnic identity was associated with perceiving a more negative university environment and feeling less committed to finishing college. In turn, perception of a negative college environment was associated with feeling less committed to finishing college. When perception of the university environment was removed, no significant relationship was found between ethnic identity and persistence attitudes, indicating that it is the perceived context that influences Latino college students' persistence attitudes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Test Anxiety and Need for Achievement are related to intelligence, performance level (exam grades), and persistence (time spent in exams). Ss were 146 college students. Test Anxiety is negatively related to intelligence (p  相似文献   

Visual stimuli appear to persist beyond the offset of the physical stimulus. Coltheart (1980) suggested the need to distinguish among several types of persistence. The author confines their attention to one of those types, visible persistence. According to Coltheart, "The term 'visible' denotes the sine qua non of this form of persistence, namely, that it can be 'seen'." Visible persistence is the form of persistence that makes fluorescent lights and computer monitors possible. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors conducted a study of 5,472 university students to identify the prevalence and predictors of religious and spiritual concerns. Approximately 25% of the sample reported considerable distress related to such concerns. Logistic regression analyses revealed that students with considerable distress related to religious or spiritual concerns also tended to be distressed about the loss of a relationship, sexual assault, confusion about values, homesickness, and suicidal ideation. These students were especially likely to seek psychological help when they also had problematic relationships with peers. Among all students who sought help, considerable distress about religious or spiritual concerns was predicted by confusion about values, problematic relationships with peers, sexual concerns, and thoughts of being punished for one's sins. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey (MEBS) is a 30-item questionnaire for longitudinal assessment of disordered eating symptoms among community children and adults. This cross-validation study evaluated the MEBS's psychometric properties among 423 Canadian university women. Generally, we observed satisfactory internal consistency reliability and convergent and discriminant validity, although performance of the Compensatory Behavior subscale was relatively weak. Further, we observed acceptable congruence with the original factor structure in this sample, but confirmatory factor analysis indicated the original factor structure fit these data poorly. An alternative model is presented. We interpret these mixed results as largely supporting the MEBS's reliability and validity as a brief measure of disordered eating symptoms among female undergraduates. Further evaluation of its factor structure is needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to identify the variables that best predict whether or not young women intend to use condoms during their sexual encounters with new partners. 187 heterosexually experienced undergraduate women (mean age 20.9 yrs) completed a questionnaire battery including variables to assess all components of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (T0PB). The TOPB was a useful model for predicting intention to use condoms with a new partner. Prediction was improved beyond the TOPB by including specific beliefs (condom use demonstrates responsible sexual activity, condom use does not destroy trust), group norms, and birth control use (mediated by attitudes toward condoms). The practical implications for AIDS prevention programs designed to promote condom use among women are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Students struggling with alcohol problems continue to be part of the college experience. A community model of inclusion consisting of the components of embeddedness, interdependence, intradependence, and evolution (CMEIIE) was used to conceptualize an alcohol treatment program that encourages campus agencies to share resources, training, and ideas. The use of CMEIIE allows universities flexibility to design their own community model of intervention that takes into account (a) current policies, programming, and services; (b) relationships between offices; (c) extensiveness of mental health services; (d) resources of local community agencies; and (e) continual evaluation of the effectiveness of their intervention programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We examined the factor structure of the Psychosocial Costs of Racism to Whites Scale (PCRW; Spanierman & Heppner, 2004) on 766 White American university students from the southeastern United States. Results from confirmatory factor analyses supported the 3-factor model proposed by Spanierman and Heppner (2004). The construct validity of the PCRW was further strengthened by its convergent validity demonstrated by the associations among its subscales and White racial identity attitudes and White privilege attitude. Our findings support the continued exploration of the validity and reliability of the PCRW as well as its utility as a measure of White individuals’ affective responses to racism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the effect of the birth of the 1st child on relationship functioning using data from 218 couples (436 individuals) over the course of the first 8 years of marriage. Compared with prebirth levels and trajectories, parents showed sudden deterioration following birth on observed and self-reported measures of positive and negative aspects of relationship functioning. The deterioration in these variables was small to medium in size and tended to persist throughout the remaining years of the study. Mothers and fathers showed similar amounts of change after birth. The amount of postbirth deterioration in relationship functioning varied systematically by several characteristics of the individual, the marriage, and the pregnancy itself. In a group of couples who did not have children, results indicated more gradual deterioration in relationship functioning during the first 8 years of marriage without the sudden changes seen in parents, suggesting that the results seen in the parent sample may be due to birth. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The U.S. government has recently spent several hundred million dollars to promote healthy relationships in new parents. The influx of money implies that relationships of new parents are at elevated risk for declining satisfaction and dissolution. This meta-analysis aggregates data from 37 studies that track couples from pregnancy to after the birth of the first child and 4 studies that track childless newlywed couples over time and compare couples who do and do not become parents. Results indicate significant, small declines in relationship satisfaction for both men and women from pregnancy to 11 months postbirth; 5 studies that followed couples for 12–14 months found moderate-sized declines. Seven variables moderated the decrease in relationship satisfaction from pregnancy to early parenthood. However, the decrease in satisfaction may not indicate anything unique about the transition to parenthood; the 4 studies following newlyweds indicated that those who do not become parents experience a decrease in relationship satisfaction similar to that of parents across a comparable span of time. Implications for prevention and future directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors utilized a modified version of Herek’s (1986, 1993) Sexual Orientation Survey to assess experiences of religiously based prejudice and discrimination reported by conservative Christian students at public (N = 96) and private religious (N = 96) university settings. Apart from hearing more prejudicial verbal comments, participants attending a secular university did not report experiencing higher levels of actual discrimination and prejudice than respondents attending a Christian university, with one exception: being discriminated against by university faculty. Symptoms of depression and anxiety were not related to perceptions of religiously based prejudice among participants. These findings neither support claims of widespread prejudice against conservative Christian students at secular universities nor permit the complete dismissal of such concerns, particularly among university faculty. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The scores of 68 extension students in business administration on the ACE Psychological Examination and the Coop Reading Comprehension Examination were compared with scores of 119 business administration freshmen. Slight, statistically significant differences in favor of the extension students were found for two of the reading subtests. "… it might be assumed that extension students… were capable of doing college level work and hence entitled to credit for that work." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The transition from high school to college is an important developmental milestone that holds the potential for personal growth and behavioral change. A cohort of 2,245 students was recruited during the summer before they matriculated into college and completed Internet-based surveys about their participation in a variety of behavioral risks during the last 3 months of high school and throughout the 1st year of college. Alcohol use, marijuana use, and sex with multiple partners increased during the transition from high school to college, whereas driving after drinking, aggression, and property crimes decreased. Those from rural high schools and those who elected to live in private dormitories in college were at highest risk for heavy drinking and driving after drinking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to discriminate between the 2 dominant perspectives governing research on the nature of marital change over the transition to parenthood. Progress can be made in understanding this transition by recognizing the role of uncontrolled sources of variability in research designs, defining and using control groups, and timing of data collection around the child's arrival, and the authors conducted a study incorporating these methodological refinements. Growth curve analyses were conducted on marital satisfaction data collected twice before and twice after the birth of the 1st child and at corresponding points for voluntarily childless couples (N = 156 couples). Spouses who were more satisfied prior to pregnancy had children relatively early in marriage, and parents experienced greater declines in marital satisfaction compared to nonparents. Couples with planned pregnancies had higher prepregnancy satisfaction scores, and planning slowed husbands' (but not wives') postpartum declines. In sum, parenthood hastens marital decline--even among relatively satisfied couples who select themselves into this transition--but planning status and prepregnancy marital satisfaction generally protect marriages from these declines. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

分析当前高等学校办学效益方面存在的主要问题,提出要提高办学效益,必须转变观念,深化高校内部管理体制的改革、树立效益和质量的观念、迎接市场,参与竞争,重视学科建设,树立品牌形象,以提高学生素质及培养质量为目标,提高办学效益.  相似文献   

University counseling center staff and directors have argued that there has been an increase in severity of psychological concerns among university counseling center clients (R. P. Gallagher, B. Zhang, & R. Taylor, 2004; G. L. Stone, K. M. Vespia, & J. E. Kanz, (see record 2000-02442-010)). A body of literature exists to support this perception; however, this research has been criticized for focusing solely on therapist or client perceptions of psychopathology, rather than on objective data (B. S. Sharkin & L. P. Coulter (see record 2005-14332-008)). In this investigation, the authors explored changes in severity among a random sample of 827 university counseling center clients over the course of 7 years (1999-2005) by concurrently measuring client self-report on the Outcome Questionnaire-45, number of prior treatments, and urgency of concern, as well as psychologist reports of Axis I diagnosis, diagnosis severity rating, and Global Assessment of Functioning score. No meaningful trend increases in severity of psychopathology were found over time. Practice implications of these findings are presented, and possible explanations for the impression that severity is increasing are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The way individuals use humor is likely to be influenced by how they feel about themselves. The goal of the present studies was to examine the association between the pathological forms of narcissism (grandiose and vulnerable narcissism) and humor styles in Jewish Israeli undergraduate samples as they made the adjustment to being university students. Study 1 (N = 187) found that grandiose narcissism was positively associated with adaptive humor, whereas vulnerable narcissism was negatively associated with adaptive humor and positively associated with maladaptive humor. Study 2 (N = 251) found that humor styles mediated the associations between the pathological forms of narcissism and perceived stress. There was no evidence of any moderating effect of humor styles on the relationship between the pathological forms of narcissism and perceived stress. These findings are discussed in terms of the role that humor may play in explaining the association between the pathological forms of narcissism and perceived stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Associations among prenatal expectations, the extent to which expectations were confirmed or disconfirmed, and trajectories of marital satisfaction over the transition to parenthood were assessed 7-11 times in a sample of newlywed couples. Piecewise growth curve analyses were conducted to examine levels of marital satisfaction at the beginning of marriage and rates of change over 2 periods: from the beginning of marriage through the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy through 18 months postpartum. Postpartum marital decline was greater than decline from marriage through pregnancy. Spouses who were more satisfied at the beginning of marriage reported higher expectations. There was marked variability in the extent to which prenatal expectations were confirmed; some expectations were unfulfilled, others were met, and still others were surpassed. Associations between the extent to which expectations were confirmed and rates of change in marital decline differed as a function of the specific type of expectation. Implications for understanding vulnerability and resiliency in couples negotiating the transition to parenthood are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Perceived social support among college students: Three studies of the psychometric characteristics and counseling uses of the Social Support Inventory" by Steven D. Brown, Theresa Brady, Robert W. Lent, Jenny Wolfert and Sheila Hall (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1987[Jul], Vol 34[3], 337-354). In Table 5, the reliable change (RC) values for Clients 1-7 on the UCLA Loneliness Scale and the College Student Satisfaction Scale were incorrect. The corrected values are presented in the erratum. In addition, a note should be added to Table 5 that reads: "Posttreatment scores used in the calculation of RC are means obtained from the sum of posttreatment and follow-up scores." (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1987-32914-001.) Perceived social support has been shown to relate to psychological distress and well-being. However, measurement of the construct has been limited by a failure to embed perceived support in a body of psychological theory that would suggest how perceived support is produced and modified. In three studies we assessed the psychometric characteristics and counseling uses of a theory-derived measure of perceived social support, the Social Support Inventory (SSI). Results of the first study indicated that the SSI possessed excellent internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity, and it performed in theoretically predicted ways in a series of construct validity analyses. Results of the second study suggested that the SSI may not be influenced by mood state or demand characteristics. The third study concerned a counseling intervention developed from the SSI's theoretical base. Reported outcomes are from the first 7 consecutive college student clients exposed to the intervention for difficulties in their social transition to college. We also describe the person-environment fit theory from which the SSI was derived and discuss future conceptual and research needs on the theory, instrument, and intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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