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Regional Models for the Estimation of Streamflow Series in Ungauged Basins   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The assessment of water resources in a region usually must cope with a general lack of data, both in time (short observed series) as well as in space (ungauged basins). Such a lack of data is generally overcome by combining rainfall–runoff models with regionalization techniques in order to transfer information to sites without or with short available observed series. The present paper aims to analyze applicability and limitations of two regionalization procedures for estimating the parameters of simple rainfall–runoff models respectively based on a “two-step” and on a “one-step” approach, for the estimation of monthly streamflow series in ungauged basins. In particular, an application to a Sicilian river basin of multiple regression equations according to a “two-step” and a “one-step” approaches and of a “one-step” approach based on neural networks is reported. For the investigated region, results indicate that models based on the “one-step” approach appear to be robust and adequate for estimating the streamflows in ungauged basins.  相似文献   

华东区域电力市场中,电力公司在月度市场中报价,日前市场中只申报负荷需求,以管制价格对用户售电。各个市场中竞价电量的分配以及报价直接影响到电力公司的收益和市场稳定。文中基于投资组合理论,对电力公司考虑风险的月度购电策略进行了研究。首先对3种风险计量指标的购电决策模型从实际应用角度进行了分析,其中基于半方差的购电模型为首次提出;其次针对购电侧分段报价规则,提出了利用分段降低风险的月度分段报价模型;最后结合实际数据对各种模型进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

A comprehensive assessment of the water resources available in a region or a river basin is essential for finding sustainable solutions for water-related problems concerning both the quantity and quality of the water resources. Research on the development and application of water balance models at different spatial and temporal scales has been carried out since later part of the 19th century. As a result, a great deal of experience on various models and methods has been gained. This paper reviews both traditional long-term water balance methods and the new generation distributed models for assessing available water resources under stationary and changing climatic conditions at different spatial and temporal scales. The applicability and limitations of the methods are addressed. Finally, current advances and challenges in regional- and large-scale assessment of water resources are presented.  相似文献   

面源污染模型研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
于维坤  尹炜  叶闽  雷阿林 《人民长江》2008,39(23):83-87
随着水域点源污染的有效控制,面源污染问题愈趋突出,因而如何科学地认识并有效控制面源污染成为一个紧迫的研究课题。通过回顾面源污染模型的发展历程,详细介绍了在不同发展时期国外典型且部分也在国内应用的7个面源污染模型,对各个模型的开发提供者、模拟的主要过程和特点等方面做了详细的介绍,同时总结了国内面源污染模型的研究成果,分为国内自主研究模型和引进国外先进模型两类。可以看出, 3S技术与面源污染模型的结合及在模型中引入不确定性分析是今后发展的一种趋势,同时指出了我国在面源污染方面的研究还比较落后,有待进一步加强模型的自主研发和基础资料库的建立,并强调了统计模型在我国应用的重要意义。  相似文献   

利用测雨雷达信息计算区域降水量方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史芳斌 《人民长江》1996,27(8):24-26
天气雷达覆盖面广、实时性强,对于观测区域内任意点都有回波与其对应。拟用测雨天气雷达信息来进行有关雨量的计算以弥补单纯依靠有限个雨量站点计算面雨量的不足。由于测雨雷达在探测过程中受各种因素制约,精度偏低,因此需要校正,采用了变分法和卡尔曼滤波相结合的雷达回波校正方法。  相似文献   

价差管理作为投资管理的重要内容应受到重视,其管理方法和管理型式应根据工程条件及管理要求而不断变化,大朝山工程建设管理虽然根据工程实际情况形成了适合自己的从差管理模式,但是实践证明,无论采用什么样的价差管理模式都有明显的管理缺陷,今后是否应取消价差管理这种落后的管理方式,尚待研究思考。  相似文献   

遥感技术为区域蒸散的定量提供了有效手段,在综述了国内外定量遥感蒸散研究概况的基础上,比较分析了目前较常用的几种遥感蒸散模型,并指出同类研究在地表温度与空气动力学温度差异、阻抗、平流、尺度效应及结果验证等方面存在一些问题,提出了提高定量遥感蒸散计算精度的具体措施,包括:运用高光谱提高地表温度反演精度;加强对瞬时地表蒸散转换为日总蒸散的研究;运用微波遥感解决阴雨天的地表蒸散;提高净辐射通量反演精度;借助动力学过程模型进行地表蒸散反演的研究;加强地面定标和试验遥感的研究等。  相似文献   

人类社会的发展必然要消耗资源并依赖能源工业的发展,水电是可再生能源。如何把开发水电和保护环境有机地结合起来,实现“人与自然和谐相处,”就企业来讲,必须坚持科学发展观,用新的发展思路,开发水电建设,处理好企业前进道路上的各种矛盾和问题,全面提升企业在市场中的综合竞争力,实现企业健康发展,同时实现地方经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

水工沥青混凝土强度双因素方差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水工沥青混凝土的质量控制性能指标很多,主要有力学强度、变形性能、孔隙率等.影响沥青混凝土性能的因素较多,本文在试验研究的基础上,采用可重复双因素方差分析方法,重点分析油石比和填料用量对沥青混凝土力学强度指标的影响,从而为实际工程合理选择水工沥青混凝土配合比提供参考.  相似文献   

珠江八大出口潮汐特性变化浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珠江八大出口潮汐是由“天文潮”和“气象潮”组成,近几十年其特性受人类活动和自然演变的影响发生了一些变化。在此对八大出口潮汐的各种特征值,进行统计分析对比,并浅析其变化的原因。  相似文献   

This study was to reinstate the development of regional frequency analysis using L-moments approach. The Partial L-moments (PL-moments) method was employed and a new relationship for homogeneity analysis is developed. For this study, the PL-moments for generalized logistic (GLO), generalized pareto (GPA) and generalized value (GEV) distributions were derived based on the formula defined by Wang (Water Resour Res 32:1767?C1771, 1996). The three distributions are used to develop the regional frequency analysis procedures. As a case of study, the Selangor catchment that consists of 30 sites which located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia has chosen as sample. Based on L-moment and PL-moment ratio diagrams as well as Z-test statistics, the GEV and GLO were identified as the best distributions to represent the statistical properties of extreme rainfalls in Selangor. Monte Carlo simulation shows that the method of PL-moments would outperform L-moments method for estimation of large returns period event.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Drought is recurrently occurring in many parts of the globe. In contrast to other natural hazards, drought has complex climatic characteristics. Several environmental...  相似文献   

当前高校育人手段呈现多元化的发展趋势,校园文化育人是其中重要的手段之一。校园文化教育学生的方式多是潜移默化的,但效果却最为直接,它是高校软实力的体现。对此,尝试在强调高校校园文化育人的重要性的基础上,从校园文化内涵建设、师德文化建设、社团文化建设三个方面重点探究校园文化育人功能的达成。  相似文献   

黄河是中华民族的发祥地,黄河文化是中华民族的根与魂。河运系国运。黄河在中国政治史上有着崇高的地位,黄河治理是国家治理能力的充分体现。黄河文化的时代价值集中体现为生态哲学、科技贡献、民族认同、斗争精神、发展思想、政治优势、红色基因、对外交流等八方面内涵。悠久历史和伟大实践证明,只有在中国共产党领导下,才能真正实现黄河岁岁安澜。新时代的黄河文化必须坚持从历史走向未来,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦凝聚精神力量。  相似文献   

建立渠道数学模型,主要目的是创建一个具有足够精度的工具,以协助揭示渠道运行现状、进一步研究和构建渠道的经济合理的控制方式.在西方国家,如美国、法国、摩纳哥等,其渠道控制的现代化程度很高,传统的旧渠道的水利用系数可达到0.8,而发展中国家普遍都在0.5以下.建立一个合适的数学模型,选择一个合理的控制方式,在目前越来越重视节水灌溉的形势下,具有重要意义.针对已建完工的旧渠道,参照CARIMA软件包,介绍了渠道建立模型的过程及方法,这种方法对于其他类似的渠道都具有参考价值.  相似文献   


One of the recent concerns of reservoir eutrophication issues focuses on a fast assessment of the non-point sources pollution impact. It frequently requires an initial evaluation of the land use pattern and the reservoir assimilative capacity. This information is useful for estimating the non-point source loads, assessing the proper uses of natural resources in the watershed, and generating the essential control strategies when required. To achieve this goal, the state-of-the-art 3S information technologies, which properly integrates the skills of geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS) and remote sensing (RS), is viewed as an integrated means for reservoir land use assessment and watershed management. Substantial efforts in this study are placed upon identifying seven types of land use patterns in the watershed of the Tseng-Wen Reservoir in Southern Taiwan, which would directly assist in the required estimation of non-point sources pollution impact. With the aid of SPOT satellite images, Erdas Imagine0 image processing system, and ArcView0 GIS, the numerical model based on the export coefficient method yields an estimation of non-point source loads on a yearly basis with respect to four target constituents. These constituents of interest consist of total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solid (TSS). The analysis of assimilative capacity of the Tseng-Wen Reservoir based on various types of numerical models is also included for the evaluation of the eutrophication issue. Advanced management strategies with regard to the proper use of assimilative capacity of the Tseng-Wen Reservoir and the land resources in the watershed are then discussed in terms of three classified impact levels of non-point sources in the watershed. The methodology is proved practical, promising, and effective for assessing the eutrophication issue in the reservoir watershed within a short period of time  相似文献   

飞来峡水利枢纽建成以后坝下游河床变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
飞来峡水利枢纽工程建成后已运行了3年,下游河床的冲刷下切,将可能影响到堤围的安全和沿岸的取水,是下游较为关注的问题。通过对工程建成前后3个代表年的河道地形资料的对比分析,论述枢纽建成以来对下游河床变化的影响。  相似文献   

Flood is a severe natural disaster which causes major damages in most regions including in Iran. Loss of human lives as a consequence of flash flood has not been sufficiently studied despite its high annual rate. Review of related literature indicates relatively low accuracy of available global relationships for estimating loss of life due to flash floods. As a result, regional equations dealing with loss of life estimation relying on all effective hydraulic and evacuation variables is a way forward. In this study, hydraulic variables, such as depth, velocity and rise rate, and evacuation parameters, including available time for evacuation and fraction of people evacuated, were adopted to develop a regional loss of life equation in residential areas of Kan watershed case study, Tehran, Iran, using a calibrated 2DHEC-RAS model. Different number of fatalities in downstream and upstream villages revealed the importance of evacuation time when an early flood warning system is operational. Comparison of the proposed regional equation with available global equations showed that the proposed equation provides more accurate estimation of the number of fatalities in the study area. Regarding the estimated mortality, a local sensitivity analysis performed on the developed equation showed the importance of flood depth to evacuation time ratio, water rising rate and flow velocity, respectively.  相似文献   

水平衡测试是企业加强用水科学管理,最大限度地节约用水和合理用水的一项基础工作,为计划用水量指标和用水定额管理提供较准确的基础数据.水资源管理的“三条红线”,为水平衡测试的发展指明了新的方向,同时水平衡测试也应该抓住新的机遇,为水平衡测试赋予新的内涵,使水平衡测试工作在水资源管理、节水型社会建设和水资源可持续利用保障社会可持续发展等方面发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

分析以往学生在毕业设计中存在的某些缺陷 ,结合本专业、本地区的特点从毕业设计的主导思想、选题、指导和答辩等四个方面提出了几点改进意见  相似文献   

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