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Botulinum exoenzyme C3 ADP-ribosylates a 23 kDa protein of unfertilized eggs of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. Microinjection of C3 into the eggs induced elevation of the egg vitelline coat. Co-injection of heparin or EGTA with C3 inhibited the inducing effect of C3. The vitelline coat of eggs which had been previously co-injected with heparin and C3 was elevated by addition of calcium ionophore, but not by insemination. C3 also induced an increased formation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) in ascidian egg membranes. Thus the ADP-ribosylation of small GTP-binding protein by C3 seems to be responsible for elevation of the vitelline coat of ascidian eggs through IP3 formation and intracellular calcium mobilization.  相似文献   

Serum IgG subclasses and Serum IgA were studied in 43 infants with acute bronchiolitis and 20 healthy infants. IgG subclasses were determined by a capture ELISA and IgA was quantified by turbidimetry. IgG1 concentrations were significantly lower in infants with bronchiolitis than in normal infants. The other IgG subclasses and IgA did not differ between the groups. The subgroups of infants with bronchiolitis who had previously suffered from otitis media or bronchitis, had significantly lower IgG2 than the other infants with bronchiolitis. The same was found for infants with bronchiolitis who had suffered from three or more lower respiratory tract infections. In infants who had suffered from upper or lower respiratory infections before the acute bronchiolitis, IgA was significantly higher than in infants without previous respiratory infections. Ten infants with bronchiolitis (23%) had IgG1 deficiency, that is values below the lower reference limit calculated in a population of healthy Norwegian infants. No healthy infants had any IgG1 deficiency. No infant with bronchiolitis had IgG2 or IgG3 deficiency. The low IgG1 values found in infants with acute bronchiolitis, may be one cause for infants to be more susceptible to RS virus infections.  相似文献   

The revised and pseudonymized data set of the hospital discharge diagnoses of East Germany (German Democratic Republic, GDR) for 1989 was analyzed regarding the in-hospital case fatality of closed hip fractures (ICD-9 820.0, 820.2, 820.8). The case fatality of 20.2% during an average hospital stay of 60 days including between-ward and between-hospital transfers is high when compared to international data and data for West Germany. Apart from the expected influence of age, fatality was reduced for cervical (intracapsular) fractures, female sex, and for a location of the treating hospital within East Berlin. This reduction of the case fatality within East Berlin by nearly two thirds after adjustment for age, sex, and type of fracture compared to other regions is most likely explained by better medical treatment facitilities within East Berlin, the former capital of the GDR. The regional disparities that were observed during our model analysis give a hint towards the influence that medical care can have on the fatality associated with this on a population level relevant disease.  相似文献   

Cloning of the thyroid hormone receptor and its identification as a cellular counterpart of the viral oncogene v-erbA was a major breakthrough in the study of thyroid hormone action. However, contrary to our initial expectations, many astonishing findings which have accumulated since the receptor cloning, especially the presence of two receptor types, made the elucidation of the thyroid hormone action extremely complicated. In this paper, we mainly did a phylogenic comparison of the amino acid sequence between alpha- and beta-type receptor from Xenopus laevis to humans, hoping to obtain some clue to clarify the functional differences between these receptors. There are several consistent amino acid differences between alpha- and beta-receptor through species in the DNA binding domain, one of which is non-conservative and is located in the portion supposed to be critical to the protein-protein interaction. We believe that clarification of the physiological significance of the presence of two receptor types will facilitate the study of thyroid hormone action.  相似文献   

JR Potts  ID Campbell 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,15(5):313-20; discussion 321
Fibronectin is an important component of the extracellular matrix and is involved in a diverse range of physiological processes. It is a mosaic protein composed almost entirely of three types of module, F1, F2 and F3. Although the structures of single F1, F2 and F3 modules have been available for a number of years, in many cases the key to understanding the structure-function relationships in fibronectin and other proteins containing these modules lies in studies of module pairs and larger domains. This review focuses on recent advances in the understanding of the structure and function of fibronectin modules.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether respiratory function influences the structure of the latissimus dorsi muscle (LD). Twelve patients (58 +/- 10 yr) undergoing thoracotomy were studied. Lung and respiratory muscle function were evaluated before surgery. Patients showed a forced expired volume in 1 s (FEV1) of 67 +/- 16% of the reference value, an FEV1-forced vital capacity ratio of 69 +/- 9%, a maximal inspiratory pressure of 101 +/- 21% of the reference value, and a tension-time index of the diaphragm (TTdi) of 0.04 +/- 0.02. When patients were exposed to 8% CO2 breathing, TTdi increased to 0.06 +/- 0.03 (P < 0.05). The structural analysis of LD showed that 51 +/- 5% of the fibers were type I. The diameter was 56 +/- 9 microns for type I fibers and 61 +/- 9 microns for type II fibers, whereas the hypertrophy factor was 87 +/- 94 and 172 +/- 208 for type I and II fibers, respectively. Interestingly, the histogram distribution of the LD fibers was unimodal in two of the three individuals with normal lung function and bimodal (additional mode of hypertrophic fibers) in seven of the nine patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. An inverse relationship was found between the %FEV1-forced vital capacity ratio and both the diameter of the fibers (type I: r = -0.773, P < 0.005; type II: r = -0.590, P < 0.05) and the hypertrophy factors (type I: r = -0.647, P < 0.05; type II: r = -0.575, P = 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Structure and function of symporters and antiporters which utilize Na+ as the coupling cation are briefly reviewed. The SGLT is an Na+/glucose symporter present in animal cell membranes. So far, five isoforms of the SGLT (1 to 5) have been found in various tissues. The Me1B is an Na+/galactoside symporter present in membranes of enteric bacteria. Regions or amino acid residues of these symporters which are important for substrate recognition or cation recognition have been identified. Furthermore amino acid substitutions in the SGLT1 of glucose-galactose malabsortion families have been identified. Regions and amino acid residues which are important for the function of the Na+/H+ antiporters (or exchangers) which extrude H+ (in animal cells) or Na+ (in bacterial cells) have been also identified.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is the prototype of a new family of ion channels known as the Mec-ENaC superfamily. This new family of proteins are involved in a wide variety of functions that range from maintenance of sodium homeostasis to transduction of mechanical stimuli and nociceptive pain by specialized neurons. They show distinct tissue- and cell type-dependent expression and differential sensitivity to inhibition by the diuretic amiloride and its analogs. Despite the very little amino acid identity shared by these proteins, they all have the same common structure that has become a hallmark of the Mec-ENaC superfamily. The efforts to understand the structure and regulation of these ion channels have been stimulated by the recent discovery of severe disturbances in the maintenance of blood pressure caused by gain- or loss-of-function mutations in the genes that encode the subunits of ENaC in humans. Moreover, cloning of the ion channels that mediate pain elicited by tissue injury and inflammation will facilitate the development of new drugs to treat these common ailments.  相似文献   

Humidity in the form of molecular water vapor is an essential requirement for intubated patients, and can be beneficial to nonintubated patients receiving CPAP or oxygen therapy. There are many different types of humidification devices but they generally consist of a humidity generator (or water reservoir) and humidity delivery system (or breathing circuit). Humidifiers that generate aerosols may provide adequate humidity, but they also provide a transport mechanism for contaminants and may deliver excess water to the airways. An ideal system generates the required amount of humidity, in the form of water vapor, at the correct temperature, and transports it to the patient without the loss of either heat or moisture. The most effective way to achieve this is to use a large heated water surface for the generator, and heating elements within the delivery system to prevent condensation. This system can be configured to provide optimal humidity for both intubated and nonintubated patients from the neonatal to the adult intensive care unit. Heated humidifiers have no contraindications and can be used on any patient requiring ventilatory assistance or supplemental oxygen.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide kinases (PI3Ks) play an important role in mitogenic signaling and cell survival, cytoskeletal remodeling, metabolic control and vesicular trafficking. Here we summarize the structure-function relationships delineating the activation process of class I PI3Ks involving various domains of adapter subunits, Ras, and interacting proteins. The resulting product, PtdIns(3,4,5)P3, targets Akt/protein kinase B (PKB), Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk), phosphoinositide-dependent kinases (PDK), integrin-linked kinase (ILK), atypical protein kinases C (PKC), phospholipase Cgamma and more. Surface receptor-activated PI3Ks function in mammals, insects, nematodes and slime mold, but not yeast. While many members of the class II family have been identified and characterized biochemically, it is presently unknown how these C2-domain containing PI3Ks are activated, and which PI substrate they phosphorylate in vivo. PtdIns 3-P is produced by Vps34p/class III PI3Ks and operates via the PtdIns 3-P-binding proteins early endosomal antigen (EEA1), yeast Vac1p, Vps27p, Pip1p in lysosomal protein targeting. Besides the production of D3 phosphorylated lipids, PI3Ks have an intrinsic protein kinase activity. For trimeric GTP-binding protein-activated PI3Kgamma, protein kinase activity seems to be sufficient to trigger mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Recent disruption of PI3K genes in slime mold, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and mice further underlines the importance of PI3K signaling systems and elucidates the role of PI3K signaling in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Myoglobin was reconstituted with 6,7-dicarboxy-1,2,3,4,5, 8-hexamethylheme, a compact synthetic heme with the shortest acid side chains, to pursue the structural and functional consequences after intensive disruption of the heme propionate-apoglobin linkages in the native protein. The electron-withdrawing carboxylate groups directly attached to the porphyrin ring lowered the oxygen affinity by 3-fold as compared with native myoglobin. Autoxidation of the oxy derivative to the ferric protein proceeded with 1.6 x 10(-)2 min-1 at pH 7.0 and 30 degrees C. The crystallographic structure of the cyanomet myoglobin with 1.9 A resolution shows that the heme adopts a unique orientation in the protein pocket to extend the two carboxylates toward solvent sphere. The native globin fold is conserved, and the conformations of globin side chains are almost intact except for those located nearby the heme 6,7-carboxylates. The 7-carboxylate only weakly interacts with Ser92 and His97 through two mediating water molecules. The 6-carboxylate, on the other hand, forms a novel salt bridge with Arg45 owing to conformational flexibility of the guanidinium side chain. The proton NMR shows that the small heme does not fluctuate about the iron-histidine bond even at 55 degreesC, suggesting that the salt bridge between Arg45 and heme 6-carboxylate is of critical importance to recognize and fix the heme in myoglobin.  相似文献   

The PTPase family comprises a number of classes of functionally and structurally unrelated enzymes; it represents an important component of the protein-tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation machinery, which regulates the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of intracellular proteins. A wealth of recently reported data indicates growing interest in a group of PTPases characterized by low (near 20 kDa) molecular weight and high sequence homology (low M(r), PTPases). These enzymes are present in organisms spanning the philogenetic scale, from prokaryotes to yeast and mammals. The sequence homology of the low M(r), PTPases with other classes of PTPases is limited to the active site sequence CXXXXXRS/T, containing the Cys and Arg residues involved in enzyme catalysis found in all PTPases. The X-ray structural data of three enzymes belonging to different classes of PTPases, a bovine liver low M(r), PTPase isoenzyme, PTP1B, and Yersinia PTPase, show that all these enzymes maintain the same active site and overall catalytic mechanism, though displaying different chain foldings and topologies, supporting convergent evolution. Limited findings on the in vivo function of the low M(r), PTPases are presently available; however, an involvement of the mammalian enzymes in the membrane growth factor receptor signal transduction is emerging. The distribution of these enzymes in philogenetically distant unicellular and multicellular organisms supports their participation in important cell functions.  相似文献   

Two manipulations are argued to distinguish between instance-based and abstract rule-based accounts of invariant learning. Three experiments examined the effects of manipulating the type of invariant feature in the learning set, and the type of training schedules prior to test. In line with traditional research, selection bias at test was present when the invariant was the consistent inclusion of a stimulus item in the learning set. However, the degree of bias was identical when the invariant was the consistent exclusion of the stimulus item. In addition, negative transfer of training was observed when subjects were trained on one learning set and then shifted training to the opposite learning set, but no positive transfer of training was observed when subjects were trained on one learning set and then continued training using the same learning set. These results are argued to be evidence for instance-based accounts of invariant learning.  相似文献   

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