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实时地形数据有利于河床演变分析和工程评估。基于超声波、4G无线传输、网络数据库等技术,研发了河床地形实时在线监测系统。为消除温度、盐度等因素对测量结果的影响,设计了超声波声速校核装置:利用固定校核面反射超声波信号,通过计时器获取超声波发射和反射信号时间间隔,从而反演超声波声速,实现对声速的实时校正。系统应用到姚江大闸下游河床地形监测,监测时段内河床地形淤积了0.041 m,对应时段内GPS-RTK测量结果为河床地形淤积了0.050 m,2种方法测量结果基本一致。实践应用结果表明本系统监测数据可靠,能用于地形实时监测中。  相似文献   

江河流域规划环境影响评价指标体系的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了流域规划环境影响评价指标的内涵、相关的规划内容与环境主题;提出了规划环境保护目标及评价指标体系、环境影响预测评价系统、环境要素及其环评指标体系。  相似文献   

谢齐 《中国水利》2003,(18):34-34
1998年以后,英国决定为全英格兰和威尔士的所有流域制订流域洪水管理规划(CFMP).为此,英国环保署(EA)和环境食品乡村部(DEFRA)等多个国家政府机构制定了用于CFMP的指南手册,并开发了一个用于支持制定CFMP的以GIS为平台的模拟与决策支持框架(MDSF--Modelling and Decision Support Framework).……  相似文献   

为了解决韶关市城市内涝问题,韶关水文分局开始研究建立城市内涝预警预报系统。通过实地勘测,历史资料调查。并根据城市产流机制及地表径流形成过程,介绍了城市内涝预警系统的建设思路。对城市防洪以及排水系统设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

为了给西苕溪流域防汛提供决策依据,基于洪水变化的复杂特征,结合流域地理信息,以B/S方式集成流域水文学模型、混合回归模型、经验分析方法等,构建了多方案集成的洪水预报系统。应用结果表明:各站预报精度均达到优秀标准,验证了模型及参数的有效性。  相似文献   

目前,水量分配的内涵、原理及方法仍有待完善,现整合水量分配理论,以不同河流普遍适用为目标,通过VB、ArcEngine及Access技术集成可视化的河流水量分配系统。河流水量分配系统内嵌水量分配指标库及方法库,融入了层次分析法(AHP)、多目标半结构性模糊优选模型法及基于实数编码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪分类模型(RAGA-PPC)。系统在府环河流域得到了有效的应用,基于指标库构建分水指标体系,分别使用AHP和RAGA-PPC方法确定指标的权重及行政区的分水比例,分水结果显示,通过本系统AHP和RAGA-PPC方法得到的府环河流域分水方案与其需水预测结果大致吻合。  相似文献   

Water catchments worldwide are experiencing increasing pressure on the quantity and quality of ground and surface water resources. Water managers are increasingly consulting community and stakeholder groups to ensure their decisions reflect the values and preferences of water users. Growing tensions between different water users require the use of techniques that can enable stakeholders to learn about each others’ positions and deliberate about the costs and benefits of alternative water allocation scenarios. This paper describes the use of scenario development, a small group deliberative process (citizens’ jury) and multi-criteria analysis to assist in water planning for the Howard River catchment in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. Water planning processes in the NT are in their infancy. As such, this research provides information about stakeholder preferences where none was previously available and demonstrates the use of a new water planning tool. The research found that the process in this case was most useful in providing information to stakeholders, dispelling some unhelpful myths about water use in the catchment, and coalescing opinion about important criteria for assessing future options.  相似文献   

在介绍马尔柯夫链预测基本原理和方法后,针对年降水量是相依随机变量的特点,采取以各阶自相关系数为权重,以某水库1965-2005年降水量的统计资料为实例,用马尔柯夫链模型预测了某水库未来年份的旱涝状态。  相似文献   


This paper presents an integrated sustainable development decision support system (ISDDSS) for the management of flood-endangered regions in China. The ISDDSS is based on comprehensive analyses of the previous flooding events in China, especially the one that occurred in the Yangtze River Basin in 1998. A large number of conditions including the hydrological features and the economic losses resulting from flooding disasters are addressed. Due to the frequent floods in the Yangtze River Basin, the management of flood-endangered regions in the middle stream area has become one of the most important water-related issues in China. This is mainly because of such factors as the regions' high population density, flat alluvial plain, far-flung farmlands, and strong economic potentials. The flood-endangered regions are greatly vulnerable to flooding in rainy season due to the flat terrain and their direct connections with surface rivers and lakes. Moreover, they were often chosen to retain floodwater in order to protect major cities in the Yangtze River Basin. The ISDDSS is proposed to prevent flooding disasters, to minimize flood damages, and to promote sustainable development in such regions  相似文献   


This paper presents an integrated sustainable development decision support system (ISDDSS) for the management of flood-endangered regions in China. The ISDDSS is based on comprehensive analyses of the previous flooding events in China, especially the one that occurred in the Yangtze River Basin in 1998. A large number of conditions including the hydrological features and the economic losses resulting from flooding disasters are addressed. Due to the frequent floods in the Yangtze River Basin, the management of flood-endangered regions in the middle stream area has become one of the most important water-related issues in China. This is mainly because of such factors as the regions' high population density, flat alluvial plain, far-flung farmlands, and strong economic potentials. The flood-endangered regions are greatly vulnerable to flooding in rainy season due to the flat terrain and their direct connections with surface rivers and lakes. Moreover, they were often chosen to retain floodwater in order to protect major cities in the Yangtze River Basin. The ISDDSS is proposed to prevent flooding disasters, to minimize flood damages, and to promote sustainable development in such regions  相似文献   

怒江上游西藏境内河段水能资源丰富,资源集中。根据流域内水文气象、河段规划等情况,在达塘水文站至俄米出库站区间的总测控范围内共布设了109个各类遥测站。采用以北斗卫星为主信道,以GSM(GPRS)为备用信道的通信方式对数据进行传输,采用雷达波测流仪进行数据采集。建立怒江上游西藏境内河段水文自动测报系统十分必要。  相似文献   

In New Zealand and elsewhere no system has existed for objectively ranking the relative importance of different use (e.g., irrigation and hydro electric power) and non-use (e.g., whitewater kayaking, recreational angling, native birdlife) river values. Development of such a system would provide an opportunity for improved policies and rules around water and river use, development and conservation opportunities, and for understanding tradeoffs when competing and overlapping demands are placed on the same resource. In this paper the River Values Assessment System (RiVAS), a Multi Criteria Analysis based approach, is described and demonstrated by application to the salmonid angling value (and in a more limited way to swimming) in Tasman District rivers of the South Island, New Zealand. The system has 10 steps, and a decision support system which finally helps decide the national, regional or local (or high, medium or low) importance or significance of rivers for particular values. As with any MCA approach there is a wide range of limitations all of which are addressed, and none of which are ultimately fatally detrimental to the system.  相似文献   

芭蕉河流域内雨量充沛,干流全长40.41 km,总落差548m,水力资源丰富,淹没损失少,具有良好的开发条件.介绍了开发方案和近期工程以及有关技术经济指标.  相似文献   

介绍西江及珠江三角洲相关图预报系统的结构组成、所采用的数学模型、交互分析的各种方法以及在实时洪水作业预报中的精度,并对系统研制的必要性及效果作了较详细的分析。  相似文献   

滨江流域GPS降水预报系统的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用试验区建立的GPS水汽监测网获得的近乎实时的水汽数据,采用模块开发和系统集成方式,研制了流域GPS降水预报系统。介绍了系统的体系结构、主要功能、运行情况及开发的关键技术。叙述了流域降水预报的各种预报方法,并建立了基于遗传算法的降水预报神经网络模型(GA-BP网络模型)。结果表明,GPS水汽可为降水预报提高精度;GA-BP网络是一种精度较高的降水预报模型,可提高预测精度,增长有效预见期。该系统能根据流域GPS观测数据、高空数据、卫星云图,数值产品等数据,实现不同数据源的信息处理和不同时效的降水预报制作,为洪水预警预报和防洪决策服务。  相似文献   

为推动“数字黄河”工程深度发展,开展“数字黄河”工程黄河数学模拟系统建设规划,明确“十二五”期间黄河数学模拟系统建设目标与原则,设计模拟系统总体结构,提出面向防汛减灾、水资源管理与调度、水资源保护、水土保持、流域规划等业务亟待建设的模型及集成实现工作,明确支撑系统的模型不确定性及评价、复杂数据高效存取及其仿真可视化、协调大尺度和跨学科模型集成及云服务、卡尔曼滤波法和三维/四维变分同化,以及水循环及其多物质输移过程模拟等关键技术。  相似文献   

基于Geodatabase的北京城市污水规划辅助系统的开发与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
龙瀛  贾海峰 《给水排水》2003,29(8):84-86
第三代空间数据模型(Geodatabase)以ArcInfo作为应用平台,充分利用ArcInfo平台的空间分析功能和Geodatabase关系数据库的属性查询功能辅助城市污水系统规划.系统在北京城市污水处理厂合理布局规划上得到应用,其在自动化程度和方案生成效率等方面,已经被证明优于传统的城市规划工程平台CAD.  相似文献   

龙河汛期洪水频繁,枯期来水少,中游的石板水电厂以发电为主、防洪为辅,为了协调石板水电厂水库防洪与发电用水矛盾,需建立一套完整的洪水预报系统。文中介绍了石板水电厂水情预报模型,根据模型原理开发了洪水预报软件。实践证明,开发出的洪水预报软件实用性强。对模型中的参数进行修改后,可用于不同河流的洪水预报。  相似文献   

构建了流域水库群水资源调度系统.该系统采用框架结构,与 GIS 无缝连接并利于添加模型;内嵌 GIS 控件面轻松实现图形导航、放大、缩小、漫游、标注、图层控制管理;采用分布式流域水文预报模型有效解决了山区降雨分布不均匀问题,提高了水情预报精度.通过 2009 年"莫拉克"台风降雨过程的霍童溪流域水库群预报调度计算表明:流域水库群水资源调度系统的应用可提高水资源利用率.  相似文献   

构建了流域水库群水资源调度系统。该系统采用框架结构,与GIS无缝连接并利于添加模型;内嵌GIS控件面轻松实现图形导航、放大、缩小、漫游、标注、图层控制管理;采用分布式流域水文预报模型有效解决了山区降雨分布不均匀问题,提高了水情预报精度。通过2009年"莫拉克"台风降雨过程的霍童溪流域水库群预报调度计算表明:流域水库群水资源调度系统的应用可提高水资源利用率。  相似文献   

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