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Li  Wenzao  Chen  Jiali  Li  Yiquan  Wen  Zhan  Peng  Jing  Wu  Xi 《Mobile Networks and Applications》2022,27(4):1476-1489
Mobile Networks and Applications - Recent years have witnessed the effect of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) during resource-intensive and time-critical applications toward various mobile devices....  相似文献   

崔玉亚  张德干  张婷  杨鹏  朱浩丽 《电子学报》2021,49(11):2202-2207
在移动边缘计算中(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC),任务卸载可以有效地解决移动设备资源受限的问题,但是将全部任务都卸载到边缘服务器并非最优.本文提出一种面向移动边缘计算的多用户细粒度任务卸载调度新方法,把计算任务看作一个有向无环图(Directed Acyclic Graph,DAG),对节点的执行位置和调度顺序进行了优化决策.考虑系统的延迟把计算卸载看作一个约束多目标优化问题(Constrained Multi-object Optimization Problem,CMOP),提出了一个改进的NSGA-Ⅱ算法来解决CMOP.所提出的算法能够实现本地和边缘的并行处理从而减少延迟.实验结果表明,算法能够在实际应用程序中做出最优决策.  相似文献   

以现场可编程门阵列为平台,提出一种通用定时设计架构,即软件化定时设计方法。它将定时程序划分为软件程序和硬件逻辑两部分,其中硬件逻辑采用定时产生子模块与合成模块实现通用化架构,软件程序为每个子定时配置位置与合成参数,从而实现复杂定时时序的产生。该方法可灵活、快捷调整定时时序,有效提升定时设计与调试效率。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The recent evolution in wireless technologies has brought a new notion called Internet of Things (IoT), in which all objects can communicate to each other....  相似文献   

Zhang  Ke  Mao  Yuming  Leng  Supeng  Maharjan  Sabita  Vinel  Alexey  Zhang  Yan 《Mobile Networks and Applications》2019,24(3):1003-1014
Mobile Networks and Applications - Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is a promising solution to improve vehicular services through offloading computation to cloud servers in close proximity to mobile...  相似文献   

空天地异构网络作为一种新型网络构架,是未来6G实现泛在连接的关键支撑。该文提出一种面向空天地异构网络(SAGIN)的移动边缘计算部分任务卸载方案。首先,分析了低轨(LEO)卫星的覆盖时间。其次,联合考虑用户与无人机(UAV)匹配关联因子、任务分配、带宽分配、无人机计算资源分配以及无人机轨迹,旨在建立一个能耗最小化问题。最后,采用交替迭代优化算法,将原非凸问题分解为3个子问题,并利用变量替换和连续凸逼近方法将问题转化为凸问题进行求解。仿真结果表明,所提算法具有良好的收敛性能,并有效地降低系统能耗。  相似文献   

异构无线网络凭借其综合利用多种无线通信资源的优势,成为未来无线网络研究重点。针对异构无线网络面临综合资源利用受限、组网不灵活、业务部署困难等问题,基于软件定义设计思想,提出了一种异构无线网络设计架构,通过对无线传输手段进行软件化和资源化设计,采用网络集中控制架构,实现网络资源的动态优化配置,具备更强的灵活性和业务适配传输能力。  相似文献   

光接入网演进趋势展望:软件定义的光接入网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为研究软件定义网络(SDN)在光传送网领域应用的可行性,首先简要介绍了SDN的概念和背景,分析了SDN技术应用于光传送网络的驱动力,探讨SDN在光传送网络中应用所面对的关键技术问题,最后对SDN在光传送网领域的应用提出若干建议.  相似文献   

In relay-assisted cooperative com-munication, relay nodes help forwarding the information of a source node in case of link failure between the source and a destination. Although user cooperation improves the over-all efficiency of the network, it requires incen-tive to stimulate potential relay nodes to assist the source by forwarding its data to the desti-nation. Moreover, the potential relays are bet-ter informed than the source about their chan-nel conditions to destination, which results in asymmetric information between the source and the relays. In this paper, we study the problem of lack of forwarding incentive in cooperative communication when channel state information of relays is private infor-mation and not known by the source. To tackle this problem, we apply the principle of contract theory to a cooperative wireless system. Source first designs incentive compatible and individually rational contract, consisting of a set of power-credit pairs. Then it broadcasts contract items to nearby nodes. Once the source node receives reply messages from the volunteer relays, it chooses one or more relays based on its re-quirements and communication starts. Simulation results show how credit assignment works in order to stimulate relays to cooperate and prevents relays from cheating behavior.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The climate has changed absolutely in every area in just a few years as digitized, making high-speed internet service a significant need in the future. Future...  相似文献   

针对目前大规模软件定义数据中心网络流量路由机制中可扩展性低所带来的性能瓶颈问题,该文提出一种面向树型结构的数据中心网络分段路由机制。该机制利用边缘交换机对数据流进行阈值检测以区分大小流,同时为满足其不同业务的QoS保证和网络可扩展性的要求,该文提出一种针对大流的在线最先适应算法。最后,利用Mininet在Fat-tree结构上进行实验仿真验证,仿真结果表明,与传统的ECMP算法和Mahout算法相比,该机制在降低了控制器总开销的同时还提高了网络吞吐率。  相似文献   

在软件定义网络中,为了实现各种网络性能优化目标,控制面需要频繁的对数据面进行更新.然而,由于数据面的异步性,不合理的更新将严重降低网络性能.针对此问题,该文提出一种快速和一致的流更新策略(FCFU).该策略通过流分段减弱其原有的强依赖关系,使能并行更新,通过分析子流段与多个资源间的依赖关系得到总更新轮数较少的更新安排,...  相似文献   

车载边缘计算卸载技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘雷  陈晨  冯杰  肖婷婷  裴庆祺 《电子学报》2021,49(5):861-871
通过将移动边缘计算技术应用在车联网,车载边缘计算技术可为车载用户提供低时延、高带宽、高可靠性的应用服务.首先详细介绍了车载边缘计算卸载技术的背景、意义以及本文的贡献.其次,分别概述了车载边缘计算卸载技术的网络架构、主要挑战以及应用场景.然后,从移动分析、卸载模式、资源协作和管理等多个维度全面综述了车载边缘计算卸载技术的...  相似文献   

在软件定义网络中,为了实现各种网络性能优化目标,控制面需要频繁的对数据面进行更新.然而,由于数据面的异步性,不合理的更新将严重降低网络性能.针对此问题,该文提出一种快速和一致的流更新策略(FCFU).该策略通过流分段减弱其原有的强依赖关系,使能并行更新,通过分析子流段与多个资源间的依赖关系得到总更新轮数较少的更新安排,最后基于延时队列完成一致性流更新.实验结果表明,与现有的流更新算法相比,该策略能够缩短流更新总时间达20.6%,同时保证了更新期间无拥塞和包乱序等问题的发生.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new software defined radio platform with direct conversionisintroduced.The platform is named SOPRANO, which stands for Software Programmableand Hardware Reconfigurable Architecture for Network.Main features of SOPRANO include a high-level design methodologyfor digital circuits, direct conversion based on six-port technology, andnovel digital signal processingalgorithms for multi-band and multi-mode operation.The first prototype of the SOPRANO platform has been built and was ableto receive M-ary PSK (Phase Shift Keying)and QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) signals,with two different carrier frequencies at 2.45 GHz and 5.25 GHz,by changing signal-processing software.  相似文献   

Li  Miao  Xiong  Naixue  Zhang  Yin  Hu  Ying 《Mobile Networks and Applications》2022,27(4):1768-1777
Mobile Networks and Applications - With the rapid development of Internet of things, the traditional city model is no longer applicable. Therefore, the emerging concept of smart city meets the...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Software defined networks concept is used to transfer the responsibility of route management from forwarding devices to a centralized control application which is...  相似文献   

饶洁  李旭东 《现代雷达》2017,(10):16-20
以预警指挥系统网络技术发展为背景,分析了软件定义网络(SDN)的体系、原理、协议标准,对SDN网络体系架构、OpenFlow 可编程协议等相关关键技术的研究。结合预警指挥网络的特点和发展趋势,展开对SDN在预警指挥作战领域中的应用分析,评估SDN 在该领域的应用前景及指导意义。最后,搭建仿真验证环境,验证了SDN 技术在预警指挥系统中的应用技术路线和应用可行性。  相似文献   

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